
The Galleries at CSU are reborn and ready for their new spotlight in the Theatre District. We’ve got a behind-the-scenes video tour. Got Green? is rocking the community garden with top chef Steve Shimoler wearing the toque. The filmmaker project Cleveland, I Love You premieres at the Capitol. Dancers showcase at PHS. Pandemonium reigns at CPT. The Garlic Festival unites locavores. The Ghoul is resurrected at Kollective. Shakespeare goes Open Mic. That’s one cacophonous harmony. –Thomas Mulready
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Living green is good for the planet but what if there’s even a better way of life that is attainable. Currently there’s a movement around the globe involving the development of sustainable living and farming modeled after natural ecosystems.
It’s called permaculture and it’s the rally cry of Northeast Ohio non-profit group The Green Triangle…
Read more from John Benson here
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Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Law & Order’s S. Epatha Merkerson will screen the award-winning documentary film “The Contradictions of Fair Hope” with Co-director Rockell Metcalf at Cleveland Public Library on Sat 9/8 at 2PM at Main Library. The film will be followed by an interactive discussion with Merkerson and Metcalf. Visit CPL.org for more details about this event.

What would you choose?
Lynda Bender joined the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage more than seven years ago when the Museum was first created, and earlier this year rose to become its Executive Director.
Take a tour with Lynda as she shows off a couple of her favorite Charles Mintz photographs from the current exhibit, “Precious Objects,” in which everyday people were asked to be photographed with one non-living object that was the most precious to them. If you were asked the same thing, what would you choose? The exhibition is on display until Sun 9/30. Watch the video here. MaltzMuseum.org
SPONSORED: Got Green? You Could End Up In Mexico! Join the coolest gathering in town on Fri 9/7, when culinary superstar Steve Schimoler of Crop Bistro & Bar serves up a Fall harvest menu at the Lakewood Community Services Center community garden in Lakewood. Kristine Jackson & KJ Blues will rock the tent with special guests Cream of the Crop, featuring Schimoler and his kitchen musicians. Get more info here. Get your tickets here.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Think Local, Think Fresh, Think Nature’s Bin! Looking for homegrown, fresh, organic foods? Locally owned, Nature’s Bin is your source for healthy foods. Nature’s Bin has been bringing nature to the table of greater Clevelanders for over 35 years. Stop by our market on Sloane Avenue in Lakewood and see what Fresh Thinking is all about. http://www.NaturesBin.com.

SPONSORED: The 4th Annual Rock United will rock Barley House on Fri 9/14 with live music from local singer-songwriter Ryan Humbert and special guest The Curve. Doors open at 7PM. Buy tickets online. The concert is presented by Oswald Companies and benefits United Way of Greater Cleveland. UnitedWayCleveland.org.

Tri-C Alum Paul Lewis enjoys an Alumni & Friends Association event at a Cleveland Indians game, and talks about being in the first class ever at Tri-C in the early 1960’s.
“It was September of 1963. I had attended Ohio State, and they told me to come home, sit down and rest for a while. Instead of doing that, I went to Tri-C when they opened the doors.”
“It was very supportive. It was affordable. And it was convenient.”
If you’re a Tri-C alum and you’d like to attend cool alumni events like this one, sign up for free: Tri-C.edu/alumni.
SPONSORED: Got Green? There’s Still Time On Fri 9/7, culinary superstar Steve Schimoler of Crop Bistro & Bar serves it up at the Lakewood Community Services Center community garden featuring two raffles: 2 RT tix & a 4 day stay at Tulum Riveria Maya in Mexico, or a private 7 course dinner for 2 at Crop. Info: here. Tickets: here.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: Celebrate creativity and innovation at Ingenuity, Cleveland’s 8th annual festival of the cutting edge, the interactive, and the just plain cool. Ingenuity’s new location is at Docks 30 and 32, on the lakefront north of Cleveland Browns Stadium. September 14th, 15th and 16th. IngenuityCleveland.com

