Exclusive Cool Cleveland interview with Tim Hagan

Cool Cleveland: People have said that you are being backed by the same big-money business and Republican leaders who worked to defeat you in your bid for Governor, simply because they want a convention center.
Tim Hagan: I don’t think the convention center was a wise decision the way they put it on and took it off. You need a consensus with the city council and the Mayors. In order to have a convention center, you need the Mayor, the community, the council and the suburban Mayors. It has to fit into a total plan as to how to re-vitalize the county, not just the city. I’m hopeful that these studies will come up with a plan that everyone can buy into. We have to have an idea that people can believe in. I have made no commitment to a convention center. Two, the people who supported me for governor are now my contributors. As yet, I haven’t received any money that I’m aware of from [Republican Governor Bob] Taft supporters. Peter B. Lewis and Mort Mandel [have given me money], and they supported me for governor.
Who is backing you?
I’m proud to say that AFL-CIO has endorsed me. I’ve proved that you can have consensus among different groups who are looking for new leadership. It’s not an accident that labor endorsed me. As I said, I would have dropped out if not for the AFL-CIO endorsement.
Anything else that would make you drop out?
No. I think we can offer a direction and get out of the malaise that we’ve gotten ourselves in…
Read the exclusive Cool Cleveland interview with Tim Hagan
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Unparalleled views from your luxury condo in the Sincere Building. Spread out in a massive master suite with lots of closet space and invite guests to stay over in two spacious bedrooms. With all the light filled windows, you’ll have incredible views, and enjoy granite counters and quality hardwood floors throughout with 2 full baths, in-suite laundry and potential separate work entrance. The E. 4th & Prospect neighborhood is one of Cleveland’s most vibrant with great restaurants like Pickwick and Frolic. If that weren’t enough, there’s a 12 year tax abatement and reduced rate financing, and free parking for one year. With condos beginning at $269,900 you’re making a great investment while owning a piece of Cleveland’s future. Check out Sincere Building from Progressive Urban Real Estate. Hit the open house from 2-4 PM on Sun 2/15 at 2077 E. 4th St. http://www.progressiveurban.com
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Cleveland Chaos Finally, t-shirts as cool as Cleveland itself. Visit Cleveland Chaos for unique shirts that celebrate the positive power of our town’s chaotic past, present and future. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll want one on your back. Because from chaos comes greatness …or at least a damn fine T-shirt. Cleveland Chaos was started by a passionate Clevelander named simply “Paul,” who hand-selected several of our local Picassos and challenged them to confidently, authentically, and playfully express what it means to be a Clevelander. After brainstorming, Paul decided to create an innovative organization offering varied lines of chaos centric products all Clevelanders will be proud to wear as an expression of their unique Clevelandness. One shirt reads, “Stop by anytime… we’ll leave the river on for you.” Celebrating the past, present and future greatness of Cleveland is what Cleveland Chaos is about. “Let’s dump the phony boosterism, get over our inferiority complex, and honestly celebrate what makes Our Town the bees’ knees,” says Paul. Visit Cleveland Chaos at http://www.ClevelandChaos.com
Sexy suburbs The First Suburbs Development Council, a 14-city group that is buying old-style, up and down duplexes (of which there are hundreds in the inner ring suburbs of Lakewood, Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, and Euclid), and turning them into cool, side-by-side townhouse condos. This is a bright idea that could transform the inner ring from sleepy to sexy. www.Cleveland.com
Issue 31 is the arts levy…really Issue 31 is the economic development levy scheduled for the March 2nd ballot, and was proposed as a way to provide support for the arts, a billion-dollar industry, but its campaign ads point primarily to jobs rather than arts. The Cuyahoga County Commissioners set aside half of the $20 million-per-year property tax increase to go toward arts groups and to develop new arts enterprise while stabilizing cultural assets. So if you want to support Cleveland’s arts and culture, remember to vote for Issue 31 on March 2. www.Cleveland.com
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Win a free Satellite Radio from your own personal communications assistant, OnlyOne. Why mess around with separate numbers for your cell phone, fax, home and work? Tell everyone, “Call my OnlyOne.” The best part? You can screen and route your calls to whichever phone is closest to you. Plus, your faxes are digitized and sent to your e-mail. You can even have your voicemail messages sent to your e-mail as audio files! Find out more about OnlyOne with no obligation, and enter to win a Sirius Satellite Radio and 12 months of satellite radio service, giving you over 100 streams of commercial-free radio. Support Cool Cleveland and enter at www.MyOnlyOne.com/coolcleveland
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Taft signs anti-gay bill What’s a citizenry to do? Institute a class-action lawsuit over the economic side effects? Recall the Governor? “First and foremost, this is not a law of intolerance,” Ohio’s Governor Taft said. He then went on to say more things guaranteed to put him in the history books, but not for any stellar achievements. And to think he purposely delayed signing this despicable bill so the expected backlash wouldn’t interfere with his lukewarm State of the State address. http://www.cleveland.com
Contact Taft on denial of benefits With the stroke of a pen, Governor Taft set back economic development in Ohio by decades. The so-called “defense of marriage” act denies the creative class benefits and makes Ohio a second class state. Express your opinion on his decision to sign H.B. 272 (the DOMA/Denial of Benefits bill) by phone: 614-466-3555 (during regular business hours — they don’t have voicemail) or via email on this web page: http://governor.ohio.gov/contactinfopage.asp http://governor.ohio.gov/contactinfopage.asp]]
