Go Green

Green may have finally come of age. From a city who’s burning river inspired the first Earth Day and, in fact, the international environmental movement, it feels like Green is finally we can live with. From our early nickname as “The Forest City,” Cleveland has shared a unique bond with it’s agrarian roots. At Cool Cleveland, we’ve started IDing our eco links with a GREEN tag a while back, and this week there’s more than ever. We celebrate Earth Day and the Research ShowCASE, CityMusic takes the next step, and we spotlight a week’s worth of cool events. Our Future of Cleveland party at CSU on 4/22 is greening up, where $15 bucks gets you open bar, great snacks and the chance to talk about the region’s future with key movers and shakers. It’s no wonder that when you return to Cleveland from a trip, the first thing you notice is how green everything is. We hope it stays that way for a long time. –Thomas Mulready

Networking, nosh & what’s next… all for $15
Future of Cleveland party @ CSU 4/22

Step 1: Nosh like a diplomat and enjoy this generous menu: Shrimp and Andouille Kabob, Caprese Skewers, Mushroom Duxelle Beggars Purse, Sweet Chili Chicken Satay, Mediterranean Platter, and more. Get the details here. Order your tickets before Midnight Fri 4/17 for your best value. As with all Cool Cleveland events, this price will rise each week.
Step 2: Network & discuss Cleveland’s future While you sample hors d’oeuvres and open bar with beer & wine in the spectacularly renovated Fenn Tower, meet 8 Executives-In-Residence for an F2F discussion about Cleveland’s (and your own) future: Steven Minter, former director of The Cleveland Foundation; former state senator Grace Drake; David Whitehead, former VP of FirstEnergy; Julian Earls, former director of NASA-Glenn; Barbara Byrd-Bennett, former CEO, Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and others. Networking, round-robin discussion (think speed dating with a civic twist!), incorporating your cool ideas, with everything live-blogged.
But first: Click here for more info & ticket discount until Midnight Fri 4/17:

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CPT’s Raymond Bobgan recognized by American Theatre Magazine as one of 25 theatre artists who are working to shape the next 25 years of theatre in America. Click
Grand dame of rock criticism Jane Scott turns 90 and here’s one person’s YouTube tribute to her! Watch
You’re Invited to the CIA 2009 Spring Design Show! Cleveland Institute of Art’s venerable feast for the eyes is simply awesome. Get in on it!
CC peeps Bridget Ginley and Peter Chakerian hosted some cool tunage on Easter Sunday morning. Hear it here on WRUW 91.1-FM
Sen. Sherrod Brown holding a townhall on Health Care for America NOW! and if you want in, block out your Friday and click over here
Youngstown Rockers Gil Mantera’s Party Dream plays Beachland Ballroom tomorrow night to celebrate the release of some new rockin’ tunes. Debauched synth sexiness is just a click away
GREEN Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens is open for the season and they’ve got a TON of great stuff going on — too much to mention here. Check them out here and follow them on Twitter here
GREEN Hey! North Union Farmer’s Market is live as well. You know summer is around the corner now. Details
GREEN Hip to the Who’s Your Mama? Earth Day Film Fest? If not, better get hip fast!
GREEN Looking for used toys or wanting to sell some of yours? Well now, you might want to check into this community recycling toy sale here

Every corner of their business is informed by green thinking: soy- and vegetable-based inks, recycled content in their paper, 100% biodegradable water-based coatings, 100% made-in-the-USA apparel, and biodegradable banner and signage. Their site lists what they saved in 2008: 5835 trees, 2.4M gallons of water, 1.4M kilowatt hours of electricity, 20,594 pounds of pollution, and 140,728 gallons of gas. Next up? Dameon told Cool Cleveland that he wants to build a wind turbine on their property at 31st & Chester. Seriously.http://www.jakprints.com
GREEN We’ve just learned that Mayor Jackson has proclaimed April 17-19 “Green Weekend” in Cleveland, in honor of a number of green events taking place this week. The Banff Mountain Film Festival kicks off the weekend with an environmental feature film on Friday night! The Broadway-Slavic Village Neighborhood Summit and EarthFest 2009 at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo round out the weekend. See all three listings in this week’s CC.
GREEN Celebrate Earth Day with the Cleveland Stonewall Democrats on Thu 4/16 at 7PM at the LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland, 6600 Detroit Ave. The CSD are celebrating Earth Day with a special meeting to learn about green initiatives in Cle and Cuyahoga County. A panel of experts will be on hand — including Ward 15 Councilman Brian Cummins, Stefanie Spear of EcoWatch Ohio and Cleveland’s Sustainability Program Director Andrew Watterson — to discuss things like recycling, sustainable living, and more. Learn more about the event and Cle’s Domestic Partner Registry by visiting http://www.ClevelandStonewallDemocrats.org.
Congrats to new Cle Hts Poet Laureate Gail Bellamy!! Writer/author and infinite creative Bellamy — a 20-year resident of Cleveland Heights — will be appointed the city’s 4th Poet Laureate by City Council on Mo 4/20 at 7:30PM at Cleveland Heights City Hall (40 Severance Circle, Cle Hts.). Learn more here.
This Saturday is “Record Store Day” at Music Saves Whether you’re looking for vinyl, reissues or just want to celebrate what cool record stores should be, Kevin, Melanie and Lady Miss Vinyl have got what you need. Totally indie. http://www.MusicSaves.com.

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.

CityMusic Cleveland Goes Beyond the Call of Duty for Kids
Modeling Musical Outreach after Venezuela’s El Sistema Program

Read more from Susan Schaul here
SPONSORED: World Famous. Returning Home. An emotionally charged performance by the Dancing Wheels Company featuring world premieres created by Mark Tomasic, Peter Kalivas, Lisa K. Lock and Keith Young. Join the Company at the Ohio Theater at Playhouse Square on Sat 4/18 at 8PM and Sun 4/19 at 3PM for a mix of thought-provoking, compelling and humorous dance works that you won’t want to miss. For Dress Circle or group tickets call the Dancing Wheels office at 216-432-0306. All other tickets at the Playhouse Square box office at 216-241-6000 or online at www.PlayhouseSquare.com. Generous funding for this performance was made possible by Ohio Arts Council, Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, Dominion, Key Bank, The John P. Murphy Foundation, Kulas Foundation and MetLife Foundation.

Not all of the CC Kids Events are just for kids Didn’t know? Make sure you scroll through the family-friendly events we serve up every week — there might be something cool in here for you as well.
HOT High School Writer’s Festival Cle-area high school students are invited to work with professional writers in small workshops focused on poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction Thu 4/23 – Sat 4/25. Wanna write? The folks at HathawayBrown, who are hosting this 5th annual event say, Write now. Admission fee; scholarships available. http://www.HB.edu.
GREEN Imagine a Sustainable Life Blue birds, squirrels, skunks, turkeys, green frogs and bats are part of the Coventry Village celebration Fri 4/17 and Sat 4/18 as part of a collaboration between Cleveland Institute of Art’s Visual Arts and Tech Environment, Kacalieff Visiting Artist Lecture Series and the Coventry Village Special Improvement District. Awareness and advocacy for a sustainable ecology is the crux; On Friday from 6 – 9PM, check out a reception for the exhibit Imagining a Sustainable Life, displaying the CIA students’ work, on the 2nd floor of 1854 Coventry Rd. Then Saturday from 10AM – 5PM, soak up an arts and crafts sale on west side of the Coventry business district between Hampshire and Lancashire Roads, Cle Hts. Family friendly, no cost, open to the public. Call 932-3322 for info.

U of Akron Steel Drum Band Caribbean, jazz and classical music will mix this spring when The University of Akron Steel Drum Band performs this Sat 4/18 at 8PM at E.J. Thomas Hall. A big-screen “pan cam” — popular feature of the band’s annual spring concerts — will put the audience smack dab in the center of the action. 198 Hill St., Akron. Click for more info.
GREEN Earth Appreciation Day Get active to celebrate Earth Day Sat 4/18 from 2 – 4PM at Edgewater State Park. Regain your appreciation for nature and share your appreciation with others by participating in a litter clean up, or receive and help give away no-cost white pine tree seedlings! Individuals, families, and groups welcome are encouraged to help out. Meet at the upper pavilion (entrance from W. Blvd). Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Call 881-8141 ext. 3001 for details.
HOT The Science of Baseball What makes a curveball curve? How does the weather change the flight of a baseball? What makes a field a hitter’s or a batter’s park? Find out how rocket science and aerodynamics can be applied to baseball at NASA Glenn Research Center Sat 4/18 starting at 10AM. Look back at baseball history and hear how technology has improved the game. 21000 Brookpark Ave. Call 433-9653 or find details here.
The Scottish Lion 78th Fraser Highlanders from Toronto, Canada, are one of the few top-rated bagpipe bands in the world! Currently reigning “North American Champions”, they also compete yearly in the World Pipe Band Championships held in Glasgow, Scotland, where they won the World title! Check them out one night only Sat 4/18 at 7:30PM (doors at 6:30PM). Cleveland Masonic Auditorium, 3615 Euclid Ave. Call 440-247-3299 for more info.

Cool Cleveland Kids Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events for kids & families from 13-year-old Cool Cleveland Kids correspondent Max.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Kids Podcast in iTunes.

Listen as Gina drops the 411 on these massive productions, each of which requires 6 to 17 semi-trailers of sets, equipment, costumes and rigging. Her favorite? She loves them all, and with good reason: she picked ’em! Watch the video, catch Gina’s buzz and get on the list to receive up-to-the-minute notices of upcoming shows at PlayhouseSquare. PlayhouseSquare.org

A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

Leading With Style Cross-networking/ shopping/ pampering event draws NEO’s top professionals (women and men) and raises money for Cleveland-Marshall College of Law’s Courtroom project. Details here.
Transportation: How is it moving economic development?? Good question. Cleveland Engineering Society’s Leadership Breakfast Series plans to tackle that Thu 4/30 with a panel discussion feat. Howard Maier, executive director of Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) moderating. Learn more.
GREEN Did you know that FirstEnergy’s West Akron Campus is the largest green office building in the Akron Area? Check it out as FirstEnergy and D-A-S Construction Co. give you a cool look inside on Fri 5/22. At 208,000 sqft, this facility is impressive. 341 White Pond Drive, Akron. RSVP to 330-376-5550 or register online at http://www.GreaterAkronChamber.org by noon on Mon 5/18.
SPONSORED: eco-SMART Manufacturing Program MAGNET, the nonprofit supporting manufacturing in northern Ohio, has developed a comprehensive set of services to help manufacturers meet growing worldwide consumer and regulatory demand for products which respect environmental, conservation, health and safety concerns. For information on MAGNET’s new sustainable manufacturing program, visit http://www.EcoSmartManufacturing.org

Stu Lichter, President of IRG and developer of the Goodyear project lectures at Thu 4/16 edition of the Akron Roundtable Luncheon. Details here
Navigating Your Nonprofit Through Challenging Times Learn strategies and tools for fiscal planning and decision making Fri 4/17 at 7:30AM at DoubleTree Hotel, Cle South — 6200 Quarry Ln, Independence. Click
Top 10 Women Business Owners of NEO is supercool NAWBO Cle biz event Wed 4/22 at 5:30PM at Exec Caterers, Landerhaven. Details
Labor Economy Summit for NEO hits Fri 4/24 at CSU Continuing Education Center, E. 30th and Chester. Find out how your org can optimize collaboration, attain peak productivity, and drive innovation and more. Call 330-725-4885 for tix. Details
Engaging Mentors: Building Your Career Board of Directors On Wed 4/25 Barbara J. Danforth of WYCA-Cle teaches the benefits of mentoring for organizations. Call 330-376-5550 or register online here
Pine & Gilmore TEE Party The Strategic Horizons party celebrates 10 Years of The Experience Economy on Tue 4/28 from 1 – 4PM at Ritz-Carlton Cleveland. Check it out! Details
‘Manufacturing for the Medical Market: Requirements for Supply Chain Entry is the subject of this Thu 5/7 event co-sponsored by MAGNET and BioEnterprise and others. Details
HOT Tapping the Power of New Social Media, Social Networks & eMarketing Learn how to maximize your biz impact w/ better outreach Fri 5/8 at 9AM. Penton Media Conf Ctr, 1300 East 9th St. Click
Don’t miss “Smart Business Live!” feat. Richard Seaman of Seaman Corp. on Thu 5/14 in Akron. Score the details and registration here
Calm Effectiveness: How to Motivate Self & Others During Times of Stress & Change hits Fri 5/15 at 9AM at Penton Media Conf Ctr, 1300 East 9th St. Register
Creating Brand Ambassadors within Your Board & Staff This BVU event hits Fri 6/26 at 9AM at Penton Media Conf Ctr, 1300 East 9th St. Learn more
HOT How Non-Profits Can Profit From Digital Strategies is subject of Web Assoc. luncheon at Windows on the River Thu 4/30. Feat. Todd Bertsch of Evolve Creative; Cathy Zapata of Metrics Marketing, and CC contributor Marc Majers from The Cleveland Institute of Art, and Leading Hands. Register
HOT Building Innovative Networks for a Cool, Connected Place: NEO as Global BioTech Leader It’s “Innovate or perish in our brave new world,” as participants explore successful, place-based networked models in technology, art and science to engineer those critical next steps Thu 5/7. Analiza, a Cleveland, Ohio BioTech company @ 3615 Superior Ave., Suite 4407B. Call 432-9050 for more info.
SPONSORED: ArtCares, an art auction to benefit the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, will feature artwork donated by CIA students and established artists from Northeast Ohio and around the country. ArtCares will take place on Sun 4/26 at 6PM at the offices of the AIDS Taskforce. Call 216-621-0766 X270 or visit http://atfgcevents.weebly.com/artcares.html for tickets and more information.

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Northern Ohio Illustrators Society sponsors a presentation by Plein Air artist, award winning illustrator, and gallery owner Lawrence Churski, who will talk about his illustration career and his transition to an accomplished Plein Air artist on Wed 4/15 at 7PM. Kulas Auditorium, the Cleveland Institute of Art. No cost, open to the public. Details at http://www.NOIS.com.
Confessions of a Not-So-Good Catholic Girl Author Deanna Adams will be discussing and signing her book Wed 4/15 at 7PM at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lyndhurst. This collection of true stories isn’t just about being Catholic good or otherwise — it’s about growing up a baby boomer in the Midwest and while the author doesn’t shy away from the not-so-good events of her life, she finds humor, faith and wisdom in each one of them. http://www.JosephBeth.com.
CIM Concert at Severance Hall… gratis! Wow!! That’s right. Don’t miss your opportunity to hear the Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra at the home of the Cleveland Orchestra Wed 4/15 at NO COST. Come and hear the extraordinary young musicians of the CIM as they perform under the direction of Cle Pops Carl Topilow. Soloist Stefani Collins will perform the daunting and rarely heard Dohnanyi Violin Concerto No. 2. Call 231-1111 or visit http://www.CIM.edu.
SPONSORED: Tonight, April 15, at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 is live from Severance Hall with a broadcast of the CIM Orchestra conducted by Carl Topilow. Violinist Stefani Collins is the soloist in a rare performance of Dohnanyi’s Violin Concerto No. 2. Also on the program, Richard Strauss’s Til Eulenspiegel’s Merry Pranks and a Suite from Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev. Round Three from the Met Opera’s Ring Cycle by Wagner – Siegfried – airs Sat 4/18 at 12 Noon. Complete details on WCLV 24/7 classical music programming, go to http://www.WCLV.com.

HOT DanceWorks 09 The award-winning dance series returns to Cleveland Public Theatre with a slate of great regional companies starting Thu 4/16 and running through late May! Over the course of six weekends (?!?), the Gordon Square Theatre will host premiere performances, exciting new works and something for every arts and dance fan. Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave. Dont just take our word for it — soak up the schedule and details at http://www.CPTOnline.org then make your plans to attend.
Flavors of Larchmere For three days starting Thu 4/16, the restaurants and eateries on Larchmere Blvd will offer discounts, specials, and other enticements. Scope out the delectable at the historic Academy Tavern, Boulevard Blue, Felice Cafe, the intimate Flying Cranes Cafe, Just ‘N Cafe, Larchmere Deli, Larchmere Tavern and Vine and Bean Cafe. The shops and services will also celebrate the joys of food and our various flavors, with displays, sales, extended evening hours and even a fashion show! Score details at http://www.Larchmere.com.
HOT Is God a Mathematician? Dr. Mario Livio, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore speaks at the Cle Museum of Natural History Thu 4/16 at 8PM. For centuries, mathematical theories have proven uncannily accurate at describing – and predicting – the physical world. Dr. Livio attempts to explain why, covering cosmology, religion and cognitive science, Archimedes and Galileo, Descartes and Newton. “Is mathematics ultimately invented or discovered?” You be the judge. Part of the Frontiers of Astronomy Lecture Series. No cost, open to the public. Details here.
HOT Notacon 6 & Their Special Thursday “Freeview” This sixth installment of the “hacker conference and tech-geek immersion” (to quote an old pal of ours) starts this Thu 4/16 and runs through the weekend. New this year is the “Free Thursday Preview” where people can come hear out mini-presentations from some of the speakers, try out the Game Room, and just socialize. There’s a lot going on at Notacon this go-around — so much so, in fact, that we’ll never do it justice in this small of a space. Learn more at http://www.notacon.org.
Harry Bacharach Quartet Hear the lounge singer-songwriter the way he was intended — with a backing band — this Thu 4/16 at 8 PM at Nighttown in Cleveland Heights. The Charismatic Cle pianist leads a quartet in his Nighttown debut, featuring Roy King (Roy King’s Court) on drums, Jim Cirillo on sax and Clayton Vaughn on bass. http://www.NighttownCleveland.com. http://www.HarryBacharach.com.

ARTMart: Members Show & Sale Looking to add to your art collection without breaking the bank? How about fulfilling your undying urge to accessorize? Or maybe you just want to party whilst being surrounded by beautiful things. Check out the opening reception for this sale Fri 4/17 at 6PM — featuring works in all media by over 100 SPACES artist/members! Truly awesome. http://www.SPACESGallery.org/ArtMart.
HOT HELP An ExtravaGathering feat. Beth Nielsen Chapman Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Chapman is doing her part to help a NEO org and those it serves: She and her band will be the featured entertainment at The ExtravaGathering, a fundraiser to benefit local cancer support centers The Gathering Place (in Beachwood and Westlake), on Sat 4/18 at 9PM at Public Hall. Tickets for a pre-show private event beginning at 6PM — including a cocktail hour, full dinner, live auction, private concert and premium seating at the public concert — is also available. Call 595-9546 or email light@touchedbycancer.org for details. http://www.TouchedByCancer.org. http://www.BethNielsenChapman.com.

Bob Dylan & The Band We should be so lucky to see this pairing live on stage again. But Kokoon Arts Gallery’s exhibition entitled Bob Dylan & The Band: 1969 – 1976, the photographs and prints of local photogs John & William Scheele come to life. Special opening receptions take place Fri 4/17 from 5:30 – 9PM and Sat 4/18 from 1 – 5PM at Kokoon’s 78th Street Studios. This just in: we’re hearing that our pal/contributor David Budin and friends might be offering up some live music for this visual feast. Details at http://www.WGSProductions.com and http://TheBand.hiof.no.
HOT 78th Street Studios Experience The Dylan listing above is a part of a greater whole of happenings in the Gordon Square Arts District Fri 4/17 and Sat 4/18. Explore an eclectic mix of world class art galleries, studios & creative businesses anchoring the west end of the district. Christopher Pekoc: Night Visions, 1975-2000 is on display at Tregoning & Company; an opening reception for Robert Lohman: Cranbrook Artist at Kenneth Paul Lesko Gallery hits Fri 4/17 as does Daniel Mainzer: Anatomy of the Barnstorm (with music by Goodmorning Valentine) and more. From 1300 W. 78th St. to 1305 W. 80th St. (one block north of Lake Ave.) http://www.78streetstudios.com.
GREEN Living the Green Dream The Green Dream eco-friendly org ran by a senior marketing education class in Beachwood High School is hosting an eco-friendly showcase at the Beachwood Community Center on Fri 4/17 from 1 – 7PM. The event brings 70+ businesses together to showcase what businesses are doing to be eco-friendly. Food, raffles and camaraderie behind a good cause are just the beginning. Support The Green Dream and learn what people and businesses can do to save the planet. Call 831-2080 ext. 236 or visit http://www.TheGreenDream.org for more info.
Earth, Wind & Fire Apollo’s Fire closes their 2008-09 season with an “eruption” of French and Italian orchestral showpieces starting Fri 4/17 and running through the following week in locations across NEO. From tempests to earthquakes, composers Antonio Vivaldi and Jean-Philippe Rameau masterfully exploited the virtuosity of the orchestra to evoke the struggles of nature. Soak up the sounds with performances in Cleveland Heights, Rocky River, Fairlawn and Chagrin Falls. Violinist David Greenberg who will be featured on this program. Details at http://www.ApollosFire.org.
Heddatron Theater Ninjas will close out their third season with the Regional Premiere of Elizabeth Meriweather’s “fantastic marriage of science fiction and theater history.” Heddatron stages at Pilgrim Congregational Church in Tremont starting Fri 4/17 and running through early May. Set in Michigan, Munich and the Amazon rainforest, Heddatron is the story of a pregnant housewife kidnapped by robots and forced to perform Henrik Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabler” over and over again. Hilarious! Tickets and details at http://www.TheaterNinjas.com.
GREEN Movies from the renowned Banff Mountain Film Festival are featured in a tour that makes a stop at the Allen Theater in PlayhouseSquare for exclusive showings Fri 4/17 and Sat 4/18. Details and ticketing info can be found by clicking here. http://www.TheEdgeFilms.com.
Design a Life Conference Subtitled A Community of Ideas, this conference hits Fri 4/17 at Cleveland State University and looks in-depth at creative aging. Experience creativity through hands-on workshops with artists, craftspeople, musicians and writers. Then consider how to incorporate creative activities into your daily life and promote health and wellness! Download and print brochure at here or visit http://www.ArtTherapyStudio.org/Education for details.
SPONSORED: Bringing the Wild Things to Coventry The Cleveland Institute of Art’s Visual Arts and Technology Environment is partnering with the Coventry Village Special Improvement District to celebrate an arts-driven event celebrating the family, while advocating for sustainable living through an awareness of a still present nature. Coventry’s often unseen residents – that include animals – and are part of the Coventry ecosystem, will be featured as they roam on Coventry Road from Fri 4/17 through Sun 4/19 as part of Coventry Creations featuring costumes, parades, an art fair, treasure hunts and more. Prizes for best costumes. No admission fee, open to the public. More info here: http://www.coventrycreations.blogspot.com or www.cia.edu or call 216-421-7417.

Uniquely Cleveland The Cleveland Jazz Orchestra presents their latest musical program at the Fairmount Temple Auditorium in Beachwood on Sat 4/18 at 8PM. The night features a collection of works commissioned and arranged expressly for the CJO throughout its 24-year history, and features the 16-piece jazz orchestra with original twists on jazz standards. The performance will includes Bill Holman’s arrangements of Round Midnight and A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, commissioned works such as City by the Lake by Clare Fischer, and original compositions by CJO band members David Morgan, Rich Shanklin, Chas Baker and Paul Ferguson. http://www.ClevelandJazz.org.
HELP Party with a Purpose The 2009 American Diabetes Association benefit hits the House of Blues (308 Euclid Ave.) this Sat 4/18 from 7 – 11PM, replete with visual artists, nosh and adult bevvies and a rollicking good time courtesy of musical guests Madison Crawl (think Stray Cats). Should be a fun night with a portion of proceeds to benefit the Cle ADA. Call Jill Pupa at 328-9989 or email jpupa@diabetes.org for more info. More details here.

The Natural History of Spices This one’s gonna be huge. On Sat 4/18 at 6:30PM (dinner starts at 8PM), explore the natural history and culinary possibilities of spices with Heather Marks, owner of Heather’s Heat and Flavor. Then enjoy a staggeringly cool, seven-course gourmet dinner prepared by guest chef Karen Small of Flying Fig. Wine purveyor Mary Lampham provides details on all the complementary wine pairings. Limited seating, but oh-so-fab. Call 231-1177, 800-317-9155, ext. 3279 or visit http://www.CMNH.org for all the details.
GREEN Work Green, Play Green, Live Green is the adopted ‘mantra’ for the 12th Annual Slavic Village Summit Sat 4/18 from 10 AM – 2PM at the new Ironman Center at Cleveland Central Catholc High School. Activities for the Summit include a special “Live off the Local Lands and Lakes Luncheon,” LEED certification info, Green Fare and local foods, locally-grown technology and more. 6550 Baxter Ave. Call 258-6037 or 429-1182 for info.
Art House Garage Sale Benefit Art House, the award-winning nonprofit arts center in the Old Brooklyn/Brooklyn Centre neighborhood, holds a community Garage Sale with loads of goodies on Sat 4/18 from 9AM – 5PM. The event, which will benefit Art House, will be held at the arts center’s location at 3119 Denison Ave. Learn about the organization, score some old treasures (and some new ones) and contribute to a worthy local cause! Call 398-8556 or visit http://www.ArtHouseInc.org for details.
SPONSORED: Shall We Dance? The Cleveland Institute of Music presents a show for the whole family on Sat 4/25 at 2PM. “Shall We Dance” takes you on a journey around the globe with the CIM orchestra, where you will hear some familiar favorites like “Hoedown” from Copland’s Rodeo and “Mambo” from Bernstein’s West Side Story. Featuring dancers from Case Western Reserve University, your kids can discover instruments and investigate sound, rhythm and movement. Don’t miss the fun – tickets are still available from the CIM box office. Call 216.791.5000 x411 or visit www.cim.edu. The Cleveland Institute of Music – by any measure, exceptional.

GREEN EarthFest 2009: 20 Years Ohio’s largest environmental education event (pictured) turns 20 years old at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Sun 4/19 from 10AM – 5PM. Regular zoo admission earns you access to a day’s worth of eco-friendly activities including green home improvement, clean transportation, local and organic food, environmental science and live music! This year’s motif is “Climate Change Solutions.” Free admission if you “Walk or Bike for the Earth” or hop on RTA to get there. Details at http://www.EarthDayCoalition.org. PLUS, why not “Walk or Bike for the Earth” beforehand? Gain entrance free! Details here.
Vegan Iron Chef: Mushroom Madness Standing Rock Cultural Arts, Kent State University Dining Services and Chrissie Hynde’s VegiTerranean Restaurant in Akron are psyched about the 3rd Annual “Who’s Your Mama?” Earth Day and Environmental Film Festival in the coming days… so much so, that they’re hosting a “Vegan Iron Chef” competition as the Opening Event on Sun 4/19 at 2PM. Sample delicious appetizers provided by VegiTerranean and participate in a silence action to benefit Kent Social Services’ “Hot Meals” Program. Kent State University Student Center, 2nd Floor Dining. No cost, open to the public. Call 330-673-4970 or visit http://www.WhosYourMama.org for updates.
HELP City2City 5K Run and 2K Family Fun Walk Join Providence House as they shine a spotlight on National Child Abuse Prevention Month on Sun 4/19 with a brisk cardio jaunt from Tower City to Providence House in Ohio City. Participants will help Providence House keep its promise of safety, security and love for thousands of children. Learn more and register http://www.HermesCleveland.com. http://www.ProvHouse.org.

BAYarts’ Art of Life Series 2009 Living life to its fullest is an art, as CC readers know. The arts org is hosting a creative evening of art and wine Mon 4/20 from 6 – 9PM with a Food & Wine Tasting at Tartine Bistro. One local mag says the place is “…like an authentic slice of Paris.” Even if you’ve never been there (Paris or Tartine) this is a must. Springtime menu options and wines are presented by wine expert John Long. Very limited space, so act fast! Call 440-871-6543 to RSVP. Tartine Bistro 19100 Old River Rd., Rocky River http://www.TartineBistro.com. http://www.BAYarts.org.

Last Call Cleveland The comedy troupe delivers at Pickwick & Frolic Tue 4/21 at 8PM — offering award-winning, wiseacre sketch comedy. They’ve performed all over America, including the Chicago Sketch Comedy Festival, Toronto Sketch Fest, New York Sketch Fest and more. Reviews have varied, deeming LCC’s quality “from ‘excellent’ to ‘unspeakably bad’.” When Keith Carr, Jef Etters, Aaron McBride, Mike Polk, and Matt Zitelli are through, East 4th Street will never be quite the same again. http://www.MySpace.com/LastCallCleveland.

HOT Juilliard String Quartet’s upcoming concert in Oberlin College’s Finney Chapel on Wed 4/22 at 8PM will be bittersweet. This performance serves as a finale for Oberlin’s Artist Recital Series this season, but also marks the last time that Joel Smirnoff — JSQ first violinist, now president of the Cleveland Institute of Music — will play with the quartet in Ohio. Don’t miss it. http://www.Oberlin.edu/con.
HOT HELP Rock Hall Inductee returns to Cle for Adoption Conference Darryl “DMC” McDaniels of Run-DMC returns to Cleveland for the National Adoption Conference held Wed 4/22 — Sun 4/26 at the Downtown Hilton Garden Inn. While he’s in town for the conference, DMC will serve as the keynote performer/speaker at a special benefit and silent auction for ANC on Sat 4/25. A limited number of tickets to this event are still available – call 325-1000 or click here.
Healing Across Cultures Cleveland State University presents a no-cost, open to the public Interactive Symposium titled on Healing Across Cultures: Nurturing a Healthful Environment on Wed 4/22 from 9AM – 4:30PM on the CSU campus in Fenn Tower, room 303, 1983 East 24th St. Registration at http://www.CSUOhio.edu/Sciences/Dept/Chac.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Seizing an Opportunity… and Outrage!
I never thought that I’d be writing a piece calling for the U.S. to engage in armed conflict, but if I were President Obama, I’d jump on this opportunity to kick some Somali ass — I’d be on them like a pit bull on a soup bone. Take an American sea captain hostage, and then threaten revenge when he’s rescued? I’d stomp a mud hole in their collective ass, otherwise they’re going to attempt to make good on their threat. Here’s why I would order an attack: One, they deserve it; two, the pirates are not going to stop until someone stops them; and three, by doing so, Obama goes a long way in forever silencing his conservative critics who are waiting to characterize him as weak. This would cut their legs out from under them…
Read more from Mansfield B. Frazier here

This week’s most active post on BrewedFreshDaily.com
Cool Cleveland’s Thomas Mulready and CC Kids correspondent Max perched on the Red Carpet at the 2009 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction ceremonies in Cleveland, Ohio on April 4, 2009, and said, “Hi!” to a lot of cool folks: 2009 inductees rockabilly queen Wanda Jackson, Elvis Presley’s drummer D.J. Fontana, guitar god Jeff Beck, hip-hop pioneers Run-DMC, and the members of Metallica, each arriving in their own limo…
Watch the video and add your comment on the BFD post On the Red Carpet at the Rock Hall induction

Innovation Reigns at the CWRU Research ShowCASE

Read more from Susan Schaul here

Celebrating Earth Day… Every Day!
Earth Day Coalition Celebrates 20 Years of EarthFest

Read more from Claudia J. Taller here

Links to interesting NEO blogs
Marc Canter wonders if the Tech Czar knows who Bill Knott is.
Blogger turned candidate Jill Miller Zimon posts videos of her first day of door knocking.
Here’s another reminder that new convention centers aren’t always the economic slam dunks their backers expect.

Lost Reality
Dual Core
Chief Bromide Land
Chief Bromide

Read more from Managing Editor Peter Chakerian here
Wanna get reviewed? Send your band’s CD (less than 1 year old) to: Cool Cleveland, 14837 Detroit Avenue, #105, Lakewood, OH 44107

Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
no CHILD @ Cleveland Public Theatre 4/10 If you are smart, you will go to the phone right now and call 631-2727, or go online to http://www.CPTOnline.org, and order tickets to see no CHILD, now staging at Cleveland Public Theatre. You’d better hurry because as the accolades spread, the 50-seat performance space will quickly sell out. Suffice it to say, there are not enough superlatives in the English language to describe Nina Domingue’s one-woman performance in this well written and conceived play…
Read more from Roy Berko here
The Seagull @ Great Lakes Theater Festival 4/11 In its initial production, Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull, now in repertoire production with The Comedy of Errors at Great Lakes Theatre Festival, was a dismal failure. Late 19th century Russian audiences were simply not ready to accept a work that seemed to violate almost all the traditional dramatic conventions of escapist and romantic theatre that they were used to seeing…
Read more from Roy Berko here

Cool Cleveland readers write
All letters must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional).
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
On Claudia Taller’s Springtime Musings Just wanted to thank Claudia Taller for her springtime musings. I hope she inspires all the cool clevelanders to get out and enjoy the beauty of Cleveland Metroparks this season.
from Cool Cleveland reader Jane Christyson mjcATclevelandmetroparks.com
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Michael Ruhlman was surprised by how well his book did after one day on the Internet.
2) The Future of Cleveland networking party at CSU with execs-in-residence on 4/22. Discount tix available until Midnight Fri 4/17.
3) The Greenhouse Tavern opens with a working greenhouse on the roof on East 4th Street.
4) Cleveland Journalism Suffers Another Loss Roldo is already missing Mark DeMarino .
5) Eat Right & Eat Well Keeping Cleveland’s Kids Healthy.
It’s all about time when you pair up with the Hard Corps. So much to do, so little time to do it! At least you’ve got a partner in finding the good stuff — that’s half the battle. Thanks to Peter Chakerian, T.L. Champion, George Nemeth, Claudia J. Taller, Susan Schaul, Chris Whipple, Bridget Ginley, Jeannie Fleming-Gifford, Roy Berko, Kelly Ferjutz and Mansfield B. Frazier. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
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- Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
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Green is the new Green,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
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