
These are exceptional times. But we are an exceptional region, with a deep pool of talent, a rich and inspiring culture, and a legacy of innovation. For the 1% of children exhibiting autism, this week features a conference and a cool benefit concert. NEOtropolis looks at the economic outlook for 2010, we screen a video of the exceptional kids of the Lakewood Project, and we preview an anniversary exhibition on the brilliant Clevelander William Sommer. Plus, we invite you to join us at our Carnaval on Sat 2/13 for a real Brazilian celebration. Just another exceptional week in NEO. –Thomas Mulready
Cool Cleveland Carnaval 2/13
Join the Midwest’s most authentic Brazilian celebration!

Come early between 9PM and 10PM for a special, CoolCleveland-only complimentary cocktail and hors d’oeuvres.
Then get ready for the Main Event: direct from Los Angeles: Samba performer Tati Souza “The Real Ginga” with authentic sambistas. Plus, live performances by the Brazilian band Chicago Samba, playing the non-stop dance rhythms of Samba, Marcha, Axe music, Batucada, Forro, frevo & much more!!
Join the traditional Carnaval percussion line Bateria by Samba Joia Escola de Samba, and DJ Fernando Loyola from Chicago, spinning the best of the newest Brazilian and American sounds. Get tix here.
The party continues until 2:30AM at The View Ultra Lounge and Wine Bar, 618 Prospect, in Downtown Cleveland’s East 4th Street District.
Spend One Night In The Land of: Feathers, Fun, Fantasy, Music, Dance, Beads, Masks, Caipirinhas & Costumes!
All this for $20 general admission. Arrive between 9-10PM for complimentary cocktail and hors d’oeuvres. V.I.P. & bottle service available. Don’t miss the excitement of Cleveland’s authentic Brazilian Carnaval!
Get your tickets in advance here: https://coolcleveland.net/tickets/carnaval2010/index.php

SPONSORED: Kick Off the 2010 Season From Then to Now: Masterworks of Contemporary African American Art, explores the rich, cultural heritage and styles of 27 prominent artists of our time, and all falls down, a stunning visual journey by 2009 Joyce Award winner iona rozeal brown. At MOCA Cleveland on Fri 1/29: hear a talk by rozeal at 6PM, then dj, drinks and snacks till 10PM. http://www.mocacleveland.org
To ensure you receive Cool Cleveland every week, take a moment now and add CoolCleveland@CoolCleveland.com to your address book, trusted sender list, or corporate white list. Learn More.

Got City Game Catch the last episode of Cle’s original reality show [pictured] on Tue 2/2. Which team will win? Find out Fri 2/5. http://www.GotCityGame.tv
GREEN Reclaiming Vacant Properties natl conference comes to Cle this October. http://reclaimingvacantproperties.org
GREEN Open access on the Innerbelt Cle Planning Commission approves resolution of support for bike/pedestrian path on new I-90 bridge. Read
Work Party 118 SPACELab artist cleans up 3 plots in Midtown and makes public art installation from found objects. Check It Out
CPT seeks adventurous types Are you a cool budding playwright? Got a hot play sitting in your hands? Submit it to CPT. Details
HELP Mission of Love Y-town charity to send airlifts of humanitarian aid to Haiti via the Denton Program to set up orphanages. Supplies desperately needed. Tell Me More
This Moment in Black History, that critically-acclaimed underground punk noise quartet, releases new LP Public Square. http://MySpace.com/thismomentinblackhistory
Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: United Way’s eBay Store is open! United Way’s 9th Annual Auction on eBay is live! Bid on items such as Continental Airlines tickets, GE Outdoor Cooking Center, Fender Stratocaster guitar, tickets to In the Heights and Xanadu, a vault tour of the Rock Hall, and much more. Auction ends Sun 1/31. Proceeds benefit United Way of Greater Cleveland. http://www.ebay.com/unitedwaycleveland

