Local Bands Play Rock Hall Concert to Fight Human Trafficking

Fri 7/21 @ 6PM

Popular and enduring local Cleveland band The Modern Electric, which launched its large-scale presence in the local music scene after winning the 2008 High School Rock Off, founded its nonprofit Cleveland Verses Foundation in 2017. But it didn’t really get into high gear until 2020, when it responded to the pandemic by rounding up a bunch of other local bands and musicians to record two volumes of covers of Bob Dylan tunes to raise money for local musicians and venue employees sidelined by closed clubs and disappearing gigs. It followed that one up with a pair of albums of AC/DC covers with the profits going to fight human trafficking in Cleveland.

Now five of the bands that contributed to that album will be performing an outdoor show at the Rock Hall called Cleveland vs. Human Trafficking. In addition to The Modern Electric, Charity Cunningham, Who Saved Who, Vanity Crash and Marcus Smith will perform. Carrie Danger & Brady Mark of 107.3 Alternative Cleveland host. All proceeds will go to the fight against human trafficking.

Go here for tickets.


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