Sat 1/27 @ 2-4PM
A great way to start growing on a limited budget — and pick up some great advice from other gardeners — is to attend the Cleveland Seed Banks annual Seed Swap, taking place at St. Patrick’s Church in Ohio City. There in the upstairs ballroom you’ll find table after table piled with seed packets and other growing materials, each table with a different clearly labeled kind: green, cucurbits (cukes, squashes), nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants), flowers, herbs, tubers, bulbs, plant cuttings, even fermentables such as kombucha scoby and sourdough starters.
The best part is you don’t have to bring anything yourself, so even if you don’t save seeds or you’re a beginner, you’re welcome to come and take what you’d like to grow. Some growers do bring seeds as well as other things from their garden but most don’t. Envelopes are provided to take just as much as you need.
There will be representatives from environmental, nature-oriented and community organizations such as Rust Belt Riders, Cleveland Roots, the Cleveland Public Library, Meadow City Native Plant Nursery and Kannagara Woods Sanctuary and Wildlife Habitat. The Cleveland Museum of Art will be bringing activities for the kids’ area. There’s also live music, this year provided by the Hashtag Virgo ensemble. which plays soulful jazz.
They’re also collecting nonperishable items for St. Patrick’s Hunger Center. Warning: the swap room is not accessible, with a couple of fairly steep flights of stairs. If you contact them, they can save seeds for you.
Register to attend here.