Grog Shop & Beachland Host Pop-Ups for Club Merch and Benefit Beer

Sat 2/6 @ 2-6PM

Sat 2/6 @ noon-5PM

No, our local small music venues aren’t opening for business quite yet — hopefully soon!

But the Grog Shop and Beachland Ballroom ARE opening this Saturday for a beer and merch pop-up sale where you can drop in to pick up some Lights on Lager, created by Jolly Scholar, Baenum Hop Farms and Sibling Revelry breweries specifically to support several of northeast Ohio’s independent music clubs: the Grog Shop, Mahall’s, the Beachland Ballroom and the Happy Dog. It comes in four collectible can designs, one honoring each venue. You can pre-order your 4-pack for pick-up too.

While you’re there, you can check out the merch the clubs are offering — one way they’re keeping the revenue flowing. The Grog Shop will be open from 2-6pm and the Beachland from noon-5pm.

In other Grog Shop news, local poster/flyer artist Jake Kelly has put together volume II of his rock poster art  — more than 430 pages of his distinctively eerie work. A prtion of the profits will go to the Beachland and the Grog Shop, the two venues for which he’s done the bulk of his local flyer work. You can order the book now, as well as Volume I to be shipped in about a month.

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