Wed 6/1 @ 7PM
The imminent overturning of Roe V. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court and the potential banning of abortion in more than half the states in the country is an oncoming trainwreck of a disaster in so many ways. The economic impact on states such as Ohio, where the legislature is already teeing up its extreme anti-woman legislation, will be profound, since thousands of children will be born into families who’ll struggle to care for them, financially & emotionally (And no, state rep Jean Schmidt, these children won’t grow up to “cure cancer”; they’ll be lucky if they graduate from Ohio’s chronically underfunded K-12 schools.) The need for social services will explode— and would be costly, if our state legislature actually cared about what happens to BORN children.
The #1 organization in the country preventing accidental pregnancies and the abortions that ensure is Planned Parenthood, which has probably prevented more abortions than all the anti-choice groups combined. They’ve been in the trenches, providing women with accurate information and affordable contraception.
Learn more about the impact and cost of overturning Roe on Ohio will be from Iris Harvey, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio in a Zoom presentation sponsored by Democratic women’s groups across the state.
Register for the meeting here.