Western Reserve Herb Society Holds Its Herb Fair @CBGarden


Sat 10/11 @ 10AM-3PM

One of the best and easiest ways to make food more enjoyable — and healthier — is to add herbs. You can stress over which herbs to add to what, or you can just go by your taste buds. One great way to learn more is to go to the Western Reserve Herb Society’s annual Herb Fair at the Cleveland Botanical Garden.

There’ll be several speakers including Will Lynch of Lynch Floral Designs, Olympic Ski Team chef Robin Blair, and Beth Schreibman Gehring, who “teaches women to fall madly in love again with their lives.”

But you can learn a lot too by browsing the booths where you can purchase products made with herbs by local people (including members of the WRHS) like vinegars, jams & jellies, breads, and teas, as well as gift-type items. There will be herb vendors too including Huron’s organic herb farm Mulberry Creek and Auburn Pointe Greenhouse, so you can pick up a few things to make your house smell good during the winter.

The herb fair is free with admission to the Cleveland Botanical Garden — $11 for adults, $6 for kids 3-12.


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