08.04- 08.11.10
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The Dos and Don’ts of Using Social Media During Your Job Search
This month, CareerTOOLBOX focuses on social media, an evolving self-propelled world, where yesterday’s rules don’t apply today and will certainly change and continue to shift, whether we’re ready or not. The key, as to life, is to be flexible, proactive and positive.
According to David Millet, Esq., Vice President, The Westerman Group, LLC, an investment and wealth management company, when using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, “Be careful and diligent to ensure that your online reputation is aligned with your professional aspirations off line.” It is a brave new world and we’re all in it… Read this month’s CareerToolbox from Alex Sukhoy here
Working on your 2010/11 budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: C’mon, get happy! More people are flying out of Akron-Canton Airport. With six of the last eight years being record setters, it’s obvious we make people pretty darn happy. Now we’re looking to make a few more of you real happy. To win an Orlando vacation and to see Punchy get happy go to: http://www.akroncantonairport.com/intervention

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SPONSORED: What do the bible, panties, Jerry Springer in Hell, and Aqua Net have in common? Beck Center’s 2010-11 professional theater season, featuring My Fair Lady, Wings, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jerry Springer: The Opera, Steve Martin’s The Underpants, and Hairspray. Season subscriptions start at just $84. Tickets now on sale www.BeckCenter.org

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
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Where Does It All Go? Find out when you tour the Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant on Sat 8/7. Discover the answer to this somewhat gross but mystifying question and do cool stuff: test pH levels, make slime and network with people & trucks.
Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: Beware the Attack of Acoustic Ninja! Capos will be flying off the Alma stage on Fri 8/6 when guitar phenom Trace Bundy lands at Cain Park. With influences from Bela Fleck to Phil Keaggy, Bundy is a one-man band of stunning virtuosity. It’s $5 Fridays at Cain Park. http://www.CainPark.com

Our Region’s Water Lifeline
With the mission of restoring and maintaining one watershed’s quality, the Nimishillen Creek Watershed Partners have brought together residents, businesses, schools, colleges and public officials with a common purpose.
“Watershed groups are important because the problems of a stream are reflective of everything that takes place in its basin,” said Eric Akin, watershed coordinator for the Upper Tuscarawas River Watershed. “If you want to make changes to the water quality, you need to understand as much about the watershed as possible and that takes a collaborative effort…” Read more Part 3 of Water Webs by Mariana Silva

Distinguished classical musicians converge @ the Kent/Blossom Music series, a showcase of talented young musicians & select faculty members. The Cleveland Orchestra Trio joins in at the last concert of the series on Wed 8/4 @ KSU.
Click here for more events on Wed 8/4

Cinema @ the Square is back! See classic (occasionally campy) films in the glorious Palace Theatre. The movies are cheap. The setting unbeatable. Perfect for date night. The series kicks off on Thu 8/5 with a free showing of Fletch preceded by live organ music & old cartoons.
Click here for more events on Thu 8/5

Latino pride is what the 42nd annual Puerto Rican Parade + Latino Fest is all about. Enjoy 3 days of festive food, rides, kids activities & a domino tournament in the Muni Lot. Fest kicks off on Fri 8/6 and ends with the parade on Sun 8/8.
Click here for more events on Fri 8/6

Cinematic Redux @ (art)ificial gallery Artists create new, contemporary movie posters for classic films in Cinematic Redux, opening on Sat 8/7 from 6 – 9PM. Still pumped on movie madness? Head to the Cedar Lee for a special screening of Pulp Fiction at 10PM.
Click here for more events on Sat 8/7
SPONSORED: WCLV 104.9 is in the midst of Wagner’s Ring Cycle performed by the Los Angeles Opera. Tune in to 104.9 this Sat 8/7, at 1PM for Siegfried. That evening, there’s more Wagner as Franz Welser-Moest conducts the local band in the Prelude and Love Death from Tristan and Isolde. Also on the Severance Hall concert, Haydn’s Symphony No. 85 and the Shostakovich blockbuster, the Symphony No. 5. Complete details on all of WCLV’s classical music programming at http://www.WCLV.com.

“Like cartoons for your ears” is one way to describe the Smokin’ Fez Monkeys, a ragtime-Vaudeville-hobo-jazz band putting the fun back in music. Bring a food donation & see ’em for free @ Church of the Epiphany on Sun 8/8. [Photo by Vincent Bouvais.]
Click here for more events on Sun 8/8

Raising a green family? Network w/ other natural-minded families @ the Holistic Moms Network, Cle chapter, monthly mtg on Mon 8/9. These highly educational mtgs focus on a different green topic each month. This month, chiro Dr. Richard Palermo speaks on the benefits of drinking alkaline, iodized water.
Click here for more events on Mon 8/9

Camp Wontanara Get rhythmic @ Passport Project’s W. African Dance & Percussion workshops, kicking off on Tue 8/10. Get your kids in the groove too–sign ’em up for a kids dance & song class.
Click here for more events on Tue 8/10

Drum Fantasy Camp! Wanna be a drummer, for real? Attend 4 days of drumming logistics, classes & extreme jam sessions @ the Hyatt. Or, if you’d rather watch drummers do their thing, catch a concert w/ Mike Stern & Friends on Wed 8/11 at 7:30PM @ House of Blues.
Click here for more events on Wed 8/11
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Recently I have received several emails complimenting me on concert reviews for Cool Cleveland, but also asking me what upcoming shows would I recommend. Several of the emails came from readers whom haven’t yet attended a show at a venue like the Beachland or Nighttown or the House of Blues, but would like to.
I looked at the concert calendar for Greater Cleveland and over the next four weeks four shows at three different venues highlight a busy August concert scene. They represent four different genres of popular music, all three acts were outstanding on their last visits to Cleveland, and all would be good reasons to also check out the venues… Read more from Greg Cielec here
My good friend and loyal reader Ward Pallotta found the following tidbit of information and thought that it might be of importance (or at least of amusement) to the non-profit community: The U.S. Tax Court recently ruled that a foundation which gives free sperm to women doesnt qualify as a tax-exempt organization.
Yep, the Free Fertility Foundation just couldnt quite measure up. According to the missive, out of the 819 women that applied, only 24 of them qualified for the free sperm from the foundations owner…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here
Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

Review: Ground Works & Amy Miller @ Cain Park 7/17/10 by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
Review: Titus Andronicus @ Cleveland Shakespeare Festival 07/24/10 by Joe Toner
Review: Ohio Light Opera @ College of Wooster 07/30/10 by Kelly Ferjutz
Preview: Verb Ballets in Cleveland & Akron by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
Preview: Neos Brings It — Again by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
Dear Ed Hauser I realize you’re no longer within reach of the USPS, but I’m positive you were kayaking through the clouds over Whiskey Island last Thursday night. Had you been on the ground (or on the water) with the rest of us, you’d have been so proud! You fought hard to keep Whiskey Island for your city’s inhabitants to use for their enjoyment, and last Thursday was the perfect night for such enjoyment…
Read the comment from Kelly Ferjutz here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Roldo: A Couple Things Off The Chest.
3) Looking for a job? Cleveland Orchestra is hiring, and so are other majors.
4) Move In And Enjoy Life On the Detroit Shoreway.
5) MOCA Cleveland Moves Uptown.
Working on the net this week are our brilliant writers: Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Mariana Silva, Alex Sukhoy, Joe Toner & Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Why yes it is, and yours?
–Thomas Mulready

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