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I frequently hear talk about what Cleveland’s lakefront lacks in terms of human-made development; however, in such discussion, we often forget to recognize what the lakeshore within the city proper DOES offer.
Sometimes we neglect to appreciate the less disturbed segments of the shoreline… Read more from Robert Carillio here
SPONSORED: Make good on your New Year’s resolution to jumpstart your career. Whether finishing your college degree or getting that MBA, check out Baldwin-Wallace College with locations in Berea and Beachwood. B-W’s award-winning program helps working adults complete their bachelor’s degree in high demand fields: business, organizational leadership or health care management, many offered online. BW.edu/adult.
Planning your 2012 online advertising? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.

The Re-emergence of Y-Town
And the success of the Youngstown Business Incubator
If you can imagine the Rust Belt cities being connected to one another by veins, the streaks linking Cleveland to Youngstown have been, well, rusting and decomposing for a while.
However, over the past decade there’s been a slow resurgence of growth taking place in Youngstown that has attracted national and global attention… Read more from John Benson here

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Help With Your Job Search for Tri-C Alums Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. Sign-up now: Tri-C.edu/alumni.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

WED 12/28
The Public Poetry Workshop @ Vis Voice is meeting on Wed 12/28. Wanna be a better poet in 2012? Bring your work-in-progress for a friendly yet serious critique.
Click here for more events on Wed 12/28

THU 12/29
Old Brooklyn’s First Cash Mob Join together & bolster a local business! Old Brooklyn’s first cash mob on Thu 12/29 will be meeting at/bolstering Wexler’s Tavern & Eatery. Make some new friends while supporting our local economy.
Click here for more events on Thu 12/29

FRI 12/30
The Angry Inch Does the Time Warp! Hear songs from two of the greatest rock musicals — Hedwig & the Angry Inch and The Rocky Horror Show — sung by original cast members from the CPT productions on Fri 12/30.
Click here for more events on Fri 12/30

SAT 12/31
It’s New Year’s Eve If you wanna spend Sat 12/31 surrounded by good music & supporting a great cause, get thee to the WOO WHO Foundation’s Local Rock Benefit Series featuring Filmstrip, Oldboy, and the Feedbacks.
Click here for more events on Sat 12/31
SPONSORED: WCLV 104.9 celebrates the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 with some very special broadcasts. Saturday, New Year’s Eve, at 1PM, the Metropolitan Opera presents an historic 1951 performance of Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss, Jr. At 8PM, The Cleveland Orchestra offers a gala concert for the evening, followed by a Weekend Radio New Year’s Special. And at 11AM on New Year’s Day, WCLV goes live to Vienna for the Vienna Philharmonic’s New Year’s Day concert. Full details on all of WCLV’s holiday programming at WCLV.com.

SUN 1/1
Tommy’s Annual Pancake Breakfast Ring the the new year w/ pancakes! You know the drill — head to Tommy’s on Sun 1/1 for a stack of pancakes to benefit Heights Arts. Help the community. Satisfy your hunger.
Click here for more events on Sun 1/1

MON 1/2
Artists’ Networking Night Hey, all you crafters, musicians, designers, artists, writers & wannabes — join up @ Edison’s Pub on Mon 1/2 & make friends w/ other creative people in the city.
Click here for more events on Mon 1/2

TUE 1/3
Waste-to-Energy Incinerators Will one be good for Cle? Learn about the proposed waste-to-energy incinerator to be built at Cle’s Ridge Rd at a citizens’ briefing on Tue 1/3 @ Neighborhood Family Practice.
Click here for more events on Tue 1/3

WED 1/4
Women, the Media & Power Sick of how the media portrays women? You’re not alone. Join a discussion & film screening of Miss Representation, a doc exploring the impact of the media’s inaccurate portrayals of women on society. Wed 1/4 @ Hathaway Brown.
Click here for more events on Wed 1/4
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Why do nursing-home administrators request 100-percent peppy music from performers? Some residents want to hear contemplative tunes.
Why do eyeglass-frame adjusters have so much power over us? Did they all get PhDs? From where? I.U.?
How come newspaper columnists don’t write about pet peeves anymore? That’s annoying… Read more from Bert Stratton here

A few months ago I was assigned to write a profile of Karamu’s Artistic Director Terrence Spivey for a local publication. In conducting background interviews I immediately became aware of the volatile situation Anastasia Pantsios chronicles in her recent article for Scene magazine entitled “Dark Days for the Black Arts.”
Unfortunately, her reportage is spot-on accurate… serious trouble has been brewing backstage at the historic theatre for years…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

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Nola Lyons is our first $100 winner. Congratulations to Nola. Stay tuned for more winners!
It couldn’t be easier to win $100, $250, even $500 from Cool Cleveland. Just download our new free mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos to share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
We’ll select random winners and ask you to send us a photo of yourself with your cash winnings! You don’t even have to tell us what you’ll spend it on (but we hope you spend it local!).
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and share the love. It may just pay off.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

LETTER: Anthony Bartholomew at Zygote from Bellamy Printz
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
ROLDO: Public Welfare – Shifted From the Poor to Corporations Yep. There’s been a shift in business. It used to be you had to make a superior product, market it, and give good service. Now it is becoming more important to know how to milk all the “programs” the government sets up to give yo freebie moochies…
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
Well, first — “When our local schools are dying from lack of financial support” — is that really true or are they dying from waste and fraud? Second, yes, the deals made to keep companies in town are sleazy — but what choice do the political hacks have. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t…
Read the comment from Ray here
Do not forget the sordid unrestricted tax monies given to the six figure salaries for the rock and roll hall of fame, and the inept bunch of frauds that set the notion of public radio back, wcpn…
Read the comment from snorky here
I found it ironic that the PD should rhapsodize over the trash-to-gas project, unreservedly as always, even as SCENE was running a thorough and thoughtful article casting a skeptical eye on both the technology and the politics of the deal. Skepticism, if I remember my high school journalism correctly, is supposed to be a hallmark of good reporting. Apparently the entire PD Editorial Board missed that class…
Read the comment from John Polk here
Better we let this companies leave and go to other cities? Cleveland is struggling but we need more industry, not less…
Read the comment from Aaron here
I couldn’t agree more but where is the call to action? We can sit around and complain about it or we can get off our butts and do something? Any suggestions? I’m in!…
Read the comment from Sandy Maline here
Roldo: I believe your voice is important to the community, and we need more and varied opinions. Fortunately the internet is giving people that kind of marketplace. But I do think there is an important distinction when voters approve a tax such as for Gateway…
Read the comment from Mary Anne Sharkey here
REVIEW: Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s Nutcracker Disappoints I agree that the audience liked it. My grandsons (4 and 7) enjoyed it a lot — especially the bear (the one really creative touch). That said, the review is right on…
Read the comment from Cathy here
ShopLOCAL Gift Guide I always enjoy this list — such a useful shopping guide — we have such an impressive group of talent in this area! I look forward to supporting them this coming year! Thanks Cool Cleveland!…
Read the comment from Elisa here
Why not practice buying local throughout the year… Think how much we can take back our economy and foster local vitality by supporting each other rather than only Wall Street…
Read the comment from Lepomis Gibbosus here
ShopLOCAL: Kids, Toys & Fun Please check out my store STAR POP vintage + modern (listed above) for great holiday gifts, stocking stuffers, silly white elephant gifts, and more…
Read the comment from Troy Schwartz here
MANSFIELD: Update on the Prosecutor’s Race You forgot “Brother Art” in your “leaders of our community” rant, young apprentice…
Read the comment from Art McKoy here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Jonathon Sawyer makes Time Mag’s Top 10 Everything of 2011
3) An Inside Look at Akron’s Funkiest Shopping Destination
4) ROLDO: Public Welfare — Shifted From the Poor to Corporations
5) MANSFIELD: Update on the Prosecutor’s Race

Voices of reason brought to you by John Benson, Robert Carillio, Mansfield Frazier, Bert Stratton, Sarah Valek and Laurie Wanninger. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Happy New Year,
–Thomas Mulready

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