Sun 4/14 & Sun 4/28 @ 11AM-2PM
It’s very brave of the Cleveland Museum of Art to schedule a pair of cherry blossom picnics in its Fine Arts Garden. Looking back over the past six or seven years, peak bloom time for the cherry trees at the museum has been anywhere from late March to early May.
So even though they’re not showing signs of blossoming as we write this, let’s hope they’re on schedule for these events, celebrating a flowering tree associated with Japan and loosely connect to the museum’s current special limited-time show, Shinto: Discovery of the Divine in Japanese Art.
Bring a picnic or purchase sushi and snacks there; there’ll also be music and other performances, hands-on art activities and tours. And if you come wearing white or pink, the traditional cherry blossom colors, you get free admission to Shinto. In case of rain, only indoor activities will take place, and outside food is not allowed in the museum.