Sat 11/25 @ 8PM
There’s a small, mighty cadre of Cleveland bands who’ve kept going for years, often flying under the radar of the local music scene most of the time but continuing to release music and tour nationally — often internationally.
One of those is Cleveland indie/punk quartet Signals Midwest, together since 2008. They’ve toured the U.S. numerous times; they’ve toured Europe. They’ve released a bunch of EPs and singles and four albums: Burn the Blueprints (2009), Light on the Lake (2011), Latitudes and Longitudes (2013) and At This Age (2016). They released the ten-song DENT in April, 2022.
With its members now spread out across Ohio and Pensylvania, local shows are a rarity. But they’re coming back to the Grog Shop to celebrate their 15th anniversary. Honeybee, Joy Ceiling and Australia’s Sun Run open. Get tickets here.