Poets Respond to Works of Art at Heights Arts’ Ekphrastacy

Thu 2/15 @ 7PM

Currently on view at the Heights Arts Gallery in Cleveland Heights is a show called Prismatic. It features the work of five artist — Hope Hickman, Marianne Hite, Sue Kirchner, Cherie Lesnick and Patricia Zinsmeister Parker — who work in different mediums, connected by their use of abstraction and color. Its smaller spotlight gallery is currently showing work by Amelia C. Joynes who uses mediums such as glass, fiber, metals and print in non-traditional ways.

During the run of its shows, Heights Art hosts an event called Ekphrastacy, in which poets present works in response to the art in the galleries. Heights poet laureate Siaara Freeman will be joined by three additional poets for this event, which is free and open to all.


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