Mon 1/23 @ 6:30PM
Made Cleveland, an artisan market that formerly hosted a pop-up shop in Coventry Village, has now installed itself in the former City Buddha space there. But its spaciousness not only provides room to show work by dozens of local artisans, it also offers space to present a calendar of special events to activate another piece of Coventry Road.
This summer it started Monday night open mic sessions hosted by singer/songwriter/guitarist Charlie Mosbrook. There couldn’t be a more appropriate choice. Not only has Charlie been a mainstay of the local acoustic music scene for more than 25 years, recording many albums of his original music, and hosted open mics at multiple venues, he’s also a longtime resident of the Coventry Road area.
The open mics take place every Monday at 6:30pm. The shop is open daily from 11am-7pm so you can come listen to some music and pick up some unique items made by locals.