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When architect David Krebs met with owner Merilee Marshall in 2007 about building her dream home in South Russell, Ohio, he was pleased to hear that she wanted the building to be as sustainable and off-grid as possible. They started by using wood culled from the 3-acre property to be used in the floors of the home.
But as you can see in this interview, the Project really got interesting when they combined solar and geothermal systems to keep the floors and home comfy all year long, and even earn credits for putting electricity back onto the grid. Watch the video as David Krebs explains the new technology and how it can work for homes in our occasionally sun-challenged region.
Planning your online marketing? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Not your Grandma’s hifalutin’ opera Pittsburgh’s heralded Squonk Opera is a multimedia performance troupe inspired by a rust-belt love of spectacle and humor, integrating elements of post punk beats and gypsy rock, visually augmenting the sound with film projections and homemade props. Their most recent over-the-top sensory spectacle, Mayhem and Majesty, explores the power of sound and music with camera jibs, projection puppets and kinetic machines. Tri-Cpresents.com

The path to energy independence Fri 10/15 is National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Odyssey Day a biennial event dedicated to promoting cleaner transportation choices. The exhibit includes clean cars (biodiesel, propane, ethanol, natural gas) & clean technology (fuel cells, electric [electric Mini pictured], hybrids & plug-in hybrids, low-speed electric) plus a focus on practice-based solutions: car sharing, car pooling, idle reduction, complete streets & eco-driving. 1PM @ Tri-C Metro. Join the revolution.
Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Ritual and Pilgrimage How do different religious faiths express their beliefs? What do ritual and pilgrimage mean to Buddhists, Christians, Hindus…? Come explore these ideas with CWRU’s Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities and the Cleveland Museum of Art at Ritual and Pilgrimage in World Religions: a panel discussion on Sun 10/24 at 2:30PM at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Experts in world religions explore themes from a cross-cultural perspective in dialogue with CMA’s Treasures of Heaven exhibition. Registration recommended: Case.edu/humanities.

Kids Music for Everyone
Milkshake plays kids music you’ll love (and not just tolerate)
Welcome to the golden age of kids music. For far too long, the genre was dominated by singing dinosaurs, cheesy pop groups and sappy folk singers — all of whom made music that could double as torture devices.
Today, the kids music genre has exploded with quality music made by real bands, like Milkshake. This Baltimore-based band creates songs that appeal to both kids and adults. Milkshake creates songs kids can relate to while still maintaining indie rock sensibilities and a rock ‘n roll attitude.
Cool Cleveland’s Sarah Valek recently chatted with Milkshake singer and cool mama Lisa Mathews about the universal appeal of her band’s music, the true essence of rock ‘n roll and how she keeps up with an insanely energetic audience… Read more from Sarah Valek here
SPONSORED: The kids will have a howling good time with the animals at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History during the Owls & Howls children’s Halloween party on Sat 10/23 from 11AM to 4PM. Kids 12 and under who come in costume are admitted free! CMNH.org

Spooky Pooch Don your pooch in his/her Halloween finest and strut the streets of Lakewood at their annual Spooky Pooch Parade on Sat 10/16. Win big prizes and see ridiculously cute dogs. Parade begins at 2PM, but go early to check in and check out the vendors, rescue groups and other nonprofits offering dog-related goods and services.
Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

In this video, Thomas Mulready of Cool Cleveland announces Cool Cleveland’s endorsement of Independent candidate Ken Lanci for Cuyahoga County Executive in the 11/2/10 general elections.
Cool Cleveland encourages all Cuyahoga citizens to study each candidate and view the individual video interviews that Cool Cleveland conducted with each of the six candidates for Cuyahoga County Executive by clicking here: http://www2.coolcleveland.com/blog/2010/10/video-cool-cleveland-endorsement-for-cuyahoga-county-executive
Each of the six candidates exhibits strong qualifications for the position of Cuyahoga County Executive:
Watch the endorsement video here to view Cool Cleveland’s endorsement of Ken Lanci for Cuyahoga County Executive.
Watch the six Cuyahoga County Executive videos here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog/2010/09/videos-interviews-with-all-six-candidates-for-cuyahoga-county-executive

Orchestral Manouvres Several members of the Cleveland Orchestra step out of Severance & into Happy Dog to perform quirky classical music for Orchestral Manouvres at the Dog: The 2nd Mouvement on Wed 10/13. You’ve never felt this classy eating hot dogs & tater tots.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/13

