Tue 9/29 @ 1PM
We keep hearing that the environment is a huge issue on people’s mind, but it just isn’t getting the attention it deserves from candidates and media covering campaigns.
You can help make sure that environmental issues are part of the conversation. The Alliance for the Great Lakes focuses on water-related issues, and specifically on keeping the Great Lakes a clean, viable resource for communities (They’re the folks that sponsor the many beach clean-ups all summer).
They’ve created a tool kit you can use to ask candidates where they stand on water-related issues, give you some background so you can tell if they’re being honest or bullshitting you, and share resources and how to get more involved.
“Every office on the ballot, from mayors to the President of the United States, will have the opportunity to influence Great Lakes and water issues after the election,” they tell us. “Your voice and your vote matter.”
Find the toolkit here.
If you’re really excited to learn more, join the Alliance for the Great Lakes on Tuesday September 29 at noon central time, 1pm our time to learn more about getting our the word about protecting our lakes. Go here to register.