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Certainly this region has heart. The question becomes, is yours hungry enough to keep up. Maybe we can help. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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The Cool Cleveland iPhone app is ready & waiting to be downloaded onto your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Check it out. Now you can view the coolest happenings in town without being tethered to a computer.
You can even forward news, events and videos to your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and send them via email. And it wont cost you a penny the app is free. Youre welcome. Click here to download the free app

A DIY film festival and a DIY concert venue go together like popcorn with extra butter.
Enter the inaugural A.D.D. Short Film Festival, which takes place all day and most of the night Sat 5/7 at Now That’s Class. Created by festival visionary, Ohio State University film graduate and overall movie buff Steven Barrett, the unique event merges the short-film genre with live band performances and more. CoolCleveland talked to Euclid native Barrett about his vision for this microcinema love-fest… Read the interview by John Benson here
Your customers are reading Cool Cleveland. Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: See how far you can advance this summer. Register now for the Summer 2011 semester at Kent State University at Stark. Classes begin May 16 – Aug. 13 over six sessions. Get ahead, boost your GPA or catch up! KSU at Stark has something for everyone! A convenient location, reduced tuition and wide range of classes make Kent State Stark a great option! Stark.Kent.edu.

Click here for more News and Biz

VIDEO: The Vineyards of Chateau Hough
A Winery in Cleveland’s Inner City
Mansfield Frazier is not a farmer. But when he considered how to reclaim vacant land across the street from the house he built on Hough Avenue in Cleveland’s inner city, he realized that grapes offered the highest yield per acre. Plus, with a team of advisers, he’s tapped a nearby halfway house for help with the labor, and plugged into the surging urban farm movement.
Next, he’s planning to remove surrounding buildings and install a state-of-the-art Bio-Cellar project to safely grow crops year-round in a controlled environment. He’s already got buyers for his products, whether the first harvest in 2013 turns out to be an award-winning vintage or a high quality vinegar. ThePlus.us.

What better way to spend your Mother’s Day morning than by showing your support towards ending breast cancer? Join your fellow Clevelanders at Legacy Village on Sun 5/8 at 8AM for The Race — a one mile walk/run for breast cancer research and prevention.
This is a family event; we are all connected in some manner to someone who has battled this disease. This is your chance to fight back… Read more from Laurie Wanninger here
SPONSORED: Celebrate Outrageous Creativity at the 24th Annual Student Art Exhibition and Award Ceremony at Virginia Marti College of Art and Design. You’ve heard about the amazing work VMCAD students are doing, now come see for yourself on Fri 5/13. Reception begins at 6:30 and Award Ceremony at 7:30. More info at VMCAD.edu.

SPONSORED: Creative Camps for Kids! Join in the fun this summer at Beck Center. Register today for camps & classes in dance, music, theater, and visual arts – including camps especially for music lovers. There’s even an arts sampler for kids who enjoy all art forms. Summer catalog online at BeckCenter.org or call 216.521.2540 x10.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Cleveland fans’ hearts may be broken by upcoming labor disputes with their beloved Browns and Cavs. But the name Kurt Warner is a magical one to the fans and players in the Arena Football League (AFL).
His story is the ultimate dream-come-true tale that fuels the ambitions and hopes of the over 400 competitors who put on the pads each week for four months every spring and summer to play football, of all places, indoors… Read more from Larry Durstin here

WED 5/4
The Robert Glasper Trio @ MOCA Saturate your Wed 5/4 with the improvisational creativity of the Robert Glasper Trio. Named one of the best up-and-coming jazz pianists by Time, Robert Glasper & his trio fuse hip-hop, classical & be-bop sounds as one.
Click here for more events on Wed 5/4

THU 5/5
DanceWorks ’11 @ CPT Cle can dance. Check out DanceWorks for evidence. Each week features performances by a different local dance troupe, such as Inlet Dance, Antaeus Dance, Double-Edge Dance & others. DanceWorks kicks off on Thu 5/5 with Verb Ballets.
Click here for more events on Thu 5/5

FRI 5/6
Drawn & Quartered Part III Figure drawing as spectator sport? Oh, yes. Drawn & Quartered pits established drawing groups against one another in a battle for the best drawing. But, before the competition starts, attend the opening reception of participating artists on Fri 5/6 @ Wall Eye Gallery & see what they’re capable of. Battle starts the next day.
Click here for more events on Fri 5/6
SPONSORED: On Fri 5/6, at 8PM, WCLV 104.9, presents a program of choral highlights from the Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory, including Buxtehude’s “Membra Nostri Jesu” performed at the 2011 Bach Festival. On Sat 5/7, at 8PM, the Band plays Goliov’s spectacular “The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind” with Franklin Cohen as the soloist. Tito Munoz conducts. Full details on all of WCLV’s classical music programming at WCLV.com.

