
As we’re celebrating whatever it is we celebrate this time of year, let’s not forget those less fortunate. If you want to see a show this week, we offer 11 reviews under Instant Karma, so you’re bound to find something to your liking. Our Holiday Gift Guide continues to inspire local shopping and spending, plus we throw extra focus on Sarva Soaps and Festivus! NEOtropolis discusses water quality on this week’s show. Our interview with Terry Egger of the PD in their newsroom focuses on United Way. As much as we believe to our core that this region is cool, it’s not cool when our neighbors are in need. –Thomas Mulready

Pamper Yourself
One Natural Bar at a Time

And, we have to give you fair warning, Sarva Soaps is having a busy holiday season and are beginning to sell out of some varieties – so get it while you can! Not only is the soap crafted to be a true work of art, it’s also created with compassionate and sustainable choices by a local artist who is devoted to green business. In addition, Sarva Natural Artisan Soaps are local products that directly support the Cleveland economy…
Read the story by Julie Cajigas here
Planning your online marketing for 2010? Put Cool Cleveland in your mix, and reach NEO’s most active citizens with your cool messages. Info@CoolCleveland.com

SPONSORED: Your community needs you As we pursue our holiday gifting, let’s not forget to give the gift of life. United Way’s emergency 211 hotline has been overwhelmed with needy people that live right around the corner from you. Text the word “CHANGE” to UNITED (864-833) to donate $5 on your phone bill. Or, if you have more to give, please visit http://www.UWS.org/give Live United.

Break the chains; cut the crap…
Shop local with CoolCleveland’s Holiday Gift Guide

Open House Holiday Evening @ Murray Hill Galleries The Murray Hill Galleries (aka the “Old School Brick Bldg”) at 2026 Murray Hill Rd in Little Italy house an eclectic mix of hip upscale galleries, small kitsch shops, boutiques and art studios — and they’ll be open for a shopping extravaganza on Fri 12/18 w/ live music, festive decor, free wrapping, freebies… all that good stuff. 6-9PM. Call Anne van H. Boutique at 216-721-6633 for info. Explore the full Holiday Gift Guide here.
Crazy Christmas Sweater Saturday @ Century Cycles We know you have an embarrassing holiday sweater in your closet. Dig it out and wear it into any Century Cycles store in Medina, Peninsula, or Rocky River on Sat 12/19 from 10AM to 5PM for a special sweater-wearers only reward. You’ll get your choice of a special gift (one for beer-drinkers, one for coffee-drinkers) to toast the season, free with any $10 purchase. Details Click through the complete Holiday Gift Guide here.
Hanukkah-Holiday Shopping Night @ The Maltz Museum Store It’s sales galore at the Maltz Museum on Wed 12/16. Stop in from 5-9PM for specials and cookies and punch. The Museum carries items from around the world — home goods, art, toys, humor, Judaica and more. Call 216-593-0575 for info. Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, 2929 Richmond Rd in Beachwood. [pictured is Festival of Lights pin] http://MaltzMuseum.org Check out the complete Holiday Gift Guide here.
3rd Thu Concert & Holiday mART Where else but the Akron Art Museum can you get your shopping done AND listen to a concert by Missile Toe, the self-proclaimed “world’s greatest Christmas band”?! Well… nowhere. Listen to live music and shop from a selection of 2D photo art, hand felted ornaments and handbags, jewelry, modern quilts, accessories and more from seven local artists. After you’ve found the perfect gift, go to the ARTlab to make your own wrapping paper. Plus, there will be microbrews. All on Thu 12/17 from 5-9PM @ 1 S High St in Akron. http://AkronArtMuseum.org/calendar/details.php?unid=1409 Check out the complete Holiday Gift Guide here.

Last Minute Market and Open Studio The Cle Handmade Market is enabling, and even encouraging, holiday shopping procrastination. Cle Handmade, w/ their friends from IMadeItMarket and the Screw Factory Artists, is bringing together 60+ regional artists and craftspeople and their goods on Sat 12/19 from 10AM-6PM. [Pictured are brass bangles by SilverMadeStudio.] Be sure to vote in the Cle vs. Pittsburgh Art-and-Craft-Off. Additionally, the Screw Factory Artists are opening their studios for your gazing pleasure. Lake Erie Bldg @ Templar Industrial Park, 13000 Athens Ave in Lakewood. Preview participating artists here. Check out the complete Holiday Gift Guide here.
SPONSORED: Give the gift of peaceful walks through stunning gardens and rugged hikes through the woods. Membership at The Holden Arboretum provides year-round enjoyment of nature and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Learn more about the benefits of membership at http://www.HoldenArb.org. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer.

A Festivus! for the Rest of us!

Festivus! is an art show “for the rest of us.” The artists wanted to create a holiday show that everyone, regardless of background or religious affiliation could enjoy. Every work of art is priced under $100, but you better come early! As soon as a piece is sold it comes right off the wall. The opening reception is Fri 12/18 at 6:00PM and is open Sat 12/19 from 12PM – 6PM and Sun 12/20 from 12PM – 5PM. The Walleye gallery is located at 5304 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland.
Watch the video to hear the artists share a little bit about their new gallery and the process of hosting and curating their art show, Festivus! Check their site http://walleyegallery.com and their blog http://www.walleyegallery.blogspot.com

To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list. Learn More.

GREEN A new bridge for all Over 100 cyclists rallied for a bike/pedestrian lane on the new I-90 bridge. The demand is here. Now ODOT needs to listen. See
Say hello to the Campus District… The east-of-downtown area formerly known as the Quadrangle experiences a re-birth… and a name change. http://CampusDistrict.org
…And prepare for the District of Design We may be in a recession, but plans are still underway to define Cle as the “Milan of the Midwest.” http://DistrictOfDesign.com
HELP Would you run from Cle to Cincy for a good cause? Two Lake Erie College twins would. They’re making the trek from Thu 12/17 to Mon 12/21 to raise funds for United Way of Lake Co. Read
Hey lit freaks and writers… Submit yr fiction, creative nonfiction or poetry to the MUSE Literary Competition by Thu 12/31. Tell Me More
Why you love Cle in 216 words Submit a 216-word essay on why you love NEO to infoATohioauthority.com by Thu 12/24 and win hand-pick goods from the coolest store in town. Details, Please
SPONSORED: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is an established Christmas tradition. Largely Literary Theater Company brings its three-man rendition to Cleveland Public Library on Sat 12/19 at 2PM in the Louis Stokes Wing Auditorium. Bring the whole family to enjoy the free performance. http://www.CPL.org.

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.

Astronomy Night: A Celebration of the Night Lights The Nature Ctr at Shaker Lakes presents the shimmer of the winter solstice under one roof on Fri 12/18 at Shaker Hts High School. Grab a friend (or your favorite stuffed animal) and marvel at the beauty of winter constellations, explore geology of stars and planets and even learn how to make a telescope. Kids and adults ages 2 and up. 5:30-8PM @ 15911 Aldersyde Dr in Shaker Hts. Call 216-321-5935 to register. Info
All About Kwanzaa @ Severance Kids age 9 and under: Join the next Holiday Musical Rainbow concert on Fri 12/18 and learn about the customs of Kwanzaa. Barbara Eady from Cle Association of Black Storytellers, accompanied by brass and percussion performances, will make the holiday come alive. 10AM. Concert lasts 40 minutes. Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave. Tickets

Cookies, Puppies, Dreams & a New Book! Dogs save day in the new kids’ book The Porch Dream by Tiffany Ann Laufer [pictured]. Whether they’re learning how to recycle, saving cats from trees or delivering b-day cakes, these dogs are charming the world in this lyrically-versed book from Bellaboo. Head to Sunbeam (3469 Fairmount Blvd in Cle Hts) on Sat 12/19 from 11AM-1PM for a book signing, reading and meet-and-greet w/ pooches from the Cle Animal Protective League. Bring a donation for the APL and receive 20% off apparel. Details
If you’ve ever wanted to be stuck in a snow globe… Now’s your chance. Dancing laser lights fill the planetarium at the Lake Erie Nature & Science Ctr for special holiday lights shows starting on Tue 12/22 at 11:30AM and showing throughout the day. So, really, you’ll be in a snow globe/rave. Shows end in a quick tour of the stars. Through Wed 12/30 at 28728 Wolf Rd in Bay Village. http://LENSC.org/events/index.htm

Leah Wolf-Gerasimek
CSU Honors Program

Watch the video as Thomas Mulready of CoolCleveland.com asks her about her plans after graduation in Summer of 2010 and what it was like growing up on a farm with chickens, only to be living in an apartment in Downtown Cleveland while she attends CSU. What a life! http://www.EngageCSU.com

NEOtropolis takes a fresh look at our economy and the business world, hosted by CoolCleveland.com’s Thomas Mulready. This is NOT business as usual.
This week, we discuss the Great Lakes Compact and the cleanup of the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie. Tune in on Fri 12/18 at 9PM to watch, or log on to NEOtropolis.org to view the show online. Get your local cable channels here.
Watch the most recent episodes at NEOtropolis.org, and leave your comments on the blog.
Got ideas for businesses, trends or cool business people we should be covering? Friend us on Facebook, or drop us a line at NEOtropolis@CoolCleveland.com

A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

One sweet-looking microwave Cle native Phil Davis designs the iWavecube [pictured], the world’s 1st portable, personal microwave. Check It Out
Behind Cle’s BioMed Hub Site Selection magazine features positive article on Cle’s thriving BioMed industry. Read
CAC approves $15 mill in grants from cig tax Cuy Arts and Culture handing the dough to 63 orgs — Cle Orchestra, PlayhouseSqaure, CMA, CIM score largest grants. Read
CWRU biomedical engineering prof profiled in Forbes Hunter Peckham has been helping paralyzed people reclaim use of lifeless parts since ’86. Now he’s working to develop neural prosthetics. Read
SPONSORED: Have an idea for a new product but don’t know how to turn it into a business? Contact the Incubation Program at MAGNET, the Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network. MAGNET’s proven start-up services and entrepreneurial coaches can shorten your time to market. It’s worked for dozens of start-ups, it can work for you. http://www.magnetwork.org/incubation

HOT GREEN Alternative Energy Gala at GLSC on Wed 12/16 from 6 – 10PM. MIT professor Ernest Moniz will discuss how alt energy can tackle the world’s energy problems. Register
COSE Arts Network Roundtable at COSE on Wed 12/16 from 12 – 1:30PM. Register
Cuy Co Government Reform: What Does It Mean for Health & Social Services? at CSU’s MGL College of Urban Affairs on Thu 12/17, 9 – 11AM w/ the Ctr for Community Solutions. Register
Bring yr Resume & Portfolio to Communications Career Day at Wolstein Ctr on Fri 12/18, 8:30AM – 3PM. Crash courses and career recruiters. Register
Leading Authentically YWCA Leadership Initiative Workshop series at YWCA on Wed 1/13, 11:30AM-1PM. [YWCA Circle of Women breakfast pictured.] Register
Youth Innovation Forum A group of 11- to 18-year-olds from NEO and Akron have been busy brainstorming and inventing fresh new products and designs for a range of local businesses. See the fruits of their labor at a career day and conference forum on Sat 12/19 from 8:30AM-1PM at Univ of Akron. Presented by CAAO and YIF. Call 216-432-9481 for details. http://CAAO.net

Terry Egger
United Way media blitz

Requests to United Way’s 211 line for help are actually up 118% in the suburbs, even more than in the city: United Way offers help for rent, utilities, food pantries and homeless shelters.
Watch the video as Terry discusses how the United Way of Greater Cleveland serves almost half a million people with over 200 programs. Text the word “CHANGE” to UNITED (864-833) to donate $5 on your phone bill. Or, if you can do more, please visit http://www.UWS.org/give

Pine Flu Outbreak!!
Christmas Tree Sales Threatened: Scientists Stumped

According to scientists, the outbreak can be traced back to the strange visitation of an odd, greenish, backward-flying comet named “Lulin” in February.
Exactly HOW this comet infected our forests remains unclear, but the CDC (Comets Destroying Christmas) committee has just launched its “Go Tell it on the Mountain” awareness campaign…
Read the story by Soundbite Laureate Douglas O’Bryon here

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Rock & Roll Night School Every holiday song has a story. Learn the history behind such hits as the Orioles’ “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve”, the classic A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector and RUN-DMC’s “Christmas in Hollis” at a discussion-based night class led by Rock Hall CEO Tery Stewart on Wed 12/16. Drop by the 4th floor of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for this comp class at 7PM. http://RockHall.com/public/rock-school

1/3 Movie Night @ Bela Dubby Spend this Thu 12/17 watching the classic ’80s flick Gremlins in the company of beer, coffee, cake and Cle’s hottest young designers from Cle Design City. Hosted every first and third Fri of the month at 8PM @ Bela Dubby, 13321 Madison Ave in Lakewood.

HOT 6th Annual Holiday Get-Down Back in ’04, Akron’s Square Records and Cle’s Music Saves got together to support local music, and each other, w/ a local mini-tour of up-and-coming bands. Since then, each store chose 2 bands to represent their city for a showcase on consecutive wintry nights in Cle and the A-K. Be a part of the tradition this year with concerts on Fri 12/18 at Musica, 51 E Market St in Akron, and on Sat 12/19 at Beachland Tavern, 15711 Waterloo Rd in Cle. This year’s chosen 4 are Akron’s the Walkies and Talons, and Cle’s Casual Encounters and Shiny Penny. [Poster at left by John G.] http://www.musicsaves.com
HELP Laughter Unleashed Help homeless animals while being entertained w/ top-notch comedy at the Brother’s Lounge (11609 Detroit Ave) on Fri 12/18. Your $10 admission fee goes straight to the Citizens Committee for a Lakewood Animal Shelter (CCLAS), who’ve been saving animals for over 25 years. Friends w/ Benefits and Last Call Cle perform starting at 7PM. Info at http://BrothersLounge.com and http://www.CCLAS.info.
Light Up the Darkest Night of the Year with the Festival of Lights at Cuy Valley Nat’l Park on Fri 12/18. Take a magical stroll through candlelit woods in one of the loveliest parks in the nation. Then head to the pine-adorned dining hall to learn about other cultures — like why they observe special days in Dec — and taste traditional food. Kids welcome. Runs 5:30-9PM @ the Environmental Ed Ctr, 3675 Oak Hill Rd, Peninsula. Info
Bringing It All Back Home: OddyFest #16 explores concepts of “home.” Witness an epic story of a wandering Jewish immigrant plus short plays set in wide ranges of “home” environments read by high school students. Fri 12/18 at 7PM in the Brody-Nelson Rm at the Cle Hts Library, Lee Branch at 2345 Lee Rd. No charge. http://TheOddyFestival.wordpress.com

DJ Spider @ Ultra LA native DJ Spider [pictured] is one of the most in-demand DJs in the nation and he’s making his first Cle appearance on Fri 12/18 at 11PM. He’s known for rocking the party w/ an eclectic mix of hip hop, soul, reggae, house, funk and more. Ditch your holiday party for a night in the club at Lust-Ultra Nightclub, 1303 W 6th St. No charge! http://MySpace.com/djspider
The Wonder of It All @ CMA With vivid and emotional storytelling, this award-winning documentary (which won way too many awards to list) is a portrait of the original Moonwalkers. The Apollo 7 astronauts talk about what it was like to walk on the moon and how it changed them. An uplifting and unforgettable film. Runs at 7PM on Fri 12/18 and 1:30PM on Sun 12/20 @ Cle Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd. http://TheWonderOfItAllFilm.com
“It’s a Festivus for the Rest of Us…” at Wall-Eye Gallery. Catch the opening recption of Festivus, their newest exhibit featuring artwork from the Cle area, on Fri 12/18 from 6-11PM. All artwork is locally-made and priced at $100 and under! Event also runs on Sat 12/19 from 12-6PM and Sun 12/20 from 12-5PM. Airing of Grievances optional. Visit them at 5304 Detroit Ave in the Gordon Square Arts District. http://WallEyeGallery.blogspot.com
SPONSORED: Holiday music rings out of the radio at 104.9 FM daily. And WCLV 104.9 has three Christmas specials this week: On Fri 12/18 at 8PM, A Cleveland Christmas featuring performances by area ensembles airs. This is followed at 9PM by the Mighty Wurlitzer Radio Hour holiday broadcast. And on Sat 12/19, Robert Conrad’s Weekend Radio unwraps holiday treats by Stan Freberg, Ogden Nash, the Smothers Brothers and others. Details on all of WCLV’s programs at http://www.WCLV.com.

An Evening w/ the Ullmans and Friends The Ullmans, a family w/ an amazingly rich musical gene pool, are coming together to share the stage at Musica on Sat 12/19. Singer/songwriter David Ullman [pictured in photo by Shawn Huber] celebrates the release of his EP “Secondhand” w/ his dad, uncle and brother playing in the “All-Ullman Band.” Hear their passionate, furrow-browed folk-rock starting at 8PM @ 51 E Market St, Akron. http://DavidUllman.net
Yes, You Can Still Get Local Food in the Winter Just take a drive to the Countryside Winter Farmers’ Market that happens once a month until March. The next one is on Sat 12/19 at the Happy Days Lodge (500 W Streetsboro Rd in Peninsula) from 9AM-12PM. No frozen veggies or frostbitten hands here — this is an indoors market, after all! http://CVCountryside.org./cvcc_events.htm
Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka @ CVLT “The snozzberries taste like snozzberries” in the Chagrin Valley Little Theatre stage adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. See it soon! Get tix now! The last performance is on Sat 12/19 at 8PM. Also runs on Fri 12/18. Tickets and info at http://CVLT.org/80thSeason/wonka.php.
TubaChristmas Hundreds of tubas trimmed w/ tinsel, garlands and lights fill the stage at EJ Thomas Hall for a holiday concert on Sat 12/19. Come celebrate the 30th year of this beloved Akron tradition with no-charge performances of brass ballads, carols and sing-alongs at 12PM and 2:30PM. (Even the parking is free!) It’s one of the largest tuba events in the nation and it’s happening at E.J. Thomas Hall, 198 Hill St., Akron. http://UAEvents.com

Nightmare Before X-Mas 3 What says “Happy Holidays” better than a group of spandex-clad men body-slamming each other in a ring? We surely can’t think of anything more festive than this: Absolute Intense Wrestling’s 50th Show Celebration [pictured] on Sun 12/20 featuring title division matches and a tag team match where fans provide the weapons. How jolly! Doors open at 7PM @ Peabody’s, 2045 E 21st St. Info

Burning River Brass @ Severance Let this swanky twelve-piece brass ensemble get you in the holiday spirit on Mon 12/21 at 8PM. [Photo at left by Roger Mastroianni.] Hear your holiday favorites played with a distinct style in the city’s most beautiful venue — Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave. Tickets. Also visit http://BurningRiverBrass.com
The Bach Eight Premiere Party @ Velvet Tango Rm Harry Bacharach, that “Jewish baker with soul,” performed with an 8-piece band at Cain Park last summer — and, with the help of the production team behind PolyCultures, made a DVD out of it. Bacharach wants to share the experience with you at a preview party on Mon 12/21 from 6-9PM at the Velvet Tango Rm (2095 Columbus Rd). View the concert, munch on hors d’oeuvres, sip on cocktails and get jazzed up with live performances. http://HarryBacharach.com. Sneak peak of DVD here.

Joe Strummer Tribute @ Now That’s Class Pay homage to punk rock’s legendary rebel with a cause, Joe Strummer, with a show on Tue 12/22 — the 7 year anniversary of his death. Stay Free plus DJ play to live Clash footage. 9PM @ 11213 Detroit Ave. [Picture at left by Joe Kerrigan.] http://MySpace.com/nowthatsclass

Yulesville Pre-Holiday Bash w/ Bears This year, the Beachland is giving you the gift of seeing 7 bands for only 7 bucks! Hear Cle’s indie pop darlings Bears [photo at left by Pavla] along with Unsparing Sea, Mystery of Two, Terminal Lovers, All Dinosaurs and more on Wed 12/23 starting at 9PM. Presented in conjunction w/ I Rock Cleveland. Tickets and info at http://BeachlandBallroom.com. 15711 Waterloo Rd.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

The right person(s) for the top county job

It’s going to take two people: A county executive and a vice-county executive who, in turn, ascends to the top position.
The lead person should be some community elder who knows his way around government, politics, business and social services. That person should assume office with the understanding they will serve one term and one term only. During that term they can make all of the tough choices, hard calls, and piss off more people than anyone can imagine as they cut fat, waste, patronage, nepotism and shady business-as-usual from county government. And then, at the end of that term, they could ride off into the sunset. Mission accomplished….
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here

A Holiday Feast
In The Rock and Roll Capital

It was while writing a check to an indigenous people’s organization, that I was struck by the notion that it was our native brothers and sisters who, through kindness, an intimate relationship with the land, and a practical knowledge of the wild, provided for the original European settlers’ survival. Shortly thereafter, while researching menus and seeking new culinary ideas in cyberspace, I learned about recent developments at the Hard Rock Cafe…
Read more from Jeffrey Bowen here

Does Cleveland Really Need A Garbage Tax?
Plus, more…

The flow of federal stimulus money into Cleveland makes me wonder why Mayor Frank Jackson and his merry elves at City Council need to burden residents with a garbage tax.
City Council members authorized Mayor Jackson to begin collecting $8 a month for garbage collections. Having been elected for four years the Council members (all but three) figured that they had enough time for constituents to get used to paying another regressive tax….
And they seem to be getting away with it.
Read more of Roldo Bartimole here

Quick reviews of recent events
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Cleveland Orchestra @ Severance Hall 12/03/09
Read the review by Laura Kennelly here
A Christmas Story @ Cleveland Play House 12/4/09
Read the review by Greg Cielec here
Gutenberg! The Musical @ Dobama 12/4/09
Read the review by Roy Berko here
CityMusic Cleveland @ Fairmount Presbyterian Church 12/09/09
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
Peter Pan @ Beck Center 12/10/09
Read the review by Roy Berko here
Apollo’s Fire @ Trinity Cathedral 12/10/09
Read the review by Laura Kennelly here
Royal Winnipeg Ballet @ Allen Theatre 12/10/09
Read the review by Roy Berko here
North Coast Men’s Chorus @ The Hanna Theatre 12/12/09
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
U2 3D @ Rock Hall 12/12/09
Read the review by Thomas Mulready here
Contemporary Youth Orchestra @ CSU Waetjen Hall 12/12/09
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
One Silent Night @ Palace Theatre 12/13/09
Read the review by Thomas Mulready here

Cool Cleveland readers write
All letters must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional).
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
Thank you, Cool Cleveland Thanks for including us in this week’s newsletter… I sent it out for everyone to see. We’ve already received six emails and one phone call about the gift cards. Appreciate it! from Cool Cleveland reader Linda M. Schellentrager, Communications Manager, Adoption Network Cleveland linda.schellentragerATadoptionnetwork.org
Love the kid’s stuff I used to read your Kids’ section and pout because it seemed so fun and we had no kids. Now my husband and I have two little boys! Your weekly listing provides us with our weekend entertainment, without having to go searching for it – something we no longer have time to do. Thank you! from Cool Cleveland reader Debra lobelia66ATyahoo.com
The sky isn’t falling In regard to Roldo’s article about the Arcade and Hyatt. Roldo really needs to get out of his Cleveland bubble and realize that hotels are having this problem everywhere. Hotels are going into foreclosure in every city! It is not restricted or an indication of Cleveland’s state, it is a product of the economic downturn (occupancy rates are way down everywhere!). Also, these kind of projects nearly always get incentives, whether grants, abatements etc., in order to make them feasible (in this case) or to just make the development a reality (this is not specific to Cleveland either). It’s always somewhat of a risk, but I would say in this case well worth it. The Arcade is a vital and important property in Cleveland that I would hope and think that the local leaders would have done everything they could to make it a productive entity and the crown jewel that it is and deserves to be. I would say that it has had a large economic impact that would may not have happened otherwise. So no, the sky isn’t falling in Cleveland. Like everybody else there, try looking outside of your bubble to realize this. from Cool Cleveland reader William in Washington, D.C. wmarthallerATyahoo.com
Send your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
2) Chicago Tribune lands in Willoughby and finds a “house beautiful.” ChicagoTribune.com
3) Arcade’s Failure Points to More Downtown Problems Roldo bemoans the failure of a well-subsidized Downtown landmark. CoolCleveland.com
4) a psychedelic, hallucinogenic journey starts a new tradition with Kringle’s Inventionasium? CoolCleveland.com
5) The “Cartoon” that is causing uproar in the community. CoolCleveland.com.
Feast on our info And give thanks to our writers: Roy Berko, Roldo Bartimole, Jeffrey Bowen, Julie Cajigas, Greg Cielec, Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Laura Kennelly, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.

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- Watch NEOtropolis on Western Reserve PBS 45/49 every Friday at 9PM
- Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time
- Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
- Receive your own copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
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Get Festive!
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2009 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved