Convergence-Continuum Theater Opens Another Darkly Humorous Play

Fri 3/25-Sat 4/16

Dog Act by Liz Duffy Adams sounds like a typical script for Tremont’s little convergence-continuum theater. It’s described as “darkly comedic,” which also describes this theater’s dominant vibe: skewed humor that references serious underlying issues.

In Dog Act, a travelling performer named Zetta Stone and her companion Dog (described as “a young man undergoing a voluntary species demotion”) travel through a post-apocalyptic version of the northeast U.S, looking for China. The production includes five original songs, which are probably as strange as the lot line.

The show opens Friday March 25, and runs through Saturday April 16 at convergence-continuums home, The Liminis. ​Get more info and tickets here.



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