Learn About Small-Scale Urban Projects at a Free ioby Conference


Sun 3/26 @ 11AM-6PM

Ioby is a project that works to effect urban change on a microlevel, with block-based projects.

This weekend it is convening an interactive program intended to stimulate conversations and create relationship. The morning features a walking tour of ioby projects in the Buckeye neighborhood including Swahili Class, Step Up Dress Up, St. Lukes Pointe Traffic Calming, Clean House, Ujima Refresh and ATNSC Center. Meet at 11AM at the Cleveland Public Library’s Rice Branch (11535 Shaker Blvd).

At 2pm at the New Bridge Center, associate director of advocacy and influence at the Annie E. Casey Foundation Scot Spencer will make framing remarks before ioby project leaders — including CoolCleveland’s Mansfield Frazier of Sun Powered Jobs — tell their stories about how the launched their small, change-making projects.

They’ll be followed by breakout sessions where attendees with participate in facilitated discussions on questions like “Where are the Black Urbanists?”, “Centering Race and Design in Cleveland” and “If every design project in Cleveland had been led by People of Color, how would the city look different today?”

Finally, there’ll be a reception, socializing and refreshments at 5pm. It’s free; make a reservation here.


Visit ioby.org/Cleveland for more information.


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