
This week, we peek behind the scenes at Shedfest for drummers in Lakewood, early attempts at cinematic greatness in Akron, a trombone seminar, an evening with How I Met Your Mother co-creator at the Dobamarama benefit, and finally (wham!) the debut itself of the new Talespinner Children’s Theatre.
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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Shedfest is not a celebration of lawn sheds or a convention of The Biggest Loser watchers.
Instead, it’s the vision of West Park native Dominic Tancredi, a local drum teacher who created Woodshed Percussion, which provides stage artwork and logos for drummers and musicians across the nation…
Read more from John Benson here
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SPONSORED: The Art of Health & Wellness Using art as a springboard for the study of health & wellness, the Cleveland Clinic’s Office of Civic Education hosted a health education session in January with 2200 students, and 450 of them responded with cool works of art. The winners, chosen by an esteemed panel, are on exhibit now at the Science Center, such as LegenDairy, an amazing comic tour de force that won Best In Show. GreatScience.com/explorers

Akron is one cool area. Most of us know that it’s home to Devo and Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders. It’s also the birthplace of Jim Jarmusch, the prophetic director to such indie classics as Stranger Than Paradise, Coffee and Cigarettes and Broken Flowers.
Each one of these talented people must have had a first song or a first film. Most likely, an embarrassing one…
Read more from Alex Sukhoy here

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On October 19, 2006, Cool Cleveland’s Thomas Mulready interviewed Jimmy Dimora, who was then one of three Cuyahoga County Commissioners and Chairman of the Cuyahoga County Democratic party, and who was convicted of racketeering, bribery and 31 other corruption related charges on March 9, 2012.
In this segment, Dimora discusses the controversy around the Breuer-designed Ameritrust building that was eventually purchased by the County as a headquarters, and since abandonded; his unwavering support for a discredited Democratic candidate for judge; and his disdain for the restructuring of County government, which was eventually voted into law in 2010, “That’s never going to happen…” Watch the eye-opening video here.

WED 6/13
World-class trombone recitals are happening. Check ’em out for free on Wed 6/13 & other dates as part of the Cleveland Trombone Seminar.
Click here for more events on Wed 6/13

THU 6/14
Blues in a barn Legendary blues musician John Hammond will play an intimate show @ Mike’s Barn (one of Cle’s coolest hidden gems) on Thu 6/14. Go. [Photo by Charles “Bud” Mesker.]
Click here for more events on Thu 6/14

FRI 6/15
Booker T. Society for the Learned is having its next Reunion Fri 6/15. Don’t be confused — this is just a cool book swap. Get literate, support local bars & meet new friends in the process.
Click here for more events on Fri 6/15

SAT 6/16
Shaker Heights Arts & Music Festival is all you could want in a summer festival: plenty of local art, a good dose of live music… and some food & drink. Summer’s here! Live it up, outside.
Click here for more events on Sat 6/16
SPONSORED: This Sat 6/16, is WCLV Night at the Ohio Light Opera company at Wooster College. Join WCLV’s Jackie Gerber and other members of the staff for a performance of “Guys and Dolls” and an after-performance reception with the cast members. Tickets and information at 330-263-2329 OhioLightOpera.org.

SUN 6/17
Royalview Mountain Bike Expo Test your bike skills (or lack thereof). Sun 6/17 will consist of skills clinics (one for kids), rides & bike maintenance workshops.
Click here for more events on Sun 6/17

MON 6/18
The Amen Corner Staged reading on Mon 6/18 of James Baldwin’s play addressing themes of role of the church in the African-American family, poverty & racial prejudice. Cool benefit.
Click here for more events on Mon 6/18

TUE 6/19
Hot Dogs & video art installations are ever-present @ the Underdog. On Tue 6/19 view Ragnar Kjartansson’s surreal video art installation “Song.”
Click here for more events on Tue 6/19

WED 6/20
COSE Arts Business Challenge Awards Attend the only competition around honoring art & entrepreneurship in NEO. Wed 6/20 @ 78th St Studios.
Click here for more events on Wed 6/20
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Here in Cleveland and all over the sports world, it’s that time of year again.
I’m talking about the annual blossoming of conspiracy theories claiming that last week’s NBA draft lottery and current NBA playoffs are fixed and that Commissioner David Stern (aka Beelzebub) is orchestrating this chicanery…
Read more from Larry Durstin here

Excuse me if I sound cynical, but Gov. Kasich’s meeting with so-called black leaders on May 31 strikes me as something designed and orchestrated by someone in the backroom of a Wall Street brokerage firm.
The attendees were, for the most part, black “Republicrats”…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

It’s a good time to be a film student in Cleveland.
With Tri-C and Cleveland State University (CSU) both tailoring their programs to the evolving industry, including providing students with resources such as state of the art equipment, knowledgeable professors and professional contacts, local and aspiring cinema artists can tap into the community, grow their experience and develop their craft…
Read more from Alex Sukhoy here

As a teenaged Clevelander, Carter L. Bays, co-creator of How I Met Your Mother, entered a comic piece into the 1992 Marilyn Bianchi Kids’ Playwriting Festival.
Two slackers in an Arabica-esque coffee shop encounter a significant news item: Later that night, the world will end…
Read more from Isaac Mell here

Nearly everyone has heard a student practicing his or her instrument.
My experience with the trombone has been limited to student playing. Solo recitals by professional trombonists are so rare in Cleveland (2-4 per year), that I’ve not yet had the opportunity to hear a world-class trombonist play solo repertoire.
That all changed this past Sunday afternoon…
Read more from Julie Cajigas here

Some 30 years ago when I was producing my newsletter Point of View I’d spend lazy Friday afternoons at the County Recorder’s office. There was no time to waste.
I’d go through the documents that recorded business formations in the county…
Read this story from Roldo Bartimole here
Read other recent pieces by Roldo Bartimole here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTO REVIEW: Parade the Circle by Elisa Vietri
PHOTO REVIEW: Gordon Square and WMC Fest
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
ROLDO: It Puts Jimmy Dimora Corruption to Shame Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has been in charge of the Cleveland Public Schools for several years as Mayor, and has caused those Cleveland schools to get worse. So for that he should be criticized…
Read the comment from Tom here
Weapons of Mass Creation Fest: The Midwest’s mini-SXSW? Thanks for interviewing Jeff for a WMC Fest feature! Hosting the speakers at Reinberger Auditorium gives Weapons of Mass Creation a feel akin to a TED Talks event. These are accomplished creative professionals who divulge their experience and life lessons into 30min lectures that will inspire anyone regardless of industry…
Read the comment from Wilson Revehl here
Cle: One of the Greatest Cycling Cities in America? The problem with cycling to work here is the weather. Not only is it bad a lot of the year but it’s unpredictable….
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
The cold weather is a cop-out… Minneapolis and NYC are near the top of the list. Getting out and riding is great anytime of the year if you just dress appropriately…
Read the comment from mMullins here
Cleveland is an easy town to get around in. Pack a few extra items and most weather situations are manageable. I commute to work regularly and have little trouble with cars…
Read the comment from Edward Nolan here
Let’s Talk About Love @ Kollective Gallery so i just stumbled upon this and i was at this event and it was AWESOME!!! I don’t know who throw this event but hopefully it will be back next year!!…
Read the comment from Jason here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
2) Cleveland: One of the Greatest Cycling Cities in America?
3) Discover Gordon Square Arts District Day
4) Wade Oval Wednesdays: Welcome to summer
5) ROLDO: It Puts Jimmy Dimora Corruption to Shame

Banging around town is what we do best. Thanks to Roldo Bartimole, John Benson, Julie Cajigas, Larry Durstin, Mansfield Frazier, Isaac Mell, Alex Sukhoy, Sarah Valek, Laura E. Varcho and Elisa Vietri. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Go out with a bang,
–Thomas Mulready

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