The Sweetback Sisters, Country & Western With a Modern Twist, Play @ConservancyCVNP


Fri 10/10 @ 8PM

The Sweetback Sisters draw their inspiration from back in the day when country music was called “country & western,” and yes, cowboy boots are involved.

Emily Miller and Zara Bode (who are not really sisters) and their four-piece backing band look back to the honky-tonk generation of country performers like Hank Williams, Buck Owers, Merle Haggard, and Loretta Lynn, giving that tear-in-my-beer music a contemporary, even zany, twist. But don’t expect to see them picking straw out of their hair — they’re from Brooklyn, New York.

The spirited six-piece group will play at Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s Happy Days Lodge as part of its Heritage Series. Tickets are $17, $12 for CVNPA members and $5 for kids 3-12.


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