Best in Ohio
In this week’s issue:
* ‘Til It Hurts: Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood 8/11, get $10 tix by midnight Thu 7/21 here
* Cleveland Crips Making the Internet More Accessible, by Rosemary Musachio
* Cool Cleveland Kids podcast click here, CC podcast click here, CC Blog click here
* Cool Cleveland Preview of Dancing Wheels at Cain Park
‘Til It Hurts!
Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood announced for 8/11
Get $10 tix before midnight Thu 7/21 here!

Take the complimentary tour! Be the first to partake in the hottest tour around, at Rockport Square’s mixed-use, multi-level townhomes and live-work lofts starting at $200K. DJs start spinning at 6PM in the Remix and Grand Poo-Bas, then live band Minor Setback premieres their new CD at 7PM upstairs in the Phantasy Niteclub, and the fun continues ’til you can’t feel any pain. Get your lowest price tickets if you order online before midnight Thu 7/21 here.
Party Details
What: ‘Til It Hurts! Cool Cleveland Night Out in Lakewood
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2005
Time: Pre-party, DJs and tours from 6 to 8PM, bands start at 7PM and continue ’til late nite
Location: The party starts at The Remix Lounge, 11794 Detroit Avenue, one block West of W. 117th. Maps and directions here. Guided tours will be conducted to the Rockport development across the street, Minor Setback will be playing upstairs, DJs will be spinning at the Remix and at Grand Poo-Bas, and other hot spots in this exciting neighborhood will be accessible during the party. Meet at the Remix Lounge to get checked-in and get info on the included tours and other activities.
Parking: Parking is complimentary on street and nearby lots.
Cost: $10 if you order by midnight Thu 7/21 here. This price will go up.
You get all this: Complimentary beer, wine, hors d’oeuvres, Lakewood DJ summit in the Remix Lounge & Grand Poo-Bas, area bands playing at no charge in the Phantasy Niteclub, free tours of the new Rockport Townhome project, and other activities.
Click here to see photos from Cool Cleveland Night Out at Blossom on 7/9!
Cool Cleveland wins Best of Show The Ohio Society of Professional Journalists have announced their awards for 2005, and we’re proud to say that Cool Cleveland has won four of the six awards offered in the online category, including Best General News Site in the state. Cool Cleveland claimed a Second Place for Best News Story with our interview of Mayor Jane Campbell, with the judges calling it “a news-making interview, this piece covers a lot of bases” here; a Second Place for Best Business/Tech Story with our interview of developer Werner Minshall: “This story gets into the nuts and bolts of a developer and his plans” here; the top award for best Arts and Entertainment story, “Kafka, Corsets and Beautiful Scars,” by former Cool Cleveland Senior Editor Tisha Nemeth-Loomis, the judges exclaiming, “A fascinating social-pyschological-sexual analysis, unlikely to find its way into the pages of a mainstream newspaper,” here; and Best of Show for Best General News Site, with the judges calling Cool Cleveland, “unmatched for pure fun and intellectual stimulation.” Congrats to all the winners around the state. Check the full results here.
NEO responses The goal of the NEO Show at the Cleveland Museum of Art was to represent the vigor, quality, and plurality of artistic expression in our community. Has the juried regional showcase reached its goal? PD Art critic Steven Litt was less than enthused by the show. Read his article here. If the show didnt hit its target directly, it may have accomplished its goal indirectly. The show has sparked lots of dialogue about outlets for regional talent and two spin-offs: NEO + One at the Murray Hill Galleries and Salon des NEO Refuses online in the Digital Museum of Modern Art. Read Dan Tranbergs article in the PD here. And now there’s even a Salon des Refuses taking place as part of the Ingenuity Festival of Art and Technology later this summer. Share your perceptions of the NEO show and the NEO reject shows at The Ingenuity Festival of Art and Technology is hosting a Salon des Refuses for artists whose work was not included in the CMA’s NEO Show. See story below.
Call For ART: Ingenuity Salon Des Refuses The Ingenuity Festival of Art and Technology is seeking artists for the Ingenuity NEO Salon Des Refuses Exhibition, to be held in conjunction with the Ingenuity Festival during Labor Day weekend 2005 at the Galleria in downtown Cleveland. The exhibit, which will feature artists from Northeast Ohio whose work was rejected from the NEO Show at the Cleveland Museum of Art, joins other online and gallery exhibits in expanding exhibition opportunities for regional visual artists in Northeast Ohio. By focusing on artists and works from the over 1210 area artists whose works were submitted to the CMA and not acepted for the NEO exhibition, this Salon Des Refuses exhibition is attempting to create both an awareness of the breadth and depth of artistic expression in the region, as well as a dialogue about the art of the region. Interested artists should contact Joan M. Perch, Visual Arts Coordinator at or by calling 696-1942 for detailed participation information. Participation will be limited by space and selections will be made as work is submitted. The deadline for submissions is Sat 7/30.
