
But you deserve the freshest recommendations for your upcoming week. Like our stories on the FRESH Camp changing lives in Glenville, a meatetarian in heaven in Downtown Cleveland, a rock and soul fest at the Rock Hall, singin’ in the Big Red Barn, the Larchmere PorchFest, RAWCleveland’s Solstice, and an urban vegetable revival at The Root.
Fresher is always better, which is why we love benefits like Art Fur Animals, CMNH’s MadSummer and The 80’s Ride through the West Side. Well, at least our Cool Cleveland mobile app will keep you updated with our fresh info 24/7. And that’s really as fresh as it gets. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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When Doc Harrill, aka Dee Jay Doc, walks around his Glenville/University Circle neighborhood, he does not see what other people see.
When others focus on abandoned buildings, Harrill looks at the adjacent plot, where an urban garden grows.
When others notice signs of crimes, he acknowledges the efforts of the neighborhood block watch. And where others view disadvantaged youth, Harrill sees musicians, lyricists and MCs…
Read more from Isaac Mell here
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Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Cleveland Clinic Welcomes Interns This summer, 170 students will complete 9-week internships alongside nationally renowned healthcare professionals, sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic Office of Civic Education. In partnership with CSU, Tri-C, KSU, and Oberlin College, we also welcome 20 students as part of the Northeast Ohio Research Education Medicine Alliance, for underrepresented students in biomedical sciences. ClevelandClinic.org/CivicEducation

One day, while driving home on Superior a friend and I saw a sign that made these meatetarians stop and take notice. Prime Rib Steakhouse.
Located just east of the Superior Bridge, just south of the Warehouse District and diagonal from Tower City, the new food establishment makes for the perfect celebration destination…
Read the review from Alex Sukhoy here
SPONSORED: Holden’s Woodland 5K This Sun 6/24, test yourself on the trails of The Holden Arboretum as the course weaves its way through Holden’s gardens and natural areas. Trophies will be presented to the top three male and female finishers overall and the top three male and female finishers in each age category. Visit HoldenArb.org for registration and race information.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Don’t miss MadSummer at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Fri 6/22 from 6-10PM. Enjoy a DJ, hors d’oeuvres and access to the outdoor courtyard, a beer/wine bar or our signature Mad Cocktail, and a free photo booth. 21 and over please! Tickets are $15/$25/$30; includes drink ticket. CMNH.org

SPONSORED: Next week, Wed 6/27 & Fri 6/30, at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 broadcasts live two concerts from the newly minted ChamberFest Cleveland from Mixon Hall at the Cleveland Institute of Music. The Saturday concert at Harkness Chapel and the Sunday program from the Dunham Tavern will be recorded for broadcast later on. Complete details on WCLV’s classical music program at WCLV.com.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

WED 6/20
World Refugee Day Come together on Wed 6/20 for an evening of international food, music & friendship celebrating all who call NEO “home.”
Click here for more events on Wed 6/20

THU 6/21
Lee Road Rock the Block Party at the Wine Spot on Thu 6/21. Sample wine, chat w/ neighbors & rock the block w/ live jazz tunes.
Click here for more events on Thu 6/21

FRI 6/22
Art Fur Animals Get in on a silent & live auction of art from national & local artists, sip wine & help animals at the Cleveland Kennel on Fri 6/22. All proceeds go straight to the animals’ care.
Click here for more events on Fri 6/22

SAT 6/23
Larchmere PorchFest Bring the kids, pack a cooler & throw down a blanket for a day of free music. 30 bands on 30 porches on Sat 6/23. Plus a few after-parties.
Click here for more events on Sat 6/23

SUN 6/24
Rock and Soul Festival Celebrate African American music @ the Rock Hall with free performances on Sun 6/24 from Tank, Spirit ‘N’ Truth & Minister Eddie B. Sands Jr.
Click here for more events on Sun 6/24

MON 6/25
Broadway Farmers’ Market opens for the season on Mon 6/25. Head to Slavic Village to pick up some farm fresh food & products straight from the source.
Click here for more events on Mon 6/25

TUE 6/26
Night of a Thousand Stars pays tribute to Cle Hts musical theater director Paul Gurgol, responsible for such hits as Evita, Grand Hotel, Carousel, A Little Night Music & Cabaret. Hear all the classic songs.
Click here for more events on Tue 6/26

WED 6/27
Summer fun in the hot, hot sun happens every week @ Wade Oval Wednesdays. This Wed 6/27 throw down a blanket on Wade Oval & hear the New Barleycorn.
Click here for more events on Wed 6/27
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

