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When former COO Vince Slusarz left the corporate world to open a vinyl record pressing plant, he knew he had a lot to learn.
Now, almost two years later and approaching break even, Slusarz and his crew are pressing 10,000 LPs a week for musicians and bands from as far away as Australia. Listen to this exclusive Cool Cleveland interview as Vince talks about why many fans are now collecting vinyl and how quickly this niche is growing. Watch this exclusive video here.
Reach your audience online Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Free airfare. NYC. $500. You & a friend. Can you handle it? Enter Akron-Canton Airport’s Dream Spree to NYC. Two winners will fly nonstop on AirTran Airways to New York’s LaGuardia Airport with $500 to spend for the holidays. Like Akron-Canton Airport on Facebook and enter: Facebook.com/akroncantonairport.

For the past few years Buffalo, N.Y. transplant Sarah Paul has turned the Rock Hall City into her own canvas. Her creative vision is called Little Miss Cleveland & the Flaming Sunset, a collection of work exploring the story of a scandalous beauty queen and her seduction of the flaming smokestacks, Lake Erie and the city of Cleveland… Read more from John Benson here
SPONSORED: Did You Know: 85% of Tri-C Alums Work in NEO Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. Sign-up now, whether you live in Northeast Ohio or not! Tri-C.edu/alumni.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Score BIG and help your community! United Way’s 9th Annual Sports Auction on WTAM.com is live thru Fri 11/18 @ 3PM. Some of the items up for bid: Private fishing charter with Cleveland Brown Joe Thomas, Larry Nance autographed basketball, Cleveland Indians Opening Day tickets and Zamboni ride during a Lake Erie Monsters game! UnitedWayCleveland.org/auction

SPONSORED: “The Cure for the Common Retail Experience” From ingenious stocking stuffers to extravagant holiday treasures, ArtScape is the premiere event for your creative shopping needs! Don’t miss this highly-anticipated sale featuring over 50 local and national artists on Fri 11/18 from 4:30-9PM for $5 (free for MOCA members), and with free admission for all on Sat 11/19 from 11AM-5PM. Bring your friends. Co-produced by LINGG. MOCAcleveland.org

When Crossroads at The House of Blues Cleveland spiced up their menu, Cleveland was treated to a visit by master chef and TV personality Chef Aaron Sanchez, who talked about their new offerings and their special blend of music, food and art that makes House of Blues a favorite destination on E. 4th Street.
Hear about Aaron’s impressions of Cleveland, learn about his background and experience all around the USA, and watch the exclusive video interview here.
SPONSORED: Do You Plan Cool Events and Meetings? The event and meeting planning industry is increasing in Northeast Ohio faster than the national average and with the launch of the casino planned for 2013, event planning is the education to have in Northeast Ohio. Check out Corporate College’s programs and be prepared to enter this dynamic field. CorporateCollege.com

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Todd Alexander: Ohio City Sprouts a Farmer and Partner in Tunnel Vision Hoops
I literally stumbled on Todd Alexander last Saturday morning. I was at the West Side Market and noticed the farm stand at the end of the street. Then I saw the 6+ acre farm behind the stand, and was blown away. At the far north end of this pastoral tract in the middle of the city was Mr. Alexander and his girl friend, methodically working rows of dirt, furrowing out old, left-over and root-rotted carrots and planting a winter crop of garlic.
I had to find out what possessed these two young people to spend their Saturdays digging in the dirt, and that’s when it got really interesting… Watch the exclusive video from Carol Drummond here.

WED 11/16
Cleveland Comedy Fest will have you chuckling, guffawing & LOLing beyond belief. The week includes stand-up contests (prelim show #2 is on Wed 11/16), a Cleveland Favorites showcase, “This Improvised Life” & tons more funny stuff. Cle is a funny town — embrace it.
Click here for more events on Wed 11/16

THU 11/17
Songbook Unbound I @ Tri-C DBR created a Songbook, which he uploaded to the net & called Project Gilgamesh. Creative ppl took his songs & built upon them, letting their imagination run wild. Found out what they came up with on Thu 11/17, a special concert featuring the best new songs.
Click here for more events on Thu 11/17

FRI 11/18
Oliver! @ Near West Theatre isn’t obvious feel-good fare… nonetheless the show is pure magic, especially as performed by the kids of Near West Theatre. Perfect show for the whole fam & the show’s performed in the round. Opens Fri 11/18.
Click here for more events on Fri 11/18

SAT 11/19
Holiday Market! Shop for handmade goods, stock up on locally-grown produce for Thanksgiving and order yr locally-grown Xmas tree @ Gordon Square Farmers Markets’ Falliday Market on Sat 11/19.
Click here for more events on Sat 11/19
SPONSORED: Right after this Sat 11/19, live broadcast by The Cleveland Orchestra, Robert Conrad’s Weekend Radio at 10PM presents excerpts from “A Thurber Carnival” including “The Night the Bed Fell,” “The Little Girl and the Wolf,” and “Word Dance.” B.J. Ward will tell her version of the plot of Eric Kongold’s “Die Tote Stadt” and sings “Marietta’s Lied.” WCLV.com

SUN 11/20
WJCU Blizzard Bash w/ Otis and the Shoreway Saints, Guggy’s Rock N Roll 101 & Brent Kirby [pictured] on Sun 11/20. Meet the DJs, meet artists, win WJCU and artist gear… all while catching up with some gourmet hot dogs @ Happy Dog.
Click here for more events on Sun 11/20

MON 11/21
The Covert Operation CD Release Party @ Beachland Tavern on Mon 11/21. Support this Geneva-based band as they release their freshman effort, titled Debut De La Fin….”Infectious melodies, body-rockin rhythms, and ear-gasmic tones” await you.
Click here for more events on Mon 11/21

TUE 11/22
Free Indie Show + Vegan Thanksgiving @ Now That’s Class. Yeah, that’s right: Treat yr ears to free indie music and homemade vegan Thanksgiving specials on Tue 11/22. Why be anywhere else?
Click here for more events on Tue 11/22

WED 11/23
Be Grateful After all, Thanksgiving is almost here. But before that, check out the JiMiller Band’s Annual Night-Before-Thanksgiving All Grateful Dead Show @ the Winchester on Wed 11/23. The tradition continues!
Click here for more events on Wed 11/23
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Getting in the spirit of the season is often something that happens slowly for me. In fact, for the most part, seeing Christmas decorations in October is more of an annoyance than a joy. But, as the wind turns colder, the days grow shorter and Thanksgiving grows nearer, I’m ready to be of good cheer. This year I’ve found a new way to be inspired. With 5,000 candles lighting up the chilly late-fall air and a parade of lights, the 27th Annual Candlelight Walk in Historic Medina Square sounds like just the ticket.
Watch the Cool Cleveland exclusive on Root Candles and the 27th Candlelight Walk in Historic Medina here.

In spite of the fact citizens of Ohio resoundingly and overwhelmingly repudiated the union-busting Senate Bill 5 that Gov. Kasich rammed through the Republican-dominated Legislature, progressives — if they’re not mindful — still might find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as they move forward and attempt to build on their stunning and nationally important win…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

As fall winds down, people are already breaking out the winter coats and hiding indoors, but in these last few weekends of autumnal weather, it’s important to get out and enjoy the changing season. The Summit Metro Parks offers several wonderful opportunities to do just that… Read more from Cory Trayer here

The construction of the Greater Cleveland Aquarium — located at the Nautica Complex in the Powerhouse on the west bank of the Flats — is progressing on schedule. Fish aficionados are eagerly awaiting the opening in early 2012.
General Manager Tami Brown said, “In December, a cavalcade of trucks will start from the Florida Keys heading north carefully transporting the fish in special tanks. The logistics of something like this are incredible. We will also have local fish from Ohio lakes and rivers on display, and they are more colorful than I ever imagined,” she said.

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Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: Disappointing La Cage Aux Folles @ Palace Theatre by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Ya Mama! @ Cleveland Public Theatre by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
Manufactured Controversy Why is Mansfield Frazier kissing up to C. Ellen Connally? She is slick and dishonest and got caught…
Read the comment from Jason Waters here
Cleveland Public Library Among Best in USA Your story about Cleveland Public Library’s ranking was apparently based on a press release, so it did not mention that in the category where Cleveland was ranked #4 (among libraries with expenditures over $30 million a year) Cuyahoga County Public Library in Parma was #1 and Columbus Public Library #3…
Read the comment from Andy Lang here
Hidden History of Cleveland Book Release Party @ Loganberry It’s worth noting that there’s going to be a door prize: FREE LOCAL HISTORY BOOKS!!!! And good stuff, too!…
Read the comment from Christopher Busta-Peck here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) VIDEO: Protest Against McDonald’s in Lakewood
3) Cleveland Independents Announces Cleveland Restaurant Week
4) Cleveland Public Library Among Best in USA
5) Things are Looking Up for Ohio Sky

Our writers know how to groove. Kudos to John Benson, Roy Berko, Julie Cajigas, Carol Drummond, Mansfield Frazier, Susan Schaul, Cory Trayer, Sarah Valek and Laurie Wanninger. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Stay groovy,
–Thomas Mulready

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