Call for FILM: Ingenuity’s Architects of the Apocalypse Heres an opportunity for local filmmakers to get involved in Ingenuity, the Cleveland Festival of Art and Technology that will set Downtown Cleveland on fire with activities and demonstrations centered around art, technology, imagination and innovation. Four local filmmakers will assemble their own teams, equipment and actors and shoot from designated street corners near the heart of the activities on Fri 9/2 from 10AM-10PM. Each team will have the freedom to incorporate the unfolding Ingenuity events in their films while the crowd becomes spectator to the process and perhaps a part of the action. Can your team shoot a short film, preferably on either super 8 or 16mm film, that will develop the theme “Architects of the Apocalypse”? If you think youre up to the challenge call 651-7315 or email to get more details and the Application Guidelines before the Fri 7/22 application submission deadline. The four resulting short films will premiere at the Ohio Independent Film Festival in November at Cleveland Public Theatre. Visit for a complete list of all Ingenuity Events.
Cleveland filmmaker needs your help Award winning filmmaker Annetta Marion is the recipient of a Directing Workshop For Women (DWW) scholarship; the program is dedicated to launching women film and television directors. Marion will begin filming her next short film, Alaska, in Los Angeles in July 2005. The film paints an intimate portrait of people reaching out in a vast and soulless city and finding in each other the hope and affection they want and deserve. While the scholarship gives her access to funds, equipment, and resources, it wont cover the entire production cost. After a fundraiser in NYC in April the project still needs an infusion of $18,036. The Ohio Independent Film co-director is now turning to the community for support. Visit to learn more about the film. Send contributions to: AFI, Directing Workshop for Women, Annetta Marion- Alaska, 2021 N. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90027. Checks should be made out to AFI (memo DWW-Annetta Marion- Alaska). Email to offer other forms of assistance.
Intel/OneCleveland partnership Cleveland City Council unanimously approved a grant toward Intels wireless makeover of Northeast Ohio that could lead to millions more in financing and a Worldwide Digital Cities award. Both city officials and OneCleveland, the non-profit firm that has been working with Intel since April to implement several e-government applications, are ecstatic over the decision. However, SBC continues to hold on to serious concerns about OneCleveland, whom they consider a direct competitor, and their access to public monies. Learn what city applications will be going live soon, whos next on the list, how a Worldwide Digital Cities award would boost Cleveland, and who our competition is here. Then tell us if you think that SBCs concerns are valid. Send your thoughts to
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Move Up To Lakewood! Rockport Square is scheduled to open this Fall 2005. Perfectly situated on Detroit Avenue, Rockport Square is a new urban community blending 126 modern living units, including townhomes and live-work lofts with nearly 30,000 square feet of specialty retail space. The exquisite loft living starts at $185k and townhomes $259k. Residences include open floor plans with two and three bedrooms, private porches and rooftop terraces, private interior courtyards, up to 2,852 square feet of living, and a 5 year tax abatement with special financing. Rockport Square offers a dynamic lifestyle in a diverse city rich in parks, eateries, markets, shops, theaters and the Lake Erie shoreline. Rockport Square is a great combination of location, quality and price. Named One of the Best Communities of the Year at the 2004 HBA Cleveland Choice Awards. For more information call 216-210-2182. Taking reservations now. Visit us online
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Million dollar Jimmy Morning radio show co-host Jimmy Malone is definitely not all talk. The co-captain of WMJIs Lanigan & Malone morning show has helped 47 kids go to college over the past nine years with his scholarship program and helped them to stay in college with his mentoring and support. The Ninth Annual Jimmy Malone Celebrity Golf Classic Tournament was held this past Monday at Aurora Golf and Country Club. The preceding tournaments have raised more than $1 million for Cleveland Scholarship Programs. Hear some of the inspiring stories of past scholarship recipients here in Regina Bretts article in the PD and download CSP info here to help someone you know. For more info call Cleveland Scholarship Programs at 241-5587 or visit
Convention center questions remain While some have called for forward momentum on the building of a new convention center here in Cleveland, others realize that we are still awaiting answers to the same questions that were asked two years ago like: Is it better to modernize the current Convention Center than spend $400 million on a new one? How will it affect other facilities in the region? How will it be funded? There are also concerns about how new technologies will affect future conventions. Will organizations continue to spend money on costly conventions when web conferences are so inexpensive and extremely effective? Read the story here and share your thoughts at
Sparx TV spots Promote Downtown Cleveland by forwarding a cool film to your friend. See the TV spots here:
Case’s Nobel Peace Prize nominee Case professor Michael Scharf has a long history of active involvement in the pursuit of fairness, justice and peace. Along with fellow attorney, Paul Williams, he created a global pro bono law firm in 1995 that would use international law to further peace and justice, the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG). The firm has been nominated for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize for its work establishing war crimes tribunals in Sierra Leone, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia and they have spent the past spring and fall training Iraqi judges and prosecutors who will try Saddam Hussein. Learn more about Scharf and PILPG in the PD article here and visit the firms website at
Lakewood smoke screen Lakewood will doubtless be the first community in our region to ban smoking in restaurants sort of. The ban will in all likelihood only apply to establishments that do not carry a Get Out of Ban, Free card, i.e. a liquor license. The idea of only extending the ban to the dinner hours is also being kicked around. Proponents of a partial ban feel that a total ban would be economically devastating to the citys restaurants and bars whose smoking patrons would probably gravitate to establishments in Cleveland and nearby suburbs that dont have puffing restrictions. Meanwhile, clean-air panel members feel that the city is missing a golden opportunity to stand up and do the right thing and become an exemplar in the region. Read the PD story here. What do you think about the viability of a partial smoking ban? Send your thoughts at
Super-charged marketing action Get it with advertising that works hard for you; the future of business depends on internet viral marketing that has proven effectiveness. How to get it? Advertise with and witness firsthand how weekly advertising into the tens of thousands of our subscribers’ inboxes can impact your company’s bottom line. Our readers visit the links to our sponsors, and then forward the CC e-zine to more readers who are exposed to our advertisers. Find out more by contacting us at:
Ride to Work Day Progressive, the countrys top insurer of motorcycles, covering more than one million cycles and their riders, is giving an object lesson in the role that motorcycles can play in social and ecological responsibility. The insurer is proud to participate in this 14th annual event on Wed 7/20 that has cycle enthusiasts across the country commuting to work on their bikes in an effort to demonstrate that cycles are an effective and practical mode of transportation. Apparently bikers arent rebels – they are ecological trailblazers; motorcycles are fuel-efficient and produce far less pollution. Progressive has plans to make Ride to Work Day a special event for their cycle loving employees. To learn more about Ride to Work Day visit
BID petition goes to Council A new business improvement district (BID) encompassing all of Downtown except the Flats and the Quadrangle District grows ever closer to reality. Backers have collected the mandatory 60% of signatures from Downtown business owners in the proposed area in order to present the petition to Cleveland City where there is already notable support. Councilman Joe Cimperman, Council President Frank Jackson and Mayor Jane Campbell all support the petition which would improve services in the proposed district through taxes on the businesses that would benefit. Similar districts are already in place in Playhouse Square District and Coventry. Read the PD article here and the Crains article here. What do you think about these business backed districts? Send your thoughts to
Eminently local There has been a lot of talk about eminent domain lately. The House of Representatives reaction to the recent Supreme Court ruling on eminent domain is a measure that would deny Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Treasury funds to city or state projects that use eminent domain to seize private property to further for-profit development. Joe Yachanins translation of the bill is, “Yes, you can take your residents’ property if you want, but don’t expect the feds to help pay for it.” Read his article in the Sun News here and learn more about the related issue unfolding in Mayfield Village as the folks at Progressive are fighting for a small business owners piece of the pie that just happens to be standing in the way of their $40 million expansion. Send your thoughts on the use of eminent domain to
Photo Safari at the Zoo Looking for a brand new way to experience wildlife and the great outdoors? Grab your camera, pack up your tribe and head over to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Rediscover your favorite animals and get acquainted with new ones during the Cleveland Metroparks Zoos Photo Safari. Amateur photographers can win great prizes for their photos of the Zoos residents in curious and interesting poses. Havent got a clue where to start? Helpful hints posted throughout the Zoo will help you take your best shot. Learn more here. Submissions must be received on photographic paper by Wed 8/31 at 5PM.
Akron Arts Expo Venture south for Akrons premier arts festival this weekend. Start the weekend off with the Wine Tasting and Silent Auction on Fri 7/22 from 6-8:30PM near the Hardesty Park Café where you can sample more than 60 international beers and wines, bid on amazing items and enjoy a performance by The Ohio Ballet at 8:45PM. Get some rest then come back the next day, Sat 7/23 from 11AM-6PM with your family in tow and browse an unbelievable assemblage of high quality arts and crafts by more than 160 juried artists while enjoying live entertainment and sampling delicious foods. For more info or tickets for the Wine tasting call 330-375-2836. Read more here.
Last Call for Akrons First Night Artists of all genres are encouraged to apply for the 10th annual New Years Eve celebration in Downtown Akron. This exciting event is a paying gig for all selected acts and individuals or groups that offer hands-on activities for children should also apply. Download the application at then send the completed app and all requested documentation to First Night Akron, c/o Artist Selection Committee, 58 W. Exchange St, Suite C, Akron, OH 44308 by Mon 8/1. Call 330-762-8555 for more information.
Cool Cleveland Kids Why settle for pablum? Cleveland has the coolest events for kids if you just look at our fair city through the eyes of a kid. Nine-year-old Max Mulready offers his Cool Cleveland Kids Podcast here (just click, no special software needed), and we’ve identified a few kid-friendly events this week, marked as CC KIDS below under Cool Cleveland This Week. Grab a kid and have some fun!
Innovative playwright Week in and week out Cool Cleveland contributor Linda Eisenstien keeps readers informed of what’s happening in the local teather scene. Now it’s our turn to let you know what’s happening with her. Linda’s play Eisenstein’s Monster is one of six plays nominated in the category of Outstanding Original Short Script for the 2005 New York Innovative Theater Awards. Congrats, Linda, and best of luck! Read more here.
The Value of Creativity Creative thinkers have long had a major impact on humanity. Studies by groups like Americans for the Arts and the Community Partnership for Arts and Culture prove that the majority of Americans, those in Cuyahoga County included, value the arts and realize its impact upon our community. New information from scientists, educators and art lovers may even help the few stragglers who dont realize the positive influence that the arts has upon childrens development and urban renewal to sing its praises. See the PD story here and share your take on the importance of the arts to our region at
Roldo now on Cool Cleveland columnist Roldo Bartimole has been calling city officials on the carpet for their misdeeds and sharing his Point of View with the citizens of Greater Cleveland for more than three decades. Cleveland Memory now affords readers the opportunity to read several past issues of his newsletter going all the way back to June 13, 1968. Whether you regard him as a champion of the oft forgotten or feel that he just has a penchant for seeing the glass as half empty, you will find these archives enlightening. Check out his bio and learn some fascinating facts about this outspoken Cool Clevelander at
Triangle Project kicks off Get ready for 8 weeks of community-building world music and dance performances, classes and community events and parties. Passport Project is collaborating with a number of businesses in the Triangle district (Shaker Square, Buckeye Road and Larchmere Boulevard commercial and residential areas) to produce a variety of events that will stimulate economic development, broadmindedness and harmony in the neighborhood. The Triangle Project runs from Wed 7/20 to Sat 9/10 and select area businesses, like Café Limbo at 12706 Larchmere Blvd will offer giveaways and special incentives during Passport Project events. Call 721-1055 or email for more information.
Brown’s diatribe What goes thump in the night? Apparently the gavel that signifies important and sometimes not-so-popular new policies have been either adopted or rejected by apparently very narrow votes. Representative Sherrod Browns piece in the PD is a must read. Check it out here and find out what new policies slipped by during the past few years while you were getting your beauty rest. Then send your comments on the article to
CMA after Reid Katharine Lee Reid, executive director of CMA for the past five years called it quits in February, the shortest term of any of the past directors. Her leadership however, has been compelling and effective with notable actions taken to strengthen the diversity of CMAs collection. Her strongest contribution to date may prove to be the outstanding plans for the renovation and expansion of the museum which will take place over the next few years. Relive Reids short but sweet tenure in Steven Litts article in the PD here. What are your thoughts about Reids contributions to this Cleveland institution? Send your comments to
What’s your favorite Cleveland blog? We think the Cool Cleveland blog by Peter Chakerian is fantastic, with his perspectives on why residents stay in Cleveland, some insight as to his past year and why HE stayed in Cleveland… and a rather impressive list of events for the week. Keep an eye out for this guy. Read the Cool Cleveland weblog here, then click on the blog to add your own comments, questions and Cool Cleveland attitude. To review other NEO blogs, check Cool Cleveland information officer George Nemeth’s and find links to over 195 blogs originating from Northeast Ohio! Let us know your favorite:
Cool Cleveland This Week
Send your cool events to:
Dialogues on Leadership New leaders are encouraged to join Brad Whitehead, Program Director of The Cleveland Foundation, on Wed 7/20 at 8AM in a meaningful dialogue designed to amplify their effectiveness in their new key role. Call 621-0082 or click here for reservations. Cleveland City Club, 850 Euclid Ave, 2nd Floor
Bloggers gather Cool Cleveland’s blogger Peter Chakerian and Cool Cleveland information officer George Nemeth are just two of the bloggers that will be on hand @ 7PM on Wed 7/20 for the monthly Cleveland Webloggers Meetup. If you have a blog or just like to read them, you’re invited to come to The Business Center on 1220 Huron Rd for a chat over adult beverages. Why should you come? As one blogger put it, “No one will try to get you to buy anything, consider timeshares, join a multi-level marketing scheme, or anything that makes you dread venturing outside in the heat.”
CPI Summer Band Gig Grab some friends and spend the evening savoring delicious food, great music and fabulous drinks during this celebration of Cleveland International Program sharing Cleveland with the world on Thu 7/21 from 6-10PM. Check out the sounds of Charlie Christopherson, winner of the Jimi Hendrix award for guitar, and Midnight Lightening during this Thursday Happy Hour event. Click here to purchase tickets and visit for more info. The Blind Pig, 1214 W. 6th Street
CC KIDS Puerto Rican Parade and Latino Fest Celebrate diversity at this Latino festival featuring sizzling performances, exotic foods and unique cultural arts. Performers include Oro Solido on Fri 7/22; NTAN Reggaeton from Puerto Rico on Sat 7/23; and Tito Allen on Sun 7/24‘. The parade kicks off on Sat 7/23 at 1PM. Festivities run Fri 7/22 from 5PM till midnight, Sat 7/22 from 12PM-midnight and Sun 7/23 from 12-10PM. Admission is only $1, so dont miss a single day of this cultural explosion. Call the Julia De Burgos Cultural Arts Center at 961-2970 for info. Downtown Muni Lots, South of Shoreway
Wine Tasting 101 Whether you are a wine aficionado or an amateur who simply knows what they like you will find this course quite enlightening. Learn about bottle presentation, wine etiquette, cork opening, swirl and smell and taste when you connect with the Urban League of Greater Cleveland Young Professionals Fri 7/22 from 6-11PM for a sophisticated evening of sampling fine wines and gourmet hors d’ oeuvres at The Arcade, a premier Cleveland historical landmark. Email for tickets. The Hyatt Regency Cleveland at The Arcade, 420 Superior
CC KIDS Oklahoma at Near West Theatre Enjoy this family friendly theater performance of the beloved Rodgers and Hammerstein classic performed by the Summer Youth Theatre. Introduce your young theater goers to this beloved milestone musical with its infectious songs and engaging story of love, life and big dreams. Performances run from Fri 7/22 at 7:30PM through Sun Aug 7 at 3PM on Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun. Check performance times and ticket info at St. Pat’s Club Building, 3606 Bridge Ave, Ohio City
WCLVnotes Tomorrow, Thu 7/21, WCLV 104.9 will present an Encore Live broadcast direct from the historic Chapel at Western Reserve Academy in Hudson. Encore for Strings faculty and students will participate. Sat 7/23 at 10PM Weekend Radio with Robert Conrad will present Chapter 6 of Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Andy Griffith’s Andy and Cleopatra. On Sun 7/24 The Cleveland Orchestra on the Radio will present their blockbuster concert of June, 2003 – a concert performance of Verdi’s opera “Don Carlo” conducted by Franz Wesler-Moest. Because of the length, the broadcast will start at 2:30PM. Details on all of WCLV’s programming are available on line at A Cool Cleveland partner.
CC KIDS Akron Arts Expo Browse unique arts and crafts by local artists while enjoying exciting live musical and dance performances by beloved local groups during this complimentary event on Sat 7/23 from 11AM-6PM and Sun 7/24 from 10AM-5PM. Call 330-375-2835 for more info. The Childrens Area will feature costumed characters, interactive art projects, and kid-friendly entertainment. Learn more here. Hardesty Park, 1615 W. Market St.
Foluké Cultural Arts Center Open House The center is celebrating its move to the former offices of the Cleveland Ballet in the Masonic Temple with an open house on Sat 7/23 at 3PM. Guests will be treated to a performance by the Foluké Cultural Arts Center Dance Ensemble with a reception and dedication to follow. Call 432-3772 or email for more info. Cleveland Masonic and Performance Arts Center, 4th Floor, 3615 Euclid Avenue.
Senegalese Dance Party Papa Assane MBaye, teacher and performer with Passport Project, celebrates the release of his new CD at the Passport Project Global Community Arts Center. Dance the night away with Papa Assane MBaye, Cheikh Ndong & Amadou Drame on Djembe drums, Mady Kouyate (Kora-African Harp) & Mamadou Gningue (Djun Djun) on Sat 7/23 at 9:30PM. Call 721-1055 or email for more info.
Tonka Party to the sounds of some of the countrys hottest DJs including a plethora of local talent. In this years lineup are LAs DJ Dan, one of Americas most highly sought after DJ/producers who continues to break new musical ground; Clevelands own Steve Sleepy C Cinch will perform for the last time EVER; Locals KC & Mr. Tik Tak will be droppin science on the crowd in a wicked tag team performance. Check out the incredible, growing list of talent that will be performing at the event on Sat 7/23 at 9PM. Call 241-5555 or click here to purchase tix. Cleveland Agora Theater, 5000 Euclid Ave
Smooth Grooves at Nighttown Have you been missing out on one of Clevelands world class venues? Named one of the “Worlds Great Jazz Clubs” by Downbeat Magazine, the club is heating up with three great concerts with an international flavor. Legendary Brazilian percussionist Airto Moreira, whos performed with masters like Miles Davis, Carlos Santana, Chick Corea & Quincy Jones, will heat up the club with his 6-piece band featuring his daughter Diana Moreira Booker on vocals on Wed 7/20 & Thu 7/21 at 7 & 9PM each night. Experience the smooth and fluid sounds of guitarist Rick Stone as hes joined by Peter Dominguez on bass, and Ron Godale on drums on Fri 7/22 at 9PM. Then groove to the smooth sounds of multi Grammy nominated Puerto Rican saxophonist David Sanchez as he brings his brand of hot, Latin jazz to Nighttown on Sat 7/23 at 9PM. Find out why his album Coral, a mesmerizing blend of mainstream jazz and Afro-Latin rhythms, was deemed a necessity for any jazz or classical record collection. Call 795-0550 to make your reservations and visit to see what other items are on this months menu. Nighttown, 12387 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights
Starloft Event Rock to the sounds of four to six of the hottest alterna-rock bands at this concert for the 18+ crowd on Sun 7/24. Scheduled acts include San Franciscos female fronted power trio Riot-A-Go-Go, and local band Kill Shawns Head. The Hi-Fi Club, 11729 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood.
Tuesday Front Porch Concert Spend an evening with family and friends enjoying a complimentary outdoor musical performance by the jazz-inflected trio, UPensemble on Tue 7/26 from 6:30-8PM. The group includes Chris Burge, saxophone, Matt Charboneau, upright bass, and Beau Lisy, drums and percussion. Their quirky takes on pop tunes and unique approach to jazz and blues standards will provide an evening of memorable entertainment for the entire family. Their latest album drops on August 1st, but advance copies will be available at the performance. See the rest of the Front Porch schedule at or call 440-871-4140. Skyline Music, 27010 Center Ridge Road, Westlake
July S.O.U.P. Luncheon Hear the PDs Margaret Draper speak at this Society of Urban Professionals Luncheon on Wed 7/27 from 11:45AM-1PM. Your advance payment includes a fabulous lunchtime meal including a variety of pizzas, mozzarella fritta, house salad, lasagna and more. RSVP by Mon 7/25 via email to Castaldis Market & Grill, 230 Prospect Avenue
The Curators Keys: Unlocking the Doors to Clevelands Museums. Take an exciting behind the scenes tour of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Wed 7/27 at 5:30PM in this City Club event that takes the show on the road. Museum executive director, Dr. Bruce Latimer, will give participants a tour of the Physical Anthropology Department, home of the worlds largest collection of human and ape skeletons, followed by an exclusive planetarium show. The evening wraps up with a reception of light refreshments in the Rare Book Room. Advance purchase required. Call 621-0082 or click here to register for this exciting event. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive
Summer in the City Jam to the sounds of Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash and Robert Cornelius during this weeks edition of the series on Wed 7/27 from 6-9PM. Meet up with friends after work, purchase beer and yummy fare on site and enjoy another great summer performance courtesy of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. See the entire schedule at Key Plaza (Right in front of the Rock Hall)
The Interruption of Everything Hear best-selling author, Terry McMillan, author of Waiting to Exhale and How Stella Got Her Groove Back, as she discusses her latest book, The Interruption of Everything and signs copies on Wed 7/27 at 7PM. This novel is a pitch-perfect exploration of the dilemma of midlife for the contemporary woman. Call 691-7000 for info. Joseph Beth Booksellers, 24519 Cedar Road, Legacy Village Legacy Village
CC KIDS Verb Ballets at Cain Park Their return to Cain Park will include the revival of Heinz Polls Wings and Aires, the return of Hernando Cortezs MoonDogg and the world premier of Forever Fling. Spend a summer evening being inspired and entertained by Cleveland’s National Repertory Dance Company on Wed 7/27 at 8PM. Call 241-6000 or purchase tix here. Cain Park, Cleveland Heights
Send your cool events to:
Cleveland Crips
Making The Internet More Accessible
By Rosemary Musachio
You have heard of building accessibility, airplane accessibility, and even attitudinal accessibility. Thanks to a 30% increase in Internet users with disabilities, a need for web accessibility also exists. Web accessibility simply means that all individuals should be able to access effectively the same information on the Internet. Yet as in the physical world, persons with various impairments face barriers in the virtual world as well.
For example, even though blind individuals use speech software called screen readers and talking browsers that read web content aloud to them, they cannot decipher images unless graphics and photos have descriptive labels. Conversely, although deaf individuals can see everything on a website, they cannot comprehend audio content unless transcripts or captions accompany them.
Web obstacles also exist for those with mobility impairments who use headpointers and mouthsticks (such as yours truly) to operate the computer. Instead of using the mouse to click links and select items from pull-down menus, we often use the TAB and arrow keys to navigate through a website. However, sometimes these alternative functions are not incorporated in the sites script, making navigation very tedious or nearly impossible for those with dexterity impairments…
Read Cleveland Crips by Rosemary Musachio here
Cool Cleveland Preview
Dancing Wheels @ Cain Park 7/20
Dancing Wheels combines forces with Cleveland Contemporary Dance Theatre to present a world premiere and three dances from the companies’ repertoire.
Artistic Directors Mary Verdi-Fletcher and Michael Medcalf wanted a new work that would “reflect the similarities and challenges encountered by people with disabilities and people of color.” To choreograph the piece they’ve chosen Los Angeles-based David Rousseve who has set a new work, Walking on Clouds, on the combined companies.
A Google search suggests that Rousseve may well be an excellent fit for such a project. He directed his own company, Reality, in NYC for 10 years, was NEA Fellow for 7 years running and took his company to Brooklyn Academy of Music’s prestigious Next Wave Festival 3 times. He is a prolific choreographer, creating many evening length pieces on his company and on other companies such as Houston Ballet, Ballet Hispanico, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble and Atlanta Ballet.
Some of the dance world’s snarkiest critics have written favorable reviews of his choreography…
Read the preview by Elsa Johnson and Victor Lucas here
Instant Karma
Quick reviews of recent events
Going out this weekend? Take along your PDA and your digital camera. Scratch out a few notes to send us with a picture of it for our Instant Karma real-world reviews of what’s really happening. We’d love to hear from you. Send your stuff to
Summer Evening & What Is Making Gilda So Gray? @ Kennedy’s 7/16
What: Two beautifully realized comic one acts about desire and marital miscommunication by Cesear’s Forum.
Reasons to go: In Wallace Shawn’s Summer Evening, Scott Esposito and Kat McIntosh give an acting master class in subtlety and subtext. The piece features a strained vacationing couple — he a politely frustrated husband who keeps subtly maneuvering them toward having sex, and she a wife who expertly avoids it by reading, trying on clothes, & eating fruit. Director Greg Cesear finds all the delicacy, humor, and even pathos in their conversational coitus interruptus. The companion piece, Tom Eyen’s What Is Making Gilda So Gray?, is in boisterous contrast. Bernadette Clemens and John Kolibab (with thick faux Spanish accent) spar as Gilda and Franco, a couple who keep wishing their partners were the perfect lovers of their fantasies, Giulietta and Humphrey. The pair of neoexpressionist one-acts complement each other perfectly with their wry take on the compromises in any relationship and how “you must take the one who comes along.”
Caveats: Although the new seating configuration at Kennedy’s creates a much improved intimacy, there are pillars to contend with, and Christina Leja’s light design had one annoying downstage dark spot that the Gilda actors unerringly kept finding.
Backstory: Director Greg Cesear’s minimalist theater specializes in infrequently performed works, in this case works by two major writers from the Off-Off-Broadway movement of the 70’s & 80’s. Shawn is the writer/actor who wrote My Dinner with Andre; after underground shows like The Dirtiest Show in Town and Women Behind Bars, Eyen made it to Broadway as the librettist for Dreamgirls.
Target audience: Anyone who loves good acting and smart writing — and at a modest $15 ticket price, this would be a quirky, fun date.
Details: Kennedy’s Down Under, Playhouse Square. 216-241-6000. Through 7/30.
from Cool Cleveland contributor Linda Eisenstein
Aida @ Beck Center 7/17
What: The Disney adaptation of Verdi’s opera of the starcrossed interracial love triangle set in ancient Egypt, with pop songs by Elton John & Tim Rice instead of arias.
Reasons to go: Robert Falls’ lighter libretto improves on the opera’s book in several respects, especially in its treatment of the lonely princess Amneris, who grows from shallow fashion victim into heartbroken ruler when she realizes her war hero fiance is in love with her Nubian slave. Lauren Held-Posey is a sympathetic Amneris, and her uptempo “My Strongest Suit” puts the first spark in a slow-starting show. In smaller roles Carlo Cruz is an effective Nubian page, Valerie Quinones’ lithe exotic dancer is a standout, and Kevin Joseph Kelly exudes a campy evil as Radames’ villainous father. It’s a big and splashy production, especially Don McBride’s translucent columns lit nighclub-style by Eric Seidel.
Caveats: As the fiery Nubian princess-turned-slave Aida, sole Equity performer Colleen Longshaw smolders with more fury than passion, perhaps because there are no sparks between her and Ian Atwood’s wooden Radames, despite his strong voice. Martin Cespedes’ choreography borrows from Egyptian paintings, but his dancers mostly look awkward, except in the African-inspired Nubian dance number. Though there are a few effective choral numbers, this popera’s indifferent melodies are tepid tea compared to the original. But then, I’m a Verdimaniac; I heard nothing but audience raves on the way out.
Backstory: Scott Spence’s annual summer musical is usually the biggest show of the Beck year. The bios of the 41 member young cast reads like a Who’s Who of area musical theatre programs: students and grads of Baldwin Wallace, Kent State, Cleveland School of the Arts, and Cleveland Contemporary Dance Theatre.
Target audience: General audiences, especially teens and Elton John fans.
Details: Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood. 216-521-2540. Thru 8/14.
from Cool Cleveland contributor Linda Eisenstein
Rosavelt @ Beachland Ballroom 7/15
Rosavelt cranked it up, and then shut it down Friday night at The Beachland Ballroom. With Drummer Miles Loretta headed for new opportunities in L.A., Chris Allen and Doug McKean, ably assisted by Bassist Tom Prebish and Keyboardist Chris Hanna, proved for the final (thats right
final) time that Rosavelt was at heart simply a great American rock band. Sure, you can make the obvious Wilco or Son Volt meets The Replacements analogies, and Allen does seem to be channeling a taller, thinner, better-looking version of Jeff Tweedy, and like any rock guitarist with a hearty soul, Mc Kean? has a major Keith Richards Jones, but think about how good that combination is for a moment.
Moment over.
The show was also a release party for Goodbye Rollercoaster, the aptly named new record by the band which was actually recorded before their national release The Story Of Gasoline. This created another great combination
a feeling somewhere between a Polish Wedding and an Irish Wake. The band was tighter than a Japanese Hockey Helmet, reeling through the years of Rosavelt material, including a rousing version of “Perfect Girl” that had the crowd forced into involuntarily boogie fever, and a cover of Richards Happy that connected the whole she-bang back to its essence… good rock done good. Guest artists at the show included Anne E. DeChant, Austin Walking Cane Charangaut, Doug Gillard and Don Dixon, who produced the bands Spring 2004 release The Story Of Gasoline as well as classic REM and Smithereens records. Word is that Allen, McKean, Prebish and new Drummer Mark Stepro will be morphing into The Chris Allen Band, while Loretta will be playing with Hal Sparks new band (you know Hal, hes the personable, semi-annoying, seemingly humorous guy youve seen on VH1s I Love The 80s). So, Rosavelt has had its own last dance and has left the building. Like The Band, they absorbed the ingredients, worked on the stew and created evolutionary new American music right here in Cleveland. Sorry if you missed it.
from Cool Cleveland contributor Clyde Miles
Cymbeline @ Cleveland Shakespeare Festival 7/15
What: A free production of Shakepeare’s comic drama with subplots from half his other plays: a couple cruelly separated by an angry king, jealousy over suspected adultery, cross-dressing disguises, war, and siblings separated at birth.
Reasons to go: Director Larry Nehring emphasizes the comic elements, which creates many laugh-aloud moments, from someone parking his “horse” with the beep of a car alarm to an abortive guitar serenade which includes a riff from “Stairway to Heaven”. The best parts of this Cymbeline are its minor characters, especially Nathan Gurr as an Italian stallion Iachimo lusting after Imogen, Susannah Handley’s clean, calm Lucius, and Maggie Arndt’s female hill fighter Guilderius.
Caveats: The acting in the young company is spotty, and Nehring has encouraged them to chew the scenery, starting with pretty Natalie Knepp, whose pouty Imogen did more hair flinging than a soap opera vamp and especially Brian McNally’s punk villain Cloten. Moved inside to the large Tri-C West auditorium due to threatening rain, the promised 2 hour, 10 minute show clocked in at a ponderous 2 hours, 40 minutes due to slow cue-pickup and long crosses. But c’mon, it’s free — and you’re unlikely to see another Cymbeline around here for decades.
Backstory: This is the eighth season of Cleveland’s free summer outdoor touring Shakespeare company. This year they’ve added signed performances for the hearing-impaired and audio-described performances for the blind, and the CSF interns do a cute comic pre-show.
Target audience: General audiences — the teens among us particularly enjoyed this one.
Details: Cleveland Shakespeare Festival, thru 8/14. The production alternates with All’s Well That Ends Well, and tours to sites in Shaker Heights, Willoughby, & Tremont.
from Cool Cleveland contributor Linda Eisenstein
Yr Turn
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An open letter An open letter to the citizens of Cleveland from Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (Deceased). Dear Cleveland… Since I now have the advantage of Eternal Bliss and the Time to ponder things I would normally have never given a rotten genetic-accident weasel… about, I have decided to tackle a number of issues, one of which is the future of Cleveland, O-HI-DE-HO. Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge the fine work of J. Depp in funding the blasting of my scurvy, bong-ash Earthly Remains from a cannon. Although I would have preferred that this deed include the targeting of the Nixon Presidential Library, I do appreciate the fine effort… The point of this is to discuss your problems, and my double-barreled, quadruple-cam, beast in heat solutions for them…. No one wants to come here. Perhaps the answer is…
read the unedited open letter from Dr. Hunter S. Thompson to the citizens of Cleveland, as channelled through Clyde Miles here
On the Ingenuity robot (See Ingenuity Launches here) I have to tell you I love the iNGENUiTY site [], the robot, the functionality. It is great.
from Cool Cleveland reader Deb Carey Fat Fish Blue
On deceiving voters (See Lakewood’s smoking ban here) I’m one of those persons who was asked to sign a petition “banning smoking in public places in Lakewood”. Because I detest the smell of smoke, I immediately signed the petition offered by the gentleman at my door. Thankfully, my intuition cranked up and, after handing back the petition, asked to read what I’d signed! Underneath the list of gathered signatures (not at the top of the page) was the exact petition worded to allow the city fathers to “choose” those businesses EXEMPT from the ordinance. I told the gentleman this was not what I had expected and crossed my name and address off his petition. He wrote something on it as well, but I didn’t see what it was. Shame, shame, shame for misleading and misrepresenting. Congrats to Ryan Demro for taking a stand against this petition and it’s deception. All of New York state is non-smoking. ALL! Including the Big Apple!
from Cool Cleveland reader Maggie Guthrie
On rating the neighborhoods (See Rating the neighborhoods here) how was shaker sq not included?!? there is a great neighborhood around the sq that is not shaker heights, which i think is highly walkable, has great amenities, and is right on the rapid line.
from Cool Cleveland reader Jason N Linder
On the Cleveland Mayor’s race (See Dan Moore’s vision here) Considering that the only issue that has come up in this race is if the candidates are technically running or not I think Dan Moore’s efforts to spark debate are sorely needed. Swift boat captains , tug boat captains I don’t care lets address some real issues…… like are we better off today than we were 4 years ago.
from Cool Cleveland reader Mark Ruzic
On how cool Cleveland really is I have read account after account on the dismal aspects to calling a city like Cleveland home. I refuse to make an attempt at comprehending why so many people are so negative about such an important and vital city such as Cleveland. This city has weathered some incredibly turbulent times in the last 20 to 30 years – what major city in the United States has not suffered many of the same woes such as urban blight, severe population loss and the loss of thousands of jobs? Are cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, Charlotte and Phoenix really that much better off than we are?? The residents of burgeoning Atlanta must contend with urban sprawl that is out of control, monumental traffic problems plague their extensive network of freeways and thick smog often conceals an otherwise picturesque and progressive skyline. Phoenix can not catch it’s own breath as the city and Maricopa county can not keep pace with the explosive growth that the city has seen over the last 25 to 30 years…
Read the letter from John D. Baumgardner here
On cool Cleveland blogs (See What’s your favorite Cleveland blog here) Is it tacky to submit my own?? Link is below. 🙂
from Cool Cleveland reader Roger Zender
Working With Words
from Cool Cleveland reader Jennifer Ettorre
How can not include a link to The Midwestgrrl It’s easily the best blog in Cleveland.
from Cool Cleveland reader Angie Swanson
Brewed Fresh Daily’s George Nemeth suggests: I’ve added Midwestgrrl to the Northeast Ohio blogroll on BFD. If your blog isn’t listed, you can always email me at with a link to your blog. I’ll be happy to add it.
from Cool Cleveland reader David Szynal
Send your letters to:
Top 5
Here are the Top 5 from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Ingenuity announces Labor Day weekend events Nearly 200 cool art and tech events featuring more than 70 Cleveland organizations on Labor Day weekend.
2) Rating the neighborhoods Find out which neighborhoods come out winners when considering diversity, walkability, neighborhood identity and best return on investment.
3) Blossom party photos Not sure if you’re going to come to the next Cool Cleveland Night Out? Peruse these photos and reconsider.
4) ‘Good Neighbor’ classes for Section 8 renters The title says it all.
5) Cool Cleveland Interview Peter Chakerian talks with Melanie Hershberger and Kevin Neudecker of Music Saves.
Fast Forward If you forward Cool Cleveland to a friend or family member today, you will impress them with your knowledge of all the cool things going on in Cleveland, and maybe even have company for the next event you’re dying to attend! Check out, or have ’em send an e-mail to
Hard Corps heroes With their sleepless enthusiasm, they deliver abundant events, critical reviews and cultural content with aplomb, thanks to Rosemary Musachio, George Nemeth, Roxanne Ravenel, TL Champion, Peter Chakerian, Linda Eisenstien and everyone who partners with us. Want to contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to:
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See you in Lakewood,
–Thomas Mulready
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