For a Good Cause
Join us at United Way of Greater Cleveland’s annual Campaign Kick-Off and Pancake Flip as volunteers serve up 10,000 flapjacks while students from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District announced this year’s campaign goal of $41,000,000.
Each year, greater Cleveland’s famously philanthropic spirit rises to the challenge and contributes to help United Way’s 216 non-profit programs serve tens of thousands of needy Greater Clevelanders.
Watch the video as Cool Cleveland’s Thomas Mulready talks with campaign co-chairs Rick Chiricosta, Medical Mutual president & chief executive officer, and Dan Walsh, the Northeast Ohio President of Huntington National Bank as they discuss the $8 million that’s been raised so far with their Pacesetter campaign, and the challenge grants that Medical Mutual are offering to companies who are new to United Way. UnitedWayCleveland.org

WED 9/5
All About Bees Learn about honeybee conservation, conventional bee keeping (& the difference between the two) & ways to you can help honeybees @ LEAF’s free educational event on Wed 9/5 @ Mahall’s. All the bee info you can handle.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/5

THU 9/6
We Love You, Cleveland A celebration of Cleveland film w/ cocktails & the people behind Cleveland, I Love You — the largest film project ever shot by local filmmakers. Film contains 11 vignettes about love, lost & despair within Cle.
Click here for more events on Thu 9/6

FRI 9/7
Pakistani music Zeb Bangash & Haniya Aslam are two female cousins from the city of Peshawar in northern Pakistan. The pair have grown up listening, performing & living music & now they’re showcasing their talents @ UA.
Click here for more events on Fri 9/7
SPONSORED: The annual Iron Composer Competition at Baldwin Wallace University is this Fri 9/7 at 8PM, and will be live on WCLV 104.9. It’s an “instant composition competition.” Five finalists from around the country will have just five hours to write a piece of music for a surprise instrumentation and a “secret ingredient.” The pieces will be rehearsed and performed by the Analog Arts Ensemble in the free public concert. Details at WCLV.com.

SAT 9/8
Cleveland Garlic Festival Locavores unite. Celebrate garlic & all things local on Sat 9/8 & Sun 9/9 with music, kids activities, food, drink & roasted garlic in Shaker Square. Benefits North Union Farmers Market.
Click here for more events on Sat 9/8

SUN 9/9
Accidental Comedy Festival First ever! Comedians will perform all over town starting Sun 9/9 with Kyle Kinane @ Reddstone. Some shows cost $$, others free.
Click here for more events on Sun 9/9

MON 9/10
Open Mic Shakespeare Who doesn’t love some Shakespeare? Especially when it’s taken from its lofty literary perch & brought down-to-earth into open mic night. Yes, this is Shakespeare without the pretension on Mon 9/10.
Click here for more events on Mon 9/10

TUE 9/11
Write to Assemble Anne Trubek & Richey Piiparinen introduce Rust Belt Chic: The Cleveland Anthology on Tue 9/11 @ Happy Dog. Eat a hot dog, buy a book & listen up.
Click here for more events on Tue 9/11

WED 9/12
CIM @ Severance Check out the CIM Orchestra playing @ Severance Hall. Two performances. First one is on Wed 9/12.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/12
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

So many people I know are leaving the rat race and going off on their own. Leaving the predictable structure and secure income behind isn’t easy, especially when health benefits and annual bonuses can be counted on.
However, given the economy, no one’s job is secure. Today’s work force is about flexibility, adaptability and risk…
Read more from Alex Sukhoy here

In a recent article for The Daily Beast, the legendary singer and social activist Harry Belafonte took black artists, entertainers and athletes to task for not doing enough to assist the impoverished of their race… for not giving enough back to the communities from whence they came…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

