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SPONSORED: What’s inside the new Black Box? Visit the new Center for Creative Arts Black Box Theatre at the Tri-C Metropolitan Campus and see From The Top host Christopher O’Riley’s darker side: interpretations of Radiohead and Nirvana on piano; DBR’s Woodbox, Beats and Balladry; and Gravity Radio’s Mayhem & Majesty. An eclectic 4-show package is only $60. TriCPresents.com. Peruse the new season brochure here.

If you’ve ever felt like life is a whirlwind of never-ending responsibilities, a weekend getaway is a wonderful gift. It’s a way to achieve balance, renew energy, and gain an attitude of gratitude.
But maybe an active weekend visiting New York City’s pizza parlors or cruising on the Caribbean isn’t exactly what you need. You may need a retreat, like the Word Lover’s Retreat or others taking place at Lakeside this fall… Read more from Claudia Taller here
Are you buying local for your online marketing? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Handcuffs? Really? Catch The 39 Steps at the Cleveland Play House 9/17-10/10. Are you ready to have a comical, possibly romantic, mysteriously dashing good time? A Hitchcock comedy thriller is right up your alley! Buy tix in advance, or come to the box office for any performance of The 39 Steps handcuffed to your date (seriously!), and get half-priced tickets to that evening’s show. ClevelandPlayHouse.org.

Are You Sure You’ve Experienced Tremont? Find out about this new iPhone app [pictured] that lets you Experience Tremont as never before. The app, named Experience Tremont, includes a business directory listing, real-time updates of special offers or promotions, events and points of interest for the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland. Catch our exclusive video interview with Barb Cagley of SCK, who designed the app… Watch the video and read more from Carol Drummond here
Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Prints, anyone? Dealers call it the gold standard of print fairs where looking at art is easy, friendly, and stress free. Fourteen US dealers presenting fine prints and photographs on Fri 9/24 – 26. Fun, friendly, and informative. Lectures, demonstrations, and benefit party details at www.PrintClubCleveland.org. Proceeds support the Department of Prints at Cleveland Museum of Art.
Cool Cleveland Podcast Weekly roundup of cool events, in an easy-to-digest 3 minute audio format, for playback on your computer or iPod.
Click here to subscribe to the Cool Cleveland Podcast in iTunes.
SPONSORED: IngenuityFest 2010 is 9/25-26 Thousands of ideas… Hundreds of artists, musicians, and performers… Dozens of New Technologies… Two Sides of Town… One Bridge to Connect it All… Ingenuity 2010 is going to be one of the more talked about events this year. With literally hundreds of live performances, exhibits, and interactive technology displays, there’s something for everyone. So check out our schedule and start exploring Ingenuity today.

Thinking outside the Big Box has been a mantra of Cool Cleveland’s for years, but this season, we’re turning up the heat. The major chains have been decimating local retail for years, and it is time to fight back.
Visit Coventry Road with Steve Presser in this exclusive interview with Thomas Mulready of Cool Cleveland as they review some of the cool retail outlets on one of the country’s most unique streets. Then start thinking about where you’re going to spend your money. If you’re a local retailer, send us your info to EVENTS@CoolCleveland.com, so we can include it in our upcoming Holiday Gift Guide (no, it’s not too early). In the meantime, check out the retailers on Coventry, and Shop Local. Watch the video now.
SPONSORED: Woofstock! Holden Arboretum hosts the Geauga Humane Society’s Woofstock Furry Walk-A-Thon and Family Festival on Sun 9/19 from 9AM-4PM. Walk will begin at 9:30AM and will be followed by canine games, agility course and kids activity area. Bring your favorite canine! http://www.HoldenArb.org

Chalk Up the Sidewalk at CMA’s annual Chalk Festival on Sat 9/18 and Sun 9/19. Make a masterpiece or be a spectator. Just be sure to make time to sit back and watch featured chalk artists do their thing while DubFlex and Cats on Holiday provide the soundtrack.
Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events
SPONSORED: All is forgiven! Have you checked out a book or movie from Cleveland Public Library and forgotten to return it? Bring overdue items back in September and all will be forgiven, no questions asked. Unpaid fees holding you back? Pay half and half will be forgiven. Visit http://www.CPL.org and “start fresh” in September!

Dr. Evalyn Gates has a passion for science, for science education, and for opening up the sciences more to women & minorities. Dr. Gates has recently been named Executive Director and CEO of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Watch the video as she talks with Thomas Mulready of CoolCleveland.com about her new book, Einstein’s Telescope, her background at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and her goals for the renovation and expansion of CMNH. Sign up for the Explorer Lecture Series, featuring Dr. Evalyn Gates on Fri 10/1 here: http://www.CMNH.org Watch the video here.
SPONSORED: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Theatre Don’t miss Near West Theatre’s dynamic 2010/11 season: Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka (Nov 19-Dec 5, 2010), Into the Woods (May 6-22, 2011), & Miss Saigon (July 22-Aug 7, 2011). Sign up for e-blasts with information on performances, auditions and more by visiting http://www.NearWestTheatre.org.

Why Architecture Matters Renowned architecture critic Paul Goldberger has been everywhere, from The New Yorker to The Colbert Report. And on Wed 9/15 he comes to Cleveland Museum of Art to discuss buildings & how they affect our lives both emotionally & physically.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/15
SPONSORED: On Wed 9/15 at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 FM is live at Severance Hall for the first CIM Live broadcast of the season. Martina Filijak, the 2009 winner of the Cleveland International Piano Competition, is the soloist in the Schumann Piano Concerto. Carl Topilow also conducts a Dvorak Slavonic Dance and the Mahler Symphony No. 1. Complete details on all of WCLV’s programming at http://www.wclv.com.

There’s more to boxing than pummeling someone in gloves. This highly disciplined sport provides a way to keep kids off the street and engaged in something real. Boxers work w/ a mentor to learn about self-esteem & violence prevention. Support Westside Boxing Club at their fundraiser on Thu 9/16 @ the Treehouse. [Photo: Melinda Rinehart.]
Click here for more events on Thu 9/16

Access for All Party If you care about adding bike lanes to Cle streets, or you thought the Bridge for All plan was awesome, join the party for sustainable transportation on Fri 9/17 @ Progressive Field. Live music, drinks, activism & inspiration.
Click here for more events on Fri 9/17

F*SHO Cle is a hotbed for contemporary furniture design. Gotta see it to believe it? Check out work from ten Cle-based woodworkers/metalworkers, all of whom design and build fine custom furniture & sculpture, at F*SHO a contemporary furniture show @ Battery Park on Sat 9/18. It’s all about Form, Function and Furniture… and forgetting Ikea.
Click here for more events on Sat 9/18

Woofstock 2010 Get your pooches, yap-yaps, and mutts ready for Woofstock 2010 on Sun 9/19 @ Holden Arboretum. The days begins at 9AM w/ a one-mile dog walk and culminates in an all-day family festival ’til 3PM. Wanna walk? Register now, collect pledges, earn prizes & support Geauga Humane Society.
Click here for more events on Sun 9/19

Matt Hires @ The Beachland Matt Hires’ songs are musically stripped down and emotionally complex. He’s self-assured, authentic and at ease. See him at the Beachland on Mon 9/20 at 8PM. He’ll be joined by Camera Can’t Lie and Cle’s own genre-blurring trio, Tinamou.
Click here for more events on Mon 9/20

The Sky is Not the Limit Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is the author of nine books including The Sky Is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist and Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution, co-written with Donald Goldsmith. With titles like those, you know he’s an interesting guy. He’ll speak @ Writers Center Stage on Tue 9/21 at 7:30PM.
Click here for more events on Tue 9/21

Do plants grow in the Flats? Of course they do. Learn about industrious plants & the urban environments that sustain them at the next Urban Botany class on Wed 9/22. Register now to search for rare & unusual vegetation.
Click here for more events on Wed 9/22
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Although Frankie Yankovic, America’s Polka King, rose to fame in this blue-collar community on the shores of Lake Erie, North Collinwood is better known these days for rock and roll.
In fact, since the Beachland Ballroom opened on Waterloo Road ten years ago, the area has become a hotspot for musicians and artists of all kinds. This Fri 9/17, check out this neighborhood at the Walk All Over Waterloo event… Read more from Lee Chilcote here
In spite of our common desire for speedy closure, the Feds took their own sweet time with the county corruption probe, and did so for a couple of reasons:
One, every time they stepped to someone and rattled a pair of handcuffs in their face, said individual would begin shaking like a dog passing peach pits and then would rollover on a few (or maybe a bunch) of other people, thus widening the investigation; and two, if closure came too quickly the pain would have been less, but the lesson most likely would have been lost… there would have been little, if any, real desire to change the culture in the county.
And make no mistake, a systemic cultural change is what is needed, and, yes, it will be painful…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here
Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: The Walworth Farce @ Dobama by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Distance Rehearsals w/ Web Cam & Skype? by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
REVIEW: Joffrey Ballet @ Blossom 9/4/10 by Laura Kennelly
REVIEW & PREVIEW: Tri-C Center for Creative Arts Grand Opening Gala 9/14/10
PREVIEW: Meet the Extraordinary Herman Rubin by Kelly Ferjutz
Change: Can We Manage It? C’mon on now. Really? 2010 and you make it sound like 1910. I think you can find racism, sexism, religious intolerance anywhere if you are bent on finding it. Cleveland has many vibrant communities where people of all races, religions and sexual preferences reside- together. We have a long history of black and female elected officials, and push for minority owned business in the City. I think the failure of that program, in particular, has to do with corruption more than racism (since I will point out many political leaders in Cleveland are indeed black). And the failure of the Flats had more to do with corruption and back-door shenanigans (eminent domain) than anything else. Not sure what color glasses you are wearing Mansfield, but I’ve been to the warehouse district, E. 4th, gateway, coventry, lakewood many times and you’ll see lots of different folks, interracial couples, gays, muslims together. GET REAL…
Read the comment from “Keeping it real for Mansfield” here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Melt Creates buzz in Entrepreneur.
3) Mansfield: Change: Can we manage it?
4) 500 New Jobs Coming to NEO.
5) Cool Cleveland People: Amy Sancetta
There’s no escaping the talent of our writers: Roy Berko, Lee Chilcote, Carol Drummond, Kelly Ferjutz, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Laura Kennelly, Claudia Taller, and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Escape to NEO,
–Thomas Mulready

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