
From the Rustbelt Rumble, to Rollin’ On The River, the Sunflower Affair, Bend for the Beck, a Night at the Library, or The Next New Thing Challenge, folks in these parts are showing the courage to create, collaborate and celebrate.
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The grumble of pre-1964 engines will echo off the buildings along E. 21st as smoking tailpipes mix with smoking bones at the Rumblers’ 2nd Annual Rust Belt Rumble, Sat 9/29.
From the pronounced curves of hot rod fenders to the distorted howls of Fender guitars, this show is for fans of all things gritty…
Read more from Hollie Gibbs here
Online advertising in your future? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: CIM@Severance Is Where It’s At on Wed 10/10 at 8PM, when CIM makes a return trip to Severance Hall. Performing on the same stage as many of their instructors, the CIM musicians perform Mendelssohn, Dvorak and Stravinsky. Carl Topilow conducts with Andris Koh on cello. Simulcast on 104.9 FM. Tickets are $5! Order by phone: 216-231-1111 or online at ClevelandOrchestra.com.

Meeting Dr. E is an experience. Dr. Elaine Richardson has a deep enthusiasm for life and an emanating warmth that makes you feel instantly like part of her family.
It’s impossible to walk away from a Dr. E performance without an extra skip in your step and a feeling of empowerment. While she’s flirted with mainstream fame, Dr. E never forgets where she started and who helped her along the way.
That’s why this weekend she’s putting on a benefit concert for her Alma Mater, East Technical High School, and their Scholarship Fund…
Read more from Julie Cajigas here
SPONSORED: Gilgamesh On The Crooked River, a masterwork with words by Cle’s Margaret Lynch and music by the genre-smashing composer/violinist Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR), as part of his multi-year Tri-C residency, on Thu 10/18 and Fri 10/19 at the new MOCA, 11400 Euclid Ave., featuring a songcycle weaving together the world’s oldest myth with a dramatic setting in contemporary Cleveland. MOCACleveland.org.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: The Kent Stage is on Fire with these folk legends: Savoy Brown on Fri 9/28; Ani DiFranco on Sat 9/29, Punch Brothers on Mon 10/8; Martin Sexton on Sat 10/13; Clevelander David Wilcox & Susan Werner on Sun 10/14. Details at TheKentStage.com.

What are these folks doing at a Cleveland Indians ball game? Enjoying themselves at a Tri-C Alumni & Friends Association outing.
During the game, we pulled them aside for a few moments and asked about their experiences as Tri-C students. “I wanted to prepare for college.” “I can’t say enough about the teachers.” “They show you your road map.” “Very supportive. It was affordable. And it was convenient.” “The professors were really nice. Very helpful. A lot of friendly faces there.” “It was just so easy-going. They made it very comforting. They said, you can do it.” “They show you exactly what credits you need. Your road map.”
If you’re a Tri-C alum and you’d like to attend cool alumni events like this one, sign up for free: Tri-C.edu/alum.

SPONSORED: Fall Ball: Silver Screen Soiree Don’t miss United Way of Greater Cleveland’s Young Leaders annual gala Sat 10/6 at The Ritz-Carlton’s Silver Grille 8PM – 1AM. Enjoy a classic martini and star studded culinary creations, bid on fabulous silent auction items, then swagger on over to the dance floor and groove to Tricky Dick and the Cover-Ups. UnitedWayCleveland.org/FallBall.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Using Cleveland-based BigRiver Technology
Under the newly-finished 39,000 square foot Ames Family Atrium at the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cool Cleveland talked with fundraising and management guru August Napoli. This week the Museum announced a $20 million gift by the Ames Family Foundation.
“What this technology has done for the fundraiser, it eliminates the transactional nature of the interaction and really allows that development officer or engagement officer to truly develop a relationship person-to-person,” claims Augie. “BigRiver has been absolutely fabulous to work with. Our membership has gone up two-fold as a result of our going online with them.” Watch the video here. GoBigRiver.com.

WED 9/26
Mobile Marketing for Musicians Little Fish Records teams up w/ Brent Kirby to teach musicians the 411 on mobile marketing. Learn about the new mobile marketing platform MusicAmerica.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/26

THU 9/27
TRUST. WOMEN. ART. Get ready for “Claiming and Creating History with Heather Ault” — a weekend of talks, exhibitions & hands-on creation dealing w/ contraception, activism & 4000 Years of Choice. Kicks off on Thu 9/27.
Click here for more events on Thu 9/27

FRI 9/28
The Normal Heart @ Ensemble is an unforgettable interpretation of the sexual politics in NY during the AIDS crisis. Prepare yourself for an outrageous, unflinching & powerful night of theatre. Opens Fri 9/28.
Click here for more events on Fri 9/28
SPONSORED: WCLV 104.9 is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a number of special features. In addition to Cleveland Classics, a full day of live music from the Idea Center on November 1st (the actual anniversary date), the station is airing a plethora of listener memories and historical footnotes on a daily basis. WCLV has commissioned an Anniversary Fanfare by Oberlin composer Jeffrey Mumford, which will be heard often. And on Sat 11/3, Robert Conrad will present an anniversary version of the station’s legendary WCLV Saturday Night. Stay tuned and check the WCLV website at WCLV.com.