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Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
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We’re thrilled that our readers love our free mobile app and use it everyday. That’s why we’re sending Ms. Zunt a check for $20.
“Thanks so much! I use the app just about everyday and especially on the week-ends to schedule the fun stuff for my week!” says Ms. Zunt [Left in photo with her friend Brooke Baker at PlayhouseSquare]. “I’ll be using the money to buy school supplies for kids attending the Campus International School, a joint CMSD/CSU partnership.” Bravo!
It’s really quite easy. Just download the FREE Cool Cleveland app for iPhone or Android and start finding cool stuff to do. You can even forward the coolest stuff to your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
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Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: Preservation Hall Band jazzes up Blossom by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Sold-out GROUNDWORKS program varied & interesting @ Cain Park by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
Personhood Debate Brings GOP Chickens Home to Roost fantastic article, Larry D! it’s about time somebody called it like it IS… scary religious extremism (with NO PLACE IN POLITICS), disguising itself as ‘Republicanism.’…
Read the comment from Sharon L. Rusnak here
Thanks for your article. You do expose a very significant problem in the prolife call for legal protection for unborn babies. You should mention, as an aging hippie with lots of expertise, the advances in science by which we can “see” the unborn child developing in the womb…
Read the comment from Joseph Meissner here
There is nothing wrong with repealing the corporate personhood in Citizens United, but the debate about personhood at conception is STILL a can of worms, and it must be dealt with in a rational manner that is fair to the pregnant mother FIRST, and then to the unborn child…
Read the comment from Leoncefalo here
The political debate on this issue is as scary (if not scarier) than Mr. Durstin has layed out…
Read the comment from Terry L. Halfacre here
Why is it that all the unemployed journalists in the world have to be left-wing?…
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
There is no such thing as a “partial birth” abortion, “hideous” or otherwise. This is a non-medical political term created by the right to help them demonize the idea of later term abortions, virtually ALL of which are performed in tragic circumstances on women who desperately want babies but whose pregnancy has gone wrong….
Read the comment from Anastasia P here
ROLDO: Cleveland “Downtown Comeback” Eludes Euclid Avenue I am surprised that you didn’t mention the current construction taking place in the buildings on the north side of Euclid just east of the old Huntington building…
Read the comment from Angela here
Voting ID: C’mon, Roldo, you can do better than that. Just four years ago, the PD featured an article about a homeless man who had been paid by Acorn to register 72 different times!…
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
While i do agree with this (it should also be noted that likely some of the companies relocating would have been in search of new class A space that may have resulted in them not longer being downtown), but it seems that you casually left out the majority of positive things that are happening along your walk route…
Read the comment from Willy here
1117 Euclid Ave., home to HW Beattie & Sons is now occupied by a fantastic, contemporary fine art gallery named William Rupnik Gallery, who has been operating from this location for nearly a year now. You should really stop in and speak with the owner, William…
Read the comment from Dale here
Ah, Roldo… you are sadly correct. There’s nothing downtown anymore, except Playhouse Square, and with parking in the rear and nothing enticing in front, who needs to stroll down Euclid anymore….
Read the comment from S. Brooks here
Great article! You for got the part about the general theme of contemporary downtown becoming a dipsomaniac themed amusement park, replete with suds for the duds and dudes on nearly every corner…
Read the comment from snarky here
Indy, you don’t provide a link to the alleged homeless black man who allegedly was paid by ACORN! ACORN! ACORN! to register 72 times (a misconception — people were not paid to register, but to collect registrations, which unfortunately did result in collecting some faulty ones)…
Read the comment from Anastasia P here
Roldo, I think part of the problem is that you are comparing downtown Cleveland today to Cleveland of the 1960’s and you expect that it would already be back at that level from its low point of a few years back…
Read the comment from Mike here
Rust Belt Chic Rust Belt Chic – that’s us! CLE = <3...
Read the comment from Jamie Pawlak here
I love Cleveland. I might have to try and go to see these authors…
Read the comment from Jane Hilf here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) ROLDO: Cleveland “Downtown Comeback” Eludes Euclid Avenue
3) Rust Belt Chic: There’s Something About Cleveland…
4) VIDEO: Rising Star Coffee Roasters
5) The Detroit-Superior Bridge Needs You

All together now. Thank you, writers: John Benson, Roy Berko, Martin Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Alex Sukhoy and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
In harmony,
–Thomas Mulready

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