Akron Art Museum Takes You Behind the Scenes in Putting Together a Show

Mon 11/20 @ 6:30-730PM

Sat 12/2 @ 11AM-12:30PM

The Akron Art Museum’s presentation “Sneak Peek and Planning Session” aims to give museum visitors a look behind the scenes at how exhibitions are planned and how the planners assess the art, answering questions such as “What is that made of? How long did it take? Is this about the artist’s life?”

In a virtual Zoom session on Monday November 20 and a live event at the museum on Saturday December 2, museum staff will show works going on display in an upcoming show. They’ll answer questions from community members about what their own interests are relating to art and what they would like to know. “Noisy pets, cute children and curious roommates are all welcome to crash the party and hop on screen whenever they’d like,” they say of this Monday’s Zoom meeting. They probably won’t be as welcome at the museum on December 2, especially the noisy pets, so your Siamese cat will have to stay home.

Both programs are free but registration is required. Go here.

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