Sat 5/2 @ 7PM
Cats On Holiday will livestream a concert on Sat 5/2 in an effort to raise money for a local family.
It appears some house cats are allowed outside.
The popular ensemble has livestreamed a gig from their basement, but this one will be performed in the backyard. They will be adding some new tunes they’ve been working on, and will be taking requests in the comments section.
The band notes, “We will be accepting donations via Venmo and PayPal which will benefit the Harwoods, a Lakewood family who are close friends of the band and dealing with very serious medical issues. The quarantine has made a difficult situation that much harder.”
Donation Links:
Venmo username: Catsonholiday
PayPal link:
Log in to their FB page on Sat 5/2 at 7PM here.