Wed 4/17 @ 4PM
When the Cuyahoga Arts & Culture board of trustees convenes for its annual meeting on Wednesday April 17, there will be a new face at the board table. Last month, county executive Chris Ronayne filled two open spots by re-appointing current board member Karolyn Isenhart and naming musician Leonard DiCosimo, who is executive secretary of the North Shore AFL-CIO, to fill the spot vacated by Charna Sherman, who said she wasn’t interesting in extending her tenure on the board. Both will be sworn in at the meeting. With the appointment of DiCosimo, the board now has one actual creative artist out of five members, which according to its enabling legislation is supposed to have at least two.
In addition, the board will elect its new officers. Currently board president Nancy Mendez, whose term was slated to run through March 2025, has said she will be stepping down as well, and Ronayne has already nominated retired president/CEO of Playhouse Square, Gina Vernacci, to replace her.
In addition, the board’s agenda says it will approve guidelines for 2025 project support grants and “conduct other routine matters of business. The meeting takes place at the Louis Stokes Wing of the downtown branch of the Cleveland Public Library, in the 2nd floor learning commons. It’s open to the public; artists and those involved with area arts organizations should try to attend if at all possible.