Blue Lunch Debuts New CD at Wilbert’s


Sat 12/6 @ 9PM

For more than a quarter century, Cleveland’s Blue Lunch has been taking listeners back to the late ’40s and early ’50s, when rock and roll was bubbling under as various musical forms like swing, jump blues and R&B converged. With its eight piece lineup, including four horn players, comprising some of the area’s most outstanding musicians, the band puts on a show to remember and knows how to fill a dance floor.

Last year, after many self-released albums, Blue Lunch put out its first nationally distributed album, Blue Lunch Special, on Los Angeles-based Ripcat Records. After waiting so long, they apparently didn’t want to waste any more time. Their second Rip Cat release, Above the Fold, is lined up at the starting gate and ready to drop into fans’ hands. Grab it at their CD release show at Wilbert’s.



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