Fri 6/24-Sun 7/3
Cleveland History Days was launched in 2018, and has grown each year; it now features almost 40 programs sponsored by 27 organizations over a ten-day period. They include tours and talks about a huge variety of people and laces that comprised Cleveland history.
Things get rolling of Friday June 24 @ 10:30am with the Cleveland History Days opening ceremony, taking place at the Cleveland History Center at the Western Reserve Historical Society. There’s a luncheon from noon-1pm featuring a film about Black Cleveland inventor Garrett Morgan and a moderated conversation with members of Morgan’s family. Get tickets here.
Also on Friday you can take a guided walking tour of Public Square (meet at the REBol Urban Café at noon), and visit the Cozad-Bates House in University Circle, now an Underground Railroad memorial, for a tour from 1:30-2:30pm — it’s free but registration is required here.
For a full schedule of daily events, go to canalwaypartners/clevelandhistorydays/.