
Commentator Anastasia Pantsios lays out the flawed thinking behind extending the sin tax to pay for upkeep on our stadia. “Appealing to the area’s fictional strength and to such unquantifiable entities as ‘civic pride’ to extract more wealth from the region doesn’t answer these critical dollars-and-cents questions,” she writes.
Pre-JazzFest events kick off with Christian McBride in clubs, bowling alleys and at Tri-C. Let It Whip at an epic dance party, as Dancing Wheels celebrates Rock Hall inductees, joined by myself and members of Cleveland’s own Dazz Band. Check out fresh new music from No Exit, Outlab, Obnox & Josh Rzepka. Or maybe a fresh new CC t-shirt when you go mobile.
From visual & culinary artists mingling at Zygote, to a competitive wine tasting event that benefits Nature’s Bin & Cornucopia, to a plan to turn the abandoned Fifth Church at Clifton & W. 117th into a destination rock climbing gym, our artists & entrepreneurs are disregarding the status quo and creating a new and better world right under our noses. Start a riot of your own and tell us all about it so we can help you stir the pot. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri at I-X Center auto show
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In 1990, the voters of Cuyahoga County voted — just barely and after a lot of manipulation such as a press conference days before the election announcing that the Cavs would move downtown from Richfield if a new arena was built and the promise of 28,000 “good, permanent” jobs — to pass a so-called “sin” tax…
More from Anastasia Pantsios here

Gordon Square’s Guide to Kulchur continues its powerful, ongoing series of presentations this week with author, activist and international speaker Scott Crow.
Crow’s presentation will focus on the themes of his first book, Black Flags and Windmills: Hope, Anarchy and the Common Ground Initiative.
“Anarchism is just a political point of reference for what we all engage in when we listen to ourselves instead of authority, clarifies Crow…
More from Josh Usmani here
Turmoil & Confusion? Need help as you finalize your online advertising budgets? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
SPONSORED: Did you know you can only book your Southwest flight from CAK at Southwest.com? Go to www.LUVCAK and sign up for Rapid Rewards for your chance to be a daily winner of a $100 travel voucher (courtesy of Southwest Airlines). You cant win if you dont enter. Do it now.

What a show! CoolCleveland correspondent Marty Bielat went behind the curtain and got a sneak peak of Baldwin Wallace’s Theatre Program’s newest performance: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Bielat interviewed Jack Winget, the Director of the show, and got the inside scoop on what to expect on opening night.
As an extra treat, the main cast members, Katie Butcher, Maggie Williams and Kate Willard, gave Cool Cleveland a little taste of whats to come for audience members. Make sure you see the show, which is opening Wed 4/9 and running until Sun 4/13.
We’ll see you there. Be sure to follow Cool Cleveland for more news from Baldwin Wallace’s Theatre Program, and other fun spring activities. Break a leg you guys!

Zygote Press combines foodies & printmakers at their latest benefit, Iron Printmaker/The BIG Show on Fri 4/11.
“Visual and culinary artists have always co-mingled so nicely in our Cleveland neighborhoods that Zygote wanted to create a party that celebrates these synergies,” explains Zygote Press co-founder Liz Maugans. “Thus, the double bill of The Big Show and Iron Printmaker were born…”
SPONSORED: The Worlds Greatest String Quartet For 40 years, the Takács Quartet has elicited the highest praise from critics and audiences around the world. Your chance to hear them live, performing works by Beethoven, Shostakovich, and Webern, comes Sun 4/13 at Oberlins historic Finney Chapel. The 4PM performance is the final date of Oberlin College & Conservatorys 2013-14 Artist Recital Series. Tickets and more info: Oberlin.edu

A couple weeks ago I was finishing up a bike ride heading north on E. 14th from Slavic Village. After passing the sprawling madness of the Innerbelt and its on and off ramps, I finally came to a tad more scenic setting for a welcoming to Downtown Cleveland…
More from Joe Baur here

