Folksinger Alex Bevan Releases His 25th Album at Beachland Show

Tue 6/27 @ 8PM

Folksinger Alex Bevan has been a beloved mainstay of the area’s acoustic music scene for well over four decades with his amiable, folksy stage presence and his mix of songs from humorous ditties such as his best-known tune “Skinny Little Boy (From Cleveland, Ohio), to tender ballads, to his celebrations of the beauty of nature and Lake Erie.

Since the release of his first album, No Truth to Sell, in 1971, his catalogue has kept growing, as he continues to write new music to join the old favorites. Early last year he released Boomer! A Utopian Memoir, which waxed nostalgic about growing up in the ’50s and ’60s.

His latest album True Meridian (his 25th) comes out this week; it’s filled with wistful, pensive lyrics, occasionally spelled by a moment of levity. He’ll celebrate its release with a show at the Beachland Tavern where he’ll play the entire album along with some of the old favorite. Then he’ll head off to hit all his favorite summer spots: Kelley’s Island, Marblehead and assorted vineyards and yacht clubs. Tickets are $10.


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