Ahead of the Curve
In this week’s issue:
* Cool Cleveland People Dan Tranberg, Co-Founder and Visual Arts Editor of Angle Magazine
* Cool Cleveland Commentary Cleveland’s Ahead of the Curve by Case CIO Lev Gonick
* Cool Cleveland Sounds The Twilight’s Summer Sweet Summer EP Review by Ben Vendetta
* Cool Cleveland Interview with theatre artists Wayne Turney, Sebastian Birch and MaryJo Alexander
Cool Cleveland People
Dan Tranberg

Cool Cleveland: At Angle, do you hope to have a residual effect on those who don’t care about arts or literature? Is it a priority to branch out and reach that demographic?
Dan Tranberg: This is an ongoing debate with arts organizations in general. I like the idea of drawing people into the arts, but in some ways I think it conflicts with our primary mission, which is to raise the bar on arts coverage in this region. I’m not sure you can do both. People who dont care about art and literature probably arent going to pick up Angle. But if they do, I would hope that the general quality of the magazine would draw them in. Personally, I think its appalling that art museums are doing things like putting digital interactive displays in their galleries. Its all about pandering to peoples short attention spans, which is antithetical to what most art is trying to accomplish. I would hate to see Angle go in that direction. Weve always refuse to do lifestyle stories for instance, which are generally designed to appeal to the widest possible audience.
Angle maintains an unflinching focus on the arts and literary in a city where these two topics are not critically examined. How does this affect your selection process of material to review and critique?
I wouldn’t say they’re not critically examined. They’re undervalued, in part, because they are not generally evaluated nationally and internationally. This is one of the situations Angle is trying to address. We have subscribers in 20 states and with each issue we strive for a mixture of local, national and international coverage. The reason that the arts in cities like Boston, Chicago, and Miami are more relevant to the art world is that those cities don’t cut themselves off from the rest of the world. They’re part of the global scene, which is what Cleveland needs to become. So, we make our decisions with this in mind…
Read Cool Cleveland People with Dan Tranberg here
Cool Cleveland’s holiday party

Artist tables available Display your art and expose your talent at the upcoming Cool Cleveland Art/Tech/Dance event on Fri 12/17 from 5-8PM at the ARTcade. Sell your work and gain access to hundreds of Clevelanders in the holiday mood. A limited number of tables are still available for Cleveland artists interested in offering their art, jewelry, holiday gifts, and wearable art; full and half tables available. Contact Deby Cowdin at Vivid Art Gallery at 241-7624 or Deby@VividArtGallery.com
Volunteering is hip Got energy and love to be social? Multi-task your talents and get in free to Cool Cleveland’s next A/T/D party on 12/17; servers, coordinators, set-up and tear-down crews are needed to help us get the party started, keep it going, and take it down. Contact Deby Cowdin at 241-7624 or deby@VividArtGallery.com
Chicagoland vs. Cleveland On a recent visit to Chicago, I was impressed, once again, with their civic vision, their tremendous lakefront, and their new Millenium Park, built on a dead space in the loop. The PD’s Joe Frolik compares and contrasts the two cities, and notes how Chicago’s green orientation is transforming the city, supercharged with Cleveland transplant and Oberlin grad Sadhu Johnston, who was recruited by Chicago mayor Richard Daley from his position running Cleveland’s Green Building Coalition here to be Chicago’s “assistant to the mayor for green initiatives.” Cool Cleveland doesn’t believe in waiting for our politicians to “get it” before we move forward, but how much easier would it be to make positive change if the Mayor and our leaders put their full powers behind efforts such as making Cleveland a center for green building? And why don’t we fight harder to keep people like Sadhu in Cleveland, promoting policies that will make a difference for Cleveland’s future? See PD here
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The Best Holiday Open Houses Are happening this coming week at both Kenilworth Mews and The Montana Townhomes! Don’t miss the kick-off open house for Kenilworth Mews, this Sun 12/5 from 1-4 PM. Kenilworth Mews is a new community of 17 Arts and Crafts style homes, nestled high atop Cedar Hill in Cleveland Heights. You’re invited to a special preview of these luxurious homes which feature 2000+ square feet, gourmet kitchens, glamour baths and so much more. Kenilworth Mews homes start in the mid-$400’s. On Thu 12/9 from 4-7 PM, head over to Midtown Cleveland’s annual holiday open house at the Brownstones Inn (3649 Prospect Ave, register at www.midtowncleveland.org ). Afterwards, check out the Montana Townhomes after-work open house right across the street (at E. 36th/Prospect)! These ten, contemporary townhomes offer fresh, open designs, a gorgeous brick and stone facade that extends to the edge of the street, 2-3 bedrooms, 1.5-2.5 baths and so much more! The Montana Townhomes start at $169,900. For a complete list of properties and open houses this weekend, please visit www.ProgressiveUrban.com
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Regionalizing the Libraries? The debate over regionalism ebbs and flows in Cleveland. If Cleveland had managed its growth like Columbus, which forced their suburbs to merge with the city in exchange for services like water and sewers, not only would Cleveland be the sixth largest city in the US, we’d be weathering the current economic downturn better because of reduced redundancies and increased efficiencies. County Treasurer Jim Rokakis admits he’s been “getting [his] political derriere kicked for months for raising the issue,” but he thinks merging the region’s eight independent library systems would save money. Most of our libraries, some of which have won national awards, point out that they stay open longer and are already cheaper to operate. See Free Times here
Arts can revitalize the neighborhoods, too Read Cindy Barber’s op-ed on how arts and culture can stimulate economic development in neighborhoods such as North Collinwood just as easily as it can in Downtown Cleveland. While converting the old Croatian Liberty Home to the Beachland Ballroom in 2000, the club has become a leading stop on the alternative music circuit nationwide, and considered by some to be one of the finest venues for music in the country. The neighborhood has also been favored with the Grovewood Tavern & Wine Bar, the WhatNot Coffee Shop, the new Music Saves record store and the amazing Arts Collinwood arts collective, while tradition continues down at the Slovenian Home and area sausage shops. Barber writes, “We need to think of our own cool homegrown Cleveland culture as a commodity and find ways to especially nurture [it].” See PD here
Ideas for NEO WVIZ/PBS has a new TV show, Ideas, that focuses on some of the critical issues that face Northeast Ohio, airing every Thursday at 9PM and repeating Sundays at 11AM. On Thu 12/9, the show uncovers the faces of America’s #1 poverty city; on Thu 12/16, hear from city planning director Chris Ronayne on Cleveland’s Lakefront Plan, plus a visit to Webster’s New World Dictionary’s NEO HQ; on Thu 12/30, a focus on the best and worst ideas of 2004. http://www.wviz.org
RealNEO Creator Norm Roulet is shamelessly self-promoting his website REALNEO as THE social network for economic development and entrepreneurship in Northeast Ohio. The site focuses on collaboration between the business, artistic, educational, governmental and other communities. Check it out and see what you think at http://RealNeo.contenthosting.org
Marketing firepower Have you noticed how more and more businesses are changing their strategy to include online vehicles for their advertising? “Viral” marketing on the Internet builds word-of-mouth more effectively. Discover CoolCleveland.com and witness firsthand how regular insertions of your message into tens of thousands of our subscribers’ inboxes can impact your company’s bottom line. Cool Cleveland readers visit the links to our sponsors, and then forward the CC e-zine to more readers who are exposed to our advertisers. Find out more by e-mailing us a note: info@coolcleveland.com
Remember Silence=Death? In one of the most provocative and insightful assessments of the gay community in recent years, David Posteraro, the president of the board of the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, writes that “The gay community has abandoned AIDS,” evidenced by the straight white “mainstreaming” of the AIDS Walk, which threatens to rob the gay community not only of its defining issue, but of its “moral and political soul.” Especially disturbing is the black community’s homophobia and denial that they are afflicted with AIDS, and an Orwellian federal administration that politicizes AIDS with failed, faith-based abstinence mandates. See Gay People’s Chronicle here
Issue 1 response: Out for Justice In response to the “institutionalized homophobia” that the passage of the anti-gay Issue 1 represents, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families and heterosexual allies are gathering on Thu 12/2 from 4-5:30PM at Market Square Park, across from the West Side Market for a rally featuring parents, children and families of those affected by the Issue. Then, from 6-9PM, those in solidarity are asked to turn on their porch lights. The anti-gay marriage amendment to Ohio’s constitution, with its vague wording and discriminatory language, was opposed by most public officials, and is expected to face court challenges. http://www.OutForJustice.org
Voices Against the Silence Awards happens this Thu 12/2, as the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland’s annual dinner and award ceremony arrives at Windows on the River with keynote speaker: Marla J. Gold, M.D., Professor and Dean, Department of Health Management and Policy, Drexel University School of Public Health. Receiving special awards this year for their contributions as policymakers and policy advisers are Cleveland City Councilman Matt Zone, and Theresa Lang Coaxum, Health and Human Affairs advisor to U.S. Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones. For tickets call 357-2223.http://www.AIDSTaskforce.org
Cool Cleveland call-out for tech help Get in on the real deal with technology while helping CC get its weekly e-zine out. You’ll report to the webmaster for assignments; knowledge of HTML, Wiki, WiFi, and FTP. The ability understand technology while communicating with both people who are technically inclined and those who arent. Access to a computer, laptop (with WiFi preferred) and a fast Internet connection (DSL, cable speeds or better). Knowledge and understanding of Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel), Internet browsing, online publications, e-mail newsletters, and blogs. Candidate must have the ability to install and learn new software on a regular basis. Knowledge of scripting languages and databases helpful, but not required. Let us know if you are tech-talented and we’ll get back to you. Email us at Interns@CoolCleveland.com
Capital progress Money makes the small business grow, and this week, our business community saw a few key moves. Local tech stars Hyland Software cancelled their planned IPO [initial public offering] due to a weak stock market [here] while the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals received $4.5 million from the federal government to start a national center for stem cell research [here], and the Clinic’s investment fund got $1 million from the State of Ohio to invest in their tech spin-offs [here]. In fact, according to the Plain Dealer, “venture capital investment in biotech companies grew more in Ohio than in any other state from 2001 to 2003,” here.
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Have an OMNIMAX Holiday Youve no doubt heard of the spectacular film Pulse: a STOMP Odyssey, showing now on the Great Lakes Science Centers OMNIMAX screen. But theres a new film in town, right on time for the holiday season its Santa vs. the Snowman! This animated journey was created by the Academy Award winning team behind the acclaimed Jimmy Neutron adventure film. Santa vs. the Snowman is a highly entertaining, seasonal adventure featuring a lonely snowman who is jealous of Santa during the holidays. The Snowman declares war against Santa and his elves and features WMDs like giant hot-chocolate squirt guns, ice pick torpedos and igloo robot-walkers. An all-star cast (Santas played by Ohio native Jonathan Winters) mixes comic relief with plenty of high-brow innuendo perfect for grown-ups and kids alike. Both movies are open now — call 694.2000 for a schedule of theatre showings or visit us at www.GreatScience.com.
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Closer look at provisional Ohio ballots An activist group last week sued in an attempt to stop Cuyahoga County’s elections board from rejecting thousands of provisional ballots until they are individually cross-checked against voter-registration cards. It’s time officials took responsibility over what happened at the polls. See CNN.com here
Picture This Filmmakers’ Program Ohio screenwriters and filmmakers can get a foot in the filmmaker’s door. Cleveland State University is seeking entries for their Short Screenplay Awards, the regions only short screenplay competition. Winners will fall into three categories: Best Screenplay, Best Student Screenplay and Best Screenplay on the 2005 Theme. Deadline is 2/1/05. From the three category winners, one screenplay will then be eligible for 16mm production. All screenplays submitted must be for a short, narrative film (maximum 10 pages), with no constraints on genre, content, year screenplay was completed or subject matter. The criteria for the competition: must be shot in Northeast Ohio, written in standard screenplay format, writer must live in Ohio, a complete screenplay (no works in progress), original work, non-produced. Entry info is at http://www.csuohio.edu/com/picturethis. Mail submissions to: Picture This Screenplay Competition, School of Communication, MU 265, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115. office or call 687-5086. picturethis@csuohio.edu.
Get your Cleveland books and music reviewed at CC If you’re a Clevelander with a new CD released or a new book published, we’ll consider reviewing it and giving your latest effort some play in CC. Send your music and soft and hardcovers to: Cool Cleveland, P.O. Box 770886, Cleveland, OH 44107.
The “gentle madness” of book collecting Some of us share a love of books to the point where it tends to get out of control. Okay, it is a form of madness. But a pathology that combines history, the aesthetic, and a desire to preserve knowledge can’t be all bad…can it? http://Chronicle.com/temp/reprint.php?%20id=1cvgzs9zd8sxgemnopkfgh64fdb24lt5
Blockheads: The Self-Taught Art of W. Logan Fry Fry is an untrained artist who lives and works on a small farm in Northeast Ohio, and educated in law, he closed his office to commit his sometimes strange vision to physical form. “Blockheads” are a type of rural folk art object consisting of blocks of wood, stone and other materials, to which paint, hardware, twigs, nails and other items are added to form a face or head. Fry also founded The Digital Museum of Modern Art. See the opening (online, of course) on Wed 12/1 at 1:30PM. http://www.Dmoma.org/lobby/exhibitions/blockheads/blockhead.html
How many words are in the English language? It all depends what you mean by “word” and how you use it, providing more info to cram in the back of your head for when you get stuck for conversation at cocktail parties. http://www.WorldWideWords.org/articles/howmany.htm
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Copeland and Fricke: Behind the Stars From label executives to producers to guitar techs, the music industry is populated with remarkable characters who have equally remarkable stories to tell. In December and January, the Rock Hall will bring in two of these legendary persons: Miles Copeland and the Rolling Stone’s David Fricke. Many of us know a lot about the stars, yet few among us know about the folks who work alongside the stars, discovered them, manage their careers and who produce their songs. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum’s latest education program, From Songwriters to Soundmen, is bringing David Fricke, senior editor at Rolling Stone magazine to the Museum on Wed 12/15. One month later, on Wed 1/19, legendary manager and label owner Miles Copeland will be at the Museum to, like Fricke, discuss what goes on behind the hits. Tickets go on sale Fri 12/3 for only $5 call Ticketmaster at 216.241.5555 or visit www.RockHall.com for more details.
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Corrections The Un Silent Night composition for Holiday CircleFest happens Sun 12/5 with a procession at 5PM; participants should report at 5PM. Call 707-2483.
Cool Cleveland This Week
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Uncle Scratch’s Gospel Revival are scheduled to play for the next three Thursdays at The Garage Bar with all shows open to the public for local mayhem during the holidays, and no door fee. The uninitiated will want to get in on this chance to hear them save those who have lost their musical souls on Thu 12/2 at 10PM, and Thu 12/9 and 12/16 for Garage Bar, 1859 West 25th St. http://www.TheGaragebar.net/index.htm
Now What? A Candid Conversation about Lakewood’s Economic Future The new community group Lakewood Alive presents its first event, an enlivened panel discussion with economic development professionals taking on the verbal challenge: Joseph Marinucci, Executive V.P. of Downtown Cleveland Partnership; Louis Tisler, Executive Director, First Suburbs Development Council; Gordon Priemer, President of Heartland Developers LLC and others will comment from local, regional, social and commercial perspectives on the opportunities and challenges that face the community. Following the discussion will be the audience’s Q&A on Thu 12/2 at 7PM. Beck Center Armory. Call 521-2540. Armory at Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Ave. For info info@lakewoodalive.com or http://www.LakewoodAlive.com
Mirror of the Arts Performance anthology reading will provide a rich array of visual images as a backdrop for the performance of over 20 poems, culled from writers who have been inspired by the topography and history of the Cuyahoga River and surrounding area. The poetry will accompany the exhibition Mist, Smoke, and Mirror: The Cuyahoga Valley in the Artist’s Imagination, which celebrates the history, beauty, change and continuity of the Cuyahoga Valley; poets Milenko Budimir, Nina Gibans, Amy Sparks and John Stickney are lined up to read, along with a dramatic performance by award winning local poet, Katie Daley. See the performance and concurrent art show Thu 12/2 from 7:30-9PM. Call 421-0403. Beck Center, 17801 Detroit Avenue in Lakewood. http://www.pwlgc.com or http://www.BeckCenter.org
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Living the loft life on Euclid Avenue today. Somerville Development has been awarded the 2004 Preservation Award from the Cleveland Restoration Society for their work on the 1900 Euclid Avenue Lofts. Their conscientious work has brought an amazing option for Downtowns discriminating residents. Enjoy quiet evenings with your neighbors in the privacy of the community garden and landscaped atrium. Enjoy the luxury of enormous windows, high ceilings, high-speed Internet and a fitness center with a sauna and tanning bed! Community residents can easily enjoy shows at Playhouse Square, socialize over martinis at Hamiltons or head to dinner at Vivo. Schedule a private showing by calling 241-9800 or enjoy a VIP tour of 1900 Euclid Avenue lofts at Cool Cleveland’s upcoming Holiday Romp on Fri 12/17! www.TowneProp.com
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Recruiting Stars CrainTech’s always eye-opening breakfast sessions bring in local leaders from our area’s leading institutions, to talk about recent successes and continuing challenges this region experiences when recruiting top-level researchers and faculty. Learn what the panelists are looking for in candidates, and just how they recruit them. Hear from panelists Dr. Julian Earls, Director of NASA Glenn; Dr. Paul DiCorleto, Chairman of the Lerner Research Institute at The Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Patricia Book, the new VP of Regional Development at Kent State on Thu 12/2 from 7:30-9:45AM. Call 621-0082. The City Club of Cleveland, 850 Euclid Ave. http://CrainsCleveland.com/events
Miller-Weitzel Gallery opening expanding the artistic community of Cleveland with a more traditional gallery setting in a cool renovation of a vintage building. These guys are setting out local artists who are bring their own style to the table: Bruno Casiano, Dana L. Depew, Joseph Day, Jay Brown, and Stephe DK on Fri 12/3 at 7PM; head out and see what the hype is about. 5304 Detroit Ave front in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood. Call 939-9099. mwgallery@adelphia.net
Tunick revealed at CMA More than 2,700 area residents bared it all to be part of artist Spencer Tunicks 6/26/04 photo installation on Cleveland’s North Coast Harbor, and now you can finally see the large-format photo that represents his largest North American work, on exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Tunick speaks on Fri 12/3 at 7PM followed by a lecture on the making of the photograph with project curator Amy Gilman and MOCA Cleveland trustee and patron Mark Schwartz. Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd. Call 421-7350 http://www.ClevelandArt.org
Tempest, Torment, & Romance: Il Pirata Inspired by an 18th century Gothic tragedy by Vincenzo Bellini, this fascinating work of intricate mystery is brimming with stirringly romantic music. At the Met last season, it now comes to life in Cleveland presented by Opera Circle complete with soloists, costumes, orchestra, supertitles, and chorus. This is opera that is completely out of the norm; hear it Fri 12/3 at 7:30PM, Grace Lutheran in Cleveland Hts. or Sun 12/5 starting 7:30PM at St. Stanislaus, 3649 E. 65th St. in Slavic Village. Call 441-2822. http://www.OperaCircle.org
Express-O Café meets Studio You A multi-media creativity exploring touch: feel the texture of stone as you paint pieces of a mosaic in the making, watch the deejays, feel the wax and cross fader with fingers and thumb, and take in the connection that happens between people bridging the gaps. Decadent beverages and baked goods will be available for purchase while you hang out; event is open to the public on Fri 12/3 7-11PM. 2180 Lee Rd. in Cleveland Hts.
Weekends on Waterloo This holiday extravaganza will feature a sale by the artists and craftsmen of Arts Collinwood. A huge variety of art and crafts will be available. Come enjoy the shopping, refreshments, donation bar and the much anticipated raffle. The event is free, open to the public and family friendly. The sale will take place over two consecutive weekends, beginning Fri 12/3 from 6PM-Midnight, Sun 12/4 2PM-9PM, Sat 12/10 6PM-Midnight and Sun 12/11 2PM-9PM. Call 383-9468. 16001 Waterloo Road, adjacent to the Whatnot Coffee Shop. http://www.ArtsCollinwood.org
SPACES Friday Night Live Where else can you sample original experimental music, dance, theater, video and art performances all in one evening? Sure to be unpredictable, the evening will feature David Todd’s mash-up play, Last Tango in Paris, Texas, where Bernardo Bertolucci meets Sam Shepard; dot., an electronic duo featuring live instrumentation and female vocals; DJ Brandon Gill and more. While enjoying the performances, you can also check out the recently opened exhibitions, Home on the Edge, Katarina Sevic: Fictionary and SPACELab: Dana Fritz, Distant Landscape Art and more on Fri 12/3 from 8-11PM. Call 621-2314. SPACES, 2220 Superior Viaduct. http://www.SpacesGallery.org
Winter Show with Aaron Boron, Judith M. Brandon, Sean Crum and Thomas J. Wasserbauer; see works in mixed media on discarded window frames, and layers that create a never-ending display of color. See surreal landscapes that take on different images and colors with every look, along with etchings’ intricate details and fantastical images that make you feel as if you are looking at ancient pages of a long lost book. The opening reception begins Fri 12/3 from 6-10PM; show runs till 1/05. Call 252-2099. Mosaic the Gallery, 16860 Lorain Ave.
Scrooge’s Nite Out to benefit Ohio Canal Corridor, the not-for-profit organization facilitating the development of the Ohio & Erie Canalway and the Towpath Trail extension into downtown Cleveland. This 17th annual holiday event is about to party like it’s 1999, cutting their door prices back to their 1999 levels on Fri 12/3 from 7PM-1AM. Call 520-1825. The Galleria at Erieview, 1301 East 9th St. Get info at http://www.OhioCanal.org
Live music at the Zoo Cleveland’s brightest holiday tradition, ZooLights, provides classical music at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in a celebration of sounds and illumination beginning on Fri 12/3 from 5:30-9PM. More shows hit on 12/23 and 12/26 through 12/30 with Red {an orchestra}, the Jocelyn Chang Harp Ensemble (13 harps strong!), singers, cellists, hammered dulcimer, bell choirs and more. Call 661-6500. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, 3900 Wildlife Way. http://www.CleMetZoo.com
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Holiday CircleFest – Music, Shopping and Fun For All Its a fantastic deal – twenty of Cleveland’s museums and attractions, with favorites like Cleveland Botanical Garden and Cleveland Museum of Natural History, opening their doors no charge – for one amazing day of music, activities and shopping during the 11th Annual Holiday CircleFest on Sun 12/5, from 1-5:30PM in University Circle! Enjoy performances by students from The Cleveland School of the Arts, Cleveland Institute of Music and Cleveland Music School Settlement, model train displays, live reindeer and tours of the area’s glorious churches. Your shopping experience includes Cleveland Institute of Art’s Student Art Sale, where you can purchase affordable works of art by the next generation of Picassos; and the Holiday CircleFest Boutique at Judson Manor, complete with jewelry, arts, books and crafts. Cap off your day with Cleveland Museum of Art’s Winter Lights Lantern Festival on Wade Oval, from 5:30-6PM; and don’t miss the Institute of Arts cool animated light projection vignettes on Wade Oval immediately following the lantern festival. For information, visit www.UniversityCircle.org or call 216-707-5033.
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Chris Carmody at The Garage Bar For several months, the president of the Greater Cleveland Film Commission has been weighing whether or not to run for Mayor of Cleveland in 2005, and he’s had a chance to talk with many of you individually about your hopes for our town. Meet Chris Carmody during happy hour and introduce yourself to other motivated Clevelanders who want to change Cleveland. Feel free to invite friends and family who want to see our town move forward. It’s neither a fundraiser nor an endorsement of his possible candidacy; just a chance to share your thoughts about Cleveland’s future with him and others on Fri 12/3 from 5:30-7:30PM. The Garage Bar, 1859 West 25th St. Call 696-7772. ChangeCleveland@aol.com or visithttp://www.TheGaragebar.net/index.htm
Charles Dickens’ Cricket on the Hearth In this classic holiday tale, a mysterious elderly stranger is not who he seems: the toymaker, his blind daughter, the wagon driver, and his young wife — all brought to life with warmth, humor, and wonderful music — draw audiences into this family-friendly story. The play which premiered at Actors Summit last season features a revised script and new songs with music by Sebastian Birch; now showing Fri 12/3 at 8PM thru 12/19. Call 330-342-0800. Actors’ Summit, located off Morse Road, in the Antiques Galleries building in Hudson. http://www.ActorsSummit.org Read the Cool Cleveland Interview with Wayne Turney, Sebastian Birch and MaryJo Alexander here
Curious Creations at Paradise Gallery is presenting exceptional gifts for the most unique people in your life. Surround yourself with gift solutions from the fringes of art and stop in the holiday bash reception, where you’ll find collages, marbles, glass, jewelry, and ornaments from 24 local artists. As a guest you can get into your own impulsive art instincts by hitting the graffiti wall to make your mark on the arts community. Reception runs Fri 12/4 from 6-10PM, and extends to 12/30. Call 554-5548. 2199 Lee Rd. in Cleveland Hts. paradisegallery@sbcglobal.net
First Annual Bazaar Bizarre is Cleveland’s underground creative chaos, with over 20 vendors, DJ Ben Vendetta, musicians, artists, zinesters, a bake sale and photos with Sleazy Santa and his punk elves. The Bazaar Bizarre began in 2001 in the Boston-area as a hodge-podge of friends and acquaintances cobbling together their handcrafted DIY wares to sell and staging an offbeat entertainment extravaganza that has landed in Cleveland. And their raffle is a pretty big deal, offering everything from tattoos, shoes and food; shop and rock till you drop on Sat 12/4 from 3-9PM. 1300 Gallery, 1300 W. 78th St. http://www.BazaarBizarre.org/cleveland
World’s Best Commercials Go down TV commercial memory lane to see 100 of the best ads from this past year, selected at the Cannes International Film Festival and the British Television Advertising Awards. These mostly hilarious ads from all over the world are a perennial favorite at the Cleveland International Film Festival; and the best part is they’ll be previewed in one of Cleveland’s hottest ad agencies, Point to Point Communications. Relax and simmer down with socializing, food, drink and pop culture entertainment on Sat 12/4 at 7:30PM. Space is limited, get tickets in advance at 623-3456 ext. 10. Commerce Park IV, 23240 Chagrin Blvd. Complete info is available at http://www.ClevelandFilm.org
17th Annual Artcraft Building Open Studio Endless possibilities for mind bending art for visual pleasure, personal adornment, home decoration/domestic improvement, and gorgeous items for gift giving from Ikuko Atsumi Miklowski, Mercedes Noble-Reyes and a numerous list of artists too long to mention. Grab stained glass, metropolitan-styled jewelry, fine wearable fabrics and rich textured paintings for two days only: Sat 12/4 from noon-7PM and 12/5 from 12-4PM. Call 579-9263. Located at 2570 Superior Ave. http://ArtistsOfCleveland.com/artcraft.htm
Cleveland Cops: The Real Stories They Tell Each Other John H. Tidyman is author of this new book with interviews of police officers who talk about their most memorable moments on the job. Stories in the book reflect nearly every element of a cop’s career: the decision to join the force; their police academy experiences; those eye-opening first days on the beat; memorable trouble calls; getting shot; using deadly force and countless situations that range from humorous to downright strange, shocking, uplifting and inspirational. The author will appear Sat 12/4 from 2-3PM for stories and signings. Call 440-846-1144. Borders Books & Music; Borders Plaza, 17200 Royalton Rd in Strongsville. http://www.Grayco.com/cleveland/cops
WCLVnotes Looking ahead, WCLV 104.9 FM has a bag full of colorful holiday programming in store. Next Tue 12/7, at 9PM, WCLV presents a two-hour holiday party by The Boston Pops Orchestra. On Wed 12/8, Karl Haas presents a program for Chanukah called Festival of Lights. Adventures in Good Music with Karl Haas is one of WCLV’s most listened to programs and is heard Monday through Friday at 10AM. That evening at 9PM, Theodore Bikel and Western Wind will present The Chanukah Story. a Cool Cleveland partner www.wclv.com
Ordinary Places: Urban Landscapes is a series of black and white photos of everyday places by Kristen Maier. The theme revolves around the places we pass by and dont give a second glance to – playgrounds, city streets, even our own backyards, and their transformation occuring from daylight to night, changing their appearance to eerie and surreal. Meet the artist and other like minded creators and spectators at the opening reception Sat 12/4 from 4-8PM. Call 330-657-2228. Peninsula Gallery, 1770B Main St.in Peninsula. http://www.Fineart-services.com
Atmposphere of Angels rises to capture a collection of angels on canvas in a solo exhibition by Kati Russell. Come in to meet the artist, and greet gallery owner Alan Christianson as he celebrates the opening of Atmosphere Gallery’s newest exhibition with selected wine, appetizers open to the public on Sat 12/4 from 5PM-midnight; show runs till 12/31. Atmosphere Gallery, 2335 West 11th St. in Tremont.
Peace and Justice Holiday Festival Purchase Peace and Justice themed t-shirts, cards, and bumper stickers or check out the Appletree Book Sale and childrens activities. Sponsored by Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice, the Cleveland branch of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom; event happens on Sat 12/4 from 10AM-4PM. Call 707-7504 or 851-0968. Pilgrim Congregational UCC Church, 2592 W. 14 St. http://www.Wilpf.org
Feast with the Beasts Bring your family to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for guided tourd of the Northern Trek including a short stop with Santa at the reindeer exhibit with cool kids crafts. Bust into their buffet of traditional seasonal favorites followed by the chance for your child to get face to face with some of the zoos wild residents and Santa Claus himself on Sat 12/4 at 10AM or 12:30PM, and Sat 12/11. Call 661-3200 x3391. Reservation includes a complimentary ticket to ZooLights’ 30 miles of lights. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, 3900 Wildlife Way. Register at http://www.CleMetZoo.com
Holiday CircleFest The Lantern Festival at the museum kicks off with light installations at the North Entrance and in the Garden Court of the Art museum, a display of lanterns by guest artists from the Cleveland area on the classroom level, and free lantern making workshops on Sun 12/5 from 2-4:30PM. A slew of special tours and concerts will fill the area; see the Environment of Lights on Wade Oval, where the lantern procession will culminate the event at 5:30PM. The procession will be led by three illuminated dancers, six illuminated giant puppets, and the dozen guest lantern artists with their lanterns. The public comes – some with their lanterns from the afternoon workshop. Call 707-5033. http://www.UniversityCircle.org
DIY silk painting Silk artist, Linda Goik is opening her gallery as an educational and creative headquarters to assist you in making art. Come in, choose your design, then snack and paint a scarf any way you choose. Jump in on the holiday early and design, a truly different gift for yourself or someone who is special on Sun 12/5 12/12 and 12/19 at 10AM-Noon and 1-3PM. Class is open for all; bring your girlfriends to share in the activities. Reserve your spot and call 228-1802. Local Girl Gallery, 16106 Detroit Ave. in Lakewood. http://www.LocalGirlGallery.com
Candlelight Christmas House Tour Local artisans from Art House, Inc and Vivid Art Gallery will be selling stocking stuffers, ornaments and other unique presents throughout the day at the church, as you stroll through the historic district of Brooklyn Centre filled with restored Italianates, lavish Victorians, cozy Craftsmen, candlelit Colonials, and centurion Gingerbread. Residents graciously open their doors to share the enchantment of the holiday season on Sun 12/5 from 27PM. In addition, a post-tour reception will be held at the Archwood United Church of Christ from 6-8PM. Tickets will be sold beginning at 1:45PM on the day of the event. Archwood United Church of Christ, 2800 Archwood Avenue in the historic Brooklyn Centre neighborhood, 459-1000
World AIDS Day Gospel Concert with a live and upbeat performance from Gospocentric and National Recording Artist J Moss, who will give a sampling of songs from his critically acclaimed LP The J Moss Project, and the #1 Gospel Song in America “We Must Praise” on Sun 12/5 at 4:30PM. A limited number of complimentary tickets are available; call 421-1516. Antioch Baptist Church, 8869 Cedar Ave. Find info on Gospocentric artist J Moss at http://GospoCentric.com
Diverse Voices: A Workshop for LGBTQ Writers For some LGBTQ people, writing is not an option, its a purpose. Diverse Voices is a writing workshop designed to bring writers (ranging from beginning to advanced levels) together to explore the writing life and what living the life can mean. They will answer questions such as, What does it mean to be an LGBTQ writer? Who are our LGBTQ writing role models? What is a poem? Where does material for creative writing come from?, while exploring various poetic and prose forms through intense writing exercises designed to generate new material. Through the reading of a wide range of writers and thinkers, you’ll explore in a group setting ways to communicate deep, personal expression on paper Mon 12/6 from 6:30-8PM. Call 651-LGBT. The Lesbian/Gay Community Center of Greater Cleveland, 6600 Detroit Ave. Register on line at http://www.lgcsc.org/awi/fall04events.html
Spitboxing Reloaded In the mood to get movin’? Check out the Hip-Hop action every Tuesday at the Hi-Fi Club, including this Tues 12/7, featuring Spitboxing Reloaded, hosted by MC Suave Gotti, with Hip-Hop dance music, B-Boy dancers, and Spitboxing competition. Get your funk on and move to the music. Call 651-3600. 11729 Detroit Ave. at W. 117th. illstyle@illstylerockers.net for information http://www.Illstylerockers.net/html/calendar.html
Challenges Facing Gay Men As They Age A diverse panel of experts will outline some of the unique challenges facing gay men as they age. Topics covered will include health care, services for seniors, generational differences, prejudices of younger and older men, looksism, and healthy sex. Presented by psychologist Dr. Bruce Menapace and People of All Colors Together-Cleveland on Tue 12/7 at 7:30PM. Call 651-LGBT. LGCC of Greater Cleveland, 6600 Detroit Ave. Register on line at http://www.lgcsc.org/awi/fall04events.html
Broadway vocalist Linda Eder & Cleveland Jazz Orchestra join festive forces with the North Coast Men’s Chorus, and they’ll entertain with holiday selections on Tue 12/7 at 8PM in a benefit performance for Transitional Housing, Inc. Call 231-1111. Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave. http://SeveranceHall.com
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Marketing with No Marketing Budget Marketing professionals for non-profits, public entities and smaller companies often face the challenge of marketing without the kind of budget & staff that their large private sector marketing brethren enjoy. Katie Keane Auer, Marketing & Special Events Director for Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland will share secrets on nurturing Board relationships, marketing on an individual level and how to raise funds in one’s backyard on Wed 12/8 from 5:30-8PM. Holiday Inn – Cleveland South, 6001 Rockside Rd. in Independence. Register here
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
Cool Cleveland Commentary
Cleveland Is Ahead of the Curve
by Lev Gonick, CIO of Case Western Reserve University
With OneCleveland, our region is staying ahead in the digital age. Lev Gonick led the OneCleveland effort to buy up “dark fiber,” or unused fiber-optic cables under Euclid Avenue, from telecom companies who had overbuilt in the dot-com 90’s. The OneCleveland project is now linking schools, non-profits and museums with high bandwidth Internet connectivity. In this commentary, Gonick directs our attention to the progress of the groundbreaking OneCleveland project, interconnecting our city to resources and bridging the gap between ethnicity, gender and race, while putting Cleveland ahead of the curve nationally and internationally with ultra broadband connectivity.
This past week, two IT stories caught my attention. One was Jesse Drucker’s Wall Street Journal story (11/23/04) about Bill 30 in Pennsylvania [here] that would prohibit municipalities such as Philadelphia from delivering wireless broadband service. The other story from Dan Fost of the San Francisco Chronicle report [here] on a US Department of Commerce Study (National Telecommunications and Information Administration – NTIA) [here] points out that while internet access continues to grow in the U.S., the broadband gap between the U.S. and other countries continues to grow; the two stories are inextricably connected to one another. Remarkably, no one that I know of has connected the digital dots. The NTIA report, A Nation Online: Entering the Broadband Age, draws two major conclusions. First, while the gap continues to grow both between the U.S. and its international competitors, more important, the gap continues to grow between class, race, and ethnicity groups within the U.S. The chasm is significant and growing larger. Broadband access within the Latino (13%) and African American (14%) communities is less than half that of Asian American (35%) and White american (26%) communities. Nearly half (45%) of all households earning more than $75K per year are connected to broadband while less than 10 percent of household under $35K are connected to broadband…
Read the commentary by Lev Gonick here
Cool Cleveland Interview with Wayne Turney, Sebastian Birch and MaryJo Alexander
Creating and mounting a new musical is an Everest-like challenge one that only the smallest handful of U.S. theatres have the nerve to do, and theatres that commission local artists to create them are scarcer than hens teeth. So count the creators of Cricket on the Hearth doubly lucky. Bookwriter and lyricist Wayne Turney and composer Sebastian Birch are getting a second production of their holiday show this year, which opened last weekend at the plucky area theatre that commissioned them: Actors Summit (Hudson). Working closely with director MaryJo Alexander, theyve done a lot of revising since last years premiere. In a freewheeling conversation, the three collaborators talked with Cool Cleveland theatre correspondent Linda Eisenstein about the process. See the production this Fri 12/4 at 8PM thru 12/19 at Actors’ Summit Theatre in Hudson.
Cool Cleveland: What made you decide to create this piece? Commissioning a new musical, thats an incredibly brave thing.
MaryJo Alexander: We needed a new holiday show. Wed done A Childs Christmas in Wales several years in a row, and frankly we thought our subscribers needed a change. So we were looking for a new project. We found this Dickens novella, Cricket on the Hearth, began to read it, and immediately said: Lets give this to Wayne.
Wayne Turney: I started working on it very briefly, and soon realized there needed to be music.
Sebastian Birch: I was downstate at the time, teaching at Ohio Wesleyan. Wayne called me and said, Can you write a little music for this?
WT: At the beginning we thought it would be a play with music, with just a couple of Dickensian carols at the beginning and the end. That soon got out of hand! (all laugh)…
Read the Cool Cleveland Interview with Wayne Turney, Sebastian Birch and MaryJo Alexander here
Instant Karma
Quick reviews of recent events
Going out this weekend? Take along your PDA and your digital camera. Scratch out a few notes to send us with a picture of it for our Instant Karma real-world reviews of what’s really happening. We’d love to hear from you. Send your stuff to Events@CoolCleveland.com
Blues Brothers @ House of Blues Grand Opening 11/28

See for yourself on 12/17 when Cool Cleveland’s next A/T/D party includes an after-concert at the House of Blues: register here: Newsletter/Party
Winterfest 2004 @ Public Square 11/27
Reports pegged the crowd at 25,000, but to our eyes at least twice that number flocked to Public Square on a balmy Saturday night in November to see the elegant horse-drawn carriages, see the holiday decorations lit up, and watch the fireworks display. The children were enchanted, the out-of-towners were blown away, and even the cynics had to be impressed by the excitement at the heart of the City smack in the middle of Cleveland’s sacred Thanksgiving holiday. Tower City, the Renaissance Hotel, area restaurants and bars, and even the Cavs game at Gund Arena all benefitted from the massive crowd comfortably accommodated on Cleveland’s unique and majestic Public Square, a publc venue found in few other American cities. Though Downtown Cleveland Partnership struggled valiantly, the corporate community only ponied up a fraction of support compared to past years, limiting this year’s annual Lighting Ceremony and Carriage Parade, and putting into question it’s feasability for the future. GE backed out entirely, and other large corporate sponsors have not stepped up to fill the gap left by the steady stream of departing big company headquarters. Maybe it’s time to look to our smaller companies, entrepreneurs and artists to take over. http://www.cleveland.com/winterfest
Touched @ Cleveland Public Theatre 11/19
What touches you? Thats the question asked, answered and asked again by Wild Plum Productions Touched: Bodies of Work, and while the program states that Touched features movement, poetry and one acts that present a slice of life of LGBT people looking for love in all the right and wrong places, anyone with a pulse will find something to relate to in this multi-faceted examination of love, sex and acceptance. The piece begins with an intriguing variation on Shakespeares quintessential story of doomed love, Romeo and Juliet, in which three couples of varying composition perform as the young lovers. The effect is initially off-putting but you shortly find yourself rooting for the couple to escape their inevitable fate. The original songs of Katherine Harveys Interludes I and II show strength and vulnerability while giving the audience a small peek at the complexities of life in the transgender community. Later, the show also features two short plays by Linda Eisenstein: Marlas Devotion, in which Eisenstein examines devotion as a feeling and an act. Denise Astorino and Elizabeth Wood are thoroughly engaging as Marla and Joey, a sort of lesbian Odd Couple. One is down-to-earth, the other seeking nirvana, both struggling to hold on to each other and themselves as Marla asks the question, People dont leave people when they change for the better, do they? In the sweetly fanciful A Rustle of Wings, Brad Specks Micah is enthralled by Dan Kilbanes angelic Jewel who helps him discover his own divine uniqueness. Speck is appealing as someone trying to explain the unexplainable to his friends and Kilbane plays Jewel with an attractive, albeit slightly creepy, mysticism. The performance also showcases a wide-range of poetry from the works of Pablo Neruda in addition to the original compositions, 100% Queer by Miriam Axel-Lute, a proud statement of bisexuality and Maura Haas Beating Flame which details a passion that consumes, yet feeds, the soul. Maura Haas does an excellent job of directing a talented and committed cast through the twists and turns of the material, which is, alternately, comic and heartbreaking. At this time, when so many are trying to silence the voices of the LGBT community, Wild Plum Productions is a delightful addition to the local theatre scene and it’s heartening to see such a sensitive and forthright production.
from Cool Cleveland contributor M. Bryant marbry8@att.net
Highway Ulysses @ Dobama 11/21
What: Rinde Eckert’s contemporary adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey, about a blitzed-out veteran with post-traumatic stress who wanders across America looking for his son.
Reasons to go: Director Sonya Robbins makes this one of Dobama’s most successful productions in recent memory — powerful cast, hallucinatory staging, and off-beat design equal to any avant garde theatre in the U.S. Paul Floriano is a riveting Ulysses, with pain-filled eyes you could drown in. Ali Hernan’s tattoo parlor Circe and Juliette Regnier’s earth-goddess waitress are hypnotically seductive, and have voices powerful enough to elevate Eckert’s minimalist score. The Night Gallery of freaks includes Ray McNiece’s panhandler-on-speed, George Roth’s paranoid lone gunman librarian, Joe Milan’s car thief, and Meg O’Halloran as the abandoned, fantasizing son.
Caveats: Yes, it’s a musical, but don’t expect tunes you’ll go out humming. The songs are dissonant shards of melody, Greek-inspired modal chants filled with lots of repeated notes over arpeggioed accompaniment. Nevertheless, it effectively matches the nightmare journey.
Backstory: The American Repertory Theatre (Cambridge, MA) commissioned composer/playwright Rinde Eckert’s piece, which was published in American Theatre magazine. This is only its second production. It’s a triumph for Robbins, who emerges from this production as one of the area’s most inspired directors.
Target audience: Art lovers willing to brave the new will find this memorable and haunting.
Details: Dobama, 1846 Coventry, Cleveland Hts. Call 932-3396. Thru 12/12. http://www.dobama.org
from Cool Cleveland contributor Linda Eisenstein linda@coolcleveland.com
Cool Cleveland Sounds
The Twilight
Summer Sweet Summer EP (Vangoghround)

Phoenix (bass) and Greg Hyland (drums), The Twilight are one of the rising stars on the Cleveland indie pop scene. Having been gigging relentlessly for the past two years, the group has finally laid down their first recordings and it’s well worth the wait – this five-song collection is nothing short of a masterpiece. Rooted in sugary but substantive ’60s pop, these five songs are the perfect hybrid of the The Kinks, Zombies, The Beach Boys, and local ’70s legends The Raspberries. The “sweet summer” vibe – complete with ringing guitars, soaring melodies, and catchy choruses – on tunes like “Apple Pie Suburbia” and “The Sound” is as good, if not better, than acclaimed like-minded modern acts as The Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, Lilys, and The Minders. The star of the show is Bunce whose breathtaking vocals will stop you dead in their tracks. If songs like “God Only Knows” give you goose bumps, then say hello to your new favorite band. The arrangements on this EP are spellbinding, more akin to a band with three albums under their belt. The meticulously constructed standout track “Amsterdam” features three distinct parts; a miniature pop symphony if I’ve ever heard one. With their sharp neo-mod looks and dazzling live performances, it shouldn’t be long before The Twilight start to make an impact outside of Cleveland. Another excellent release from up and coming Cleveland indie label Van Gogh Round Records. http://www.Vangoghround.com
By Cool Cleveland contributor Ben Vendetta
Yr Turn
Cool Cleveland readers write
We encourage our readers to speak out by sending us letters and commentary. Send your letters to Letters@CoolCleveland.com. You must include your full name (required) and you may include your e-mail address (optional). You may also create a new Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail e-mail address and submit with your letter. Letters submitted to Cool Cleveland, or edited portions, may be published in an upcoming issue of Cool Cleveland at our discretion.