They’re back! CoolCleveland first spoke with Jeon Francis, from Neighbors in Action, earlier this season about the redevelopment of the Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist facility on the corner of W 117th St. & Clifton Blvd. The group seemed determined to turn the lot into something more than just a parking lot. While the original plan of turning the area into a renovated park might be slipping out of sight, the group is countering with, yet another, brilliant idea…
Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Great Teams = Great Companies with Corporate College Culinary Team Building from Tri-C. Great teams make for great organizations. Register your group for a fun, inspiring Culinary Team Building session at Tri-C’s Hospitality Management Center. CorporateCollege.com

Its wine tasting with a twist! If youre looking for a fun spin on a typical wine tasting benefit, then Cornucopia Uncorked, being held at smARTspace at 78th St., is the event for you. A benefit for Cornucopia, a grocery company that runs Nature’s Bin in Lakewood and helps people with disabilities work and train for future careers throughout the region, Cornucopia Uncorked requires each attendee to bring two bottles of wine with them, in addition to the regular ticket price.
Upon entry one of the two bottles is set aside, and the other is covered and the attendee is given a number that corresponds with the bottle. As the night goes on participants taste the masked wines and vote on which is their favorite. The top five wines are selected at the end of the night, and each participant with a corresponding number is given the remaining bottles as prizes. Fun!
SPONSORED: The Rock That Rolls! Witness the work of 4 emerging choreographers from NYC that have created works from inductees of the Rock Hall of Fame, taking place at Public Hall on Fri 4/11. VIP tix include a benefit gala with silent auction, photo booth, food and drinks, performance and after dance party. $30 tickets include performance and after dance party only. 216-432-0306 DancingWheels.org

@Coolcleveland Follow us on Twitter or Instagram and earn a chance to have your favorite Cleveland events publicized by Cool Cleveland. For free! We’ll pick a winner, and promote the event of your your choice, and also provide live coverage of the event on the day-of.
How to play: On Wednesday tweet or Instagram the event that you are most excited to attend this week using #CoolCleveland, and make it convincing! We will pick our favorite tweet/tweeter on Thursday and reward them by publicizing their event and their tweet. Include photos, fun, stories, locations, links and everything in between. Have fun!
SPONSORED: Buy it, fix it, keep it Whether you want help buying a house, loan and guidance in fixing a house, or counseling and advice in keeping your home in foreclosure. Homebuyer Education classes start Mon 4/14. Visit us at the Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland Homeownership Center here.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here
SPONSORED: Palm Sunday at Old Stone Church The Fauré Requiem with the Old Stone Choir, orchestra, harp, organ and guest soloist Timothy LeFebvre from Oberlin Conservatory will be performed during the 10AM worship service on Sun 4/13. For a complete Holy Week and Easter schedule, visit OldStoneChurch.org

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Marilyn Crocker entered our Twitter Retweet contest and helped us get over ten thousand followers! She loves The Cool Cleveland Twitter Page and this week we selected her as the fourteenth winner of our new Cool Cleveland T-shirt. And she’s thrilled:
“I love Cool Cleveland because Cleveland rocks!” Crocker helped us reach ten thousand followers, but there are also more ways you can win a Cool Cleveland T-shirt. You are automatically entered to win a shirt when you download our new CoolCleveland mobile app.
Get the app here and win the T-shirt that can’t be bought, just earned. See all of the past T-shirt winners here.

WED 4/9
Celebrate spring in the best way possible — surrounding yourself w/ good smells @ Indigo Perfumery. Check out “green” scents & healthy essential oils at their spring gala.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/9

THU 4/10
Wine tasting gets competitive at Uncorked, a benefit for Cornucopia Inc. Bring your best wine &, if the ppl choose it, you’ll get a barrel to take home.
Click here for more events on Thu 4/10

FRI 4/11
Experience Rock That Rolls w/ the Dancing Wheels Dance Co., who will ignite the Public Hall stage w/ a performance set to music by Rock Hall inductees. Join Cool Cleveland’s Thomas Mulready and Dazz Band members for an epic dance party & show off your own moves.
Click here for more events on Fri 4/11

SAT 4/12
The Cleveland Flea is back for another season. Look for the same eclectic mix of vendors, as well as new offering like the Fleas new series of Maker classes happening each month @ Sterle’s.
Click here for more events on Sat 4/12

SUN 4/13
Celebrate the Earth at the longest running Earth Day fest in the nation. Head to Cuy Co. Fairgrounds for sustainability demos, biodiesel-powered rides, exhibits, music & food.
Click here for more events on Sun 4/13

MON 4/14
No Exit New Music Ensemble is all over town this week. Today, they’re @ CSU. Hear classically trained musicians, many of whom play with traditional orchestras & chamber groups, kicking up their heels on something less traditional.
Click here for more events on Mon 4/14

TUE 4/15
Outlab: Experiments in Improvised Music features no set lineup of bands. Musicians interested in exploring jazz/improv are invited to come on down w/ their instruments & form bands w/ the musicians — even ones they may not know. Explore & play around @ Mahall’s.
Click here for more events on Tue 4/15

WED 4/16
Diana Balmori, founder of Balmori Associates, Inc., a landscape & urban design firm based in New York City, will discuss sustainable master plans as part of Old Stone Church’s Hope for the City series. Grab lunch & have a listen.
Click here for more events on Wed 4/16
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Week 1 of Cleveland Public Theatre’s DanceWorks 2014 kicks off this week, Thu 4/10 – Sat 4/12, w/ Inlet Dance Theatre in a program with lots of new work. We speak w/ Artistic Director Bill Wade as he unleashes his inner nature freak & dishes on new performances…
More from Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas here

April 13 commences the seventh and final season of Mad Men, the iconic 1960s period drama that first took our breaths away back in 2007. The clothes, the style, the affairs, oh my!
At the heart of all the intrigue and the betrayals of this award-winning series is the office, source of many lessons of what success & failure look like…
More from Alex Sukhoy here

The column I wrote last week, according to some folks whose opinions I respect, went over the top when I engaged in printing scuttlebutt from current and retired police officers regarding the promotion of two members of the department. Upon rereading the piece I can see their point…
Read this story and others from Mansfield Frazier here

Time to celebrate! It’s easy to find the coolest EVENTS, NEWS & VIDEOS right on your mobile device, then make a few clicks and show your affection by posting your faves to your Facebook page, your Twitter feed or to an email you can tweak.
Just download our FREE mobile app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch or for your Android tablet or smartphone, then find cool events, news and videos, personally curated by Cool Cleveland.
From Coventry to Canton, Ohio City to Oberlin, Youngstown to Waterloo, PlayhouseSquare to Highland Square, from the Lake Erie Islands to Lake & Ashtabula counties… if there’s cool stuff happening, it’ll be on your mobile device.
Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: It’s All Fun in Aesop’s Pirate Adventure @ Talespinner Children’s Theatre by Sarah Valek
REVIEW: Liking As You Like It @ Great Lakes Theater by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
REVIEW: None Too Fragile’s GIDIONS KNOT, riveting, disturbing, brilliant! by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Local actor Corey Mach turns on the audience in Flashdance @ the Palace by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
MANSFIELD: With the Hammer About to Fall
How trustworthy are these anonymous cops who chose to trash this woman and tried to be funny about it. How many folks have they beaten or harassed or how many times have they clammed up as part of thin blue line….
Larry Durstin
Is this what passes as a correspondent’s piece now? We’re supposed to wonder about an unnamed black officer who was promoted, because unnamed “insiders” have questions about unidentified “chinks in his armor?”…
Rick Warren
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) CareerTOOLBOX #31: 5 Ways to Get Your Resume Out of the Clinton Era
3) 2014-2015 Broadway Series Unveiled at Playhouse Square
4) Artists Explore Decay & Renewal in Vacancy/No Vacancy at Waterloo Arts
5) Space: ROCK Spotlights Local Music Scene in #ThisIsCLE Music Now

Saved from the chaos by our writers: Joe Baur, Roy Berko, Marty Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Anastasia Pantsios, Alex Sukhoy, Josh Usmani & Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Rebellion & unrest to all,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2014 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved