In this week’s issue:
* Cool Cleveland Party on 2/4 with Red. Get discount tix here before midnight Thu 1/26
* Cool Cleveland People Jeff Mannies of SRO Entertainment
* Only in Cleveland A new series from Cleveland’s leading satirist
* RoldoLINK Better to ignore PBL
* Cool Cleveland Kids podcast click here, CC podcast click here, CC Blog click here
This is a town that never sits still. Even in what others would call the dead of winter, the Cleveland area stays busy with indoor sports: music, film, art openings, dance, and, of course, politics. This week we welcome State Senator Eric Fingerhut to the Governor’s race. Check the video podcast at his site. Plus, we’re still offering a sweet discount for our upcoming CC party with Red.
Don’t miss some great events this week: the encore appearance of GroundWorks at the Botanical Garden, [Big Box] at CPT, a great show of pop-up books for kids of all ages, a rare area appearance by Harmonia, and a short film & video fest in Kent. Cleveland’s shakers and movers are busy putting it out there for you. Now it’s up to you. Get busy. –Thomas Mulready
Share The Love
Cool Cleveland Party with Red {an orchestra}
Get discount tix before Thu 1/26 at Midnight here

Get discount $16.99 tix (regular price will be $25 at the door) if you order online before midnight Thu 1/26 here: http://www.coolcleveland.net/tickets/020406.
Cool Cleveland People
Jeff Mannies
SRO Entertainment

Jeff Mannies, founder of SRO Entertainment is one of those folks who wandered down several pathways before stumbling over the Main Street to happiness. It only took him until he was 43, too! But the wait was worth itjust ask him. Jeff Mannies is a happy man these days. And why not? He wakes up with a smile every day, lives in an older house in Lakewoodconstantly in a state of renovationwith the seven cocker spaniels he adores, surrounded by a collection of Hollywood memorabilia that would strike envy in the heart of any true movie aficionado. The road to Lakewood was more than usually full of twists and turns…
Read more on Jeff Mannies here
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Hotbed of New Housing Thats what people are calling the Detroit Shoreway and Ohio City neighborhoods, areas that are bursting with new and renovated housing. The Bridge Square Townhomes, Phase III features beautiful, spacious townhomes with vaulted ceilings, nearly 2,000 square feet of living space, 2-3 bedrooms, 1.5-2.5 baths, tax abatement, reduced rate financing and a great location on Bridge Ave, priced from $189,900. Visit our open house this Sun 1/29, 2-4PM at 5807 Bridge Ave. Another new development, the Townhouses at Bridge Court, offer new townhomes with large windows, an innovative, open floor plan, lofted ceilings, great finishes, tax abatement and special financing, priced from $189,900. Check out the open house this Sun 1/29 from 2-4PM 1911 W. 47th St. For a complete list of properties and open houses this weekend, please visit www.ProgessiveUrban.com.
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Kids in Cleveland The site TripsWithKidz.com visited Cleveland last summer (with their kids), and (surprise!) they loved it. They visited the Rock Hall, the Science Center, Western Reserve Historical Society, Natural History Museum, The Botanical Garden, and other highlights. Go to the site and click on “Great American Cities.” Then at the bottom of the intro page for Cleveland, click on “Log-In” and enter User Name “janfeb1” and password “takealook”. http://www.TripsWithKidz.com Where do you like to take the kids? Letters@CoolCleveland.com
Cool Cleveland Kids Got kids in Cleveland? Click here and hear from a real Cleveland kid about what’s going on this week for families. http://www.coolcleveland.com/files/audio/CoolClevelandKids01.27.06.mp3.
Ohio #2 in bioscience Only Minnesota received more venture capital for their bioscience industry than Ohio’s $86 million received in 2005, according to Cleveland-based BioEnterprise, and their accelerator which is located at University Circle. The lion’s share was the $60 million invested in Life Line Screening in Garfield Heights, which makes mobile health screening equipment and software. VC firms report seeing as many as 30 deals a month. See story here. Crain’s also reports that $171 million in private capital was raised by local health care companies in 2005, tripling the 2004 total. Your thoughts on Cleveland’s new bio- and health science future? Letters@CoolCleveland.com
Cleveland365.com Selected by the Civic Innovation Lab as one of the “16 Great Ideas Changing Cleveland,” Cleveland365.com’s mission is to connect a progressive, forward-thinking urban community with unparalleled innovative technologies, community-based content and often elusive resources. Designed to empower Cleveland’s minority communities, the site will offer business and technology workshops, home-buying seminars, professional and career development sessions and other empowerment workshops. Visit the site at http://www.Cleveland365.com. What do you think of Cleveland365.com? Share your thoughts at hidden-email:Yrggref@PbbyPyrirynaq.pbz?.
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Is Smart Design the Key to Financial Success in Business? Join us at the opening of Future: The Center for Design and Technology Transfer, sponsored by the Cleveland Institute of Art. Join us as we investigate how design adds aesthetic, functionality and usability to products. Opening Reception is Fri 1/27 from 5:00 – 7:30PM. The exhibition, “Design Values,” running 1/27 2/24 explores the value of design and its impact on human experience. Nearly 20 designers educated at CIA will demonstrate leading-edge design solutions from their respective fields. There is no admission for this event and it is open to the public. Gallery hours Mon Fri 9AM to 6PM at CIAs Joseph McCullough Center for Visual Arts @ 11610 Euclid Avenue. For more info contact 216-754-3340 or see www.CIA.edu.
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Fingerhut for Governor State Rep Eric Fingerhut finally made it official – he’s throwing his hat into the race for Ohio Governor. Catch his announcement speech here. Fingerhut outlined a 5-point plan to rebuild Ohio that includes: 1) Keeping the good jobs we’ve got and creating better ones. 2) Providing education that will produce a skilled workforce. 3) Affordable health care for families. 4) Help local communities attract jobs of the future. 5) Clean up corruption in state government. Think he’s on to something? Send your thoughts to Letters@CoolCleveland.com. Check the video podcast on his site: http://www.FingerhutForGovernor.com. Who do you like in the governor’s race so far? Letters@CoolCleveland.com
Cleveland is Top Tech Town Sure we’ve got lots of great universities – but that’s not what makes us the smartest city in the US, and one of only seven named in the entire world. According to the Intelligent Community Forum, a New York think tank, it’s our broadband that makes us so darn smart. The ICF rates intelligence based upon a number of high-tech indicators that determine a region’s ability to compete in “the digital age” – the availability of broadband being one of the strongest indicators. The ICF credits the Voices and Choices forums on regionalism and OneCleveland’s digital makeovers of government and non-profit offices and long-term goal of using broadband to attract new business with moving us up in the ranks. Read the story here. Your thoughts? Letters@CoolCleveland.com.
Cool Cleveland Podcast Great things to do this week in Cleveland, at the click of a button. http://www.coolcleveland.com/files/audio/CoolCleveland01.27.06.mp3.
Peter Lewis pinpoints Cleveland’s “palaver” After gifting his alma mater Princeton University $101 million, its largest gift, Progressive Insurance founder and philanthropist Peter Lewis told Steve Litt of the PD that he is not impressed with Cleveland. “Cleveland’s not high on my list because it’s all palaver… It’s people not cooperating with one another.” He’s got a point. Cleveland could use a little less talk and a little more cooperation. See story here. For a different view, see RoldoLINK below. And let us know your opinion: Letters@CoolCleveland.com
How do you like the Ingenuity site? We’re in the process of upgrading the website for the Ingenuity Festival of Art and Technology at http://www.IngenuityCleveland.org. Have a look at the original and let us know how we can improve the site for 2006. Send your feedback to: Thomas@IngenuityCleveland.org and watch for your suggestion to go live in a few weeks.
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4 the Art of Red Red explores the synergetic relationship between music and visual images by presenting music written for images, and images created by music. Experience Image/Sound/Image on Sat 2/4 at 8PM in the Masonic Auditorium, 3615 Euclid Avenue. Concert tickets start at $15. For more information call Red {an orchestra} at 440-519-1733 or visit www.RedAnOrchestra.org.
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Schreckengost turns 100 What do you get for the centenarian who has everything (or helped create just about anything worth having when we were growing up)? Answer: A National Centennial Exhibition with exhibits in all 50 states. Initially the goal was just to have 100 exhibits nationally. But, due to overwhelming response, the goal is now to reach each state. Venues ranging from musuems to historic sites, visitor’s centers, concert halls and even barber shops are paying homage to the great American inventor, an Ohio native, by either displaying a Schreckengost of their own or providing space for one or a few pieces. To find an exhibit, or to participate as a venue, visit http://www.ViktorSchreckengost.org.
UH invests 1 billion in expansion The world-class medical facility will raise the bar on cancer treatment in Northeast Ohio with plans for a new 200-bed cancer center that will consolidate everthing from diagnosis to treatment and clinical trials. The five-year expansion deal also emcompasses upgrades to UH’s neonatal and emergency care centers. Read the PD story here. Your thoughts on the expansion and what it means to Cleveland? Share them at Letters@CoolCleveland.com.
Emissions from the blogsphere Tim @ Wild Plum announces the new gallery Bridget Ginley is curating. Lori Kozey thinks seeing Cool Cleveland’s CIO in a kilt is a good reason to come to the Meet The Bloggers fundraiser. Speaking of Meet The Bloggers, Jill Miller Zimon shares her assessment of their latest interview with OH13 candidate for Congress John Wolfe. Scott Piepho does what he can to deal with a friend who has breast cancer by encouraging people to support legislation that elevates minimum coverage for mastectomies. Brian Thornton weighs in on Peter B. Lewis. Regarding Lewis, Roger Bundy posts the definitions of extortionist and philanthropist, asking you to make the call. Check the Cool Cleveland weblog here where Peter Chakerian encourages others to Meet the Bloggers, makes a delectable beverage recommendation, gets all Cleve-o-Nostalgic again and ponders what Peter B. Lewis and Mayfield Heights might think about regionalism when youre through, add your own comments, questions and attitude. Go ahead. Make his day. Letters@CoolCleveland.com.
Cool Cleveland This Week
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Citizen Journalism Accelerates New Networks Join Cool Cleveland’s CIO George Nemeth, along with blogger Bill Callahan, Norm Roulet of REALNEO, David Stack of Plugged In Cleveland, and Ken Warren of the Lakewood Observer as they discuss how Northeast Ohio leaders in citizen journalism are reshaping markets and politics in our region. Wed 1/25 from 5-6:45PM at Myers University, Chester Campus, 3921 Chester Avenue, Cleveland. http://midtownwednesdays.blogspot.com.
MTB Fundraiser Cleveland-area bloggers have been conducting interviews with political candidates and making the audio recordings available thru their website. In last year’s mayoral election, they interviewed 7 of the candidates and this year, they’ve interviewed 5 candidates for Ohio’s governor. To fuel this only-in-Cleveland citizen journalism effort, area bloggers will have a fundraiser Thu 1/26 from 5:30-9:30PM at the Pearl of the Orient restaurant, located in Beachcliff Market Square, 19300 Detroit Road, Rocky River. http://www.MeetTheBloggers.net.
FUTURE: Center for Design and Technology Transfer The Cleveland Institute of Art will celebrate the opening of the new center on Fri 1/27 from 5-7:30PM. Future’s mission is to shape the design agenda for the 21st century by creating innovative design, technology, and business collaboration. The inaugural exhibition explores the value of design and its impact on human experience; it showcases creative solutions to industrial, multimedia, interior and communication design – by CIA alums, including the sleek new DaimlerChrysler Crossfire designed by Eric Stoddard, Class of 98. The exhibit will remain open through 2/28. The Joseph McCullough Center for Visual Arts,11610 Euclid Avenue. www.cia.edu.
Flux: Feminine Identity addresses the fluid nature of the 21st century notions of the female identity. The show opens on Fri 1/27 with an opening reception from 6-8PM. Meet the artists and enjoy refreshments and musical entertainment provided by the Cleveland band – kroch. The show runs through 3/10. Call 440-951-7500 or visit www.FineArtsAssociation.org for gallery hours. The Fine Arts Association, 38660 Mentor Avenue, Willoughby.
CC KIDS Kristine Jackson Bring your entire family for a cozy concert that everyone will enjoy and your wallet will kiss you for – tickets are just 4 bucks each. Call 440-247-7075 to reserve your seats for a blazin’ Fireside Concert as this lady sings the blues on Fri 1/27 at 7PM. Look About Lodge, 37374 Miles Road, South Chagrin Reservation. www.CleMetParks.com. http://www.BasicallyBlue.com.
Meat Attend the opening reception for the multi-media exhibition featuring works by Meat, Minnesotan artist, Jeffery Paul Gadbois, on Fri 1/27 from 7-11PM. Meat’s large-scale works focus on the face and its ability to express all emotions. Call 939-9099 for info. Miller – Weitzel Gallery, 5304 Detroit Avenue. http://www.MillerWeitzelGallery.com.
Sokolowski’s University Inn Event Billy Clarksville and the New Sinsations will perform all original songs, most of which are inspired by the old “South Side,” now known as Tremont. David Magdalene will also be playing between sets. For more info on the Fri 1/27 9PM-12AM show, call 771-8967. Sokolowski’s University Inn, 1201 University Road. http://www.BillyClarksville.com http://www.DavidMagdalene.com.
CC KIDS Stone Soup Join Naturalist Gretchen Motts on Sat 1/28 from 12-2PM for her mouth-watering special recipe – a thick, tasty and nourishing soup with a special ingredient as its base. Take a family hike in the winter, or winter-like, woods while the soup is on. Call 440-734-6660 for required registration. Albion Woods Picnic Area, located off Albion Road in Mill Stream Run Reservation, Strongsville. www.CleMetParks.com.
GroundWorks at Botanical Gardens GroundWorks presents an exciting and provocative program which will include the piece Return by guest choreographer, Gina Gibney, well-known for intertwining the arts with community initiatives. The work features a musical score by Ohio composer, Ryan Lott. Book of Water, by GroundWorks’ Artistic Director, David Shimotakahara, will round out an intimate evening of dance performed at one of Clevelands cultural gems. Call 721-1600 extension 123 or visit www.cbgarden.org to get tickets for the Fri 1/27 and Sat 1/28 performances at 7:30PM, or the Sun 1/29 performance at 2PM. Cleveland Botanical Gardens, 11030 East Boulevard.
New American Appliances Written and performed by Eric Alleman as part of CPT’s ongoing [Big Box] series, this piece explores our relationships with people and objects. From our attachments to objects to the point where they nearly become our friends or coworkers to the tendency to treat people like appliances – sex objects, cash machines and toys. New American Appliances runs Fri 1/27 & Sat 1/28 at 8PM and Sun 1/29 at 3PM. Call 631-2727. Levin Theatre, Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Avenue. www.cptonline.org.
The Hot Club of San Francisco This accomplished ensemble breathes new life into the gypsy jazz style of an earlier era with original works and innovative arrangements of classic songs. Their imaginative program on Fri 1/27 at 8PM will incorporate previously unseen surrealistic films from the silent-film era. Purchase tickets for your sizzling “journey” into the steamy sounds of the original 1930s Hot Club de France at www.PlayhouseSquare.com. Ohio Theatre, Playhouse Square Center.
CC KIDS A Brief History of the Masters of Pop-Up Books Larry Rakow has a real penchant for pop-up and movable books. Hes the owner of Wonderland Books, a specialty shop focused on used and rare children’s books. On Sat 1/28 at 4PM he will bring several pop-up books from his own impressive collection as he presents an illustrated lecture on the history of movable books. Special attention will be given to the works of Robert Sabuda, the contemporary master of the pop-up genre. Call 795-9800. Loganberry Books, 13015 Larchmere Boulevard, Shaker Heights.
The Indigo Revolution This film explores the growing phenomenon surrounding Indigo children (age 12 – 25 with several unique qualities including: being strong-willed, creative, intuitive, independent, restless, possessing a deep desire to help the world, and often bonding easily with animals) as reported in USA Today, on CNN and Good Morning America. Showtimes are Sat 1/28 at 7PM and Sun 1/29 at 2PM. Call 765-4470 for tickets or info about the Indigo Solutions Seminars. Insight Learning & Wellness Center, 25901 Emery Road, Suite 112, Warrensville Heights.
Born Lucky This film, by Cleveland area filmmaker Shahin Afnan, follows the story of Neil Flynn, her son, as he finds himself forever transformed by his experiences while serving as a soldier in the war in Iraq. This moving film shares the journey of a young soldier, and his family, and reminds us that even the “lucky ones” the ones that get to come home to their families – are unquestionably altered. See the film, as part of the Case Western Reserve University Film Society’s local filmmakers night, on Sat 1/28 at 7:45PM in the Strosacke Auditorium at Case. http://films.cwru.edu/.
Harmonia The ensemble will bring its signature heat and passion to our area as they perform traditional folk music, reflecting both the urban and rural traditions of Eastern Europe. The colorful cultural flair of Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia and the Ukraine will take center stage as Harmonia performs, using authentic folk instruments, in the style a turn-of-the-century Eastern European Gypsy band on Sat 1/28 at 8PM; doors open at 7PM. Call 330-650-4636 or 800-257-9477 for info. Happy Days Visitor Center, 500 West Streetsboro Road, Peninsula. www.nps.gov/cuva.
Standing Rock International Short Film & Video Festival Short films from as far away as Australia and as near as Kent, Ohio will be featured along with animation, documentaries, music videos and collages. Join local filmmaker, Robert Banks, Australian animator Darcy Predergast, and Mike Hovancsek and Joe Culley performing live soundtracks to some of the films during this premiere local event on Sat 1/28 at 8PM. The Kent Stage, 175 East Main Street, Kent. Get directions at www.KentStage.org. http://www.StandingRock.net.
Cindy Bullens Two-time Grammy nominee Cindy Bullens a 30-year veteran of the music biz, will rock the house on Sat 1/28 – the show kicks off at 9:30PM with a performance by Tracy Marie. Call 902-4663 for info. Wilbert’s, 812 Huron Road East. http://www.WilbertsMusic.com. http://www.CindyBullens.com. http://www.TracyMarie.com.
Thomas Frontini Meet the artist during a brunch reception on Sun 1/29 at 12PM and catch the final hours of his current exhibit which features more than 30 large scale works. Get a sneak peek of the artist’s work on Thu 1/26 at 7:30PM on WVIZ. Convivium33 Gallery, 1433 East 33rd Street. www.JosaphatArtsHall.com.
WCLVnotes Fri 1/27 is the 250th birthday of Mozart, and WCLV 104.9 FM brings out the cake with all the candles. On 1/27 we will present live and live-by-tape broadcasts direct from Wolfgang’s hometown of Salzburg beginning at 9AM and running until 4PM. At the exact time of Mozart’s birth, the 100+ Salzburg churches will ring their bells for seven minutes, and you’ll hear it live on WCLV. The next day, Sat 1/28 at 1:30PM, the Metropolitan Opera will broadcast Mozart’s “Cosi fan tutte”, and that evening at 8PM, The Cleveland Orchestra will be conducted from the keyboard by Mitsuko Uchida in two Mozart Piano Concertos. Full details on all of WCLV’s programming can be found on our website at www.WCLV.com . WCLV is a Cool Cleveland partner.
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Peter LewisBetter Ignored Than On the Front Page
The Plain Dealer is again front-paging the tiresome Peter Lewis and his crybaby resentments.
Running for Bully of the Year, Lewis once again cant resist slams at Cleveland institutions. Hey, buddy billionaire, you have been part of the crew.
Lewis was dissed and/or ignored by Establishment figures through the years. Now he sees the necessity to stiff-arm numerous Cleveland institutions and needs. He carries his resentments in a bag, to be pulled out anytime someone says, Cleveland.
Yes, Dick Pogue, of the Cleveland elite law firm, didnt recognize him, it has been written, when they met at some social party. Big deal. Anyone particularly someone rich as Lewis – getting upset by what Pogue knows might best see a psychiatrist to check self-esteem issues…
Read RoldoLINK here
Four Things You Can Only Do In Cleveland
Part One
Clevelands leading satirist tackles unique aspects of the city
Its Thursday night and you suddenly get the urge to go to a riverfront workingmans bar to see a mad guitar genius play transcendental blues while spitting fundamentalist Christian devil epithets at you and your girlfriend through his maniacal, toothless grin.
Can you do this in Paris? No dice, mon ami. London? Sorry, fresh out. New Orleans? Possibly, although their resident maniacal Christian-anarchist-blues-spitting guitar genius was last seen using his Les Paul as a paddle to row a plastic garbage can lid up the mighty Mississippi.
Only in Cleveland can you experience Glen Schwartz at Hooples on Thursday nights…
Read Four Things Part One here
Cool Cleveland Sounds
77 South
Self- Released

For my money, there are a few timeless Cleveland options
First Light/Carlos Jones
the long-departed Simpletons, The Waynes (please, for the love of god come back!) and the long-standing country/rock acts, 77 South. Recognized as one of the top country groups this side of the Mississippi, the quartet features vocal harmonies in the Beach Boys vein and country-rock rhythms that recall Blake Shelton, Craig Morgan and The Great Divide. This good rockin foursome has with quite a history; while it is so much more triumphant with the Interstate Horns, 1-800 proves again why 77 South is one of the best fun rock bands in Cleveland…
Read the review by Peter Chakerian here
Wanna get reviewed? Send your band’s CD (less than 1 year old) to: Cool Cleveland, 14837 Detroit Avenue, #105, Lakewood, OH 44107
Hey Writers! Wanna write about Cleveland music? We’ve got a slew of recently-released CDs and DVDs by Cleveland-area musicians that could use your critical commentary for Cool Cleveland Sounds. If you’re interested, send us a note at Letters@CoolCleveland.com.
Instant Karma
Quick reviews of recent events
Going out this weekend? Take along your PDA and your digital camera. Scratch out a few notes to send us with a picture of it for our Instant Karma real-world reviews of what’s really happening. We’d love to hear from you. Send your stuff to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Love, Janis @ Hanna Theater 1/21 Opening with a loud, soulful rendition of Piece of My Heart, Love Janis does not disappoint from the opening curtain to the encore (and the lighter you wish you had). Symbolizing the two halves of each of us, the one we are supposed to be and the one our soul cries out for, Janis Joplin was split between the person her family wanted her to be and the one destiny called to her for. The blast back to the sixties takes you through the drama, fashion, and psychedelic trippin music that epitomizes a time when the passion we craved was as important as the air we breathed. Known for her uninhibited throaty wailing, unmanageable hair and spasmodic dance, Joplin, considered one of the top three female vocalists of her time, created the legend of a woman way ahead of her time. Love, Janis does an essential job of helping us celebrate the life of a strong, proud, artistically entranced woman that learned how to call the shots at a very young age. Katrina Chester, an extremely talented singer in her own right, takes the Joplin tribute over the top, complete with her raspy, cutting voice. Held over for an extended engagement (by popular demand) through mid February. Dont miss this one Cleveland – Itll rock you! From Cool Cleveland correspondent T.L. Champion tl@coolcleveland.com.
Cleveland Orchestra @ Severance Hall 1/19 Permission herewith granted. Go ahead and believe all the superlatives youve heard about Janine Jansen, the stunning young violinist who made her debut with the Cleveland Orchestra this week. Based on her performance Thursday evening of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, theyre all true. She is, in a wordastonishing. Her playing is exceedingly emotional and is matched by a superb musicality. While she is not at all hesitant to dig into the 1727 Stradivari violin when the music calls for it, Ms. Jansen is also capable of playing with ineffable sweetness and perfect intonation. She is formidable, indeed…
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
A Streetcar Named Desire @ Cleveland Play House 1/18 Do you have high school or middle school teenagers at home who think culture is watching the latest reality show? Do you want to take them to see the real thing but dont want to get burned financially, or see them melt from boredom in their seats. If you do, may I strongly suggest checking out the Cleveland Play Houses current production of A Streetcar Named Desire. Yes, I know the reviews in the local print media have been just lukewarm. But take it from a high school teacher who has been taking students to plays for over twenty-five years, this production is good. A great story, a talented cast, a mesmerizing stage, and timely use of music…
Read the review by Greg Cielec here
A Streetcar Named Desire @ Cleveland Play House 1/18 The Streetcar currently featured at the Cleveland Play House appears to be one that was in a wreck at one time, and then reassembled using bits and pieces of other streetcars. Some of it is good, some of it is rather mis-matched, leading to a very confusing whole. Its a disappointment as the directorial debut of new Artistic Director Michael Bloom. Part of the problem is in the timing…
Read the review by Kelly Ferjutz here
Evita @ Palace 1/10
What: A thrilling Broadway tour of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s most compelling work, an operatic docudrama about the rise of Eva Peron, the ruthless actress who became the influential wife of Argentina’s dictator Juan Peron.
Reasons to go: 28 years after its 1978 premiere, this Evita feels even more relevant to today’s world. Rice’s brilliantly ironic libretto is an anti-Cinderella story: by examining the legend of Evita, he takes us inside the Great Entertainment Distraction Machine of manufactured spin, celebrity glamour, and cynical political exploitation. The volcanically talented Keith Byron Kirk excels as Che (Guevara), our impassioned tour guide/narrator to the “circus”. Tiny Sarah Litzsinger goes from brunette spitfire to icy blonde goddess as Evita, seducing men on her way to becoming the velvet hand inside the iron glove of dictator Juan Peron (a suave but chilling Philip Hernandez). The multimedia show incorporates real newsreel footage and features a powerful central image — a faux Diego Rivera mural (military and police on top, savaged peasants below) which acts as the show curtain.
Backstory: This musical dazzler was the last collaboration between Rice and Lloyd Webber before they went their separate ways. The knife-edge balance between Rice’s tart, cynical libretto and Lloyd Webber’s sweeping, lyrical melodies makes this an unusually stimulating feast. The production is supervised by its Tony-winning original director Harold Prince and directed by original choreographer Larry Fuller.
Target audience: Anyone who loves musicals — yet it’s a stimulating adult work that should appeal to those who normally reject them as nothing but fluff.
from Cool Cleveland contributor Linda Eisenstein Linda@coolcleveland.com
Yr Turn
Cool Cleveland readers write
We encourage our readers to speak out by sending us letters and commentary. Send your letters to Letters@CoolCleveland.com. You must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional). You may also create a new Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail e-mail address and submit it with your letter. Letters submitted to Cool Cleveland, or edited portions, may be published in an upcoming issue of Cool Cleveland at our discretion.
Send your letters to: Letters@CoolCleveland.com
On Ohio jobless benefits Ohio now is the only one of the 50 states that reduces unemployment benefits by 100 percent of Social Security payments received by jobless workers. Thus, many older workers find when they lose their jobs that their unemployment insurance is reduced or cut to zero. However, the issue is getting new attention in Columbus. Policy Matters Ohio explains the Social Security “offset” issue in a Q&A adapted from the National Employment Law Project. You can read the Q&A at: http://www.policymattersohio.org/social_security_offset.htm
from Cool Cleveland reader Jeff Miller jmillerATpolicymattersohio.org
On Cleveland’s positive image (See Cleveland image makeover here) I think it wonderful that the CVB and the Cleveland Foundation are working to boost Cleveland’s image outside of the city limits. But, what about boosting the image within the city among Clevelanders. No doubt there are individuals and organization that have a mission to inform others of the perks of living, working and playing in Cleveland (like Cool Cleveland). However, it’s seems a majority of Clevelanders perpetuate a poor image of the city.
from Cool Cleveland reader Shannon Reilly fashionfactory11ATyahoo.com
On Cool Cleveland’s headlines (See: Paint the Town Positively Red here) For all of us in the neighborhoods that are constantly waging a costly and time consuming battle against rampant graffiti, gang and otherwise, I am concerned that you have chosen a slogan that appears to encourage just such behavior in those that are so inclined. Please think through your pr campaign images before deciding on one that can encourage negative behaviors that so greatly affect all of our communities.
from Cool Cleveland reader Anita Brindza, Executive Director, Cudell Improvement, Inc. cudellATmultiverse.com
On setting the river on fire Hello – just wanted to tell you that I think Tom’s idea of setting the river on fire, as reported in today’s Tipoff column (here), is a fabulous idea. There are so many things that could be done with an event like this; it would generate national if not international attention, and it would point up how far Cleveland has come since the “bad old days”. My hat is off to you, Tom, for a wonderfully creative idea! Hope to see that it comes together!!!
from Cool Cleveland reader Ann Garbler amgarblerATyahoo.com
Send your letters to: Letters@CoolCleveland.com
Top 5
Here are the Top 5 from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) C-Tix launches The Convention & Visitors Bureau of Greater Cleveland unveiled their new mega-discount C-Tix ticket program.
2) RoldoLINK Reviewing the PD publisher’s record.
3) A&Q w/G: Mike Belsito Cool Cleveland’s CIO chats with Playaway’s Mike Belsito.
4) Cleveland image makeover The Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, the Greater Cleveland Partnership and The Cleveland Foundation, plans to collaborate on a new look and image to sell Cleveland to outsiders.
5) Farmers Market at Shaker Square Antibiotic and hormone-free dairy products, maple syrup, honey, farm fresh eggs, grass-fed beef, chicken and organic Berkshire hog, along with a variety of delicious fruits and vegetables.http://www.NorthUnionFarmersMarket.com
Amorous Intentions Do you LOVE receiving your weekly CC newsletter? Did you know that our readership keeps growing because of people like you that forward it to friends? Feel the love and forward CC to someone today.
Less talk While everyone’s talking, the Hard Corps are doing. Thanks to regular contributors Peter Chakerian, Roxanne Ravenel, TL Champion, George Nemeth, Kelly Ferjutz, Linda Eisenstein, Greg Cielec, Clyde Miles and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Download the Cool Cleveland podcast each week at http://www.CoolCleveland.com. Click on the Cool Cleveland Blog here. Read the Cool Cleveland column each month in Cleveland Magazine here. Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time. Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com, and your letters to: Letters@CoolCleveland.com. For your copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine, go to http://www.CoolCleveland.com.
Getting busy,
–Thomas Mulready
all contents ©2006 MulreadyGROUP all rights reserved