HOT HELP Justin Roberts @ Beachwood High Award-winning kids musician Justin Roberts [pictured] creates songs about everything from a dandelion-watching ballplayer to a girls unusual hairstyle in which funky characters of all shapes and sizes take up residence. See him and The Not Ready for Naptime Players at a benefit concert on Fri 1/29 at 6:30PM @ Beachwood High School, 25100 Fairmont Blvd. Beachwood. All proceeds benefit families in NEO dealing with autism. (But, beware, his shows are known for inciting kiddie mosh pits.) http://JustinRoberts.org and AutismNortheastOhio.org
Rite 2 Xpress Media Youth Camp Passport Project presents an awesome arts & video youth camp starting on Sat 1/30. Kids 6-18 will gain skills in using a digital video camera, editing footage and interviewing subjects–while learning traditional drumming and dance. The topic is “hair music and identity in society” in celebration of Black History Month. Classes on Mondays through Wednesdays 4-6:30PM; and Saturdays 1-4:30PM. 12803 Buckeye Rd. http://PassportProject.org/classes.php
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat The Skip Kelley Youth Theater brings this classic musical to life on Sat 1/30 at 8PM and Sun 1/31 at 2PM @ Geauga Lyric Theater, 101 Water St. in Chardon. The performance is in honor of late tech director, Skip Kelley, who was a strong proponent of involving youth in every aspect of theater production. http://GeaugaTheater.org/season.htm#joseph
Groundhog Sun-day Celebrate all things woodchuck on the eve’s eve of Groundhog’s Day, Sun 1/31. The Cle Museum of Natural History is throwing a party from 1-4PM: gawk at live animals, make crafts and view demos relating to the natural and unnatural history of everyones favorite rodent, Marmota monax. Kirtland Hall, Perkins Wildlife Center & Woods Garden and Murch Auditorium @ CMNH, 1 Wade Oval Dr. The Scoop
SPONSORED: Fake funeral, cross-dressing, lovers’ deceptions… Catch all this at the Cleveland Premiere of the “new” Mark Twain comedy Is He Dead? What happens when a group of poor artists stage the death of a friend to drive up the price of his paintings? Beck Center for the Arts presents Is He Dead? Fri 2/5 through Sun 2/28 http://www.BeckCenter.org.

An Exceptional Life
Help for Adults & Children with Autism

Those numbers are staggering. Also staggering are the challenges that parents and practitioners face in providing treatment to their loved ones. Depending on where a child falls along the spectrum of autism disorders, they can require extensive care and intervention.
Children and adults with autism often struggle in social interactions, sometimes to an extreme degree, and effective intervention techniques and practices can make a huge difference in their lives.
The conference, Autism: Linking Research To Effective Intervention Practices, will be held on Sat. 2/6 from 9AM – 4PM at the Cleveland State University Cole Center, 3100 Chester Avenue. Registration must be received by Fri. 1/29. The conference is being coordinated collaboratively by the Cleveland State University College of Education and Human Services, the Center for Excellence in 21st Century Health Professions and the Council for Exceptional Children, Student Chapter 863. The program takes a unique approach to Autism education…
Read more from Julie Cajigas

Click here to watch last week’s show on the the bridal and wedding industry.
Do you know a businessperson or company that we should be featuring on NEOtropolis? Drop us a line at NEOtropolis@CoolCleveland.com. After all, it’s your region, too. NEOtropolis.org.
A hot selection of tech and business news & events from around the region. Got business news? Send it to: EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com

Kent State does the math, [pictured] releases study showing it boosts local economy by $1.9 billion. View Study
Urban Innovators Watch the first of 3 presentations by national figures invited to the region by University Park Alliance to challenge the region with new thinking around the development of creative urban centers. The first, featuring Joe Cortright of Impresa, is broadcast by Western Reserve Public Media here, and watch for the 2nd featuring Chuck Bohl on Tue 2/9, introduced by CoolCleveland’s Thomas Mulready Read more
Blue Collars Turning Green Apollo Alliance outlines ways to green Ohio’s economy. Read More
Too Big to Succeed? WSJ says Cle Orchestra needs a new business model. Read
Glee Virginia Marti College of Art and Design grad Ali Rahimi deigns dress worn by Jane Lynch at the Golden Globes. Click on No. 5

Speed dating–business style Be at Bar Louie Wed 1/27 for speed networking w/ Sprout Connections. 6-8PM. [10th Annual Meet and Greet pictured at left.] Register
Selling Cleveland NOCA One Industry forum on Wed 1/27 8AM @ The Plain Dealer. Register
Movers and Shakers Event & Celebration The Cle Professional 20/30 Club and Inside Business award the Top 25 Under 35 Movers and Shakers on Tue 1/28, 6PM @ Cle Metroparks Zoo’s Rainforest. Mix and mingle after registering here.
Talent Pipeline Connecting Higher Education to Regional Biz Opportunities breakfast on Thu 1/28 7:30-9:30AM @ Doubletree Cle Dwntwn. Register
Clashing Styles: Can’t We All Just Get Along? Conflict mgmt training on Fri 1/29, 9AM-12PM @ Penton Media. Register
Civic Leadership Institute Gain a comprehensive view of the most pressing social, economic, biz and political issues in our region over 6 interactive sessions. First one’s on Tue 2/16 at 7:30AM and details the Evolution of our Regional Economy. Hosted at Cle Leadership Ctr. Register
It’s Sommer in Cleveland!

Cleveland Artist Foundation commemorates its 25th anniversary year as an arts and education organization with the purpose of preserving, researching, collecting and exhibiting the most significant visual art of Northeast Ohio.
Digging deep into William Sommer’s work and life, they have unearthed treasure right here in Northeast Ohio…
Read more from Carol Drummond here
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Rock & Roll Trainer Night Rides Challenge yourself on one of the hottest indoor bike trainers while helping a good cause (and beating winter blahs). Century Cycles is bringing Kinetic Rock & Roll bike trainers [pictured] to Winking Lizard in Peninsula from 7-9PM on Wed 1/27, Wed 2/3 and Wed 2/10. These trainers deliver side-to-side motion to simulate outdoor biking. Ride for 2 minutes in 2-person heats and get prizes. All proceeds go to Cuy Valley Natl Park’s TRAILS FOREVER Legacy Fund. 1615 Main St., Peninsula. Details
Anna Bella Eema @ CPT Storefront Studio CPT and the Theater Ninjas present a dark comedy about a woman, her daughter and a strange girl in a trailer park–presented in an original, highly stylized one-act. Award-winning playwright Lisa D’Amour combines creepy campfire stories, music, sound and fairy tales to make for one unique performance. Catch the paid preview on Thu 1/28 at 7:30PM or the official opening on Sat 1/30 at 7:30PM @ 6415 Detroit Ave. http://CPTOnline.org/theater-show.php?id=90
The Long Road Home The Story of Prisoner Reentry in Ohio is a documentary by Village Television in association with Cleveland’s Neighborhood Solutions, screening on Thu 1/28 at 3PM at The Scott Auditorium at the Metro Health Medical Center with a panel of a dozen experts on prisoner reentry, including CoolCleveland’s Mansfield Frazier, and hosted by Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones. More details at 216-469-0124.

blackfacers, hustlers, oracles, & saplings Hip-hop meets Japanese ukiyo-e printmaking in the works of Washington DC-based artist iona rozeal brown. Her works, in which geishas are paired w/ grills, examine the globalization and appropriation of hip-hop culture, particularly among Japanese teens. Hear her talk about her exhibit and her work w/ area high school students on Fri 1/29 at 6PM. [Pictured at left is Incomparable Warriors: Woman Han Gaku.] Also check out From Then to Now, a showing of contemporary African-American art. 8501 Carnegie Ave. Read More
HOT Microscopes & Megaphones is a collaborative project examining “the problem that has no name” plaguing modern women. Even though women have made progress in areas of reproductive choice, education and the workplace, “woman’s oppression manifests itself through subtlety, innuendo and the places you least expect.” Presented by feminist performance art collective Whisper to a Scream on Fri 1/29 and Sat 1/30 at 7:30PM and Sun 1/31 at 3PM @ CPT, 6415 Detroit Ave. View
HOT “…in a most dangerous manner” Our current economic conditions aren’t so much a crisis, but a “cycle common to the last 150 years of American (and increasingly global) financial markets,” so says the artists of the latest exhibition at SPACES. This isn’t just an art show–featured will be found objects, performances, town hall discussions, screenings, documents and anything that’s been invested or contaminated by our “culture of market-driven speculation.” Runs Fri 1/29 – Fri 3/26. Reception from 6-9PM @ 2220 Superior Viaduct. Details
Project 2009: Lakefront Station View ideas for downtown’s new Lakefront Station and celebrate this year’s winning proposals on Fri 1/29 at the Cleveland Design Competition Awards Reception and Exhibition. The evening begins at 6PM w/ hors d’oeuvres and an open exhibit and concludes w/ an awards reception. Open to all @ Colonial Marketplace, West Arcade (enter from Euclid), 530 Euclid Ave. http://ClevelandCompetition.com/reception.html
Bow Ball 2010 The Cleveland Rowing Foundation wants to build a permanent home for rowing on the Cuyahoga that the whole public can enjoy. (Imagine… riverfront access!) But they need help to do it. Treat yourself to an evening of cocktails at CRF’s fundraiser on Fri 1/29 from 7:30PM-12AM @ Trinity Cathedral, 2230 Euclid Ave. http://ClevelandRows.org/bowball.php

Sogbety Diomande’s West African Drum & Dance Sogbety Diomande was born in Toufinga, a small farming community in the northwest region of Africa’s Ivory Coast, and has been drumming and dancing ever since. His 10-member dance/drum troupe will get you moving to the beat on Sat 1/30 at 4PM. Go early for an entire day of rhythm–take a West African drum class at 1PM and dance class at 2:30PM. Highlands of Ohio, 637 Edgewood Rd., Mansfield. [Performance at ’08 Lotus Fest pictured.] http://HighlandsOfOhio.com/events.html
HOT Standing Rock Intl Short Film Fest brings you a collection of intriguing shorts from indie filmmakers worldwide. Expect weirdness, animation, music videos, short comedy, experimental stuff and silent films w/ live musical accompaniment. Push your boundaries; leave blockbuster boredom at the door. Sat 1/30 at 8PM. The Kent Stage, 175 E. Main St., Kent. http://StandingRock.net
Full Moon Ski Imagine skiing a snow-filled forest as moonlight reflects upon a lake. This pristine image can be yours on Sat 1/30. Join a naturalist and ski from 6:30-8:30PM in Headwaters Park, 13365 Old State Rd in Huntsburg and Claridon Twps. The skiing will turn to hiking if there’s no snow. Details

70 Lewis CD Release Party @ Winchester Lakewood homeboys 70 Lewis [pictured] are everywhere ’round town–and now they’re on CD. This alt/pop/rock band is full of versatile musicians–and we’re not just sayin’ that; members actually rotate instruments. Be at the Winchester Sat 1/30 to snag a copy of East Coast Sunday Morning, given free w/ admission. C-bus’ funky blues band 28 North will add to the party. 9PM @ 12112 Madison Ave., Lakewood. http://TheWinchester.net/concertschedule.html
Fondly Do We Hope…Fervently Do We Pray For one night only, DANCECleveland and Tri-C host the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Co for a groundbreaking performance celebrating the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln. The performance is a compilation of dance, spoken word, video and live music set to an original score that draws from European and American concert and folk traditions. Catch it Sat 1/30 at 8PM @ PlayhouseSquare’s Ohio Theatre, 1501 Euclid Ave. Tickets
SPONSORED: This Sat 1/30 at 8PM, The Cleveland Orchestra and WCLV 104.9 present the second concert of this year’s residency in Miami. Franz conducts Verdi’s La forza del destino Overture, Bernstein’s Symphony No. 2 Age of Anxiety, with Joela Jones as the piano soloist, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 Eroica. On Mon 2/1, at 8PM, WCLV is live at Severance Hall for a concert by the St. Olaf Choir. Program details at http://www.WCLV.com.
Inner Peace Drum Circle’s Haiti Aid Concert Drum in support of Haiti on Sun 1/31 at 5PM. Baba Jubal Harris and others kick out the rhythms in support of Doctors Without Borders and Prem Rawatt Foundation Humanitarian Aid. Unity Cle Church, 3350 Warrensville Ctr Rd., Shaker Hts. Call 216-751-1198 for info or click here.

The Csardas Princess Opera Circle and the Opera Circle Orchestra, w/ famed Polish conductor and operetta specialist Andrzej Knap, present an operetta about forbidden love. Considered by many to be Hungarian composer Emmerich Kalmans most successful work, The Csardas Princess runs on Fri 1/29 at 7:30PM and Sun 1/31 at 3PM. Go Sunday for the Schnitzel Dinner offered before the show. Bohemian Ntl Hall [pictured at left by Chris Holley-Starling], 4939 Broadway Ave. http://OperaCircle.org
300 Voices at Severance Hall The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, Youth Chorus and Children’s Chorus will take the stage together for the first time ever on Sun 1/31 at 5PM in the beautiful Severance Hall. The more than 300 performers will join forces singing together and as individual choruses, with proceeds benefiting the activities of all three, all-volunteer choruses. In addition to this exciting concert experience, a Silent Auction will take place in the Smith Lobby including vacations and dinner for eight cooked by Robert Porco himself. For more information click here or, order tickets at www.ClevelandOrchestra.com.
The Great American Songbook with George Diehl, piano, featuring music by Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers and George Gershwin, this Sun 1/31 @ 4PM. Limited seating. Corning Mansion, Bratenahl. No set admission charge; $50 donation suggested. Reservations: 216.681.1621 or by email at corningmansion@gmail.com.

The Ravens Feed Us, Plays + Poems Dobama Theatre’s popular First Monday poetry/play reading series moves to the elegant Alcazar Hotel [pictured] on Mon 2/1. Listen to The Ravens Feed Us, a piece by Margaret Hunt about 5 young daughters and the love for their charismatic father. Ravens was selected for development at the New Harmony Project in ’08. 7PM in Kulas Music Rm, 2450 Derbyshire Rd., Cle Hts. Info
Cle: The Milan of the Midwest CSU and CIA professionals discuss the District of Design Project to establish Cle as the “Milan of the Midwest.” Hear about this project’s goals of bringing industrial design, art, architecture and related manufacturing to downtown at a forum on Tue 2/2 at 5:30PM. Lakewood Country Club, 2613 Bradley Rd., Westlake. Call 216-687-5205 to RSVP. Info

HOT World Music Series @ B-W Baldwin-Wallace’s first World Music installment kicks off w/ a performance by innovative violinist Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR) [pictured at left by Julieta Cervantes]. DBR, a Haitian-American artist, is a musical omnivore who “melds his classical music roots with his own cultural references and vibrant musical imagination.” Be awed on Wed 2/3 at 8PM. He’ll also speak on the role of Black Culture in his work, and the impact of hip-hop as world music. No charge. Kulas Musical Arts Bldg, 96 Front St., Berea. Info
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Connecting On An Emotional Level
Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Dance Company returns with Cleveland alum

Performing with the company will be Cleveland’s own Antonio Brown, a graduate of Cleveland School of the Arts and the Juilliard School. We spoke with Brown by phone and got the lowdown.
Cool Cleveland: Who were your teachers at Cleveland School of the Arts?
AB: All the way back in 6th grade, my first teachers were Loretta Simone, Bill Wade, and Courtney Laves.
CC: Oh, Courtney was your first ballet teacher. I saw her just today at her school. Were you in Bill Wade’s performing group, the YARD?
AB: Yes, I was in the YARD until 9th grade when Bill left, and I was in Loretta’s group, Urban Dance Collective. After Courtney left, Sheila Eli was my ballet teacher for a while and then in my senior year Kay Eichman came in and taught ballet. Terrence Greene came in when I was in 9th grade to teach modern and he’s still there…
Read more from Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
An Open Invite
Plus, The Amazing Dr. West, and more…

For the rest of you — Surprise! Surprise! When I’m not toiling away at my keyboard I spend a goodly amount of my time working in the field of prisoner reentry through my non-profit organization Neighborhood Solutions, Inc.
I attempt to shed some much needed light on the problem of individuals returning home from a period of incarceration, and I do it mainly for one reason: I don’t want these dudes whacking me upside the head in a robbery attempt because they are desperate.
I’d much rather they were able to find some kind of honest way to earn their daily bread so that we taxpayers don’t have to foot the bill for them to once again be incarcerated…
Read more from Mansfield Frazier here

Lakewood Project rocks The Beatles

This week they collaborated with A Hard Day’s Night, performing a selection of Beatles tunes, including this note-perfect rendition of the the Abbey Road medley. A rock and roll orchestra never sounded so sweet. The Lakewood Project
Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Visit Old Carolina Right Here in NEO One of the best barbecue restaurants in Akron, Old Carolina Barbecue, is coming to Cleveland! Read about Julie Cajigas’ experience at this “hidden treasure”. Cool Cleveland.com
3) The Rockometer Rocks On Read about the cool Rockometer and Music Legacy Plaza project in the North Coast Voice and hear how music maven and food industry professional Christopher Axelrod is planning the largest banquet, special events, and party venue East of Las Vegas to be sited on the vacant space. NorthCoastVoice.com
4) Zack Bruell opens Chinato CoolCleveland’s Thomas Mulready spoke with Zack Bruell outside his new restaurant Chinato at the corner of Prospect and East 4th Street. ChinatoCleveland.com
5) Metallic-blue handlebars Check out the new public art and signage for the Bike Rack, the proposed bike station at Gateway North. GCBL.org.
Exceptionally talented Thanks to our writers: Julie Cajigas, Carol Drummond, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
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Just this once,
–Thomas Mulready
Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107