Kent’s Standing Rock Short Films Festival Is Taking Applications

Kent’s Standing Rock Cultural Arts has put out a call for submissions of independent shorts and videos for next year’s Short Films Festival, which attracts entries from around the world. The 19th annual festival will take place Saturday January 28, 2022 at the Kent Stage, COVID permitting (if not, the festival will be virtual again).

“Traditional approaches as well as experimental or unconventional entries are welcome,” they say. “We look for originality, technical skill and cultural relevance as a way of screening our entries.” Films/videos should be no longer than 15 minutes. Other than that, format and subject matter are wide open: documentaries, story films, experimental films, animation, music videos, anything you can dream up.

The “preferred deadline” is November 30; the “drop dead” deadline for you procrastinators in December 31.  (“Any films submitted before November 30 are given a much higher priority,” they prod.) For more information and an application go to or email to request a prospectus and application.


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