SAT 5/7
Six Degrees of Separation / Connect the Dots Two exhibits @ the Pop Shop / (art)ificial gallery. One celebrates the Pop Shop’s sixth b-day; the other is a rad exhibit inspired by ’80s and ’90s culture. Both are on Sat 5/7 on Madison Ave in Lkwd.
Click here for more events on Sat 5/7

SUN 5/8
Mother’s Day in a Mansion Take ma for a stroll through Stan Hywet on Sun 5/8. Take tours of the Manor House & its bucolic gardens. Mama gets in free. It’s her day — show her some respect & appreciation.
Click here for more events on Sun 5/8

MON 5/9
Brooke Fraser @ Beachland Ballroom She’s been described as “Jenny Lewis enjoying a Swell Season” & “The Kiwi Norah Jones.” See her perform on Mon 5/9. Brooke’s musical sensibilities were awakened after going to Coachella. And she’s gotten praise ever since.
Click here for more events on Mon 5/9

TUE 5/10
Recyling, economic development & a gasification field The City of Cle wants to develop a waste-to-energy gasification field… but would we be better off creating an ambitious program to recycle and recover waste? Join Neil Seldman, a national expert on recycling & economic development, for a community discussion on Tue 5/10. Question, analyze, discuss.
Click here for more events on Tue 5/10

WED 5/11
Circle Neighbors: Immigration & Why It Matters to University Circle free lecture on Mon 5/11 w/ co-authors of Immigration, Inc: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy (and how they will save the American worker) Richard T Herman & Robert L Smith. [Photo by Elisa Vietri]
Click here for more events on Wed 5/11
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

New Home at Idea Center
Robert Conrad has seen it all. They moved from their longtime home in the Terminal Tower in 1986 out to their digs in Warrensville Heights, which they dubbed “Radio Ranch.”
Now they are in a “vortex of cultural activity” in the Idea Center, offering a new set of opportunities. They even have a new nickname for their new studios, visible through the large glass windows by the elevator: “The Radioquarium.” Watch the video of Robert Conrad here.

One of the common definitions of insanity is “to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
That’s where we are with the search for a new superintendent for Cleveland schools. Its like hiring a new captain for the Titanic… no matter who’s brought on board — no mater how talented, dedicated or caring the person happens to be — the ship will continue to sink, and deep down we all have to know that…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

The 2011 edition of Cleveland Public Theatre’s DanceWorks kicks off this Thu 5/5 with Verb Ballets’ Fresh Inventions, featuring new choreography by Verb’s own dancers.
Like last year, the program includes live music composed and performed in Northeast Ohio, but this year Verb has also incorporated sculpture into some of the pieces… Read Victor Lucas & Elsa Johnson’s interview w/ Verb Ballets here

Daniel and Snakeman
CityMusic Cleveland is seeking to change people with its mission to break down barriers to the widespread enjoyment of classical music by offering free concerts in local Northeast Ohio venues. Their new musical work, entitled Daniel and Snakeman confronts the dangers of racism and prejudice while promoting living together in harmony through music.
Listen as Eugenie Strauss, Executive Director of CityMusic Cleveland, talks about this innovative and intergenerational concert series, while Cleveland Heights native and nationally-distinguished composer Margaret Brouwer shares her thoughts and intentions in writing the story and creating the music for this world premiere performance. Watch the video interview by Carol Drummond here.

The eponymous debut from the Womack Family Band hits your ears with more impact than mere sound waves. It’s a genuine album of dreaming, sincerity, and most blatantly talent.
A blend of Americana and folk, the Womack Family Band offers more than typical instrumental choices. The quintet from North Central Ohio released the album in September of 2010 and has already toured the US in support of it via the Drenched Earth tour with Chris Castle. Theyll be in Wadsworth this Thu 5/5 at Sonnets Café… Read more from Laurie Wanninger here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
A few reasons Cleveland is cooler than Chicago yeah… right… after the obligatory bow to the Metroparks (yawn) and Stadium Mustard (who cares) this poor guy is left celebrating that the Art Museum is free…
Read the comment from Martin Daniels here
ROLDO: A Page One Lakefront Fantasy One of the major legacies of The White Administration and its enablers was absolute brazenness. The Mayor made no pretense of his avarice and corruption of the system; developers with an idea were told very straightforwardly what the price tag would be and whom would need to be paid…
Read the comment from John Polk here
MANSFIELD: Strange Bedfellows & Wrong Solutions I agree that merit pay is the wrong way to encourage good teaching- it takes much more than that. Why not start paying teachers what we pay those in “respectable” professions? Teaching is NOT a “fall-back” job. Society needs to stop talking about it as if it were…
Read the comment from Kate Klonowski here
ROLDO: What the Hell is ‘Economic Development’? I will believe in reform when they stop scapegoating Jimmy and Frank’s petty theft and start cuffing and stuffing their well known pimps…
Read the comment from Richard here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

1) ROLDO: A Page One Lakefront Fantasy
2) Raffle Jam @ Rays MTB: End of season super bash
3) Ohio Spends Billions On Economic Development
4) Cool Cleveland iPhone App Now Available
5) Voices of Homelessness: Good time. Great cause.

Our writers have heart. Thanks to John Benson, Roy Berko, Greg Cielec, Carol Drummond, Larry Durstin, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Claudia Taller, Sarah Valek and Laurie Wanninger. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Open your heart,
–Thomas Mulready

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