The Big Red Barn nestled into a Cuyahoga Valley National Park hillside is a sight to behold.
Built in 1905, this Wisconsin-style 2-story dairy barn at one time housed 60 cows and overflowed with hay on the threshing floor (second floor).
The barn is 104 feet long and 40+ feet wide — a truly impressive space for a summer theatre, thought Bill Hoffman, former producer of the Children’s Theatre and director of education at the Cleveland Play House, when he first walked into the barn…
Read more from Susan Schaul here

The recent angst at the Plain Dealer in regards to the front page (of the Metro Section I do believe) photo of two young girls being thrilled by hoisting some sort of rocket launcher onto their shoulder under the watchful eye of a Marine brought back memories of a trip I took over a decade ago…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
More from MANSFIELD: Coming of Age in the Ghetto
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

The Cool Cleveland mobile app. That’s what ‘appening.
It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and keep it fresh by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak. Just download our new free mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos to share with your friends. Or at least those people who have friended you.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and be the first to share the coolness.

Where there’s a carcass it is very difficult for vultures not to feed on it.
Last week I talked about the demise of the Cleveland Press. Too bad. It was hard to lose it. Looking at today’s state of newspapers surely we wouldn’t still have the Press around. Hell, we hardly have the Plain Dealer around…
Read this story from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other recent pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: Astonishing Verdi @ Cleveland Orchestra 5/31/12 by Laura Kennelly
REVIEW: DAMN YANKEES – An enjoyable evening of escapist theatre @ Porthouse by Roy Berko
REVIEW: CATS prowl as Mercury Summer Stock Finds New Home by Roy Berko
REVIEW: AKARUI [Bright] Confounds at Cleveland Public Theatre by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Disappointing SONDHEIM ON SONDHEIM at Hanna Theatre by Roy Berko
REVIEW: AVENUE Q – X-rated fun at Cain Park by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
COSE Arts Business Challenge Awards Hola, glad to hear someone is looking at entrepreneurs in the arts world. I am President/CEO of the Lorain Arts Council located at 737 Broadway ave. in Lorain. We are a group of artist that are trying to give back to our town by using our skills to better the communities around….
Read the comment from Antonio Barrios here
First Viking Film Fest Just wanted to thank everyone for voting me Best Supporting Actress. I had a wonderful time while filming “Back to One” with my niece Katy Seavy…
Read the comment from Beth (Buffy) Prizant here
Cle: One of the Greatest Cycling Cities in America? I agree, cold weather is a cop-out… I’ve visited at least three cities in Europe (Linkoping and Stockholm in Sweden, plus Amsterdam in Holland) that have cold to really freezing weather and it is amazing how many people still use bicycles…
Read the comment from ragarcia here
ROLDO: Documents Told Me Cleveland Press Faced Death Can it be three decades? You were right on target, as always, Roldo. This brought back lots of memories including covering the Press closing for Cleveland magazine and other pieces for the WSJ…
Read the comment from greg stricharchuk here
In 1980 the EW Scripps company announced that if Joe Cole did not buy the Press, they would close the paper. Granted that Cole’s purchase was not altruistic, it changed an immediate execution to a dwindling demise that gave workers two more years before the end…
Read the comment from Dick Peery here
Yet another chapter in the sacking of Cleveland real estate by the usual gang of suspects and sycophants. Pols, Attorneys, media, and the corporate ghouls they serve…
Read the comment from snorky here
Famous Drummers Converge for Shedfest 2012 John did a CD review on an exceptionally talented and much loved local singer/songwriter named Vicki Chew a few years back where he mercilessly and recklessly ripped her work to shreds…
Read the comment from Morey Klein here
Did someone say “Famous”? Maybe four times and in the title? Glad to hear about a free event featuring drummers, but why the focus on fame rather than talent, technique or tradition?…
Read the comment from Alice Jeresko here
Only Fools Believe the NBA is Fixed Then I must be a fool. (Well, of course I am.) So there was no crooked ref who was busted? Oh, are you speaking of collusion coming from the top?…
Read the comment from David Eden here
Was it not PT Barnum that said “a fool and his money will soon part” as well as “there’s a fool born every minute.”?…
Read the comment from ragarcia here
larry, all you have to do is take a close look at the nba from the departure of larry o’brien to the start of stern’s reign. suspicious lottery picks, longer playoff series (look it up), reffing scandals etc, it went from a game to big business. you are the one who is naive…
Read the comment from fran carey here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) MANSFIELD: How Much Money is Enough?
3) ROLDO: Documents Told Me Cleveland Press Faced Death
4) Famous Drummers Converge for Shedfest 2012
5) Wade Oval Wednesdays: Welcome to summer

Fresh content delivered weekly. All thanks to Roldo Bartimole, Roy Berko, Mansfield Frazier, Laura Kennelly, Isaac Mell, Susan Schaul, Alex Sukhoy and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Stay fresh,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2012 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved