In this week’s issue:
* Cool Cleveland Party Discount tix for Holidaze Hullabaloo ’til midnite
* Comment I’m a Mom… Can I Still Be Cool?
* 2006 Holiday Shopping Guide If you haven’t finished yet, start here
* Interview Ken Warren of the Lakewood Public Library
* Signs of Life on Planet Cleveland Am I Crazy? by David Budin
* RoldoLINK Troubling Signs in Cleveland
* Sounds Unpopular by The Unknown & Midnight Surprise by Rio Neon
* Preview North Coast Men’s Chorus
* Cool Cleveland Kids podcast click here, CC podcast click here, CC Blog click here
This is the time of year when Cleveland shines. The weather’s not as bad as people think, and Cleveland culture starts to dress up, light up, and knock our socks off. We’ve scoured the Internet, and our recommendations for cool events and family events this week are below. Plus, a missive from Roldo, another from David Budin, and 2 local CD reviews. Check out Instant Karma reviews to help you plan what shows you want to see. Our Holiday Buying Guide is jammed full of local, artistic gift ideas. Finally, join us this Thu 12/14 for our Holidaze Hullabaloo at Fat Fish Blue, with discount tix here. We’ll see you there, or out and about this week. Tell them Cool Cleveland sent you. — Thomas Mulready

Cool Cleveland Holidaze Hullabaloo is this Thu 12/14!
Super low price until midnight Wed 12/13 here. Walk ups also welcome.

You get all this:
- Complimentary Open Bar with beer & wine for 3 hours
- Unlimited Cajun buffet, featuring:
- Secret Recipe Cornbread
- Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya
- Mini Crab Cakes with Cajun mayo
- Pop-in-your-mouth Cornbread Hush Puppies
- Chicken Tenders with Praline Dipping Sauce
- Spicy Jalapeño Caps
- Delta Dip (black bean dip for us vegetarians)
- Sweet Potato Chips
- An array of Delicious Desserts
- Hot Chocolate Peppermint Schnapps drink special
- Tuneage by Swamp popsters Cats On Holiday
- Special appearance by the St. Edward Trash Talkers garbage can percussion ensemble
- Dancing till the wee hours with Latin Jazz from the Gaetano Letizia Band
- Chance to win tix to see Bobby McFerrin live on Sat 1/20/07
- iPod giveaway
Oh, What Fun It is when you meet us from 5:30-8:30PM at Fat Fish Blue at the corner of Prospect and Ontario in Downtown Cleveburg. See map here. Get yr tix online before midnight Wed 12/13 for the biggest bang for your holiday bux here.
Click here: https://CoolCleveland.net/tickets/121406/index.php

I’m a Mom… Can I Still Be Cool?

Yep, I’m a mom. Or, more correctly, I have borne children… but must I shoulder such an un-cool label as mom? Just the sound of the word conjures images of minivans and diaper bags, baggy sweatshirts with leggings, dinners at Chuck E. Cheese and other un-cool endeavors. Does becoming a parent require me to hand in my cool card and retreat to my local McDonald’s PlayPlace?
I don’t think so. I choose to consider my time as a parent of young children to be a brief sabbatical from my former, more social — and yes, more cool — lifestyle. While my responsibilities at home may have changed, my spirit and my passions have not. I still love theater and the arts, books that seize my eyeballs and won’t let go, meals good enough to stay in my taste memories. I may have less time to indulge in these passions now. I must pick and choose wisely when a coveted night out arrives (thankfully I have Cool Cleveland as my guide). But I know they’ll be waiting for me when I return.
In the meantime, I have an important task before me — to raise two little Cool Cleveland-ers of my own. To expose them to the rich cultural experiences our region has to offer. To teach them to love music, fine foods, art, theatre and books, in whatever form or style speaks to their hearts. To expand their view of community beyond our suburban bubble to embrace the diversity of the Northeast Ohio region.
And that’s an opportunity that I think is really cool.
From Cool Cleveland contributor Jennifer Keirn jenniferATjenniferkeirn.com
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‘Twas the Week Before Christmas and all through the Library? . . . Enjoy live holiday music from the Celtic Clan on Sun 12/17 at 2PM at the Cleveland Public Library’s second floor, Main Library, 325 Superior Avenue (no admission fee, open to the public). Enjoy an acoustic selection of ancient/modern seasonal music by this Kent folk group that features a mix of well-known carols and upbeat secular tunes from the British Isles, Ireland, France and the US. Members include Trish McLoughlin, on pennywhistle and Irish wooden flute, Katie Grigg-Miller on the hammered dulcimer, vocalist Calley Mitchell, vocalist and guitarist Pamela Mitchell, Rhonda Richardson, violinist and Nancy Barbour on the Irish hoop drum. For more information contact (216) 623-2881 or (216) 623-2848 or www.cpl.org.
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Your One-Stop Source for Local Gifts, Wares and Sundries
Keep on clickin’, because this week, our Holiday Buying Guide has a ton of brand new listings… it isn’t any wonder why the Guide is one of our most clicked links. Check it out here, print it out, take it with you, or pass it on to others struggling with gift ideas. Buying local is a smart, equitable and sustainable business practice, so support your local economy today by consulting our Buying Guide, compiled by CC Managing Editor Peter Chakerian. Here’s a sample:
It might be cold, but the Mitchell’s ice cream brothers have recipes to warm you up…
Koyono has tech-friendly clothing like BlackCoat, Slimmy and and a discount for Cool Cleveland readers…
Cleveland Clothing Co. celebrates the rebellious spirit of CLE with their gritty fashion designs and attitude…
Immortalize your favorite swervy with the quirky designs of Lisa B., who loves booze divas. Save your bottle and she’ll transform it at boozelamps.com…
Don’t forget The Red Geranium, “A Resale Shop” where recycling high quality gifts is the modus operandi…
Visit Cool Cleveland’s Holiday Buying Guide

Amaryllis for Huntington’s Order your kit complete with Dutch bulb, pot, soil & instructions, and your donation goes to help cure Huntington’s Disease. 226-6633. Makes a great gift.
NYT story on Cle’s Christmas Story house is in their own Top 5 most e-mailed articles. Read
Great Lakes Compact at risk The Sun Belt is eyeing our access to the world’s largest body of fresh water, and now, after more than a dozen meetings of the Council of Great Lakes Governors, who have formulated a “delicate balance” between business and environment, the Ohio legislature is poised to be the first to approve this innovative agreement, which could serve as a model for the remaining 7 Great Lakes states which also must OK the Compact. The Ohio House will pass it, but State Senator Tim Grendell is single-handedly stalling the legislation because of possible threats to property rights, a concern that the bill’s sponsors dispute. Read. If you decide to send him your comments (State Senator Tim Grendell SD18@mailr.sen.state.oh.us), please also Cc: Cool Cleveland at Letters@CoolCleveland.com.
Cleveland bids for Special Olympics Site selection comm in town last week to bring 2011 games here, worth $120 million plus positive media. Read. Cle-based sports marketing giant IMG and Sports Commission consider LeBron & others to help make bid. Read. How can you help sell Cle as a host? Letters@CoolCleveland.com
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What’s the Perfect Holiday Gift for Movie Lovers? Membership to Cinematheque at The Cleveland Institute of Art. Cinematheque is our region’s premier showcase for independent and international films from six continents. Year-long adult membership is $30 which entitles you to a $3 savings for every admissions ticket. Individual passes are $8. No last minute shopping, please. We’ll be closed Fri 12/22 for the holidays! For more information about Cinemstheque call (216) 421-7450. Did you know that CIA was recently honored as one of the “Top 25 Design Schools in the United States” by BusinessWeek Magazine? For more info about the Institute visit www.cia.edu.
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Calling all entrepreneurs The non-profit Entrepreneur’s Edge has extended the deadline of their Leading EDGE Awards to Fri 12/22, for mid-market companies under $500M who sell, or plan to, outside the region. Apply
Calling Mayor Jackson Columnist Sam Fulwood III laments, saying “Jackson must stop acting like the Invisible Man.” Read Your thoughts? Letters@CoolCleveland.com
Cle Chamber Symphony box set nominated for GRAMMY and they win a $25K Argosy Foundation grant to promote contemporary music. Buy the box & see their next concert on Sun 1/21 http://www.ClevelandChamberSymphony.org
Tired of Pounding the Pavement and Experiencing Cold Call Hell? Cool Cleveland will deliver your message to tens of thousands of Clevelanders weekly, without ever having to leave the comfort of your office. Because the popularity of our e-letter is based on what we call viral advertising (passed onto others by word of mouth), Cool Cleveland offers the best kind of advertising there is – referrals! And we prove it with our customer satisfaction. See for yourself, click here for details. Contact TL@CoolCleveland.com for info about advertising.
Can Lost State of Franklin win a van? The Lost State of Franklin is participating in the Pabst Blue Ribbon Sponsorship Finals, where the band with the most friends wins a new van. Visit http://www.LostStateOfFranklin.com to learn more. Group will perform at the Hi-Fi Club (11729 Detroit Ave, Lakewood) on Fri 12/15 at 10PM.
PHS launches “Launch” for area artists Performance creation residences designed to support invention and innovation in performance and to foster new relationships between local artists and the public. Modeled on a successful program created by the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto, Ontario. Proposals for two week-long Launch residencies in spring 2007 accepted now through 5:00PM on 1/26. Application at http://www.PlayhouseSquare.org/arts-education.
Cool Cleveland Podcast Cool things to do this week in Cleveland, at the click of a button. http://www.coolcleveland.com/files/audio/CoolCleveland12.15.06.mp3. Add the CC Podcast to iTunes using this link. Don’t forget, you can subscribe to this podcast by saving this link in your favorite program that catches podcasts.

Cool Cleveland Kids Take a hint from 11-year-old Cool Cleveland correspondent Max Mulready who has scoured the Internet looking for a few good events to recommend. Hear his short podcast here even if you don’t have special software. If you’re a whiz kid, you can download it to your iPod or your computer and listen with your own kid. Check below to see the events tagged CC KIDS under Cool Cleveland This Week for our recommendations for a fantastic family week. http://www.coolcleveland.com/files/audio/CoolClevelandKids12.15.06.mp3. Add the CC Kids Podcast to iTunes using this link. Adding this link to your program that catches podcasts will keep you up-to-date on the latest audio.
To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list.
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What’s Wrong with Shooting for the Moon? Ask for (or give!) the two-performance dance series “Dance by the Light of the Moon” – starting at $35 – with Luna Negra Dance Theatre in February, followed by Momix’s newest “Lunar Sea” in March. First, on Sat 2/3 at 8PM at the Ohio Theatre you will witness Luna Negra Dance Theatre, known for their Latino roots and fresh dance moves that speak to modern audiences. Then on Fri 3/9 or Sat 3/10 experience Momix and their newest, magical multimedia piece “Lunar Sea.” Shows at 8PM at 2PM at the State Theatre. This performance defies concepts of weight and gravity! Audiences have been known to shout out, gasp and applaud furiously. Co-presented by DANCECleveland and Cuyahoga Community College Performing Arts. Starting at $35! Contact 440-914-0744 or www.dancecleveland.org.
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Every week, all of us here at Cool Cleveland pour through gads of fantastic things happening in CLE and NEO, all in an effort to answer that ever-nagging question: “What’s cool to do this week?” Submitted for your approval, here’s a snapshot of what we found. Got a unique event coming up? Know of something that is a totally Cool Cleveland worthy event? We want to hear from you about it; our tens of thousands of readers do, too. Be a civic and cultural activist and turn on your fellow readers.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

CC KIDS December Days at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has something for everyone. For cold weather fans, polar bears, reindeer, tigers and wolves in Northern Trek. Those who prefer to be warm and toasty can visit their favorite tropical animals in The RainForest where it’s always a balmy 80 degrees. Live music, ice carving, crafts for kids, Get-Close animal programs, Santa and much more for an unbelievable price now through 12/30. Call 661-6500. http://www.clemetzoo.com.
CC KIDS Stan Hywet’s Deck the Hall See the Manor House transformed to portray Tchaikovsky’s beloved ballet, The Nutcracker, plus a winter wonderland of lights. Now through 12/30. Call 330-836-5533. Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, 714 North Portage Path, Akron. http://www.stanhywet.org.
CMA’s American Portraits at Oberlin College’s Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM). This small installation of works from the Cleveland Museum of Art collection is on display now (Wed 12/13) through Sun 12/17 and features works by Benjamin West, John Singleton Copley and Gilbert Stuart. Call 440-775-8665 or visit http://www.oberlin.edu/amam for more.
Les Fleurs Modernes & The Fields of Solomon, 2075 A.D. Cool Cleveland contributor Daiv Whaley’s 2 exhibitions are both on display at Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, today (Wed 12/13) through Mon 1/8. Located in the Music-Armory Building. http://www.beckcenter.org.
Time Flies exhibit by Jean Alexander Frater of Cleveland at SPACES, 2330 Superior Viaduct, thru 1/5 http://www.SPACESgallery.org.
Threads of Remembrance: Artistic Visions of the Holocaust Holocaust Wall Hangings by Judith Weinshall Liberman with portraits by Herbert Ascherman, Jr. is a stirring exhibition that visually complements the Maltz Museum’s permanent collection by addressing the horrors of the Holocaust as seen through the eyes of survivors and their families. On display Wed 12/13 from 11AM to 5PM through 2/18. http://www.MaltzJewishMuseum.org.

The Holiday Art Sale and Exhibit at the Glenville Enterprise Center (540 East 105th St.) – the new home of Sankofa Fine Art Plus – on Thu 12/14 from 11AM to 6PM. Light refreshments throughout and live entertainment from 4 – 6PM. Call 541-ARTS.
HOT Recycle Cleveland The Rita Montlack exhibit includes images exhibited at the Ingenuity 2006 Festival which projected 244 animated photographs of Cleveland. Opening on Thu 12/14 from 5:30-8:00PM. Call 991-8350. Woodmere. www.RedDotProject.org.
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Over 80 Sweet Reasons to Celebrate the Holidays at Cleveland Botanical Garden’s delicious Gingerbread Dreams exhibit. Create a new tradition this year starting Fri 11/24 through Sun 12/31 at the WinterShow where unique gingerbread houses are on display among the Garden’s magical holiday decorations. Check out the programs offered for all ages, great shopping in the Garden Store and lunch in the Garden Café. Plus fabulous trains from Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum and the amazing Eleanor Armstrong Smith Glasshouse “the best butterfly house in Ohio” are included with your admission. Adults: $7.50; Children 3-12: $3; Children under 3 and CBG members: no charge. Tue – Sat: 10AM – 5PM; Sun: Noon – 5PM. Closed Mondays. Contact www.cbgarden.org or 216.721.1600.
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Smart Growth America Hear Don Chen, Founder & Executive Director of Smart Growth America and an internationally recognized author and lecturer on land use, transportation, social equity and environmental policy, on Fri 12/15 at 9:30AM. Cleveland State University. www.urban.csuohio.edu.
Ohio Boychoir will give a complimentary Christmas Celebration concert on Fri 12/15 at 7:30PM. Works include Leaf, Kodaly, Praetorius, Page, Willan, Willcocks, Wilhousky, and Berteau. St. John the Evangelist, 1007 Superior Ave.
HOT The Waxwings, a group recently profiled in Cool Cleveland, will be performing this Fri 12/15 at 8PM at the hip and cozy Lakewood Phoenix Coffeehouse, 15108 Detroit Ave between Gladys and Andrews. Check out Waxwings singer Pete McDonald’s website: http://www.petemcdonaldmusic.com.
HOT UBS Holiday Festival includes nine Christmas concerts with the Cleveland Orchestra and Choruses; two performances of Handel’s Messiah: A Baroque Christmas featuring the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah and Bach’s Magnificat, given by the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Orchestra Chamber Chorus, and soloists; and two performances of Holiday Organ and Brass featuring organist Todd Wilson, Burning River Brass, and the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Chorus from Fri 12/15 to Sun 12/24. http://www.ClevelandOrchestra.com.
Jimiller Band CD release party on Fri 12/15 at 9PM at the Winchester. Yummy food, giveaways, music and dancing.
Christmas on Carnegie is a sharp adaptation of Christmas on Erie Street by Graydon Goss put on by Assumption Academy’s 8th Graders at the Assumption Family Center, 9183 Broadview Road, Parma. The show begins Fri 12/15 at 7PM and repeats the following night, Sat 12/16 at 7PM. Reservations are encouraged. Call 440-582-2552 for more info.
HOT J. Scott Franklin and his band Lost State of Franklin work hard at recapturing the spirit of Americana with their roots-rock hybrid sound. They play the Hi-Fi Club this Fri 12/15 and though the cost of the show is nominal, you can get in at no-cost with Toys for Tots donation. http://www.loststateoffranklin.com.
Le Bang with Tittsworth @ Mercury on Fri 12/15 at 10PM. http://www.TheMercuryLounge.com. http://www.tittsworth.com.
A Joyful Noise Choral program by the North Coast Men’s Chorus at Waetjen Aud., CSU on Fri 12/15 thru Sun 12/17. http://www.NCMChorus.org
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WCLVnotes WCLV’s quarterly live broadcast of “The Mighty Wurlitzer Radio Hour” happens this Sun 12/17 at 3PM, from WCLV’s mythical Radio Theatre of the Air. Organist Larry Kass and the Radio Hour vocalists present “Everywhere It’s Christmas.” Looking for a great holiday gift? Go to ArkivMusic, where there’s 70,000 classical CDs and DVDs through the WCLV website at www.wclv.com. Your purchase will support classical music on the radio in northeast Ohio.
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CC KIDS Gingerbread House Family Workshop Your brood can join Stephanie Paganini of the Loretta Paganini School of Cooking in decorating pre-assembled gingerbread houses. Sat 12/16 from 9:30-11AM. http://www.CBGarden.org
HOT A Hip-Hop AESOP Written by New York Drama Desk Award winner Je Franklin and composed by Sheryl Robinson Pattilo. Talented local actors and poets put a slam-poetry, hip-hop twist on classic Aesop fables on Sat 12/16 thru Sun 1/7. http://www.Karamu.com.
CC KIDS The Nutcracker Marie, a Cleveland teenager, is miserable at the thought of her family’s annual outing to see The Nutcracker ballet. She’d rather stay home and listen to rock music. Despondent, she lies down and falls asleep. She dreams of a life-sized Nutcracker who takes her on a musical journey that includes stops in Candyland and The Land of Snow. Along the way she discovers the value of imagination and reconnects us all with the spirit of the season. Show begins Sat 12/16 at 1 & 3PM and runs through Sat 12/23. www.ClevelandPlayHouse.com.
CC KIDS TubaChristmas The magical and musical holiday tradition returns, conducted by beloved founder Tucker Jolly. More than 600 tubas will play all your favorite holiday songs on Sun 12/17 at 4PM & 6:30PM. Call 330-972-7570. http://www.AkronCivic.com. Call 330-972-7570. Akron Civic Theater, 182 S. Main St., Akron.
Rock Around the Clock Two showings of the classic film at 1956 prices (50 cents) in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Aitken Auditorium. Sat 12/16 at 6PM and Sun 12/17 at 4:15PM. Cleveland Institute of Art, 11141 East Blvd., University Circle. www.cia.edu/cinematheque.
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Celebrate New Year’s Eve “Big Easy” Style – at Fat Fish Blue! Reserved seating on Sun 12/31 at 6, 8 or 10PM. Start with a sumptuous selection of appetizers like She Crab Bisque and Ponchatrain Calamari Diablo … then move on to delicious entrees that include Uptown Blackened Delmonico with a Guinness demi Glace or Pan-seared Grouper with Crawfish Mashed Potatoes . . . Finish with a special dessert trio and champagne toast! The Swamp Boogie band kicks the party into high gear at 8PM. Drink specials, Confetti Blasts and Mardi Gras Mayhem! Advance Reservations Required. Hurry, they’re going fast – 216.875.6000! Ring in 2007 at Fat Fish Blue, 21 Prospect Avenue (corner of Ontario), Park at the old May Co. building for $2 with FFB validation. Visit www.FatFishBlue.com.
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CC KIDS Santa at the Symphony Come see Santa and his elf conduct Holiday favorites. Fun pre-concert events activities with Santa and his friends on Sun 12/17. Pre-concert activities begin at 2PM and concert is at 3PM. Call 330-452-2094. Umstattd Performing Arts Hall, 2323 Seventeenth St NW, Canton. http://www.CantonSymphony.org.
A Christmas Cabaret Bill Rudman’s seasonal Christmas card has been called a “treasure trove” of holiday songs covering 20th century classics from Berlin, Martin, Gershwin, Bacharach and Rodgers & Hammerstein. The show runs Sun 12/17 at 7PM, repeating at the same time Mon 12/18 and Tue 12/19 and features Nancy Maier, Sandra Simon, & Jarel Leal. Nighttown in Cle Hts. http://www.nighttowncleveland.com.
HOT Jingle Bell Swing British vocalist, Helen Welch, now calls Northeast Ohio home and has developed a large fan base following regular performances at the Carousel Dinner Theatre, Nighttown, and a number of other jazz clubs around town. Helen makes her Playhouse Square Center debut on Sun 12/17 at 3PM. Get tickets at www.PlayhouseSquare.org. http://www.HelenWelch.com.
Listing Tip of the Week It’s a mystery to us. Being mysterious has its place. Extra digits, bodily functions and strange relatives probably should remain a mystery on first dates and job interviews. But, when you are trying to get over 30,000 Cool Cleveland subscribers to your event or to check out your website: mysterious is not so good. So, when you list your cool event don’t forget the URL and physical address that go along with it. Anything else is not so cool. Get a checklist of items to include here by scrolling down to Hints. Events@CoolCleveland.com.

HOT Rock ‘n’ Roll and the Cleveland Connection Local writer, Deanna R. Adams, will be signing copies of her book, Rock ‘n’ Roll and the Cleveland Connection at the Crooked River Reading Club on Wed 12/20 from 11:30AM to 1:30PM. The Crooked River Reading Club, Galleria at 1301 East 9th St.
An Evening with Jerry Heller The Rock Hall will host an evening with the co-founder of Ruthless Records, a label that became synonymous with West Coast rap, on Wed 12/20 at 7PM. No-cost, but reservation required. Email edu@rockhall.org to RSVP or call 515-8426. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, 1 Key Plaza. http://www.RockHall.com.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
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Need a Hot Concert for a Cold Winter Night? Don’t miss An Evening with Bobby McFerrin and the CIM Orchestra at Severance Hall Sat 1/20 at 8:30PM – a benefit for the Cleveland Institute of Music presented by the CIM Women’s Committee. Bobby McFerrin is a vocal explorer who has combined jazz, folk and world music influences and now extends his gifts to orchestral music. The Los Angeles Times proclaims, “Bobby McFerrin’s greatest gift to his audience may be changing them from spectators into celebrants and transforming a concert hall into a playground, a village center, a joyous space.” Tickets are $58; $45. Call the Severance Hall Box Office at 216-231-1111 or order online here.
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A wild and wonderful array of hot tech and business news & events from around Cleveland and around the region. Send your business news and events to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

Ohio is most competitive manufacturing state followed by IL, MI, PA, TX, according to eMvoy Info
Cle fiber makes news in Tucson Cleveland-based OneCommunity’s ultra broadband network is a national model. Read
Meyers Univ’s Club move caused cash flow & federal financial aid problems, may merge Read Read
DDR is 4th largest developer in US CEO Wolstein on Flats & Summit soccer projects Read
Poverty growth in Cle’s suburbs is 47% since 1999, vs. only 9% in city, from Brookings Read Read
Chinese delegation visits Cle courtesy of World Trade Center Cle, visiting Barcelona at CMA, Tri-C, leaders Read
CWRU’s “College Town” by Zaremba & MRN $120M mixed use at Euclid & Mayfield w/MOCA, housing, Barnes & Noble Read
Medical Mart pursued Similar to Chicago’s Merchandise Mart, with showrooms & trade shows, linked to Cle’s new conv. ctr. Read
City loans for businesses impacted by Euclid Corridor Project contruction Read
Is Cool Cleveland the one constant and enjoyable relationship in your life? Make friends and family feel guilty by giving them a cool, free gift that keeps giving, 52 weeks a year. Forward CC onto friends and family members today.

Tech Body Check w/ Cleveland AHL SVP Randy Domain, who speaks @ Cle Marriott East Wed 12/13 about impact of new pro sports teams on regional business communities and economics. Register: 831-2116.
Akron Bus Accelerator breakfast lecture spon. by Credit Suisse and Ohio PERS. Learn more about the Ohio-Midwest Fund and private equity investment ops in NEO. Info
Smart Growth America’s Don Chen speaks at CSU Levin College Forum Fri 12/15 about planning in older cities like Cleveland, Akron and Youngstown. Info
Tuesdays @ FUTURE feat. Fred Collopy, CWRU Prof. of Info Sys and Cog Sci Tue 12/19 on Designing Abstract Visualizations. Info Info
An Eye on Propulsion @ NASA Glenn Wed 12/27 focuses on tech for air/spacecraft and ion propulsion for accelerated travel. Register: 433-9653.

Ken Warren
Lakewood Public Library

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