Rock Hall & EarthQuaker Devices Collaborate with Artist Derek Hess on New Sound Processors

With the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Akron-based maker of sound processing gear, EarthQuaker Devices, announcing a partnership for a new set of limited-edition guitar pedals (their second such collaboration) with artwork by noted Cleveland artist Derek Hess, it’s interesting to note what happened when the Rock Hall commissioned Derek to design the art for its Cleveland opening concert in 1995. The hotshots in New York nitpicked the design to death — after all, how good could a mere Cleveland artist be? — resulting in it not being approved until just before the concert — the ads featured a collage performer promo photos that looked like a kindergartener did it. They approved it just in time to get the posters made to sell at the show — and they promptly sold out. The Rock Hall used his design on packaging for years. Proof again that hotshots in New York don’t know as much as they think they do.

The first of the two pedals, called Special Cranker, was released on Saturday July 29. The second will be release on Saturday August 12. Only a limited number will be available of each. The Rock Hall X Earthquaker Devices collaboration will release more pedals in August and September. They’ll also be available at he Rock Hall’s Garage where musicians can try them out before buying. For more details and technical specs, go here.

“It was nice working with the Rock Hall on this project, it’s always fun to work with them,” says Hess, apparently recovered from his initial experience, perhaps because the project was created by northeast Ohioans with no New York people involved. “Also, it is a pleasure to work with a company like EarthQuaker Devices. They make a quality product, and it is an honor to have my work on their pedals.”

You can buy the pedals at the Rock Hall store and online at

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