Fri 7/16 @ 6:30-11PM
“Let’s mingle into more,” says moCa Cleveland. “More art & artists, more community & laughter, more open dialogue, more good times, more moments filled with discovery.”
Yeah, we’re about ready for all that. So moCa is offering us a summer block party to kick off their new fall shows: a group show called Axis Mundo: Queen Networks In Chicano L.A., a solo show by Aaron Williams organized by the Museum of Creative Human Art in partnership with moCa; and a celebration of moCa’s first artist-in-residence, mixed media/sculpture artist Joyce Morrow Jones.
In addition to the chance to check out the new art, the block party will offer vegan comfort food from Mo Bites, DJ NicNack spinning tunes and performances by Lorine Chia and Smith Taylor. It’s free and open to all.