
Phenom composer/virtuoso Lera Auerbach visits CIM and her kind of talent, tapping into her dreams, will make an impression. Listen to her awesome Russian accent in our phone interview. Or view our behind-the-scenes sneak peek at Scott Kuhn’s latest creation: Cibreo at PHS. He physically built the bar and his imprint is all over his new place.
CityLIFT is offering $15,000 in cash money to help you get into a home, and Young Audiences throws the party of the decade while announcing a new identity. Imprint is important.
Artist Andy Curlowe puts his mark on 2 (count ’em!) exhibitions this week: Cleaveland at Zygote, and Human Imprints at Survival Kit: we’ve got a feature for you. And one on the venerable Tremont Art Walk. Will we see you there? CLE trio Blaka Watra releases Church of Insomnia at the Grog, The Spyder Stompers celebrate the Barking Spider’s 27th anniversary, and West Side Punks are connecting at Now That’s Class. That could leave a mark.
Some lucky event will win free publicity this week, maybe because of you if you simply #CoolCleveland on Instagram or Twitter today. Vicki McDonald won $20 just for downloading Cleveland’s coolest mobile app. Cool Cleveland has a new look and feel. We hope it helps you show your love for this place and make your own imprint. –Thomas Mulready
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Cleveland transplant Andy Curlowe is doing remarkable things this month.
First of all, he’s presenting two major exhibitions of new work — opening just one week — apart from each other at two of the hottest venues in town… More from Josh Usmani here
Ready to make your mark with online advertising? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Here Comes IngenuityFest! Join us for three days of music, making, innovation, art, and more. With 120,000 square feet of indoor space, plus a promenade along the Lake, there’s something for everyone. It’s all free and all happening Fri 9/20 & Sat 9/21 on Cleveland’s Lakefront. For reserved seating, schedules, and other information visit: IngenuityCleveland.com

When Cool Cleveland spoke to Russian-born pianist and composer Lera Auerbach, she explained how she develops some of the over 100 musical compositions she’s written: she dreams.
Listen to the Cool Cleveland interview with the first artist featured in CIM’s Mixon Hall Masters Series featuring “The Return of the Composer/Virtuoso,” in this telephone interview, then see and hear her in person on Tue 9/17.
SPONSORED: Preschool In the Heart of the City School’s In on Public Square in Downtown Cleveland! Old Stone Church YMCA is registering children now for downtown Cleveland’s hottest new, learning based preschool program. Details.

Luke Brett looks like he is having fun. And so do all his fellow students swinging swords in the background.
Luke is a senior acting major at Baldwin Wallace University and he is starring in their production of Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1, on stage Wed 10/9 – Sun 10/13 at the John Patrick Theatre at Kleist Center on BW’s campus.
Luke’s character, Prince Hal, starts off as an irresponsible rich kid who has a coming of age that involves a chalk board, broadswords, daggers, axes and surprises for the audience. Sounds cool! BW.edu.

Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland has been hiring artists to teach art in the schools for decades. Six of them, in fact. Now it’s time to party, and it’s time for a new imprint. Their name change will be announced at their Icons Of Art Party: Decades on Fri 9/27 after they hand out awards to heroes like NWT’s Stephanie Morrison-Hrbek, artist Anna Arnold & Mayor Jackson. How can you think of missing it?
Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: The Next Generation Russian-born pianist/composer Lera Auerbach is part of the new generation of musicians building the next great repertoire, composing works like The Little Mermaid ballet and The Blind, an a cappella opera in 12 parts. She’s coming to Cleveland Tue 9/17 for CIM’s Mixon Hall Masters Series. For tickets, call 216-795-3211.

Scott Kuhn is dialed in.
Cool Cleveland caught a sneak peek with the proprietor of the Driftwood Restaurants and Catering Group at the media preview of Cibreo, a Tuscan themed restaurant in the space formerly occupied by Bricco, across from the theatres at Playhouse Square.
Cibreo opens for lunch & dinner starting Fri 9/9. Opening this Fall will be the attached catering venue Cibreo Privato and the nearby Rothschild Farms, a quick serve lunch spot.
SPONSORED: Art City Party Celebration & Commemoration Celebrate Art City, a mural project at the famous Agora in MidTown on Sun 9/15 from 1-5PM. Experience artists working on their pieces, food trucks, musical performances by Old Boy, Misty Gonzales, pOUT and Smug Saints, plus a ribbon-cutting by the Mayor. 877Cleveland.com

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

@Coolcleveland Follow us on Twitter or Instagram and earn a chance to have your favorite Cleveland events publicized by Cool Cleveland. For free! We’ll pick a winner, and promote the event of your your choice, and also provide live coverage of the event on the day-of.
How to play: On Wednesday tweet or instagram the event that you are most excited to attend this week using #CoolCleveland, and make it convincing! We will pick our favorite tweet/tweeter on Thursday and reward them by publicizing their event and their tweet. Include photos, fun, stories, locations, links and everything in between. Have fun!
SPONSORED: On The Trail of Lucy On Thu 9/19 and Fri 9/20, Case Western Reserve University, The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Institute for the Science of Origins and The Leakey Foundation will host a 2-day symposium and panel discussion offering insights on human evolution. For tickets and details, visit CMNH.org or call 216-231-1177.

My last article on Tremont — a critique of its current development — seems to have been very well-received by the community.
However, if there was one point I don’t feel I emphasized enough, it’s how hard the remaining artists and gallery owners are still working. Their monthly Art Walk is up-and-down from month to month, but it’s certainly not dead yet… Read more from Josh Usmani here

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Somebody receives a $20 check from Cool Cleveland every week, just for using our mobile app. It may as well be you.
This week, Vicki McDonald is our winner. And she’s thrilled. So is her daughter:
“Wow! I never win anything… cool. This photo captures our reaction about winning $20.”
Ready to show your love for Cleveland? Just download Cool Cleveland’s free mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.

WED 9/11
Putting Your Garden to Bed Get ready, gardeners: fall is coming. Learn how to properly put your garden down for the season & plant cover crops to make next year’s harvest even better.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/11

THU 9/12
Honor Yvon Chouinard, winner of CWRU’s Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence, the founder of Patagonia is known as “THE pioneer in corporate social responsibility.” Attend the free symposium.
Click here for more events on Thu 9/12

FRI 9/13
Women and the Artifice Of Beauty Local artist Stephanie Lipscomb examines women’s issues, gender roles, standards of beauty & domesticity in her latest textile-based exhibition @ Trinity Cathedral.
Click here for more events on Fri 9/13

SAT 9/14
Superhero Dash! Go on… throw on a Superman cape or a Batman costume & join this superhero-themed 5k run/1 mile fun walk in Lakewood Park supporting the Youth Challenge of Cleveland. All ages.
Click here for more events on Sat 9/14

SUN 9/15
Ride for Miles Go on a 15-mile bike ride to promote green living & bicycle awareness, in tribute to Dr. Miles Coburn.
Click here for more events on Sun 9/15

MON 9/16
It’s worth the drive to Upstate NY for the Colors of Chautauqua Learning Festival, running now thru Nov. Get in on culinary, art & history programs.
Click here for more events on Mon 9/16

TUE 9/17
Cleveland Green Drinks invites you to be green & socialize. Meet up w/ leaders of the local green community at Great Lakes Brewing Co. & discuss important topics over brew.
Click here for more events on Tue 9/17

WED 9/18
Jazz Singer Alexis Cole returns to Nighttown. With six albums & a slew of appearances at prestigious clubs & festivals, people who like jazz singers are starting to keep an eye on her.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/18
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Clevelanders have now had nearly a month to digest the new Plain Dealer and Cleveland.com of Northeast Ohio Media Group. The outlet broke out in grand fashion with a nationally ridiculed review of the Cheesecake Factory restaurant chain.
Weeks later, the hard-nosed investigative reporting continues with their latest feature on the value of RTA’s Waterfront Line… Read more from Joe Baur here

When Frank Jackson’s campaign manager invited me (along with a number of other members of the media) to take a tour of the City of Cleveland with the mayor, at first I demurred, since my mind is already made up in regards to whom I’m going to vote for in November — and no, I’m not telling.
But when he told me that my vineyard, Chateau Hough, was one of the stops on the tour, how could I say no?…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Studio-A-Rama 2013 by Anastasia Pantsios
REVIEW: Human Rights Campaign Gala by Claudia Taller
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
MANSFIELD: Who’s Your Daddy? This guy wasn’t on my radar, but now Gallucci’s Italian Foods is another business to avoid. I get particularly incensed about privileged jerks like him who are blind to the fact that their family made them, not themselves….
Read the comment from Anastasia Pantsios here
Good for you, Mr. Frazier! People running for office ought to understand an issue thoroughly and from all sides before talking about it….
Read the comment from Jene Wilson here
I threw up a little when I saw that ridiculous piece of self indulgence and water carrying right wing whining on TV the other day. So glad you called him on it…
Read the comment from Bunny Hudson here
Justified rage, Mansfield, I shall never enter Gallucci’s again. This jerk is a wannabe Berlesconi….
Read the comment from Jerry Dolcini here
Mansfield, I’m glad you added that America has become a difficult place for working class folks of all races, because that’s of course true. I was at the March on Washington last week, and it was pleasing to see how thoroughly diverse the crowd was–by age, race, gender, and every way possible to glean from the naked eye….
Read the comment from John Ettorre here
I agree with you, but the name calling completely ruins your argument. He won’t listen and others will get angry…..
Read the comment from Adrienne Russ here
My wife has “reasoned with me to tone it down a bit” quite often in my life as well. The issue, as I see it, is perspective and a failure to acknowledge other perspectives as being valid. Mansfield has opened a door to me I never knew existed because I could never see it from my perspective…..
Read the comment from Johnny E Hamm here
ROLDO: The Scams They Devise to Screw the Taxpayer As always, Roldo speaks truth to power in the vacuum that enshrouds and debases honest and honorable public discourse in CLE…..
Read the comment from David Eden here
Didn’t Haslam say he was going to plow the 100 mil he got for naming rights back into the organization for improving the Browns? Any evidence for that?….
Read the comment from Dennis Stuehr here
Free Zack Reed and Put the System on Trial As someone who knows his way around a shot and a beer, I feel for Zach. Ironically, his ward was the ward my Grandmother lived until 1962….
Read the comment from Christopher Green here
Zack’s daytime voice and efforts seem laudable, but he’s got to get his nighttime persona in control. Good luck Zack, we need you…
Read the comment from John Hricko here
When anyone gets sentenced for DUI, it should have nothing to do with how good they are at their job. I know plenty of alcoholics who hold it together during work hours…
Read the comment from Janice Cammarata here
Oh Zack, Henny Youngman was right: When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. There are so many sad stories about intelligent, motivated people losing their careers, marriages, children, and friends that it is a cliche….
Read the comment from Bob Chalfant here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Free Zack Reed and Put the System on Trial
3) MANSFIELD: Who’s Your Daddy?
4) ROLDO: The Scams They Devise to Screw the Taxpayer
5) VIDEO: Cool Cleveland Team: Jibaro Food Truck & EMS+

Making their mark week after week: Joe Baur, Martin Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Anastasia Pantsios, Claudia Taller, Josh Usmani and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Our imprint,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2013 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved