Rock/Punk Scene Veterans Gather at Beachland for “Decrepi-Palooza”

Sat 1/5 @ 9PM

You’re never too old to rock & roll! At least that’s what Mike Baker, a denizen of the Cleveland punk scene since the ’80s and once frontman for the wonderfully named Sleazy Jesus & the Splatter Pigs, believes. Currently, he’s fronting the Tufted Puffins, a quartet of Cleveland/Akron/Kent punk-scene veterans, who are hosting the Tuft Daddy Decrepi-Palooza at the Beachland Tavern.

“Every year Baker likes to celebrate the unlikely fact that he’s still on the planet by asking his favorite bands he’s seen that year to play a show,” says the promotion for the show. “Usually he has to go through quite a few ‘Who are you again?’ rebuffs before we get a line-up. This year blows all expectations away!”

He didn’t have a hard time getting the Tufted Puffins to open the show, obviously, followed by MethMatics from Columbus. Closing the evening are some old friends who also don’t need to ask Baker “Who are you again?” — Dave Swanson’s power pop ensemble Rainy Day Saints, with special guest New Salem Witch Hunters singer Dave Atkins.

“We’re so excited about this our tufts are trembling,” says Baker.

Admission is $8.





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