Eat better, feel better …and live better. How? Nutritionist & cookbook author Maribeth Abrams [pictured] will show you the way to better health on Thu 10/14 at 7PM. She’ll discuss the best foods to eat (hint: they grow outta the ground). No fads. No gimmicks. Just straight-up healthy food.
Click here for more events on Thu 10/14

Scott Goss: From There to Here Scott Goss captures forgotten homes, abandoned buildings & industrial decay–true Cle cityscapes. In his new body of work, Scott creates a visual story depicting the citys evolution by overlapping images of Cle’s past, its current landscape and “missed opps of further development to the citys skyline.” Opening Fri 10/15 @ legation, a gallery.
Click here for more events on Fri 10/15

The Dead Ride Zombies on bicycles!! Two cool events on Sat 10/16: the Black Cat Alley Cat Race & a Zombie Bike Ride. Come in full zombie glory or get your make-up done @ Cranky’s. Then hop on a bike & ride/bar hop through town. Prizes! Proceeds benefit a student zombie film contest.
Click here for more events on Sat 10/16
SPONSORED: WCLV 104.9 is moving to the Idea Center, and this Sat 10/16 from 9:30AM to 5PM, will be holding the Great WCLV Garage Sale at its Radio Ranch studios in Warrensville Heights. Highlights will be 6000 or so CDs priced at $2.00 each. Also, pictures, posters and historic promotional items. For appointment to view office furniture, call 216 464 0900 ex 213.

The Music of Halloween Let the Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra put you in the mood for candycorn & pumpkins. On Sun 10/17, bring the fam to hear a diverse selection of songs celebrating the season — songs you may recognize (like tunes from Disneys Fantasia), plus selections from the Ravel orchestration of Mussorgskys Pictures at an Exhibition and two movements from Berliozs Symphonie Fantasique. 3PM.
Click here for more events on Sun 10/17

Turbogeist @ Now That’s Class Monday got you down? Mosh yr blues away when London punks Turbogeist [pictured] bring their weirdo sounds to NTC on Mon 10/18 at 9PM. Also on the bill: Struttin’ Cocks and Miss Amanda Jones.
Click here for more events on Mon 10/18

Sonically delightful homegrown chamber music superstars, the Jasper String Quartet, play Oberlin College’s Finney Chapel on Tue 10/19 at 8PM. Be there & hear why this young quartet is on the rise & in demand.
Click here for more events on Tue 10/19

It’s harvest time! Celebrate local food & bid adieu to the growing season @ LEAF’s Harvest Festival on Wed 10/20. Streets will be closed for this big fall party featuring crafty vendors, pumpkins, pie contests, kids games, music by Foster Brown and appearances by all your friends. End the community-supported agriculture season w/ a bang.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/20
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
President Obama’s clarion call for our nation’s community colleges to produce an additional 5 million graduates by 2020 should be heeded due to the critical importance of higher education in keeping America competitive on the world economic stage.
As our national economy was tanking a few years ago enrollment levels at community colleges soared…
However, my tenure as an instructor at the community college level was as short-lived as Jones’ was at the national level… in spite of the fact John Torres (the lead guy I worked for) and I were as successful as Jones could have been in getting the mission accomplished. At our insistence, students with less than pristine criminal backgrounds were allowed into the program, and to everyone’s surprise but ours, they exceeded their counterparts (those without felony backgrounds) in the program. Our retention rate was close to 90 percent.
However, in the end, the college was not comfortable having such students (who sometimes can be challenging, to say the least) on campus… and the administration, in many subtle ways, let them know they weren’t welcome. And no one stays where they are not welcome; thus the 50 percent national drop out rate.
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here
Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: Verb Ballets @ Breen Ctr by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Verb Ballets @ Breen by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
REVIEW: Blue Man Group @ PlayhouseSquare by Roy Berko
REVIEW: An Ideal Husband @ Great Lakes Theater Festival by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Wings @ Beck Ctr by Roy Berko
PHOTO of Blue Man Group at Cleveland Performance Art Festival, directed by Thomas Mulready 4/13/90
Crawling Out of the Mud The devil is in the details of your proposal. The words you use to describe what you dont like, like half-truth, negativity, and decorum are all vague, and if were going to punish candidates for crossing lines, we have to draw the lines very clearly…
Read the comment from George Carr here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog
Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) PHOTO REVIEW: Ingenuity Festival photos by Stuart Pearl
3) CareerTOOLBOX: Revisiting Your Resume
4) Need help judging the judges?
5) VIDEOS: Interviews With All Six Candidates for Cuyahoga County Executive
Independent thinking from our writers: Roy Berko, Mansfield Frazier Elsa Johnson, Victor Lucas, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Vote independent, but please vote,
–Thomas Mulready

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