CPT’S Dark Room Open Mic Includes New Play by Local Author

Tue 11/14 @ 7PM

The Dark Room at Cleveland Public Theatre’s Church at CPT is a different sort of open mic. The performance material is provided by writers of all types of material — poetry, essays, fiction, dialogue — written by both experienced and novice writers. It’s read/performed by whatever actors show up and sign up, cast on the spot. This gives the writers a chance to hear their work, get feedback and work on developing it, part of CPT’s mission to support writers at all stages of development.

This month’s Dark Room will include a featured reading prior to the open mic by Cleveland actor/playwright Stu Hoffman. An Act of Clay is a detective story inspired by 40s radio dramas. It will be performed from 7:30-8pm, followed by the open mic at 8.

Writers should bring up to 10 pages of material with enough copies for each required reader. Sign-up for both writers and actors starts at 6:45pm. Anyone is welcome to come listen, watch and offer input as well. And there are free wine, beer and snacks. A donation of $5 is appreciated but not required.



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