Audubon Society Naturalist Talks About Biodiversity at Summit Metro Parks

Yellow Crowned Night Heron photo by Brynda lvan

Tue 5/28 @ 7-8:30PM

With summer coming, you’ll want to spend more time outdoors, and one way to make that more fun and satisfying is to learn about the flora and fauna you see all around you.

Get a head start by joining photographer/naturalist Jim McCormac at Summit Metro Parks’ Cascade Valley Metro Park’s Himelright Lodge for the Greater Akron Audubon  Society’s Bert Szabo Legacy Address, named after the park district’s first naturalist. His topic is biodiversity and he’ll be providing a blueprint for protecting and upgrading our natural world so birds (and other living things) can thrive. “Come ready to transform passion into action,” they say. He’ll undoubtedly offer some ideas on ways you can do that.

It’s free. Call 330-865-8065 for more information.


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