In this week’s issue:
* Cool Cleveland Party Holidaze Hullabaloo 12/14!
* BizTech Profile Christopher Diehl, Director of Design for URS
* 2006 Holiday Buying Guide Help for the discerning shopper
* Interview Entertainer Helen Welch
* Interview Packy Malley
* Sounds Pirate Radio from The Pretenders
* Previews From Styx/CYO to Snow Tails
* RoldoLINK Crain’s Brian Tucker and Roldo agree on taxes being too high
* Cool Cleveland Kids podcast click here, CC podcast click here, CC Blog click here
Time to party? If you’re looking for a holiday soiree to celebrate the season, join Cool Cleveland on Thu 12/14 for Holidaze Hullabaloo as we raise a glass to 4 years of weekly e-blasts, to our new redesign, and to our loyal readers and party-goers who have been exploring cool events, neighborhoods, people and ideas with us for over 200 weekly issues. This week, videos with transplanted British entertainer Helen Welch, architect Christopher Diehl and spark plug Packy Malley; they keep our region interesting. Check our Holiday Buying Guide to keep it local. Thanks also to those who’ve clicked on our survey and entered to win an iPod; your responses are helping to make Cool Cleveland that much hotter. —Thomas Mulready

Get Your Mistletoe On
Holidaze Hullabaloo low price until midnight Thu 12/7 here!

You get all this:
- Open Bar with beer & wine for 3 hours
- Unlimited Cajun buffet, featuring:
- Secret Recipe Cornbread
- Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya
- Mini Crab Cakes with Cajun mayo
- Pop-in-your-mouth Cornbread Hush Puppies
- Chicken Tenders with Praline Dipping Sauce
- Spicy JalapeƱo Caps
- Delta Dip (black bean dip for us vegetarians)
- Sweet Potato Chips
- An array of Delicious Desserts
- Hot Chocolate Peppermint Schnapps drink special
- Tuneage by Cats On Holiday
- Dancing till the wee hours with Latin Jazz from Gaetano Letizia Band
- iPod giveaway
Get your tix online now for your best price: https://CoolCleveland.net/tickets/121406/index.php.

Christopher Diehl
URS Director of Design

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