Talk of the Town

Words matter. With a stroke of the pen last year, Cleveland Inkubator launched Literary Cle, and this week the handwriting’s on the wall. Calling it (dis)ABLED BEAUTY, KSU’s latest exhibit promises to be true to its word. The best-selling book series of all time requires a bouncer for their Harry Potter midnight announcement at the Side Quest.
Local rock star chefs talk it up at CBG, and arias will be wafting from the Italian Cultural Garden. Family fun is the talk of the town at Cain Park & St. Clair Superior. Ohio City Stages takes their final bow of the season as Downtown@Dusk kicks off at AAM. And everyone’s feelin’ irie as the Mid West Reggae Fest celebrates 25 years of jammin’. You don’t say. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Elisa Vietri

Just because someone has a disability doesn’t mean they don’t want to be fashionable. The new exhibit at the Kent State Museum, (dis)ABLED BEAUTY: The Evolution of Beauty, Disability and Ability, displays the creative ways people have dressed up hearing aids, prosthetic devices and other gear.
Kendall Embrescia-Hridel talks to one of the two curators to learn how this unique exhibit came about. Fri 7/29-3/12/17.
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Last year’s Cleveland Inkubator was the launch pad for nonprofit Literary Cleveland, which packed that year with workshops, author events and other events. Last year’s Inkubator drew a big crowd and this year’s at the Cleveland Public Library downtown Saturday should be even bigger. There’s also a benefit at the BOP STOP Friday night.
Literary Cle’s founder Lee Chilcote talked to John Benson about its mission and what to expect at the Inkubator. Fri 7/29 & Sat 7/30.

Harry Potter is a grownup now! That’s the shocker in the latest book in the series, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which will be released at midnight Sat 7/30.
Bookstores across NE Ohio are keeping their doors open late and hosting special events, the entire town of Kent is holding a Potterfest and there’s even an adults-only party at Lakewood’s Side Quest. CoolCleveland’s Ilona Westfall provides all the details. Sat 7/30-Sun 7/31.

The New Leaf Plan is Holden Arboretum’s blueprint for new and improved gardens and facilities. Some of these exciting projects are completed: the Rhododendron Discovery Garden, the Tree Allee, improvements to the Corning Library and the beautiful Hourglass Pond, and the new Canopy Walk and Emergent Tower.
Still to come are a deer enclosure fence for the core gardens, improvements to Corning Lake and Lotus Pond, and the June Room and stream restoration. These improvements will attract more visitors, inspire guests, showcase exemplary trees, and demonstrate resource conservation and sustainable practices. Be a part of the future at Holden Arboretum by contacting James Pelowski, Ph.D. via email or by calling 440-602-3830. And thank you for your support!

Props-based comedian Alex Zerbe isn’t strictly a children’s entertainer but that’s all the more reason to bring the whole family to his “kids’ matinee” at Cain Park. He incorporates music, magic, juggling and stunts into his fast-paced, clean-humor shows ideal for kids’ shorter attention spans. Wed 8/3.
Click here for more CoolCleveland Kids events

Cast iron cookware fans will be back at the Coit Road Market to buy and sell, pick up tips and enjoy a potluck. Sat 7/30.
* The Cleveland Botanical Garden has some local star chefs lined up for its August Gourmets in the Garden Wednesday evening cooking demonstrations, starting with Crop Kitchen’s Steve Schimoler. Ben Bebenroth, Ali Barker, Ricardo Sandoval and Doug Katz are coming up. Wed 8/3.
Read more of CoolCleveland’s picks for Eats and Drinks.
SPONSORED: Words and Music at The Kent Stage Brett Dennen & Esme Patterson, Anders Osborne & Oliver John-Rodgers, Hot Tuna Acoustic, The Bacon Brothers, Asleep At The Wheel, An Evening With WAR, The High Kings, Al Stewart, Gary Wright & The Empty Pockets, plus more. TheKentStage.com.

One of the year’s most charming musical events is Opera in the Italian Garden where singers from Opera Circle Cleveland regale listeners with well-known arias, while they spread out picnics under the trees. Sun 7/31
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here
Read more of CoolCleveland’s picks for Cool Events.

WED 7/27
As with so many childhood toys, you never should have let mom throw out your PEZ dispensers. If you’re pining about the one that got away, come to PEZamania in Independence, the largest gathering of PEZ dealers and fans in the country, and someone’s likely to have one for sale. Through Sat 7/30.
Click here for more events on Wed 7/27

THU 7/28
It’s not your imagination. The Akron Art Museum’s free summer concert series Downtown@Dusk is off to a late start. There’s a good reason: its new garden space just opened in mid-July. Gypsy jazz band Moustache Yourself kicks it off tonight.
Click here for more events on Thu 7/28

FRI 7/29
Photographer Herb Ascherman is known for his exquisite platinum prints. That’s why he was commissioned to shoot the historic Halle House in Shaker Heights across different seasons. You have one last chance to see the prints and meet Herb at a reception at the Shaker Historical Society tonight.
Click here for more events on Fri 7/29

SAT 7/30
With ironic facial hair all the rage, why not take it WAY over the top? That’s what participants in the Great Lakes Regional Beard and Mustache Championships do! The 5th annual event takes place at the Agora.
Click here for more events on Sat 7/30

SUN 7/31
Kids with the urge to sing and perform have populated Cleveland’s children’s show choir the Singing Angels for more than 5 years. Could your kid be interested? Bring him or her to their annual free concert at Cain Park and find out.
Click here for more events on Sun 7/31

MON 8/1
Raquy Danziger isn’t middle eastern, but after years of study and residence in Istanbul, she’s become known for her mastery of Turkish drumming. She’ll be playing at the Bop Stop with her percussion quartet and offering a master class before the show.
Click here for more events on Mon 8/1

TUE 8/2
Cleveland Public Theatre’s STEP program brings urban teens together to create theater productions that speak about issues they’re concerned about and perform them for free in community parks. Their latest, Awakening Heart, kicks off tonight at Herman Park. Through Fri 8/14 .
Click here for more events on Tue 8/2

WED 8/3
The Rock Hall has really ramped up its music programming this summer, with something going on every week – or more often. Best of all is the increased number of free outdoor Summer in the City concerts, featuring almost all local acts. This week it’s durable Cle pysch rockers New Planet Trampoline and Heavenly Queen, the “sweet” side of metalheads Queen of Hell.
Click here for more events on Wed 8/3
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
That smell emanating from the Q as the GOP presidential candidate made his acceptance speech was the smell of fear, precisely what he was trying to evoke in order to get people to agree to give up their liberty and live in a police state because people unlike themselves were making America a dark, scary place.
The really scary thing is the megalomania of someone who can announce “Only I can fix” the country’s problems when the average 4th grader appears to know more about how government works. Equally scary were the demands to throw his political rival, who is guilty of nothing, in prison, as if the U.S. were some third-world country collapsing into civil war. Read more from Anastasia Pantsios
One telling fact that most commentators elected to overlook – and hopefully a harbinger of things to come – was the number of empty seats at the “Scare Fest.” The reason might have been…
* How Hillary Should Handle Trump in Debate We might as well be prepared to throw probity, honesty and good manners right out the window – these debates are going to get…
Read other stories from Mansfield Frazier here
A look back at the last week
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Scenes from Public Square During the RNC by Anastasia Pantsios
BOOK REVIEW: The Gentleman from Cleveland Louis Stokes autobiography by C. Ellen Connally
THEATER REVIEW: The Dancing Years at Ohio Light Opera by Kelly Ferjutz
THEATER REVIEW: The Tempest at Cleveland Shakespeare Festival by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
MUSIC REVIEW: Cooper International Piano Competition finals at Severance Hall by Kelly Ferjutz
PHOTOSTREAM: End Poverty Rally by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: Downtown Transformed for the RNC by Dru Thompson
PHOTOSTREAM: American Dream Arts & Politics event at the Transformer Station by Anastasia Pantsios
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog
Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) RNC-Related Additions All Clevelanders Can Enjoy
2) MANSFIELD: The Coverup Is Worse Than the Crime
3) MANSFIELD: The Elephant Graveyard
4) MANSFIELD: Help for the ‘Hood
5) Two New Craft Drinking Spots Open in Cleveland, Cleveland Heights
Say what?
–Thomas Mulready
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