Thu 10/21 @ 6:30-8PM
The Akron Museum of Art’s October After Work evening strikes a Halloween mood with its theme “Zombies & More.” Participants will have the opportunity to decorate pumpkins with themes taken from the artwork at the museum, there’ll be seasonal refreshments and the Akron-Summit Public Library will be bringing what the AAM refers to as “horror films” to screen. They describe one as being about a “zombie apocalypse” and another about a deaf couple at a non-deaf party that signals “the beginning of a beautiful passion story.”
The films are provided by a group called ReelAbilities whose mission is to “[promote] awareness and appreciation of the lives, stories and artistic expressions of people with different disabilities.” And guided tours of the collection will focus on works by artists with what they call “different abilities” (i.e. every artist). An evening of “horror” and “zombies” devoted to people with disabilities seems a little odd but then art is strange.
The event is free and open to all; just stop by.