Send your letters to: Letters@CoolCleveland.com
On Cleveland Vs. Vegas As a displaced Clevelander who has lived in Las Vegas for the past 16 years, and who regularly visits Cleveland, yearly at least, believe me, Cleveland has it head and shoulders above Vegas. Vegas has no soul, no charm, and not near the heart Cleveland has. Beside the fact that the cost of living, especially housing, are out of control. When I moved here in 1988 the population was about 400,000, it now has 1.6 million and the growth is not well planned at all. A nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in a nice area goes for about $300,000; the average cost of a 2 bedroom condo is $193,000. This IS the entertainment capitol of the world, of course if you live here you can’t really afford it. Concert tickets are at least 40 – 50% higher than Cleveland. I could go on, but believe me, Cleveland has it in spades. As for the obvious question, why don’t I just move back, well with 16 years invested in the casino business, there is not much of a job market there.
from Cool Cleveland reader Tom Ross Rockertom1958@aol.com
On ballplayers salaries, again In response to David Davala’s rebuttal to my “ballplayer salaries” commentary [here], Do you think ballplayers (who, incidentally, aren’t very skillful at the moment) should get paid more than teachers who help develop children’s futures, than nurses who help keep other humans alive, than factory workers who burst their butts trying to feed their children, than persons with disabilities who work 8-hour days using mouth and head sticks on computer keyboards? (I’m one of the latter, by the way). No, I’m not a math whiz. But I have enough common sense to know that people should get paid for working (aka being productive), not fumbling balls or striking out.
from Cool Cleveland reader Rosemary Musachio rosemary02@sbcglobal.net
On Birol’s Business [here] Andy, I just read your interview with Cool Cleveland [here] and your first article. Wow you are so right on the money! Now, how do we practice what you preach how can we instill this new culture and positive thought process into our regions businesses? I would love to figure out some way to use Twinsburg as a model city dont have a clue how at this point, but an interesting idea. Any thoughts? Again, keep up the great work!
from Cool Cleveland reader Doug Johnson
Andy, many thanks for the link to your Cool interview, couldn’t agree more. Always love to see a little irreverence when someone quotes Popeye instead of Voltaire or some dude that is not relevant. I just quoted Madonna during a presentation last week. In addition to being the Rock Star of Cleveland Business persons, you are the consummate networker.
from Cool Cleveland reader Ken Thompson
Andy, I just read your article in Cool Cleveland. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that I enjoyed reading the article, I love your intelligence, passion, wit and humor.
from Cool Cleveland reader Sharon Reed.
On corporate America “Top off your evening at Cleveland’s newest sensation, the House of Blues, with a hot show for CC partygoers (50% off admission for the first 250 online orders).” [from the invitation to the upcoming Cool Cleveland Art/Tech/Dance event on Fri 12/17 here] I read the above line from your last issue in absolute disbelief. Cool Cleveland makes out that they’re a left of center, hip, urban publication yet you organize a party at the sleaziest, most corporate rock ‘n’ roll club chain in America? You certainly wouldn’t see the Scene or Free Times kiss up to House of Blues! How is an uber-corporate chain like the House of Blues good for Cleveland? It just takes business away from true independents. In my eyes they’re as evil as Clear Channel, Wal-Mart, or McDonalds. If you want to read what local musicians and artists really think about House of Blues coming to Cleveland, I’d suggest checking out the message board at http://www.ExperimentalBehavior.com. I realize we live in a capitalist society but as a businessman, I choose not to affiliate myself with corporate chains, especially those striving to become monopolies and drive out local competitors. Fair enough if you think House of Blues is a ‘sensation,’ but it seems to contradict your publication’s editorial stance. For example, you endorsed Kerry a few issues ago, yet you’re whoring up to big business just as badly as the Bush administration does. Maybe you should go back and retract your endorsement — I’m sure the Bush twins would like to do jello shots with you at the next CC Bash.
from Cool Cleveland reader and contributor Ben Vendetta ben@elephantstonerecords.com
Send your letters to: Letters@CoolCleveland.com
Top 5
Cool Cleveland uses Opticast tools to track which articles were clicked the most. Here are the Top 5 from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.
1) Peter Lewis spanks University Circle Thinking he might whip out a check to fund their urban plan, University Circle invited Peter Lewis to address their annual meeting next week. Instead, he went on a rant about how lame he thought their ideas were. http://www.cleveland.com/search/index.ssf?/base/opinion/110086059540890.xml?oxedi
2) Cool Cleveland Party: Holiday Romp Join us on Fri 12/17 from 5-8PM at the ARTcade as we host an evening on the town in Cleveland’s most exciting Downtown district. Cleveland’s creative and business elite are gathering for an after-work networking party in which you’ll tour the secret Special Collections at the Cleveland Public Library, in a swinging evening of non-stop happenings. Register now, save 50% for a night that’ll lure you into the unknown. Newsletter/Party
3) Cleveland’s first TV show? Cleveland-based Emmy Award-winning (ask him, he’ll show it to you) writer Alex P. Michaels hopes to bring a television community to Cleveland; wouldn’t you love to have the TV spotlight in our city? http://www.clevescene.com/issues/2004-11-17/news/feature_1.html
4) American slang is out of control There’s so much of it, a dictionary has been employed to help even the hippest of slang slingers sort through the verbal landfill of sayings. http://home.t-online.de/home/toni.goeller/idiom_wm/index.htm
5) Caicos has MoMo FaLana The store Caicos recently opened up in Downtown Cleveland, carrying a seriously glammed-out bohemian line of clothing, MoMo FaLana, which began in Manhattan’s East Village. Popular with the celebrities in NYC, they designed a coat worn by Sarah Jessica Parker and other items designed for Claudia Schiffer and Uma Thurman. http://www.MomoFalana.com
CC vibes with all the right intentions Finally, Clevelanders have a choice and they’re supporting the new media resources in town. If you’re digging diversity, then you’re helping us out at CC; thanks to our readers who improve our city by getting involved in it, while sustaining alternative media by checking out CoolCleveland.com. Now you can tell people you regularly engage with to visit our website to get the latest about life in Cleveland. Send along friends and co-workers to register for the e-zine at http://www.CoolCleveland.com or have ’em send an e-mail to signup@coolcleveland.com
Hard Corps right on target as they nail it with their weekly contributions – thanks to everyone working constantly to identify and deliver abundant events, critical reviews and cultural content: Tisha Nemeth, Marcia Bryant, Ben Vendetta, Lev Gonick, Deb Remington, Linda Eisenstein, TL Champion, Bill Nagode, George Nemeth and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: events@coolcleveland.com
See the Cool Cleveland column each month in Cleveland Magazine. Listen to Cool Cleveland on WCLV-FM 104.9 twice each Friday during drive time. Send your cool events to: events@coolcleveland.com. For your copy of the free weekly Cool Cleveland e-zine, go to http://www.coolcleveland.com
Hang on for the ride,
–Thomas Mulready
Letters@CoolCleveland.com (:divend:)