Heights domestic registry opens Twenty couples registered in Cleveland Heights on the first day of their domestic partner registry, with 14 more the second day signing on as domestic partners. Nine couples from outside the city registered (already stimulating economic benefit to a city known for it’s tolerance), and one couple believes that Ford Motor Company will accept the registry as proof of a committed relationship. David Caldwell, one of the founders of Heights Families for Equality, who organized the original petition drive that put the measure on the ballot, sees how this success in Cleveland Heights might eventually help the rest of gay-beleaguered Ohio. “We are really excited about assisting other communities that want to do this work,” he said. “Maybe in working with other communities around the state, we can change the climate, in time.” See the Gay People’s Chronicle here: www.GayPeoplesChronicle.com
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Stimulate your valentine’s senses and fall in love with music this February. Treat your valentine to an evening of great music as CIM Alumni violinist Judith Ingolfsson and pianist Ronald Sat perform works by Beethoven, Bartok and Saint-Saens Sat 2/14 at 8PM, admission is free of charge. Enjoy Opera from Rome to the Rockies on Fri 2/20 & Sat 2/21 at 8PM and Sun 2/22 at 3PM, presented by CIM Opera Theater, where you can see opera in an intimate, casual setting, directed by Cleveland Opera director David Bamberger. For tickets, call 216-791-5000 X 411 Monday thru Friday. Mention Cool Cleveland and receive $2 off the ticket price! CIM is a leading international conservatory featuring extraordinary music from our talented students, guest artists and faculty, which includes members of The Cleveland Orchestra. Come out and hear why they are highly acclaimed. For a complete listing of CIM events, visit http://www.CIM.edu
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Kucinich 3rd in Maine and Washington Third-place victories in two states have steeled Representative Dennis Kucinich to struggle forward in his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination. He finishes behind Kerry and Dean, but ahead of Edwards and Clark. “Granted, it is modest, but I still have finally been able to break into the top three in two elections.” All while being virtually ignored by the major media. Now it gets interesting. www.Cleveland.com and www.Cleveland.com
Regional unity draws mixed reaction Northeast Ohioans like the idea of increasing tourism in Cleveland, developing a cohesive economic plan, and luring new business, but they disagree on how to bring these changes about. Many also believe opening the lakefront would be more beneficial than building a new convention center. Now there’s a good idea. See the PD here: www.Cleveland.com
Regionalism now Almost each week, there’s a high-profile discussion of regionalism in the area. “You have to take the position that there has to be fundamental change,” said Robert Liberty, former director of the “smart growth” advocacy group 1,000 Friends of Oregon and nationally known activist in the areas of land use and growth management. He spoke at a Trinity Cathedral forum sponsored by the Cuyahoga Regional Area League of Women Voters. www.Cleveland.com
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Making Change Interested in innovation and entrepreneurship for Northeast Ohio? Ready to plug into a network of engaged citizens who are poised to create an open-source model for changing our civic habits of dialogue and inclusion? Stay tuned to REI@Weatherhead, as the Center for Regional Economic Issues at Case Western Reserve’s Weatherhead School of Management invites your participation in a community-wide series of events, forums, blogs, websites and actions. First up, a series of programs on Creative Arts & Industries, designed to educate the public in the creative digital arts as a medium for economic growth in the NE Ohio region. The first program, Interactive Design & Technologies features speakers from EDR Media, Impact Communications and Kaleidoscope. The two-day program happens on Fri 2/20 and Sat 2/21 from 9AM-12PM at the Peter B. Lewis Building on the Case campus. Then, check out digital photography, printed computer graphics, and digital video on Sun 2/22 from 4-8PM, helping to develop collaborative partnerships to further the creative possibilities at the intersection of art, science, technology and business. Call 368-5534. http://weatherhead.case.edu/rei
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Huh? Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District’s budget is being squeezed, like plenty of other school districts, but it’s exacerbated by a requirement by the State of Ohio to bus private school students. The district transports 1,105 students to 19 parochial and private schools from Cleveland to Gates Mills, while only 781 of the district’s own students are bused. The private schools whose students ride on the public’s dime include some of Ohio’s finest and most expensive institutions: University School, Hawken School, Gilmour Academy, Hathaway Brown School and Laurel School. Hard to believe, isn’t it? www.Cleveland.com
Rock Hall to air induction live We’re so tired of Cleveland whining about the induction ceremony. You wouldn’t be able to afford tickets anyway. The 19th annual induction ceremony, which takes place on Mon 3/15 at 8PM, will be broadcast on large screens at the Rock Hall in Cleveland, live from Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York. That’s right, catch the warm-ups, the sound checks and the entire unexpurgated stage show. 2004 performer inductees are Jackson Browne, the Dells, George Harrison, Prince, Bob Seger, Traffic and ZZ Top. For anyone who doesn’t live in Cleveland, an edited version of the 2004 ceremony will air on VH 1? later in March. www.RockHall.com
Soccer stadium blues Now is probably not a good time to talk about publicly funding a sports facility in Cuyahoga County. But Summit County officials are showing more interest in the $110 million soccer stadium project for our region. Cuyahoga County is letting them take the lead. www.Cleveland.com
