Bring the Kids to Lake Erie Ink for a Creative Play Day Over the School Break


Tue 12/20 @ 12:30-3:30PM

Thu 12/22 @ 12:30-3:30PM


Yes, the weather outside is frightful — and so is the whining of the kids on break from school, impatient for Christmas and sooooo bored with their old toys.

Send them away! No, don’t banish them – just send them over to Lake Erie Ink in Cleveland Heights for a Hot + Cold Creative Play Day. They have two of them scheduled the week before Christmas to take kids’ minds off what Santa will or won’t bring them. Children in grades 2-6 can spend an afternoon running around outside on playground and then heading inside to drink hot cocoa and engage in creative writing and art-making activities.

It’s $15 for one day or $25 for both, and scholarships are available.



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One Response to “Bring the Kids to Lake Erie Ink for a Creative Play Day Over the School Break”

  1. This actually sounds like a program that could work in any market at any vacation time. A great way to get kids involved in creative activities. Good for you!

    Gwynn Torres
    The Creativity Institute

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