SAT 9/29
Rollin on the River A pop up skate park, mass cycling, live music, dragon boat rides (!!!), plus food & beer in the Metropark’s newest reservation — Rivergate Park. Brand new event!
Click here for more events on Sat 9/29

SUN 9/30
Purple Light Vigil for Hope Join together in Lincoln Park to create awareness & honor those impacted by pancreatic cancer. Make the park glow purple on Sun 9/30.
Click here for more events on Sun 9/30

MON 10/1
Rocky River Chamber Music Society opens its 54th season (yeah that’s right) on Mon 10/1 with another free performance of chamber music. Hear works from by such composers as Haydn, Debussy, Liszt & Albeniz.
Click here for more events on Mon 10/1

TUE 10/2
Brews + Prose Market Garden Brewery’s reading series returns on Tue 10/2 with local authors George Bilgere & Thrity Umrigar. Get lit in more ways than one.
Click here for more events on Tue 10/2

WED 10/3
Chagrin Documentary Film Fest kicks off today Wed 10/3 Get cultured. Get real w/ such films as Catching Babies [pictured], Love and Other Anxieties, I See Hope & many others.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/3
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Until the Greater Cleveland Aquarium opened this year, a number of scientific aquarium professionals, called Aquarists, who were raised in the Cleveland area, had nowhere to work.
Aquarists Jessica Soskiel, Eric Holtz and Ray Popikl were thrilled when they heard about an Aquarium opening in their beloved home town.
Listen to their stories as they talk about their favorite exhibits at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. Watch the video here.

A Milan Jacovich Mystery by Les Roberts
Les Roberts offers up another delicious slice of Northeast Ohio life in his 16th Milan Jacovich Mystery, Whiskey Island. Veteran private investigator Jacovich sounds weary as the book opens… He doesn’t find anything as the story progresses to make him change that opinion…
Read Laura Kennelly’s review here
Les Roberts is a ‘writer’s writer.‘ He does make it look easy — every time. But his new book Whiskey Island goes so far beyond anything he’s done up until now that in comparison, those others only look like the work of a good writer. This book establishes him as a ‘pro’s pro’…
Read Kelly Ferjutz’s review here

When Stephanie Tubbs Jones out-maneuvered and out-politicked all opponents to win the coveted prosecutor’s job back in 1991, the Westside Irish political machine vowed to never again allow what they viewed as an “outsider” — someone not handpicked by them — to hold so powerful a position in Cuyahoga County…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Show your courage! But in reality, it’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.
And we love giving money away! And we appreciate our readers downloading our mobile app and sharing the cool stuff with their friends. That’s why we’re sending Ms. Krueger a check for $20. We’re giving away 20 bucks a week, and you could be next!
It’s really quite easy. Just download the FREE Cool Cleveland app for iPhone or Android and start finding cool stuff to do. You can even forward the coolest stuff to your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
Do you love the Cool Cleveland app? Maybe you’ll see your picture in Cool Cleveland next week?

The problem with school reform is that the real solution doesn’t lie in the school but outside the school — in the home, on the street, in our social life, in our justice system, in our politics, in its financing and in the poor conditions many of our children — and adults — must exist. And the history…
Read this story from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other recent pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: The Motherf**ker with the Hat captivates @ Dobama by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Can’t Get Enough: The Photography of Robert Alford @ the Rock Hall by Greg Cielec
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
ROLDO: Why Won’t Plain Dealer Tell Truth of Sports Dollars? When it came out that the Browns were leaving for Baltimore, the following Sunday’s PD had 11 irate letters about it. Only three of those letters came from places which would have to pay the taxes to get the “new” Browns. I never understood why everyone just couldn’t forget the Browns and root for the Steelers instead…
Read the comment from Bob Fritz here
As always, top notch stuff… Roldo is the best writer in town to have never (but should have) won a Pulitzer Prize for his writing…
Read the comment from Peanuts here
MANSFIELD: Situational Greetings Try harder. Here’s some other possibilities. Maybe she was simply more comfortable with a hug in the purely social setting of you meeting alone in the street. Obviously, the Ingenuity Fest is a social event, but the fact that she was with colleagues maybe caused her to act in a more formal manner…
Read the comment from Rick Warren here
Local Girl Gallery CASH MOB! According to some of the rhetoric I’ve read in the Comment Section of another publication, Local Girl has some fierce a’hole buddies. It will be interesting to see if they can put their money where their cavernous mouths are…
Read the comment from Michael A. Miller here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) My Mind’s Eye Record Shop Relocating… and Expanding
3) MANSFIELD: Situational Greetings
4) ROLDO: Why Won’t Plain Dealer Tell Truth of Sports Dollars?
5) VIDEO: United Way Silver Screen Soiree

Gutsy. Our writers certainly are: Roldo Bartimole, Roy Berko, Martin Bielat, Julie Cajigas, Greg Cielec, Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Hollie Gibbs, Laura Kennelly and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
The nerve…
–Thomas Mulready

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