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Issue 31 for jobs Cool Cleveland readers know it as the arts and culture levy, but Issue 31 is also an economic development measure designed to improve our County’s economy by retaining existing jobs and attracting new, good paying jobs. It offers hope for Cuyahoga County through a loan program for locally growing companies, brownfield clean-up, training and re-training workers, and assistance for entrepreneurs – all the things we’ve been spotlighting in Cool Cleveland. Support Cleveland’s arts and business future by supporting Issue 31 to protect jobs and create jobs. On March 2, vote FOR Issue 31. http://www.Issue31.org
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Calling Cleveland home Casey Allen and Natalie Nelson moved here from Seattle three years ago. They found their home on the Internet, came here without a job and don’t have family here. So why they’d pick our city? An attic and garage. Microsoft money made Seattle a prime destination for latte-drinking tech entrepreneurs and grunge-inspired young hipsters from all over the country, which good for the the city’s tax revenue, but bad for longtime residents and talented people with families [Casey, who plays bass for Cats On Holiday, and Natalie, who is a nurse, have 3 kids]. As a result, families are finding their way to Cleveland. www.Cleveland.com
Phoning home over the net Regulators are trying to stem the tide of the companies rushing to provide Voice over Internet Protocol (Vo IP?) service to consumers in Northeast Ohio. State regulators aren’t in a hurry, because the FCC hasn’t provided any guidelines to determine if Vo IP? companies are phone companies or not. www.Cleveland.com
Looking out over the Third Frontier As part of Governor Bob Taft’s jobs initiative, the governor asked legislators to direct additional cash to his Third Frontier program backing the high-tech industry. And while Cleveland (and Cool Cleveland) are in support of the initiatives behind the 3rd Frontier project, there are questions of accountability. Without making companies jump through too many hoops, we should all be paying close attention as the Ohio Department of Development works out the kinks in this new type of program designed to offer early-stage capital to start-ups in tech, biotech, fuel cell and other new economy industries. See the PD here: www.Cleveland.com
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Mobsters and Molls: another sold-out Jump Back? For 13 years, the Jump Back Ball has been Cleveland’s #1 fundraiser for young professionals, benefiting Playhouse Square. Do good while having fun in your finest gangster wear, black is tie optional. Enjoy dinner, cocktails and ongoing entertainment throughout the evening Sat 2/28 at the State Theatre, including the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, the Dukes of Wail, Redline, and DJ Scott E. Jones. Plus, you have the chance to rub shoulders with all the young movers and shakers in Cleveland. Lead sponsors are National City and Armada Funds. Order tickets now, as the Jump Back Ball sells out every year. Send e-mail to partners2@playhousesquare.com or call the Jump Back Ball hotline at 216-348-5267, or visit www.PlayhouseSquarePartners.com.
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Watch out for “intelligent” design Calling them “knuckle-dragging creationists, the PD’s Sam Fulwood III warns us that lobbyists have caused Ohio schools to be embroiled in the “Creationists vs Darwinist” conundrum once again. The State Board of Education ruled in 2002 that state science curriculum standards are not to “mandate the teaching or testing of intelligent design,” but those intent on inserting religion in schools have lobbied to have every aspect of Darwinism challenged as part of the curriculum. Read his column here www.Cleveland.com
Coming to Cleveland Start-up companies that land in Cleveland do make it big. Zeta Technologies Ltd. has sold its radio frequency measurement software called SpectrumWorks to the Federal Communications Commission, and discovered that, while Ohio’s image suffers and “the talent pool is limited because many of the really talented people end up leaving,” success might actually be more attainable in Cleveland than in Silicon Valley. Read Craintech here http://neohio.craintech.com
Shyness is dangerous? Shyness may be a detriment to your health, “Since ancient Greece, physicians have noticed that persons with a ‘melancholic temperament’ are more vulnerable,” said Steve Cole, principal investigator and assistant professor of hematology-oncology at the David Geffen School of Medicine and a member of the UCLA AIDS Institute. Read it at http://www.eurekalert.org
What goes on in Willoughby We’ve heard reports of irresistible gifts at Finestra Gallery, located in historic downtown Willoughby, where cool art and gifts are happening. Finestra has all things cosmopolitan, fresh and alluring; let them help you sling the arrow and improve your love life with enchanted heart bracelets by Cleveland artist Lili; silk-strung heart necklaces by Holly Yashi; blown glass hearts and flowers by Ohio City’s own Glass Bubble Project, or saucy cards for love, sex, flirty flings and other things! Put some thought into your Valentine and go with something extraordinary. They also feature unique and affordable artist hand-designed jewelry, glassware, ceramics, lighting, furniture and an abundant assortment of other beautiful objects d’art. Who woulda thought? At 4076 Erie St. in Willoughby. 440-946-3313 or email finestra@sbcglobal.net and visit http://www.finestragallery.com
Music and the brain Recent discoveries reveal how people’s emotional reaction to music can alleviate pain, why certain musical intervals sound more pleasing than others, and how musical training alters the growing brains of children. Read it at http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994563
BioScience’s Changing Luck The Civic Innovation Lab decision to support NEOBio just adds to the momentum that Crain’s helped start by calling NEOBio “The group that’s gaining momentum and creating some cohesion among Northeast Ohio’s bioscience companies.” This is just the beginning for the change in the region’s bioscience luck! Come and celebrate with all people in the in the BioSciences (both BioMed and BioTech) at Fat Fish Blue on Wed 2/11 from 5-7 PM. Embrace the excitement in the air with the rest of the community: doctors, medical researchers, BioScience employees, company owners and investors, hospital employees, new inventors, students, and anyone interested in the BioSciences in NE Ohio are welcome to attend. It’s a Wednesday and that means blues legend and multiple WC Handy Award winner Robert Lockwood Jr is playing at 8PM, with FREE appetizers! Fat Fish Blue 21 Prospect, at the corner of Ontario. steve@neobio.org
Mac’s Back’s Poetry Reading Bring your poems or show up to hang in a laid back setting with Cleveland’s poets Wed 2/11 at 7PM, and catch this month’s featured Cool Cleveland Writer Kathy Walker reading her works. See her feature below and get in touch with our city’s wordsmiths. 1820 Coventry Rd in Cleveland Hts http://www.macsbacks.com
The Vermeer String Quartet With performances in practically every major city in North America, Europe, and Australia, the Vermeer has achieved international stature as one of the world’s finest ensembles. Formed in 1969 at Marlboro, the quartet has since performed at most of the prestigious festivals from Tanglewood to the Casals Festival. Listen in Wed 2/11 at 7:30PM as they continue the fourth installment of Beethoven String Quartets: Quartet in F minor, Op. 95, Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6, and Quartet in A minor, Op. 132. Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 E.Blvd. 1-888-CMA-0033 http://www.clevelandart.org
Vincent in Brixton Everyone recognizes Vincent van Gogh’s paintings filled with flowers, soulful faces and starry night skies. But what do we actually know about the artist and his life, especially as a young man? Vincent in Brixton is a love story, comedy, historical drama as well as a recognized and celebrated play of the past season in London and New York. See this fresh-from-Broadway story of a man and his genius, his love, mental breakdown and immortality Thu 2/12 8PM running thu 3/7. For info and tickets call 795-7000. Baxter Stage at Cleveland Playhouse 8500 Euclid Ave http://www.clevelandplayhouse.com
Sculptures: Nick De Pirro mixes an oxymoron of purity within manufactured form with a sense of dramatic irony. His work has a machined precision quality carried with playful absurdity; materials used are forged, machined and welded steel, cast bronze, hydrostone, rubber, graphite and grease. He creates structural objects that indicate a sense of purpose by its own definition. Exhibit opens Thu 2/12. 229-6527. At the Sculpture Center, 1834 East 123rd St. http://www.sculpturecenter.org
Cleveland Scholarship Programs and (i)Cleveland join exuberant host and CSP alumnus Anthony Houston at 806 Wine and Martini Bar, the newest hip spot in Tremont. Your generous donation will help Greater Cleveland area students to obtain higher education and reconnect with our city. Admission includes hors d’oeuvres, wine, and a chance to win a gift certificate to Theory, Thu 2/12 from 6-8PM. All proceeds will provide educational opportunities to deserving Cleveland area students served by CSP and (i)Cleveland. 806 Wine and Martini Bar, 806 Literary Rd. For advance reservations call 241-5587.
Thrive Gallery party with beads Get in touch with your creative side and learn the craft of beading by creating jewelry for yourself or someone special. Thrive will be back from a major buying trip and will present an amazing selection of beads for you to choose from on Thu 2/12 from 5-7:30PM with instruction and refreshments. Please register by by calling 479-0303. Thrive at the Galleria, 1301 E. 9th St, 2nd Floor
Red Dress Valentine Benefit to support women’s cardiovascular education initiatives. The Gala will feature dinner, cocktails, dancing and a silent auction. Survivors of heart disease will also be in attendance; meet these examples of strength and mingle for a good cause. Proceeds of which will benefit the EMH Foundation to support education efforts and improve the heart health of women Fri 2/13 starting 7PM. The EMH Center For Health and Fitness, 1997 Healthway Drive in Avon. For more info call 440-329-7860
L’Imbalsamatore Italian for the Embalmer, a dark, erotic thriller involving a fiftyish taxadermist with mafia connections who enlists a hunked-out young man to be his assistant. Tensions arise when the taxidermist has more than a professional interest in this apprentice, and gets upset when his heterosexual ideal falls for a beautiful young woman. The film won the 2002 Donatello awards (Italy’s version of the Ocscars), see it Fri 2/13 at 9:30PM. Cleveland Institute of Art Cinemateque, 11141 East Blvd 421-7450, http://www.cia.edu/cinematheque
Cross Pollinate and get doubly cultured at the ART Cade?‘s Gallery U and Tremont’s art walk with coinciding opening night Fri 2/13 from 5-8PM. Experience works by Becky Briston and get down with music by Sounder. Afterwards head over to Brandt Gallery in Tremont, rolling out art by Aaron Koonce and music by New Planet Trampoline; it’s a hellacious hit of art and music from 6-10PM, that is, if you can handle it. At Colonial Marketplace AR Tcade?, 503 Prospect Ave and 1028 Kenilworth Ave in Tremont. 323-0085 or 621-1610
Charge An apocalyptic comedy where all our dreams are a click away, marks the beginning of CPT’s Independent Theatre Club, providing three of this season’s unique, original works. An electryifying tragicomedy, Charge takes us into the future and into the bedroom of a husband and wife. Lounging in bed an entire lifetime, in a giant steel room that protects from the salmon sky, while having personal electronic assistants act out every whim, dream, and desire–the future never looked so bright. But some things don’t change…no matter how comfortable the bed is. Samuel Beckett meets Boyz N the Hood in Eric Kaiser’s play, opening night is Fri 2/13 at 8PM running thru 2/28. Call 631-2727 for tickets and info. Cleveland Public Theatre’s Upstairs Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave. www.Cptonline.org
Fate or Fantasy Pre-Valentine’s Day event – fantasy begins for women only at 8-10PM. Men are welcome after 10PM; that’s when fate steps in (use your imagination). Fantasy will include body pampering by the experts of Angelo’s Day Spa, and fate will require that everybody tries their luck…evening includes tempting appetizers, tantalizing martini bar and live DJ Fri 2/13. For info contact 338-4338 or 229-4438. Angelo’s Day Spa, 12407 Larchmere Blvd.
WCLVnotes On Wed 2/11 at 8PM, WCLV 104.9 will broadcast a special concert live from Severance Hall. Louis Lane conducts the CIM Orchestra with Kataro Fukuma, the 2003 Gold Winner of the Cleveland International Piano Competition. He’ll be the soloist in one of Rachmaninoff’s biggest hits, the Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini. Also on the program, Richard Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustra and Respighi’s The Fountains of Rome. Those of a certain age will remember the opening bars of Also from the dramatic sunrise scene of the film 2001 – A Space Odyssey. On Sun 2/15 afternoon at 3PM, WCLV will broadcast live the Norton Memorial Organ Recital by Ben van Oosten. A Cool Cleveland partner. www.WCLV.com
I Love Dick Spend Valentine’s Day reflecting the dynamics of female power and its interpretation by strong female visions in this tapestry of top female multi-media artists. Not just an exploration of contemporary feminism, it’s a statement put forth by the women involved; the artists in this show have their own way of communicating femininity and power. Artists will present identification of “the power of what’s between our legs” – we don’t have to get naked to get our way, but we know we CAN. Hit the artists’ reception Sat 2/14 from 7-10PM. 1300 Gallery. 1300 W. 78th St.939-1300 www.13hundred.com
Music and Dances from the Carpathians featuring The Gazsa Band, fresh from studying authentic village music in remote areas of Hungary, offering a concert and dance party sponsored by World Music at INSIDE Sat 2/14. Doors open 8PM, at the Winchester Tavern and Music Hall, 12112 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, 281-8727 The Gazsa Band
First Tango at Art House kicking off a hot Valentine’s Day. The passion and sensuality of the tango is an unmistakable sign of your true feelings for him or her; get in on an hour and 30 minutes of instruction for Argentine Tango with live music. If you’re not dancing, try the sinful array of desserts: decadent Black Forest chocolate cake or sweet cream puffs topped off with coffee or tea. Dance workshop is open to beginners and experienced dancers alike Sat 2/14, doors open 8:30PM, dancing begins 9PM. Advanced reservations and payment required. Art House, 3119 Denison Ave. For reservations 398-8556 or just email lisa@arthouse.org and visit http://www.arthouseinc.org
Annual Trashing of the Hallowed Holiday known as Valentine’s Day – don’t get your heart broken again! Instead, rip it up at the Dysfunctional Valentine’s Day Show and purge your sorrows through rock n’ roll while Wallowing in the psychedelic fuzz filth of Thee Shams; dip into a dose of the Bloody Hollies, an enraged trio from Buffalo who’ve been adopted by us Clevelanders on account of their neckbreaking sound. Show up early to hear opening slot band New Planet Trampoline, vigorously rockin’ with a lot of organ and feedback-packed weirdness. Start your romantic year fresh by flushing out memories of boring relationships gone sour with this sexy triple injection Sat 2/14 at 9:30PM. Beachland Ballroom Tavern 15711 Waterloo Rd in romantic Collinwood. 383-1124
Classic Cleveland Poetry show up to read, slam, or hear this month’s feature poet Sean Dougherty. Born in New York City, he grew up in an inter-racial family, is a former factory worker, and a highschool dropout who became a renowned US performance-poet. He’s authored 6 books and has performed at over 100 festivals, universities and performance venues across North America and Europe. His awards include 2003 Pennsylvania Individual Artist Literature Award, 2002 Allen Ginsberg Award, the U Mass Lowell Poetry Prize and eight Pushcart Prize Nominations. Be there Sun 2/15, doors open 7PM, readings begin 7:30PM. Winner of the evening’s slam qualifies for finals this May to pick our team that will represent Cleveland at the National Poetry Slam. 15711 Beachland Ballroom 383-1124 http://www.clevelandpoetryslam.com http://www.beachlandballroom.com
Count Basie Orchestra started in 1936 and it’s one of the longest running Big Bands in history. The world reknowned group has won multiple Grammy awards, toured the globe, and has backed the greatest singers of all time: Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald and others. identified with their founder William “The Count” Basie, the Basie band continues to set the standard for all Big Bands. The current lineup is comprised of many veteran members hand picked by the Count himself. The Count Basie is touring in support of the 100th birthday of Count Basie; don’t miss this rare chance to hear them in an intimate setting Sun 2/15 with 2 shows at 6PM and at 8PM, plus Mon 2/16 at 7PM and 9PM. For tickets/reservations call 795-0550. Night Town? 12387 Cedar Rd in Cleveland Hts http://www.nighttowncleveland.com
Best of All Possible Worlds benefit for Near West Theater, join in for the best of all possible hors d’oeuvers, wine and beer accompanied by eclectic art auction and exciting raffle at The Hermit Club. Top it all off with dessert, mingling and networking as the party moves to Ohio Theatre on Sun 2/15 starting 5PM. Bid on a 5 bedroom villa in Mexico or a Vespa electronic scooter. 621-1919 xt106. At the Hermit Club 1629 Dodge Court, and Ohio Theatre at Playhouse Square 8500 Euclid Ave.
Rufus Wainwright: Want One The lusciously complex prince of pop-opera with the “get-out-of-my-way-I’m-hot-as-hell” voice returns to Cleveland (finally!) Mon 2/16 starting 8PM at the Odeon. Hit the show and get a listen of his latest release Want One; for those not in the know, Rufus pens his own musical arrangements and creates lyrics that carry a black belt in seduction. He’s been featured everywhere, including Trio’s Sessions at West 54th, NPR and CC editor Tisha Nemeth’s CD player. 1295 Old River Rd. For tickets & info call 574-2525, or visit http://www.theodeon.com/theodeon/ and check out http://www.rufuswainwright.com
Great Again A 2-day forum featuring national and regional economic experts leading discussions on stimulating prosperity in NEO. On Tues 2/17, the focus is on alternative economic practices, with experts from Philly, Louisville, St. Louis, and Minneapolis/St. Paul. On Wed 2/18, NEO business, labor, education, government and non-profit communities will hold conversations. Sponsored by Ohio Grantmakers Forum, it all takes place at the Hilton Akron/Fairlawn . http://www.futurefundneo.org
Trends in 2004 – An IT Community Perspective 2004 is shaping up as a pivotal year for IT. Hear about new business trends, emerging technologies and the improving economic climate with NEOSA and a panel of local technology leaders who will offer timely and focused perspectives Wed 2/18 starting 7:30AM-9AM. Presented by NEOSA and Moderated by John Soat, Executive Editor, InformationWeek. Panel Participants include: Chaz Napoli, President, DataVantage Corp; AJ Hyland, President and CEO, Hyland Software; Charles Stack, Founder and CEO, Flashline, Inc; Tim Reynolds, President, Tribute Inc; and Robert Dutile, EVP, Enterprise Architecture, KeyCorp. Event happens at Microsoft, Ste 300 Park Center III, 6050 Oak Tree Blvd. in Independence http://www.neosa.org/events/list.asp?Event_Id=48
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Issue 31 needs you Wanna get on the inside of the most important campaign for Cleveland’s future? We need people to distribute yard signs and stickers. We’re putting together a guerilla group of people to go around to night clubs, restaurants, coffeeshops and hangouts to ask if you can hang posters and hand out Issue 31 stickers for the staff to wear. Offer a loaned executive, your mailing list, or send a check to help get out the message. Call Chris Carmody at 216-931-3130, or send a note to CCarmodyIssue31@aol.com, or visit http://www.Issue31.org. And don’t forget to vote FOR Issue 31 on March 2.
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Northern Ohio U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich had his biggest primary wins this weekend, placing third in Washington and Maine, beating General Wesley Clark, Senator John Edwards and the Reverend Al Sharpton. But will it be enough to keep his momentum? And how many delegates is Kucinich expected to pick up before the Democratic convention? Kucinich press secretary William Russell Pitt told Cool Cleveland exclusively “It’s been a fantastic weekend – two contests in a row on both coasts, we have shown very strongly and are looking forward to the convention,” referring to Dennis’ 8% win in Washington and 15% win in Maine, his highest numbers yet in the campaign…
Read Kucinich Beat
Blog’s Eye View
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From Dan Hanson’s self titled blog: http://dhanson.blogspot.com
“Way back in the 80’s, I was communicating via electronic bulletin board systems (BBS) with friends in what was then the Soviet Union. They would move from town to town with a PC, modem and printer keeping a few steps ahead of the KGB. Using the incredible power of the technology, they would print newsletters and communicate with Westerners like me who had access to more information than they could have dreamed of. In fact I learned of the revolutions in Russia before the international press did, thanks to these brave patriots. I was reminded of this as I read this week about 54 people being jailed in China over their Internet use. I am sure if we are hearing about 54 cases, the real number is significantly higher. Amnesty International is calling for their release. Their crime? Expressing their opinions on the Internet. We bloggers, even far-too-infrequent contributors like me, should be thankful for our great freedom to read and post pretty much what we want. We should also remember the great empowerment that technology can bring to a person, group or idea. It helped bring down the Soviet Union. Maybe someday it will help in other restricted lands.”
”’Yr Turn
Cool Cleveland readers write
On Issue 31 for the arts “Is there any guarantee for those voting FOR this issue that the funds will be used exclusively for the arts, and that OTHER monies designated for the arts by the county will not be shifted away to offset other shortages in the county budget? This DID occur recently where funds earmarked for mental health were handled in that manner. It could be best described as giving with one hand and taking away with the other.” From Cool Cleveland reader Myron G. Stern mgstern@stratos.net
We forwarded Mr. Stern’s letter to the three County Commissioners, and Tim Mc Cormack?‘s office replied: “The levy represents new money. It would not supplant the County’s current investment in the arts.”
Schreckengost re-dux “Even though the wonderful catalogue that accompanied Vik’s exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art is out of print, don’t pay those high prices on the secondary market. The catalogue is being reprinted and will be available in soft AND hard cover! A specific delivery date has not yet been established but we are shooting for this spring. Here’s a fun fact to know and tell: did you know that Viktor Schreckengost and 20th-Century Design was the first major exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art for a living artist?” From Cool Cleveland reader Charles Szabla, Production Manager, Print Communications, The Cleveland Museum of Art cszabla@clevelandart.org
On the Power 100 “Great interview! Congrats on the Inside Biz Top 100 … keep stirring the pot. The clothes can’t get clean without an agitator.” From Cool Cleveland reader Joel Cheesman joel@clevelandrents.com
On regionalism “You rightfully talk about regionalism and knocking down the municipal “walls” in the area, but how about going all the way and seeking statehood for northern Ohio (Western Reserve)? Yes, I know that this is rather tongue-in-cheek, but adding two senators and ridding ourselves of Columbus and the downstate yahoos is pretty attractive. Maybe we could get Detroit and Pittsburgh to join us in the State of Erie (or what could we name it, besides N. Ohio?). New Connecticut rides again.” From Cool Cleveland reader William C. Barrow w.barrow@csuohio.edu
On the arts in Cleveland “I love your interview with Mayor Campbell. I moved to Cleveland 4 years ago and I was delighted by what my newcomer’s eyes were seeing regarding art. The day that we lost the ballet company, it made me open my eyes. If we don’t do something about changing the minds of these Clevelanders that go to NY to buy and enjoy Clevelanders, the whole art thing will swirl down the toilet.” from Cool Cleveland reader Augusto Bordelois
On Campbell’s interview of Mulready “But I think it’s absolutely sinful what Bush is trying to do to make everyone believe in the same God that he believes in.” Comments like these, among others, in your recent “interview” by Jane Campbell are what drive people like me absolutely crazy. Why is it that anyone who is enthusiastic about the arts, culture and urban living has to automatically be a Republican-basher spouting all the typical liberal party lines…
Read the letter by Bernie Thiel
On the passing of Roberto Ocasio
“Thank you, Thomas, for your insertion about Roberto. I’m pleased that so many will hear of him through your massive distribution. This is almost unbearable at times, but I’m swept along with so many things to do on his behalf. There’s been such a tremendous outpouring of love and respect for him. Thousands of people paid their respects last week.
Read the letter by Bev Montie, Manager, Roberto Ocasio’s Latin Jazz Project
Instant Karma
Qwik reviews of last week’s events
Salt Water Wishes and Cockroach Dreams – Survivor auditions @ Howl at the Moon 1/9 Outside it was a typical January day in Cleveland — cold, but inside the Powerhouse Entertainment Complex the halls were filled with visions of warmer days, faraway beaches and piles of money. Hundreds of “next-big-thing” hopefuls came for an open casting call for the ninth season of Survivor. Auditions were scheduled from noon to 4PM. However, people started lining up as soon as 9AM. By lunchtime, 160 would-be contestants had crowded their way into the building’s first floor with more streaming in every minute…
Read review by Marcia Bryant
Cleve Orchestra @ Severance Hall 2/5 Hearing Pierre Boulez conduct the Cleveland Orchestra over the last two weeks reminds you of how great the Cleveland Orchestra can be when conducted by an artist of Boulez’s caliber. The concerts heard over the last two weeks will be taken on the Orchestra’s tour to New York City with Boulez conducting the Orchestra in Carnegie Hall. After the mixed reviews from the last trip the Orchestra had in New York, sending Boulez appears to be a wise move…
Read review by Brian Schriefer
Material Witness @ MOCA 1/23 Thousands of beautiful and stunning lilies jut out demanding attention as you enter the gallery and begin viewing this show which includes works from six internationally renowned contemporary artists including Maria Fernanda Cardoso,Santiago Sierra, Johnny Coleman, Douglas Gordon, Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba, and Laylah Ali. Decades of fighting in Columbia has had a huge impact on Cardos resulting in the underlying theme and political statement surrounding the piece Cemetery-Vertical Garden. The smooth and flowing elegance of the lilies are sharply contrasted to Cardos’ iconographic ascription of the lily itself. Each individual, artificial flower represents a person who has been directly affected by political violence and the social instability of Columbia.
Read review by DJ Hellerman
Mitsuko Uchida @ Reinberger 2/2 A chance to hear any of Beethoven’s last three piano sonatas should be a treat, but what do you call an opportunity to hear all three in a single evening performed by one of the most gifted pianist of our day, “A Night in Heaven,” perhaps? That night was Monday February 2, 2004 at Severance Hall in the concert hall and the pianist was Mitsuko Uchida…
Read review by Brian Schriefer
David Orr @ Entrepreneurs for Sustainability 1/20 David Orr, Chairman of the Oberlin Collage Environmental Studies Program, summed up his message in a few words to an audience of about 150 at the red hot first 2004 meeting of Entrepreneurs for Sustainability at the Great Lakes Brewery on January 20, 2004. Mr. Orr said, “It is not an economic decision,” we make for our future. “It is an ethical decision”…
Read review by Lee Batdorff
Coffee Tasting@ Lucky’s The intriguing announcement of this coffee tasting meeting in Cool Cleveland? seemed to promise an intellectual java-lovers palate orgy with a chorus of joe anonymous candidates pep rally cheers. It wasn’t quite that exuberant, but CC understated the enthusiasm of speaker Carl Jones. If there is anybody that should get the moniker of Mr. Coffee in this berg, it should be him, not baseball great, Marilyn’s ex-hubby, joltin’ Joe D’Maggio.
Read review by Steve Goldberg
We use IdeaStar.com tools to track which articles were clicked the most. Here are the Top 5 from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Campbell Interviews Cool Cleveland Last week Cool Cleveland featured an exclusive interview with Cleveland Mayor Jane Campbell. This week, the Mayor turns the tables and interviews Cool Cleveland creator Thomas Mulready.
[Mayor Jane Campbell Interviews Thomas Mulready]]
2) Cleveland’s Power 100 While you can (and will) argue with the editors of Inside Business as they “rank the agenda setters” in numerical order. They identified 100 powerful people in the region based on “an individual’s ability to influence the thoughts and actions of not only others, but also of an entire region.” Read it here http://www.inside-business.com/register
3) Exclusive Cool Cleveland interview with Mayor Jane Campbell hitting the top 5 for the second week in a row. [[Cool Cleveland Interviews Mayor Jane Campbell
4) Schreckengostmania He is one of the most important artists ever in Cleveland arts. And the Viktor Schreckengost Foundation is a great example of Clevelanders on a mission. http://www.viktorschreckengost.org/intro
5) Multi-media designer Kenn Louis’ win at SXSW Since our article ran on him last week, he’s won the coveted bag award at SXSW. http://www.sxsw.com/interactive/bag_art_comp/
Cool Cleveland is bigger than we could have ever imagined Thanks for turning those you know onto CC; if you know someone who doesn’t yet get it, have them sign up for the good stuff at: http://www.CoolCleveland.com or have them send an e-mail to Signup@CoolCleveland.com.
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The Hard Corps do more in 2004 and they’re jamming to get all things cool to you every week. Props to Cavana Faithwalker, Tisha Nemeth, Steve Goldberg, DJ Hellerman, Brian Schriefer, Bill Nagode, Deb Remington and George Nemeth – who are just a few of the writers and contributors collaborating to bring you the cool stuff you need to know. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to:EventsAtCoolClevelandDotCom.
See the Cool Cleveland column each month in Cleveland Magazine. Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time. Read Thomas Mulready’s column Up Front in the Free Times. Send your cool events to: EventsAtCoolClevelandDotCom For your copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-mail newsletter, go to http://www.CoolCleveland.com
Cool Cleveland Writer: Kathy Walker
Kathy Walker is a Cleveland poet and web designer promoting the local arts scene with her online ‘zine Citypoetry. A constantly changing literary webportal, it maintains aesthetic appeal framed with Kathy’s decompositional and dreamy visuals while highlighting local writers and their work. Kathy reads regularly at Cafe Noir in Ohio City and the Beachland Ballroom’s monthly poetry slam. Catch her at Mac’s Backs reading this week, and check out her prose below about poetry readings at CMA’s Oasis Room. Her collective of literary talent can be viewed at http://thecitypoetry.com/issue9
Jazzed at the Oasis Room by Kathy Walker
They bang orange and purple. You can hear it on the stairs. They bang out the room to exercise the air.
The bassist think-plucks, kicks it off. The piano man’s chest thrums through his ribbed turtleneck. The lights dim, art sets on the wall like a square sun, set off by the bones and skyline of the drum kit.
The older man talks trumpet quack, groan, gurgle. He spins honey; his coffee mate face drinks from his love cup. The audience ovals faces, hang royal court in the dim. There are robes, yes, and hats with feathers, and hair that is up and out; there is much to think about.
The feature wriggles in her jeans like nothing I’ve seen. She is hari-kari krishna and you just want to touch her lips. I am the shim shim shimmer of a cascade cymbal drop, a smudge of purpling dress. I wear red lipstick and I want to bust.
If you don’t have
something to say,
don’t shout… (:divend:)