

You will experience fallout from the upcoming Tue 11/2 election either way, so you may as well study up and vote. Our videos of all (6) Cuyahoga County Executive candidates were a hit last week, and we’re passing on the links again.

This week, we welcome commentator Larry Durstin, an award-winning writer and editor with a lot to say and a strong voice. Stuart Pearl offers some great photos of the falling water at Ingenuity, we drop a video about a small business conference and some advice for revisiting your resume, and Mansfield hopes for the best during this campaign season. I’d hate to think of the fallout if he’s wrong. –Thomas Mulready

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In this video, Thomas Mulready of Cool Cleveland announces the Cool Cleveland endorsement for Cuyahoga County Executive in the 11/2/10 general elections.

Cool Cleveland encourages all Cuyahoga citizens to study each candidate and view the individual video interviews that Cool Cleveland conducted with each of the six candidates for Cuyahoga County Executive by clicking here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog/2010/09/videos-interviews-with-all-six-candidates-for-cuyahoga-county-executive

Each of the six candidates exhibits strong qualifications for the position of Cuyahoga County Executive:

* Matt Dolan (Republican) has strong experience as a legislator and has lead issues such as the Great Lakes Compact
* David Ellison (Green Party) is a leader in eco issues and progressive politics
* Ed FitzGerald (Democrat) has a strong track record in Lakewood and is able to articulate the key issues
* Ken Lanci (Independent)has a clear grasp of the issue, is known as a turnaround expert, and is unaffiliated
* Tim McCormack (Independent) has lifetime experience in politics, and has the heart to manage the County’s human services mission
* Don Scipione (Independent) is intelligent, understands the issues and has shown leadership in reforming County government

Watch the endorsement video here to see who Cool Cleveland endorses for Cuyahoga County Executive.

Watch the six Cuyahoga County Executive videos here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog/2010/09/videos-interviews-with-all-six-candidates-for-cuyahoga-county-executive

For Whom Will You Vote?

View All 6 County Executive Candidate Videos

Are you voting early? Are you registered to vote? Have you done your research? Did you know that the Tue 11/2 election will decide key races, such as Governor, Senator, Congressional Representative, County Council and Cuyahoga County Executive?

In order to help, Cool Cleveland has interviewed all six of the Cuyahoga County Executive candidates (Matt Dolan, David Ellison, Ed FitzGerald, Ken Lanci, Tim McCormack, and Don Scipione), and posted them here for your viewing. In addition, here are some links to help you get ready for what may be the most important election in Cuyahoga County history:

* Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to get details on how to vote.
* Judge4Yourself, a non-partisan site that rates the judges in the upcoming election.
* Cuyahoga County Executive video interviews conducted by Cool Cleveland.

Thinking about your online marketing campaign? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com

Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.

SPONSORED: Book lust Nancy Pearl is the rock star of reading and bibliophiles just can’t get enough of her recommendations. Join Pearl at Cuyahoga County Public Library’s Beachwood Branch, 25501 Shaker Blvd, on Mon 10/18 at 7PM to celebrate her latest book, Book Lust to Go. Book signing. To register, call 216.831.6868 or visit CuyahogaLibrary.org.

Small Biz. Big Conference.
COSE Small Business Conference 2010

Does your small business need a boost? The COSE 2010 Small Business Conference packs in everything a biz owner or entrepreneur could dream of — endless networking opps, education, well-known personalities, sustainability info & more — into two busy days.

* United We Dine Participating Lkwd restaurants will donate a percentage of all sales to United Way of Grtr Cle. Plan to eat out Thu 10/7Sun 10/10.
* How Sweet is Your Peet? Learn how to build an environmentally & economically sustainable brand on Sat 10/9.
* Diversity is More Than Just Black & White Interactive workshop on diversity & inclusion on Wed 10/13 @ Lakeland.
* Nonprofits: Need an intern? Apply to host a summer intern via the Cle Foundation.

Click here for more News and Biz

SPONSORED: What makes us sick? And how do sickness sleuths pick up the trail of infectious diseases? Find out at Disease Detectives, opening at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Sat 10/9. Examine mannequin “patients” and solve a medical mystery! CMNH.org.

Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.

Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.

SPONSORED: Goblins in the Garden, Holden Arboretum’s annual family-friendly Halloween celebration is Sun 10/10 from Noon-4:30PM. Bring your kids in costume for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, wagon rides, pumpkin decorating and more. Food concessions and entertainment is also available. To promote car pooling, non-members are only $10 per vehicle. Visit http://www.HoldenArb.org for details.

Kindie rock (aka non-annoying kids music) is where it’s at. Hear catchy, hip kids tunes from kindie phenom Suzi Shelton [pictured] on Sat 10/9 at 3PM @ Grog Shop. Sweet-voiced vocals + soft acoustics and lots of energy. Your kids will have a blast & so will you.

* James and the Giant Peach @ CSU Roald Dahl’s classic tale alive on stage starting on Thu 10/7.
* Fall for the Garden Day @ CBG Sip cider & picnic w/ scarecrows on Sat 10/9.
* Goblins in the Garden Non-scary Halloween fun on Sun 10/10 @ Holden Arb.
* Hiram House Pumpkin Fest Fall games in 172 acres of woods on Sun 10/10.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

SPONSORED: From Precious to…? You may know Sapphire’s award-winning novel, Push, was adapted into the critically-acclaimed movie Precious, but do you know what she’s working on now? Find out at Cleveland Public Library’s Writers and Readers Series, on Sun 10/10 at 2PM, E.6th and Superior. Pre-order your books at http://writersandreaders.cpl.org. Seating is first come, first serve.

Top 5 Tips

Today’s economic conditions require a more aggressive approach. Below are our Top 5 Tips on what to do with the single most important document in your Career ToolBox.

Tip #1: Own Your Resume

There are thousands of books on how to write a resume. Remember that you are the one who has to speak to it. What do you want it to say about you…? Read more of CareerTOOLBOX from Alex Sukhoy here

SPONSORED: Life in a glass castle Former gossip columnist Jeannette Walls scored an international bestseller with her memoir The Glass Castle, a chronicle of her unconventional (to say the least) upbringing and eccentric, nomadic parents. She’ll speak at the Ohio Theatre on Tue 10/26 at 7:30PM. For tix, call 216.241.6000 or visit Writers Center Stage.

It’s no great stretch to say that race has been the dominant theme in the history of America. From the original sin of slavery to the insidious evil of Jim Crow to the current day shades-of-gray, “is it or is it not racism” quandaries, the struggles regarding race are woven deep into the fabric of American life and never more than a millimeter removed from the hearts, minds and souls of its people.

But even the most tragic historical patterns can at times take a farcical turn, and so it was with the emergence in the 1990s of the self-described “angry white males.”

Convinced that they had been wounded because of their whiteness, these put-upon palefaces have taken up the battle cry of “reverse racism” as the explanation for their plight. Most folks looked upon their bizarre claims of societal victimization as amusingly preposterous.

This brings us to a recent local example of the trivialization of race and racism: the fallout from “The Decision” by LeBron James…
Read this story by Larry Durstin here

SPONSORED: “There is a way to be good again…” A cry for help from an old friend in a distant land lies at the heart of this powerful story of friendship, betrayal and redemption. Newly adapted from the international best-selling novel, The Kite Runner shows us the human face beneath the headline news. October 15 – November 7 at The Cleveland Play House. ClevelandPlayHouse.com

Take Back the Night It’s been a rough year for local women. Now, more than ever, NEO needs to take a stand to end violence against women. Take Back the Night on Wed 10/6 with a candlelight march & survivor speak-out on Harvard Ave. Bring signs & passion.

* America’s most diabolical rapper Biz Markie DJ Set w/ K-Nyce at the B-Side.

Click here for more events on Wed 10/6

SPONSORED: Tonight, Wed 10/6 at 8PM on WCLV 104.9, a delayed broadcast from 9/10 in the CIM Live series of a concert featuring pianist Antonio Pompa-Baldi, violinist Joan Kwuon and the Cavani String Quartet. The program includes selections by Schubert and Schumann as well the seldom performed Chausson Concerto for Violin, Piano and String Quartet. WCLV is now on Facebook. See pictures of the construction of the new WCLV facilities at the Idea Center. http://www.WCLV.com.

Fencepiration The construction fence spanning .2 miles along Cedar Ave isn’t a hideous eyesore anymore! Now it’s a visually interesting fencespace of trees, rivers & flowers made from recycled materials, thanks to artist team Carol Hummel & Debbie Apple Presser (+ volunteers). Celebrate the project on Thu 10/7 @ Heights Arts.

* Cle Jewish FilmFest 14 films exploring & celebrating the Jewish experience, w/ lively discussion on the side.
* Cloud 9 @ KSU A play digging into sexual identity, race & the changing face of family.
* Fiesta! Multicultural networking party @ Trinity Commons.
* Katie Spotz: Row for Water The 22-year-old adventurer extraordinaire shares life stories @ Brecksville Comm Ctr.
* Ohio Knitting Mills book by Cle’s Steven Tatar is a joy: book signing @ Joseph Beth.

Click here for more events on Thu 10/7

Sid Rheuban: The Colors of Life Artist Sid Rheuban paints bright, bold portraits of friends & fam. He aims to capture the esence of who they are while adding a little extra. Catch his newest exhibition, “The Colors of Life” opening on Fri 10/8 @ 1point618 gallery. [Pictured: Girl on Swing.]

* Cafe Bellas Artes A creative gathering of the Latino community @ CSU Gallery.
* A Decade of THIS? Subversive Tremont art space Doubting Thomas Gallery turns 10. Art & cake for all.
* Wings @ Beck Ctr Arthur Kopit’s play of strength, courage & triumphant recovery.

Click here for more events on Fri 10/8

Ohio Fair Trade Expo For ppl who believe humans have a right to fair pay and clean labor conditions. Speakers, workshops & a huge fair trade marketplace. Make the world more just: Attend the expo on Sat 10/9 @ JCU. [Pictured: Morine makes a brand new Fall 2010 yoga bag for expo vendor One Mango Tree.]

* Monster Mutt Dash & Pooch Party Run for the dogs then bring yr fam to the Howl-O-Ween Afterparty.
* Don’t Call Me Fat @ CPT World-premiere. A play about over-consumption & our need for reduction & redemption.
* Nature’s Brew Beer Tasting @ Holden Arb. A variety of beers. One gorgeous setting.
* Local Foods Wk invades E Cle: Get to the community garden & farmers market open house, then be @ E Cle Library for Local Foods Movie Afternoon.

Click here for more events on Sat 10/9

Imagine World Peace Festival @ the Rock Hall. Celebrate NEO’s ethnic diversity w/ a showcase of multicultural music & dance on Sun 10/10. Performers include Brazilian jazz combo Moises Borges, reggae band Nuhu and South Indian dancer Mahima Venkatesh. Noon – 4PM.

* Ohio City Farm Tour & Open House.
* Peninsula Jazz Fest Free jazz in the Valley.

Click here for more events on Sun 10/10

Leave Your Sleep Singer-songwriter Natalie Merchant, of 10,000 Maniacs fame visits the Ohio Theatre on Mon 10/11 to perform songs from her acclaimed new solo album, Leave Your Sleep. A performance by PlayhouseSquare’s Youth Poetry Slam Team will kickoff the evening. Proceeds will benefit the Cuy Co. Public Library Foundation.

* Hurray for the Riff Raff @ Front Rm Gallery. Honky-tonk w/ the cool kids in a co-op art space.

Click here for more events on Mon 10/11

Witness the power of good documentaries @ the Chagrin Documentary Film Fest running Tue 10/12Sat 10/16 at venues throughout the Chagrin Valley. Discover films about growing veg in Detroit (Growing Detroit pictured), legal and illegal immigration, climate chaos in South America, & kids setting out to change the world.

Click here for more events on Tue 10/12

Carmen in HD Watch the ultimate opera, Bizet’s Carmen, performed @ Gran Teatre del Liceu from the comforts of the Cedar-Lee. See the opera in HD on Wed 10/13 at 2PM. [Photo: Antoni Bofill]

* Orchestral Manouvres Quirky chamber music + hot dogs @ Happy Dog.

Click here for more events on Wed 10/13

Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

The two major political parties have joined forces locally in an attempt to insure that quality candidates are elected to the bench. One of the goals is to, as much as possible, eliminate the “name game” in Cuyahoga County judicial races, which would be a good thing. We can only hope that the new effort doesn’t devolve into a form of selection by the few, rather than election by the many. After all, cronyism among members of the bar isn’t entirely unheard of … we simply have to hope that professionalism prevails.

One aspect of judicial campaigning, already in place, should perhaps be expanded to other candidates and races. Judicial cannons prohibit mudslinging by those seeking judgeships, and as campaigning slips deeper and deeper into the muck and mire with each election cycle, maybe we should examine if such prohibitions can be put in place for every contest, at every level.

I can already hear the cries of “First Amendment” guaranteed rights to free speech, but, since elected officials take an oath of office upon their election, can they be held to a higher standard of decorum and truthfulness? Or, are we going to continue to allow them to engage in half-truths, un-truths, and flat-out lies when campaigning, and then expect them to serve with dignity? As it now stands, politicians — locally and nationally — are being allowed to play very loose with the truth, sling as much mud as possible … but, at the same instance ask the electorate to trust them to represent the body politic in an honorable manner…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here

Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: The 39 Steps @ The Cleveland Play House 9/22/10 by Laura Kennelly

PHOTO REVIEW: Ingenuity Falls @ Detroit-Superior Bridge 9/25/10 pictured (c) Stuart Pearl

REVIEW: Love & Lust Strike Again – Pearl Fishers @ PS 09/25/10 by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas

VIDEO REVIEW: Morgan Art of Papermaking Open House 10/02/10 by Carol Drummond

REVIEW: Ohio Mart & Stitchery Showcase @ Stan Hywet 10/3/10 by Carol Drummond

VIDEO REVIEW: Tri-C Hospitality Management Center Grand Opening 10/05/10 by Thomas Mulready

PREVIEW: Legendary Rockers Join Forces for a Cause @ Beachland 10/9/10 by David Budin

Octavofest: Celebrating the Book & Paper Arts If you see nothing else, go to the special collections gallery on the 4th floor of CPL Main for an exquisite look at the art rendered in book format…
Read the comment from Julie here

Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

1) VIDEOS: Interviews With All Six Candidates for Cuyahoga County Executive.

2) 500 New Jobs Coming to NEO.

3) Mansfield: Two Wrongs

4) VIDEO PREVIEW: The Morgan Art of Papermaking Open House. And watch the VIDEO REVIEW of the event here.

5) Inner-ring suburbs Push to become bike-friendly.

Thanks to our writers, photographers & contributors: David Budin, Carol Drummond, Larry Durstin, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Laura Kennelly, Stuart Pearl, Alex Sukhoy, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.

* Experience the Cool Cleveland podcasts and videos each week at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
* Join the conversation at Brewed Fresh Daily http://www.BrewedFreshDaily.com
* Watch the Cool Cleveland videos
* Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time
* Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: LettersATCoolCleveland.com
* Receive your own copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine at http://www.CoolCleveland.com
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Watch Your Head,

–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2010 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved

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